
Dr Rosie Gibson staff profile picture

Contact details +6449793258

Dr Rosie Gibson BSc, MSc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Psychology

I involved with multiple projects aiming to gain a better understanding of how sleep changes with advancing age for New Zealanders as well as exploring sleep as a predictor for transitions to formal care. Key projects I am currently leading include "The Role of Sleep in Healthy Ageing and Living well with Dementia" and "Caring around the clock: Providing a framework for improving sleep health of family carers" funded by an Emerging Researcher grant (Health Research Council) and a Lotteries Health project grant respectively. 

I am a co-investigator on the Ageing Well through Eating, Sleeping, Socialising and Mobility (AWESSoM) programme of research funded via a National Science Challenge Ageing Well grant (2019-2024). Led by Professor Ngaire Kerse (University of Auckland), this programme integrates multiple collaborators and projects across population groups to maximise independence and push back the threshold of disability. 

I am co-investigator within 蹤獲扦's Health and Ageing Research Team affiliated with the Health Work and Retirement cohort study. I also co-launched research associated with sleep and wellbeing during New Zealand's COVID-19 associated lockdown.

Looking forward, - projects will include Sensationalising Sleep: Discourses and practices of sleep in Aotearoa (funded by a Royal Society Marsden Fast Start Fund, 2023-2026), and an adjunct project, Pai te moe, pai te ora. Understanding the influence of sleep in Aotearoa, which I am co-leading with Dr Natasha Tassell-Matamua (funded by 蹤獲扦 University's Strategic Research Excellence Fund, 2023). Together these projects will provide pioneering sociological explorations of sleep and sleeping from an Aotearoa New Zealand perspective.

I emigrated to Aotearoa from England in 2007 and have a background in psychology and clinical sleep practice. I am affiliated with the Health and Ageing Research Team and the . My research focuses on sleep across the lifespan, with a particular interest in ageing, dementia and informal caregiving. I use mixed methods to better understand experiences of sleep with ageing, factors affecting sleep, and non-pharmacological approaches to supporting sleep health. I have a growing interest in sleep as a social construct, including discourses, perceptions, and patterning of sleep among diverse populations within Aotearoa New Zealand. 

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Contact details

  • Ph: 04 9793258
    Location: School of Psychology
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Science - University of Plymouth (2005)
  • Master of Science - 蹤獲扦 University (2009)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2015)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, New Zealand Association of Gerontology: Vice President (Senior Member/Fellow) (2022)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Registration, RPSGT, Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists
  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Prizes and Awards

  • Mentor award from the Network of Early career Sleep researchers in Training (NEST) - Australasian Sleep Association (2023)
  • International fellowship awarded - Institute of Advanced Studies, Surrey University, England (2023)
  • Best Poster Prize (Sleep in special populations), Sleep Down Under conference, Brisbane, Australia - Australasian Sleep Association (2022)
  • Invited research visitor: Kobe Active Ageing Research Hub, Japan - Kobe University (2020)
  • Best Poster prize (Sleep Health Across Professions), Sleep Down Under Conference in Brisbane, Australia - Australasian Sleep Association (2019)
  • Doctoral thesis assigned to the Dean of Graduate Research Schools List of Exceptional Theses, - 蹤獲扦 University. (2015)
  • Tavel bursary awarded to attend the European Sleep Research Society Congress, Tallinn - Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust (2014)
  • Team member of the Sleep/Wake Research Centre winning the 蹤獲扦 Research Team Medal 2011 - 蹤獲扦 University (2011)
  • Travel bursary awarded to attend the 9th Asia / Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Melbourne - Australian Association of Gerontology and the New Zealand Association of Gerontology (2011)
  • 3 Minute Thesis Competition winner, 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington Preliminary - 蹤獲扦 University (2011)
  • 蹤獲扦 University doctoral scholarship awarded - 蹤獲扦 University (2010)
  • Masters Scholarship awarded - Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (2008)
  • Exchange year awarded to attend Trent University, Ontario, Canada (second year of undergraduate study) - International Student Exchange Programme (2003)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Sleep as a component of healthy ageing

Impact of sleep problems on people with dementia and their family carers

Role of sleep and dreaming in memory consolidation and cognitive functioning

Impact of sleep problems of mental health 

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated social restrictions on sleep and wellbeing 

Research Opportunities

  • CI on "Modifiable Pathways to Sustainable Ageing in Aotearoa". Led by Fiona Alpass & Brendan Stevenson funded by MBIE Endeavour  (01/10/2023) This project builds on over 2 decades of ageing research, including information about lifecourse events predicting frailty or thriving in older age, and public health data
  • PI on "Sensationalising sleep: discourses and practices of sleep in Aotearoa" Marsden Fast Start  (01/10/2023) This project involves discourse analyses of various media content concenring sleep as well as participatory research to gather audiance perceptions of key social discourses around sleep health.
  • PI on "Pai te moe, pai te ora. Understanding the influence of sleep in Aotearoa", co-PI: Natasha Tassell-Matamua, funded by 蹤獲扦 University SREF  (01/01/2023) Involving a scoping review of social cultural sleep research and thematic analysis of media content relevant to sleep in Aptearoa and forming a social-cultural framework
  • PI on "Caring around the clock: Providing a framework for improving sleep health of family carers" funded by NZ Lotteries Health Research Project  (01/07/2022) Involves multiple projects to better understand the relationship between informal caregiving and sleep health including young Australian carers, whnau models of care, and caregiving during pandemic
  • CI on "Improving continence management for people with dementia in the community". Led by Vanessa Burholt (University of Auckland) and funded by an HRC Project grant  (01/10/2021) Involves mixed methods to better understand and support continence among families living with dementia (including sleep-related analyses)
  • CI on "Sleep and dreaming after a near-death experience. An exploratory study using wrist actigraphy". Led by Nicole Lindsay, BIAL Foundation grant  (01/10/2020) Mixed methods study assessing relationship between near death experience with objective and subjective sleep status
  • CI on "Healthy for Life: Education and Support for Older People" Led by John Parsons (Uni Auckland). HRC Activation Grant  (01/01/2020) Wananga research related to older NZrs perceptions of ageing and needs for community wellbeing - informing media related outputs
  • CI on "Ageing Well through Eating, Sleeping, Socialising and Mobility (AWESSoM)" programme of research. Led by Professor Ngaire Kerse (University of Auckland) funded by National Science Challenge  (01/07/2019) This programme integrates multiple collaborators and projects across population groups to maximise independence and push back the threshold of disability
  • CI on "Understanding and helping the sleep deficits of Australian Carers" led by PIs: A. Reynolds & G. Vincent (CQU Adelaide), funded by Carers Australia & Sleep Health Foundation  (01/01/2019) Australian survey concerning factors affecting sleep of carers and their management
  • PI on "The Role of Sleep in Healthy Ageing and Living well with Dementia" HRC Emerging Researcher fund  (01/06/2018) Qunatiative studies to describe prevelance and factors associated with poor sleep with ageing and dementia as well as qualitative works to represent experiences of sleep with ageing and caregiving.
  • CI on "Focus groups concerning barriers for older CPAP patients" Led by ANgela Campbell Uni of Otago, Lotteries project grant  (01/01/2016) Qualitative project to understand and represent experience of diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnoea among older adults
  • PI on "Improving health and well-being of New Zealanders affected by dementia through understanding the impact of sleep problems" funded by Lotteries Post Doctoral Fellowship  (01/04/2018) Analysis of assessment data concerning sleep as a predictor for residential care, as well a sinterviews concerning sleep and dementia care
  • CI on "Can reinforcing the circadian clock improve the sleep of Alzheimers patients?" led by Philippa Gander, HRC Feasibility study  (01/01/2011) Trial of non-pharmacological interventions for supporting sleep of people with dementia and family carers
  • PI on " Sleep of older people with dementia & those who live with them: Pilot of an intervention". Alzheimers NZ Charitable Trust  (01/01/2010) Non-pharmacological trial of sleep interventions for familes affected by dementia


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Aged Health Care (111702):
Developmental Psychology and Ageing (170102):
Family Care (111707): Health Promotion (111712): Medical And Health Sciences (110000):
Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences (179900): Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis (170110): Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000):
Public Health and Health Services (111700):
Sociology (160800): Studies In Human Society (160000)





Alzheimer's DIsease






Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Sensationalising Sleep: Discourses and practices of sleep in Aotearoa

Sufficient sleep has been characterised as an urgent and ubiquitous biological need. But when, where, and how we sleep is also embedded in social norms which interact with individual and collective preferences. Sleep problems are common and have been exacerbated by recent pandemic and economic crises. Modern society commodifies and commercialises sleep, establishing it as a resource which can be manipulated to achieve waking goals. In response, the market for sleep aids and trackers is burgeoning while media sensationalises harmful sleep behaviours, posing paradoxical risks to genuine sleep health. Overt and subtle media messaging has the potential to influence sleep-related beliefs, attitudes, and practices. How sleep messages are delivered, interpreted, and resisted is particularly important for people who may have unique sleep expectations or increased sleep disturbances, including Mori, shift-workers, and new parents. This integrative research project provides an exploration of the social discourses and practices of sleep in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand. Thematic analyses of media texts will be followed by a discourse analysis of exemplar texts and audience responses. Theoretical perspectives will be expanded and developed, challenging conventional models and providing insights to sleep relevant to our diverse and changing society.
Read Project Description Hide Project Description

Date Range: 2023 - 2026

Funding Bodies: Marsden Fund - Full; Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Ross, I., Signal, L., Tassell-Matamua, N., Meadows, R., & Gibson, R. (2024). Sleep as a social and cultural practice in Aotearoa: a scoping review. Kotuitui.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., Signal, T., Tassell-Matamua, N.
Brown, AD., Dowling, J., Verma, S., Gibson, R., Valenta, T., Piestch, A., . . . Varma, P. (2024). Integrating lived experience to develop a tailored sleep intervention for people living with dementia and carepartners. Dementia.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Haami, D., Gibson, R., Lindsay, N., & Tassell-Matamua, N. (2024). Kei te moe te tinana, kei te oho te wairua–As the body sleeps, the spirit awakens: exploring the spiritual experiences of contemporary Mori associated with sleep. Kotuitui.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., Lindsay, N., Tassell-Matamua, N.
Hikaka, J., Abey-Nesbit, R., Wu, Z., Jamieson, HA., Parsons, M., Kerse, N., . . . Gibson, R. (2024). Changes in indicators of well-being on moving from home to long-term care for Mori in Aotearoa New Zealand: A retrospective cohort study. Australasian Journal on Ageing.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Lindsay, N., Tassell-Matamua, N., O’Sullivan, L., & Gibson, R. (2024). Trauma or Transcendence? The Relationship Between Near-Death Experiences and Dreaming. Dreaming.
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., Lindsay, N., O'Sullivan, L., Tassell-Matamua, N.
Gibson, R., Helm, A., Ross, I., Gander, P., & Breheny, M. (2024). Balancing sleeping with guardianship: narratives of sleep during informal dementia care. International Journal of Care and Caring. 8(1), 114-129
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Helles, M., Fletcher, R., Münch, M., & Gibson, R. (2024). Examining the structure validity of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index among female workers during New Zealand’s initial COVID-19 lockdown. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 22(2), 217-225
[Journal article]Authored by: Fletcher, R., Gibson, R.
Verma, S., Varma, P., Brown, A., Bei, B., Gibson, R., Valenta, T., . . . Jackson, ML. (2023). Multi-modal sleep intervention for community-dwelling people living with dementia and primary caregiver dyads with sleep disturbance: protocol of a single-arm feasibility trial. PeerJ. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Abey-Nesbit, R., Gander, P., & Parsons, M. (2023). Exploring older care recipients' sleep status as a predictor for informal carer distress: Evidence from New Zealand's interRAI home care assessment data. BMJ Open. 13(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Lindsay, N., O'Sullivan, L., Gibson, R., Ladyman, C., & Tassell-Matamua, N. (2023). Near-Death Experiences and Sleep Disturbance: An Exploratory Study Using Wrist Actigraphy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 211(11), 856-861
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., Lindsay, N., O'Sullivan, L., Tassell-Matamua, N.
Burholt, V., Peri, K., Awatere, S., Balmer, D., Cheung, G., Daltrey, J., . . . Williams, LA. (2023). Improving continence management for people with dementia in the community in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Protocol for a mixed methods study. PLoS ONE. 18(7 July)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Breheny, M., Ross, I., Ladyman, C., Signal, L., Dew, K., & Gibson, R. (2023). “It's Just [Complicated] Sleep”: Discourses of Sleep and Aging in the Media. Gerontologist. 63(10), 1591-1601
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., Signal, T.
Gibson, R., Helm, A., Ross, I., Gander, P., & Breheny, M. (2023). “I think I could have coped if I was sleeping better”: Sleep across the trajectory of caring for a family member with dementia. Dementia. 22(5), 1038-1056
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Akter, T., Jones, C., & Towers, A. (2023). Characteristics of Atypical Sleep Durations Among Older Compared to Younger Adults: Evidence from the New Zealand Health Survey. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 78(10), 1908-1918
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., Towers, A.
Paterson, JL., Thomas, MJW., Reynolds, AC., Sprajcer, M., Gupta, C., Gibson, RH., . . . Ferguson, SA. (2023). “I need to be alert at night to provide care”: Factors associated with problematic sleep among young Australian caregivers. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 21(3), 322-331
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Sprajcer, M., Owen, PJ., Crowther, ME., Harper, K., Gupta, CC., Ferguson, SA., . . . Vincent, GE. (2022). Sleep disturbance in caregivers of individuals with Parkinsonism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 12(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Shetty, H., Carter, M., & Münch, M. (2022). Sleeping in a bubble: Factors affecting sleep during New Zealand's COVID-19 lockdown. SLEEP Advances. 3(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Cooper, CJ., Owen, PJ., Sprajcer, M., Crowther, ME., Craige, EA., Ferguson, SA., . . . Vincent, GE. (2022). Interventions to improve sleep in caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 64
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Crestani, F., Williams, G., Breheny, M., Tupara, H., Cunningham, C., Gander, P., . . . Gibson, R. (2024). Sleep health in later life: Interviews exploring experiences, attitudes and behaviours of older people. Ageing and Society. 44(3), 681-703
[Journal article]Authored by: Cunningham, C., Gibson, R.
Lord, S., Teh, R., Gibson, R., Smith, M., Wrapson, W., Thomson, M., . . . Tautolo, D. (2022). Optimising function and well-being in older adults: protocol for an integrated research programme in Aotearoa/New Zealand. BMC Geriatrics. 22(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Myllyntausta, S., Gibson, R., Salo, P., Allen, J., Gander, P., Alpass, F., . . . Stephens, C. (2021). Daytime fatigue as a predictor for subsequent retirement among older New Zealand workers. Sleep Health. 7(6), 742-748
[Journal article]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Stephens, C.
Gibson, R., Dowell, A., Jones, L., & Gander, P. (2021). Non-pharmacological interventions a feasible option for addressing dementia-related sleep problems in the context of family care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 7(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Parsons, J., Waters, DL., Binns, E., Burholt, V., Cheung, G., Clare, S., . . . Wall, C. (2021). Healthy for Life: An Innovative and Collaborative Approach to COVID 19 Lockdown in New Zealand. Journal of Frailty and Aging. 10(1), 72
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Helm, A., Breheny, M., & Gander, P. (2021). “My quiet times”: Themes of sleep health among people caring for a family member with dementia. Dementia. 20(6), 2024-2040
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., Kepa, M., Moyes, S., & Kerse, N. (2020). Self-reported sleep problems and their relationship to life and living of Mori and non-Mori in advanced age. Sleep Health. 6(4), 522-528
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., & Gander, P. (2021). Factors associated with the sleep of carers: A survey of New Zealanders supporting a family member with cognitive impairment or dementia. Dementia. 20(3), 919-935
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., & Gander, PH. (2019). Monitoring the sleep patterns of people with dementia and their family carers in the community. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 38(1), 47-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gunther, S., & Crawford, R. (2018). Factors contributing to lifelong learning for support workers who have completed a national certificate in mental health and addiction support programme. Whitiriea Nursing and Health Journal. 25, 18-30 Retrieved from https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/INFORMIT.280860480591435
[Journal article]Contributed to by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Campbell, A., Mather, S., & Neill, M. (2018). From diagnosis to long-term management: The experiences of older New Zealanders with obstructive sleep apnoea. Journal of Primary Health Care. 10(2), 140-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, PH., Dowell, AC., & Jones, LM. (2016). Non-pharmacological interventions for managing dementia-related sleep problem with community-dwelling pairs: a mixed methods approach. Dementia. 16(8), 967-984 Retrieved from http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1471301215625821
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, PH., Dowell, AC., & Jones, LM. (2017). Non-pharmacological interventions for managing dementia-related sleep problems within community dwelling pairs: A mixed-method approach. Dementia. 16(8), 967-984
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., Paine, SJ., Kepa, M., Dyall, L., Moyes, S., . . . Kerse, N. (2016). Sleep of mori and non-mori of advanced age. New Zealand Medical Journal. 129(1436), 52-61
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., Alpass, F., & Stephens, C. (2015). Effect of caregiving status on the sleep of older New Zealanders. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 34(3), 155-159
[Journal article]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Stephens, C.
Gibson, RH., Gander, PH., & Jones, LM. (2014). Understanding the sleep problems of people with dementia and their family caregivers. Dementia. 13(3), 350-365
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Borlase, BJ., Gander, PH., & Gibson, RH. (2013). Effects of school start times and technology use on teenagers' sleep: 1999-2008. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 11(1), 46-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., & Elder, D. (2012). Factors differentiating infants identified by parents as problem sleepers, and those that are not. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 10(1), 46-52
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Elder, D., & Gander, P. (2012). Actigraphic sleep and developmental progress of one-year-old infants. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 10(2), 77-83
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Fleming, JS., Gibson, R., Harris, B., Morgan, S., Noble, A., O'Keeffe, K., . . . Gander, P. (2011). The 'waking incubator': Exploring the interface between the performing arts and the science of sleep. International Journal of Science in Society. 2(3), 291-308 Retrieved from http://ijy.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.187/prod.144
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R., O'Keeffe, K.
Henley, DE., Russell, GM., Douthwaite, JA., Wood, SA., Buchanan, F., Gibson, R., . . . Lightman, SL. (2009). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation in obstructive sleep apnea: The effect of continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 94(11), 4234-4242
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Henley, DE., Buchanan, F., Gibson, R., Douthwaite, JA., Wood, SA., Woltersdorf, WW., . . . Lightman, SL. (2009). Plasma apelin levels in obstructive sleep apnea and the effect of continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Journal of Endocrinology. 203(1), 181-188
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibson, R.


Gibson, RH. (2015). Understanding and managing dementia-related sleep problems: Community-based research with older New Zealanders.. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University) Gibson, RH. (2015). Understanding and managing dementia-related sleep problems: Community-based research with older New Zealanders.. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH. (2010). Factors affecting the sleep of one-year-olds: A pilot study using objective monitoring of New Zealand infants. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Gibson, R.


Rohr, S., Gibson, R., Alpass, F., & Stephens, C. (2023). Social determinants of modifiable dementia risk in Mori and Non-Mori – results of the New Zealand Health, Work and Retirement Study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Rohr, S., Stephens, C.
Rohr, S., Gibson, R., Alpass, F., & Stephens, C. (2023). Social determinants of modifiable dementia risk in Mori and Non-Mori – results of the New Zealand Health, Work and Retirement Study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Dementia Research Forum (ADRF). Gold Coast, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Rohr, S., Stephens, C.
Rohr, S., Gibson, R., Alpass, F., & Stephens, C. (2023, July). Social determinants of modifiable dementia risk in Mori and Non-Mori – results of the New Zealand Health, Work and Retirement Study. Presented at Radboudumc University Medical Center & Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) Networking Event. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Rohr, S., Stephens, C.
Rohr, S., Gibson, R., Alpass, F., & Stephens, C. (2023, June). Social determinants of modifiable dementia risk in Mori and Non-Mori – results of the New Zealand Health, Work and Retirement Study. Presented at International Psychogeriatric Association Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Rohr, S., Stephens, C.
Gibson, R. (2019, October). Sleep disturbances among older men and women. Presented at Sleep Down Under. Sydney.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R. (2019, October). The sleep experiences and disruptions of people with dementia and their family care partners. Presented at Sleep Down Under. Sydney.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Helm, A., Breheny, M., & Gander, P. (2019). "I'm only as good as the sleep I get": Sleep health among family carers. : Sleep Down Under, Sydney
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Helm, A., Breheny, M., & Gander, P. (2019, May). I think I could have coped if I was sleeping better”: Sleep across the trajectory of caring for a family member with dementia. Presented at Sleep in Aotearoa
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., & Gander, P. (2019, May). Factors associated with the Sleep of Family Carers. Presented at Sleep in Aotearoa. Christchurch.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., & Gander, P. (2018, October). Sleep and Health of Family Carers. Presented at Tackling dementia is everybody’s business (Alzheimers NZ). Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Campbell, A., Mather, S., & Neill, A. (2017). From diagnosis to long-term treatment: The experiences of older New Zealanders with obstructive sleep apnoea. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sleep Down Under. Auckland
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., kepa, M., Moyes, S., & Kerse, N. (2017). Longitudinal effects of sleep problems for Maori and non-Maori of advanced age: LiLACS NZ. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sleep Down Under. Auckland
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Campbell, A., Mather, S., & Neill, A. (2017, May). Continuous positive airway pressure treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea: The experiences of older New Zealanders. Presented at Sleep in Aotearoa. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., & Gander, P. (2017, June). Validity of automated scoring of actigraphy data for people with dementia and carers. Presented at Aging and sleep. Lyon, France.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., & Gander, P. (2017). Validity of automated scoring of actigraphy data for people with dementia and their carers.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aging and Sleep,. Lyon, France
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, P., Dowell, AC., & Jones, LM. (2016, May). Non pharmacological interventions for sleep in dementia. Presented at Sleep In Aotearoa. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., & Gander, P. (2016, May). Validity of automatically scored actigraphy data for people with dementia and their carers.. Presented at Sleep in Aotearoa. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., gander, P., Dowell, A., & Jones, . (2016, May). Validity of actigraphy in dementia and carers. Presented at Sleep in Aotearoa. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, P., Dowell, A., & Jones, L. (2016, November). Challenges and solutions for conducting dementia-related research: Thematic analysis of first hand experiences and recommendations.. Presented at Dementia Today: Diverse Communities, Collective Action. Alzheimers NZ and ADI 19th Asia Pacific Regional Conference,. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, P., Dowell, A., & Jones, L. (2014, November). Non-pharmacological interventions for improving the sleep of people with dementia: Results from a feasibility trial in the wellington community. Presented at Alzheimers NZ conference. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, PH., Dowell, A., & Jones, LM. (2014). The feasibility of trialling non-pharmacological interventions for improving the sleep of community dwelling people with dementia. Poster session presented at the meeting of 22nd Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society. Tallinn, ESTONIA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, PH., Dowell, A., & Jones, L. (2012, May). Improving the sleep of people affected by dementia living in the community. Presented at Future Faces of Dementia, Alzheimers NZ Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, P., Dowell, A., & Jones, L. (2012). The feasibility of sleep-related interventions for people with dementia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aging and Sleep. Paris, France
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, P., & Jones, L. (2011, October). Understanding sleep problems of people with dementia and their family caregivers. Presented at Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Pizzoferro, K., Goodwin, S., & Johsen, S. (2010). Use of care monitor in nursing homes may improve sleep. In Sleep and Biological Rhythms Vol. 1 (pp. P043 - P043). , Sleep Down Under - Biodiversity of Sleep. Australian Sleep Association and Australian Sleep Technologists Association: Wiley
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, P., Alpass, ., & Stephens, C. (2010). The sleep of a community sample of carers of Alzheimer’s patients. In Sleep and Biological Rhythms Vol. 1 (pp. P075 - P075). , Sleep Down Under- Biodiversity of Sleep. Australian Sleep Association and Australian Sleep Technologists Association: Wiley
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Alpass, F., Gibson, R., Stephens, C.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., Dowes, J., & Cheng, S. (2010). Factors contributing to problem sleep of 15 month olds. In 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Australasian Sleep Association and Australasian Sleep Technologists Association(pp. A38 - A39). : Sleep and Biological Rhythms
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cheng, S., Gibson, R.
Borlase, BJ., Gander, PH., & Gibson, RH. (2013). Effects of school start times and technology use on teenagers' sleep: 1999-2008. In SLEEP AND BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS Vol. 11 (pp. 46 - 54). : WILEY-BLACKWELL
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., & Elder, D. (2010). Factors contributing to parental perception of problem sleep during infancy. In 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Australasian Sleep Association and Australasian Sleep Technologists Association(pp. A35 - A35). : Sleep and Biological Rhythms
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, R., Gander, P., & Elder, D. (2009). Relationships between sleep, age, and the developmental progress of infants. In 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association and Australasian Sleep Technologists Association(pp. A30 - A31). : Japanese Society of Sleep Research
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Gander, PH., Sun, C., Brogan, SM., Duckett, HG., & Douwes, JE. (2008). A survey of the sleep of three-month-old infants. In 20th ASM of Australasian Sleep Association and Australasian Sleep Technologists Association.(pp. 50 - 50). : Blackwell Publishing
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Brogan, S., Douwes, J., Gibson, R.
Bell, N., Neagu, D., Gibson, RH., Kendrick, A., & Whittle, A. (2007). Should an Epworth score of <10 exclude patients from a CPAP trial. In European Respiratory Journal, Supplement Vol. 9 (pp. P128 - P128). , European Respiratory Society Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Neagu, D., Bell, N., Gibson, RH., Kendrick, A., & Whittle, A. (2007). Do patients with normal overnight oximetry benefit from a CPAP trial?. In European Respiratory Journal, Supplement(pp. 9 - 9). , European Respiratory Society Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH., Buchanan, F., Pillinger, N., Harper, A., Kendrick, A., Catterall, J., . . . Whittle, A. (2007). How well do patients comply with CPAP therapy?. In European Respiratory Journal, Supplement(pp. 702s - 702s). , European Respiratory Society Congress, European Respiratory Journal
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Neagu, D., Bell, N., Gibson, RH., Harper, A., Kendrick, A., Catterall, J., . . . Whittle, A. (2007). Should we select patients for CPAP trials by overnight oximetry or Epworth scores?. In Thorax Vol. 3 (pp. A110 - A110). , British Thoracic Society: BMJ Publishing Group
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gibson, R.
Gibson, RH. (2005). The relationship between sleep stages and declarative and procedural learning difficulties in obstructive sleep apnoea patients.. Poster session presented at the meeting of British Sleep Society, Annual Scientific Meeting, Cambridge, England.. Cambridge UK
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gibson, R.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

I am primarily involved with academic research and postgraduate supervision at present. I have experience teaching into sleep and circadian health, psychology of dreaming, as well as research methods. I have guest written course materials and provides lectures within and externally to 蹤獲扦 as well as within community settings.

Graduate Supervision Statement

I welcome students interested in exploring issues associated with sleep, ageing, dementia, and/or caregiving using wither qualitative or quantitative methodologies.  I consider students as developing researchers who I support through their postgraduate journey. This is achieved through breaking down the project processes and thesis writing into manageable phases whilst also offering mentorship in key areas of project design, ethics, analyses and critical appraisal.

Dr Rosie Gibson is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Annabel Grant - Doctor of Philosophy
    An exploration of cognitively stimulating conversations of people with dementia and their friends
  • Nancey Crookes - Doctor of Philosophy
    An Investigation into the Effects of Participation in Religious and Secular Practices on Purpose and Meaning in Life, and mental and physical health of older New Zealanders.

Media and Links


  • 27 Mar 2020 - Online
    Science Media Centre Expert Reaction
    Invited response concerning sleep (or lack there of) for the Science Media Centre "COVID-19 and immunity Expert Reaction"
  • 23 Apr 2020 - Television
    One News interview
    Dreaming during COVID-19 quarantine is very normal for a lot of people. Sleep Wake Researcher Dr Rosie Gibson spoke to One News about why you shouldn't be concerned.
  • 22 Sep 2011 - Other, Online
    Getting a good nights sleep for people with demen
    蹤獲扦 University press release: Getting a good nights sleep for people with dementia.
  • 22 May 2018 - Radio
    Sleep & Dementia
    Wire Host Leonard Powell chats with Dr Rosie Gibson about the $250 000 grant that she recently recieved to investigate sleep. In particular its relationship to health and wellbeing of older New Zealan
  • 17 May 2018 - Online
    Researcher to investigate the impact of sleep on d
    蹤獲扦 media release
  • 17 Apr 2020 - Video
    Video presentation for Age Concern
    Invited video presentation for Age Concern "Sleep for older people during COVID-19"
  • 16 Apr 2020 - Online
    Contribution to Webinar
    New Zealand Association of Gerontology Webinair "4 Experts at Level 4 for Older people"
  • 09 May 2012 - Radio
    Sleep, ageing and dementia.
    Interview with Beach FM Radio
  • 09 Jan 2020 - Newspaper
    Contribution to Stuff article
    Interviewed by Stuff.co.nz "What to do when the person you love is ruining your sleep"
  • 07 Jun 2018 - Radio
    Putting disturbed sleep to bed
    Interview regarding sleep health, Weekend Life with Trudi Nelson
  • 04 Jun 2012 - Radio
    Sleep, ageing and dementia
    Interview with Beach FM Radio
  • 02 May 2020 - Television
    Contribution to television programme
    Contributed to TVNZ's series "Healthy for Life" in collaboration with colleagues from Universities of Auckland, AUT, Waikato, and Otago, overseen by Professor John Parsons. Hosted by Bernice Mene, He
  • 01 May 2020 - Magazine
    Article for The Converastion
    Invited article for The Conversation "What dreams may come: why youre having more vivid dreams during the pandemic"
  • 01 Jan 2011 - Community Service, Other
    Sleep and aging
    Presentation and handout available for senior social groups (addressed 22 groups Nov 2011- June 2012):
  • 01 Jan 2011 - Magazine
    Making sure of sleep.
    Age Concern newsletter, spring
  • 01 Jan 2011 - Magazine
    Sleep solutions
    Article for Alzheimers New Zealand Newsletter, issue 8
  • 01 Jan 2011 - Magazine
    How did you sleep last night?
    Article for Alzheimers Wellington newsletter, issue 99
  • 01 Jan 2011 - Magazine
    Dementia sleep study!
    Promotional article, Family Care NZ magazine, spring
  • 01 Jan 2010 - Magazine
    Improving sleep - for people with dementia and the
    Article for Alzheimers New Zealand Newsletter, issue 84: Improving sleep - for people with dementia and their carers

Other Links