
Rowena Taylor

Doctor of Education, (Education)
Study Completed: 2009
College of Education


Thesis Title
Teachers' Conflicting Responses to Change: An Evaluation of the Implementation of Senior Social Studies for the NCEA, 2002-2006

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Mrs Taylor used a socio-historical perspective to evaluate the first five years'' implementation (2002-2006) of social studies as senior secondary school subject for New Zealand''snew assessment and qualifications system, the NCEA. The differing, and at times conflicting, experiences of both lead educators (with responsibilities at a national level) and classroom teachers provided insights into the personal, contextual and institutional factors which enabled and constrained the implementation process. Two major groups of teachers were identified in the study - theidealistswho are passionate advocates likely to implement the subject to all three NCEA levels and thepragmatistswho are more likely to offer level one social studies to year 10 students for extension purposes. Increased support is needed for the small number of schools who offer senior social studies (less than 20% of total secondary schools) if the subject is to remain viable.

Professor John O'Neill
Associate Professor John Clark