
Associate Professor Matt Berkahn staff profile picture

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Associate Professor Matt Berkahn BBS (Hons), LLM, SJD, ALTA, CLTA

Associate Professor

School of Accountancy

Matt is the Undergraduate Business Law Co-ordinator in the School of Accountancy. His teaching is mainly in the area of company law. He supervises postgraduate research on company law topics and is the paper coordinator of all special topic and research papers in Business Law. He also teaches business law as part of the university’s MBA programme.

Recent research has mainly been in the areas of shareholder remedies under the Companies Act 1993, the duties of company directors and their enforcement, and consumer law. Matt completed his doctorate at Deakin University (Australia) in 2003. His thesis deals with the different approaches to company law enforcement in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.  It was published in 2006 by the Centre for Commercial and Corporate Law, University of Canterbury. Other recent publications include several chapters in a leading company law treatise.

Matt is the Undergraduate Business Law Co-ordinator in the School of Accountancy. He also teaches business law as part of the university’s MBA programme.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +64 (06) 356 9099 ext 83944
    Location: BSW 3.18, Business Studies West
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Business Studies with Honours - 蹤獲扦 University (1993)
  • Master of Laws - Victoria University (1998)
  • Doctor of Juridical Science - Deakin University (2004)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Australasian Law Teachers Association (Senior Member/Fellow) (2007)
  • Member, Corporate Law Teachers Association (Full) (2017)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Company Law - directors' duties, shareholder remedies

Consumer Law


21st Century Citizenship, Design for Commerce, Community and Culture

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commercial and Contract Law (180105): Corporations and Associations Law (180109): Law (180100): Law And Legal Studies (180000)


Shareholder remedies under the Companies Act 1993, the duties of company directors and their enforcement

Research Outputs


Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2023). Unfair Contract Terms in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 31(1), 95-103 Retrieved from https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/agispt.20230711091333
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2021). Reckless trading makes its debut in the New Zealand supreme court. Australian Business Law Review. 49(2), 140-144 Retrieved from http://sites.thomsonreuters.com.au/journals/category/australian-business-law-review/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2021). The Supreme Court of New Zealand on Price-Fixing. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 29(2), 156-167
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Othman, R., Laswad, F., & Berkahn, M. (2023). Financial C.R.I.M.Es in small businesses: causes and consequences. Journal of Financial Crime. 30(3), 742-758
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M., Laswad, F., Othman, R.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2019). Report from New Zealand: Arrangements and Understandings Affecting Price: Clarification from the New Zealand Court of Appeal. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 27(Part 2), 161-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2019). Arrangements or Understandings Affecting Price: Clarification from the New Zealand Court of Appeal. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 27(Part 2), 161-161 Retrieved from https://sites.thomsonreuters.com.au/journals/2019/06/17/australian-journal-of-competition-and-consumer-law-update-vol-27-pt-2/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). The ‘Doctrine of Erroneous Assumption’ — Clearing Up The Confusion. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association. 11, 15-25 Retrieved from https://www.alaa.asn.au/_files/ugd/68b859_3142b05499a6461894cc6db0b12ccbd4.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LGS., & Berkahn, M. (2017). Liability of corporate representatives for misleading or deceptive conduct revisited. New Zealand Universities Law Review. 27(3), 552-568 Retrieved from http://www.nzulr.com/archives/vol27no3.htm
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LGS., & Berkahn, M. (2017). Thirty years on: The pearl anniversary of New Zealand's fair trading and commerce acts. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 25(2), 169-176 Retrieved from http://legal.thomsonreuters.com.au/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LGS., & Berkahn, M. (2017). Of headlines, qualifiers and a chorus of discontent.. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 23(2), 139-148 Retrieved from http://www.thomsonreuters.com.au/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS. (2016). Two issues in misleading or deceptive conduct. New Zealand Universities Law Review. 27(1), 145-161 Retrieved from http://www.nzulr.com/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS. (2015). Of headlines, qualifiers and a chorus of discontent. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 23(2), 139-148 Retrieved from http://thomsonreuters.com/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, LGS. (2014). Misleading or deceptive conduct after Red Eagle - clearing up the confusion. Otago Law Review. 13(2), 333-350
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, L. (2014). Unconscionability and consumer law reform in New Zealand. Competition & Consumer Law Journal. 21(3), 248-263 Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com.au/en-au/products/competition-and-consumer-law-journal.page
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, LG. (2013). Progress with New Zealand's consumer law reform. Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law. 21(3), 228-236 Retrieved from http://sites.thomsonreuters.com.au/journals/2013/09/10/australian-journal-of-competition-and-consumer-law-update-september-2013/
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Thai, L., & Berkahn, M. (2012). Statutory derivative actions in Australia and New Zealand: What can we learn from each other?. New Zealand Universities Law Review. 25(2), 370-401 Retrieved from http://www.nzulr.com/current.htm
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2012). I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know: Reliance on information and advice as a defence to breaches of directors' duties in New Zealand. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association. 5(1 & 2), 13-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2010). Regulation of insolvency practitioners in New Zealand. Insolvency Law Journal. 18, 148-157
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2009). Almost identical company names in New Zealand: Not yet passe. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association. 2, 1-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2008). Unfair prejudice: who has it right, economically speaking?. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association. 1(1&2), 55-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LG. (2005). Overseas notes - New Zealand: Protection against reckless trading - In defence of section 135 of the companies act 1993. Company and Securities Law Journal. 23(2), 136-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2004). Corporate governance at the crossroads: A book of readings edited by Donald Chew Jr and Stuart Gillian. Pacific Accounting Review. 16(1), 81-84
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2002). Directors' duties to the company and to creditors. Company and Securities Law Bulletin. (4), 31-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2001). Directors' duties to the company and to creditors: Spies v The Queen. Deakin Law Review. 6(2), 360-372
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LG. (2000). Public and private enforcement of company law in New Zealand 1986-1998.. The Canterbury Law Review. 7(3), 516-540 Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/version/167127219
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2000). General and industry specific regulation of competition in the telecommunications industry. Deakin Law Review. 5(1), 157-169
[Journal article]Authored by: Berkahn, M.


Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Shareholders, shareholder liability and share classes. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Redemption of redeemable shares. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource CentreThomson Reuters. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2019). Record-keeping and disclosure requirements for companies. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Share transfers. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Share issues. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Share buy-backs. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Financial assistance. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Distributions. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2019). Company name. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2019). Company incorporation. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Company accounting records, financial statements and annual report. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2019). Auditors: appointment, removal, rights, duties and liability. In Practical Law, New Zealand Resource Centre. : Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., Watson, S., & Taylor, L. (2018). The Unfair Prejudice Remedy. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 785 - 826). Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Taylor, L. (2018). The Company’s Remedies for Breaches of Directors’ Duties. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 773 - 783). Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2018). Accounts and Audit. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 189 - 222). Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2018). Disclosure and Other Compliance Requirements. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 175 - 188). Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2018). Company Formation. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 143 - 173). Wellington: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2018). Distributions. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 1022 - 1058). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2018). Shares. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 921 - 945). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2018). Accounts and Audit. In S. Watson, & L. Taylor (Eds.) Corporate Law in New Zealand. (pp. 189 - 222). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2016). Questions and answers: Company law. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis
[Authored Book]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2013). Registration of auditors and liquidators. In RP. Austin, HAJ. Ford, AB. Greenwood, AG. Hartnell, PG. Hely, & BH. McPherson (Eds.) Australian corporation law: Principles and practice. (pp. 92011 - 92314). Australia: Butterworths LexisNexis
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2013). Registering a company. In Australian corporation law: Principles and practice. (pp. 22011 - 22141). Australia: Butterworth's LexisNexis
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Watson, S. (2013). The unfair prejudice remedy. In J. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and securities law in New Zealand. (pp. 589 - 625). New Zealand: Brookers Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2013). Equity finance. In J. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. (pp. 635 - 662). New Zealand: Brookers Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2013). Accounts and disclosure. In J. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. (pp. 451 - 501). New Zealand: Brookers Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2013). The company’s remedies for breaches of directors’ duties. In J. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and securities law in New Zealand. (pp. 529 - 540). New Zealand: Brookers Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2011). Equity finance. In JH. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand (online ed),. Wellington: Brookers
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Watson, S. (2011). The unfair prejudice remedy. In JH. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. Wellington: Brookers
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2011). The company's remedies for breach of directors' duties. In JH. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. Wellington: Brookers
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L. (2011). Accounts and disclosure. In JH. Farrar, & S. Watson (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand, Farrar and Watson eds. Wellington: Brookers
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LG., & Berkahn, MA. (2008). Registering a Company [Original chapter authored by Trotman and Langton 1999. Updated by Trotman and Berkahn as follows: service no.142 June 2006; service no. 148 December 2006; service no. 158 June 2008; service no. 178 December 2011.]. In RP. Austin, HAJ. Ford, AB. Greenwood, PG. Hely, & BH. McPherson (Eds.) Australian Corporation Law Principles and Practice. (pp. 22011 - 22141). Maryborough, VIC: Butterworths LexisNexis
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LG. (2008). Chapter 24 - Equity Finance. In J. Farrar (Ed.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. (pp. 603 - 632). Wellington, New Zealand: Brookers Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Watson, SA. (2008). The unfair prejudice remedy. In L. Taylor, S. Watson, S. Griffiths, M. Berkahn, T. Trotman, D. Cooper, . . . D. Tennant (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. (pp. 559 - 593). Wellington, New Zealand: Brooker Ltd.
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LG. (2008). Chapter 17 - Accounts and Disclosure. In J. Farrar (Ed.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. (pp. 413 - 468). Wellington, NZ: Brookers Ltd.
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2008). The company's remedies for breach of directors' duties. In L. Taylor, S. Watson, S. Griffiths, M. Berkahn, T. Trotman, D. Cooper, . . . D. Tennant (Eds.) Company and Securities Law in New Zealand. (pp. 495 - 505). Wellington, New Zealand: Brookers Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2007). Butterworths questions and answers: Company law (2nd Ed.). Wellington, NZ: Lexisnexis
[Authored Book]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2006). Regulatory and enabling approaches to corporate law enforcement: Patterns of litigation 1986-2002 and the effect of recent reforms in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Christchurch, NZ: The Centre for Commercial & Corporate Law Inc
[Authored Book]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LG., & Berkahn, MA. (2006). Registering a company [update]. In RP. Austin, HAJ. Ford, AB. Greenwood, AG. Hartnell, PG. Hely, & BH. McPherson (Eds.) Australian Corporation Law: Principles and Practice: Volume 1. (pp. 22101 - 22140). Sydney, NSW: Butterworths
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LG., & Berkahn, MA. (2004). Registering a company (Updated Vol 1). In Australian Corporation Law: Principles and Practice: Volume 1. (pp. 22011 - 22147). Sydney, NSW: Butterworths
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Su, Z., & Berkahn, MA.(2003). The definition of 'insider' in section 3 of the Securities Markets Act 1988: A review and comparison with other jurisdictions. School of Accountancy, 蹤獲扦 University
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LG. (2002). Company law enforcement: Theory and practice. In A. Borrowdale, D. Rowe, & LT. Eds (Eds.) Company Law Writings: A New Zealand Collection. (pp. 215 - 244). Christchurch, NZ: Centre for Commercial and Corporate Law Inc, University of Canterbury
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LG., & Berkahn, MA. (2001). Takeovers: Amalgamations. In New Zealand Company Law and Practice. Auckland, NZ: CCH New Zealand Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, LG., & Berkahn, MA.Registration of Auditors and Liquidators [Original chapter 9.2 sole authored 1997. Updated by Trotman and Berkahn as follows: service no.140 March 2006; service no. 164 December 2008.]. In Australian Corporation Law Principles and Practice (looseleaf and electronic). (pp. 92011 - 92314). Sydney, NSW: LexisNexis Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Berkahn, M.


Berkahn, MA. (2003). Regulatory and enabling approaches to corporate law enforcement: Patterns of litigation 1986-2002 and the effect of recent reforms in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. (Doctoral Thesis, Deakin University)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Berkahn, M.


Berkahn, M.The Best Interests of the Company. . School of Law, University of Canterbury
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., Berkahn, M., & Ronald, B. (2020, February). Should New Zealand and India adopt Lord Sumption’s ‘evasion’ principle?. Presented at 2020 Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference. Monash University, Melbourne.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Trotman, L., & Berkahn, M. (2019, July). No bridge over troubled financial waters. Presented at Australasian Law Academics Association Annual Conference 2019. Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Othman, R., Berkahn, M., & Laswad, F. (2019). Financial Crime in Small Entities in New Zealand. APIRA 2019. : 2019 Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Berkahn, M., Laswad, F., Othman, R.
Berkahn, M.Corporate Sustainability: The ‘Best Interests of the Company’, ‘Shareholder Primacy’ and ‘Strategic’ Social Responsibility. . Queenstown
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M., & Trotman, L.Excluding the Operation of the Statutory Prohibition on Misleading or Deceptive Conduct. . Curtin University, Perth, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGST.Liability of corporate representatives for misleading or deceptive conduct. . Gold Coast, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS.Misleading or deceptive conduct: Liability of a managing director. . Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS.Misleading or deceptive conduct: Some questions arising from Godfrey Hirst. . La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS. (2014, July). Misleading or deceptive conduct post red eagle. Presented at 69th Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference. Gold Coast, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS.Misleading or deceptive conduct post red eagle. . Gold Coast, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS. (2013, September). Unconscionability and the consumer law reform bill (NZ). Presented at 68th Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference. Canberra, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA., & Trotman, LGS.(2013). Unconscionability and the Consumer Law Reform Bill (NZ). . Canberra, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Thai, L., & Berkahn, M.(2012). Statutory derivative actions in Australia and New Zealand: What can we learn from each other?. . Sydney, NSW, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Thai, L., & Berkahn, M. (2012, July). Statutory derivative actions in Australia and New Zealand: What can we learn from each other?. Presented at The 67th Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association [ALTA] Conference: Legal Education for a Global Community. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Thai, L., & Berkahn, M. (2012). Statutory derivative actions in Australia and New Zealand: What can we learn from each other?. In The 67th Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association [ALTA] Conference: Legal Education for a Global Community: Abstracts, The 67th Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association [ALTA] Conference: Legal Education for a Global Community Australia: University of Sydney
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2011, July). ‘I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t know’: Reliance on information and advice as a defence to breaches of directors’ duties in New Zealand. Presented at The Australasian Law Teachers Association 66th Annual Conference. Brisbane, Queensland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2011). ‘I Didn’t Know, I Didn’t Know, I Didn’t Know’: Reliance on information and advice as a defence to breaches of Directors’ duties. . Brisbane, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M. (2010, July). Regulation of insolvency practitioners in New Zealand. Presented at The Australasian Law Teachers Association 65th Annual Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, M.(2010). Regulation of insolvency practitioners in New Zealand. . Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2009). Almost identical company names in New Zealand: Not yet passé. . Sydney, NSW
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2009, July). Almost identical company names in New Zealand: Not yet passe. Presented at The Australasian Law Teachers Association 64th Annual Conference. Sydney, NSW.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2009). Almost identical company names in New Zealand: Not yet passe. In Australasian Law Teachers Association 64th Annual Conference(pp. 38 - 38). : Australasian Law Teachers Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2008). Unfair prejudice: Who has it right, economically speaking?. . Cairns, QLD
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2008). Unfair prejudice: Who has it right, economically speaking?. In Proceedings of the Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA) Conference(pp. 1 - 23). : ALTA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2007). Enforcement of corporate rights and duties: A comparison between New Zealand and Australia. . Melbourne, VIC
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA.(2006). Remedies available to ''prejudiced shareholders''. . Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2004, November). Corporate law enforcement. Presented at LexisNexis Professional Development: Corporate Law Masterclass: Leading perspectives and practical strategies for corporate advisers navigating New Zealand Company Law. Rydges Hotel, Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.


Berkahn, MA., & Thai, L. (2012, July). Statutory derivative actions in Australia and New Zealand: What can we learn from each other?. In Australasian Law Teachers Association 67th Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW. Presented at Sydney, Australia.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2008, July). Unfair prejudice: Who has it right, economically speaking? the Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA) Conference. ALTA. 1-23. 2008. : Cairns, WA, Australia.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2007). Enforcement of corporate rights and duties: A comparison between New Zealand and Australia. Presented at University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2005, October). The unfair prejudice remedy after O'Neill v Phillips: UK, New Zealand and Australian approaches. : School of Accounting and Commercial Law.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2004, February). Directors' responsibilities and liabilities under the Companies Act 1993. : Markhams Group Continuing Education Conference.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.
Berkahn, MA. (2001, August). Directors duties to 'the company' and to creditors. : School of Accountancy.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Berkahn, M.