
Nicholas Sneddon

Doctor of Philosophy, (Animal science)
Study Completed: 2016
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
A Genetic and Economic Evaluation of Lactose in the New Zealand Dairy Industry

Read article at 蹤獲扦 Research Online:

Lactose is a major component in whole milk powder, New Zealand''slargest dairy export. However, the milk produced by the New Zealand dairy cow is deficient in lactose for the current export profile of the industry. Mr Sneddon undertook a genetic and economic evaluation of dairy cows in New Zealand, to determine the potential to modify the composition of milk through selective breeding to better align with the product portfolio. This involved modelling industry milk production, milk processing and the development of a selection index incorporating lactose to breed cows. He found that including lactose yield in the national breeding objective for New Zealand dairy cattle could reduce the lactose deficit by nine percent saving the dairy industry around 60 million dollars per year.

Professor Nicolas Lopez-Villalobos
Dr Laurence Shalloo
Dr Sr Davis
Professor Rebecca Hickson