
Rachael Sim

Doctor of Clinical Psychology, (Doctor of Clinical Psychology)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
False Memories and Ageing: Source-Monitoring Inverventions Reduce False Recognition in Both Younger and Older Adults

Read article at 蹤獲扦 Research Online:

Ms Sim investigated age-related differences in false memory in younger and older adults. She undertook the study in an attempt to establish if age-related differences could best be explained by one of the two main theories of false memory, or by age-group differences in decision making abilities. The results of a recognition memory task demonstrated older adults were sometimes, but not always, more prone to making false memory errors compared to younger adults. As expected the results did not favour one theoretical perspective over another. However, the study highlighted how our ability to accurately remember the sources of our memories is associated with the generation of fewer false memories.

Associate Professor Stephen Hill
Associate Professor John Podd
Associate Professor Joanne Taylor