
Heather Taylor

Doctor of Philosophy, (Emergency Management)
Study Completed: 2012
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Children's Experiences of Flooding in Surakarta, Indonesia

Read article at 蹤獲扦 Research Online:

Ms. Taylors research presents a rich contextual discussion of the social effects of flooding on children in Central Java, Indonesia. The knowledge generated furthers understanding of how the experiences and responses of children in disasters are shaped, and the factors which make children more resilient and less vulnerable to the challenges experienced in disasters. Research in the Indo-Javanese context revealed that in disaster situations where children are involved, the cultural and social contexts and the geographic and circumstantial contexts matter. While these aspects are relevant for both children and adults in disasters, this research, by identifying how children actively participate in their society, identified the unique and important contribution children make to disaster readiness, response and recovery. The findings contribute to understanding how the sustained resilience of the community is enhanced by involving children in disaster risk reduction activities

Distinguished Professor David Johnston
Professor Timothy Davies
Professor Stuart Carr
Associate Professor Robin Peace