
Shekinah Manning-Jones

Doctor of Clinical Psychology, (Doctor of Clinical Psychology)
Study Completed: 2016
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Vicarious traumatic exposure among New Zealand health professionals: An exploration of coping strategies and vicarious posttraumatic growth

Read article at 蹤獲扦 Research Online:

Mrs Manning-Jones examined positive psychological growth and coping strategies among 365 health professionals that were vicariously exposed to trauma through their work. Self-care, humour, and peer social support were found to be facilitative of positive psychological growth. Furthermore, peer social support was found to act as a pathway between vicarious traumatic exposure and positive psychological growth (partially mediating the direct relationship). Self-care and social support from supervisors, friends, and family were found to be protective against the negative psychological effects of vicarious traumatic exposure. Finally, positive psychological growth was found to have a complex relationship with the negative psychological effects that can arise from vicarious traumatic exposure, and the nature of this relationship differed among different groups of health professionals.

Associate Professor Ian De Terte
Professor Christine Stephens