
Tina Sehrish

Doctor of Philosophy, (Plant Biology)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Polyploid Genome Evolution

Read article at 蹤獲扦 Research Online:

Genome duplication is a major force influencing plant genome evolution. Many plant species have been found to have multiple rounds of whole genome duplications. Duplicated genes show variable rates of retention, silencing, sub-functionalization (partly performing gene functions), and neo-functionalization (acquiring a new function), which are pronounced outcomes of genome duplication. Ms Sehrish studied polyploid (plants carrying more than two basic sets of chromosomes) genome evolution. She focused on the genetic and epigenetic consequences of genome duplication and used diploid (plants carrying two basic sets of chromosomes) and polyploid species of the genusTragopogonas an ideal system for examining the outcomes of polyploidy. She conducted diverse projects that focused on cytonuclear coordination in naturalT. miscelluspolyploids, comparative transcriptome analysis, and an investigation of the DNA methylation status of genes previously reported to be silenced. Collectively, her studies suggest that polyploidy has led to considerable genetic and epigenetic modifications in the natural polyploids ofTragopogon.

Associate Professor Jennifer Tate
Dr Vaughan Symonds