
Anne-Grete Elliot

Doctor of Education
Study Completed: 2011
College of Education


Thesis Title
From preservice teacher education to the primary classroom: An investigation into beginning teachers' experiences with information and communication technology.

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Mrs Elliot researched what helped or hindered a group of beginning primary teachers in using information and communication technology in their classroom. She found that a majority of beginning teachers in her sample were less well prepared in information and communication technology than in other areas, most had insufficient support from mentor teachers and colleagues, and all wished they had learnt more about using educational technology during their preservice teacher education. The thesis concluded that to succeed in the challenge to use educational technology meaningfully to enhance learning, beginning teachers need appropriate support within a collaborative school culture and they must be adequately prepared for first-year teaching with technology. The study has implications for beginning teachers, mentor teachers, principals, teacher educators and policy makers.

Professor Mark Brown
Professor John O'Neill