
Phoenix Group

Evolutionary Ecology & Genetics

@ Te Taha Tawhiti

Data Files from various studies can be downloaded from here:

PUBLICATION click on icon
Koot EM, Morgan-Richards M,Trewick SA. Climate change and alpine-adapted insects: modelling environmental envelopes of a grasshopper radiation.
Pattabiraman N, Morgan-RIchards M, Powlesland R, Trewick SA. Unrestricted gene flow between two subspecies of translocated brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand.
Morgan-Richards M, Vilcot M, Trewick SA. Lack of assortative mating in a modified landscape leads to a hybrid swarm.
Carmelet D, Morgan-Richards M, Koot EM, Trewick SA. Climate and ice in the last glacial maximum explain patterns of isolation by5 distance inferred for alpine grasshoppers.
Daly EE, Trewick SA, Dowle EJ, Crampton JS, Morgan-Richards M. Conservation of p贖p贖 whakarongotaua - the snail that listens for the war party.
placostylus shell
Quenu M, Trewick SA, Bresica F, Morgan-Richards M. Association of machine learning algorithms and geometric morphometric suggest hybridisation of two land snail species in the Isle of Pines.
placostylus shell
Morgan-Richards M, Langton-Myers SS, Trewick SA. Labile reproductive method of a stick insect species suggests short-term advantages for sex.
male and female stick insects
Bridgeman B, Morgan-Richards M, Wheeler D, Trewicks SA. First detection of Wolbachia in the New Zealand biota.
Morgan-Richard M, Bulgarella M, Sivyer L, Dowle EJ, Hale M, van Heugten R, McKean NE, Trewick SA. 2017. Explaining large mitochondrial sequence differences within a population sample.
Bradley E, Trewick SA, Morgan-Richards M. 2017 Distinctiveness of a mouse population suggests low gene flow between Waikawa Island and mainland New Zealand. .
McKean NE, Trewick SA, Morgan-Richards M. 2016. Little or no gene flow despite F1 hybrids at two interspecific contact zones. .
Data from McKean et al.
Morgan-Richards M, Hills SFK, Biggs P, Trewick SA. 2016 Sticky genomes: using NGS evidence to test hybrid speciation hypothesis. .
Nelson-Tunley M, Morgan-Richards M, Trewick SA. 2016. Genetic diversity and gene flow in a rare New Zealand skink despite fragmented habitat in a volcanic landscape. .