
Prof Jo Bensemann staff profile picture

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Prof Jo Bensemann BBS, MBS, PhD

Head of School of Management

Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of Management

Jo is Head of School for the School of Management within the 蹤獲扦 Business School. She is based at the Manawatu campus, where she was formerly Associate Head of School . Jo maintains a research focus on entrepreneurship and innovation and is interested in collaboration, making good decisions and ideas that help grow and develop businesses and communities.



  • Bachelor of Business Studies - 蹤獲扦 University (1991)
  • Master of Business Studies in Management - 蹤獲扦 University (1993)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management - University of Canterbury (2010)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Mentor Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Prizes and Awards

  • Best Paper Award Jo Bensemann and Professor David Deakins were awarded the Best Paper Award at the 15th annual Rural Entrepreneurship Conference held 15-16 June 2017 at the Newcastle University Business School. The paper was Does a rural location matter for innovative small firms? Comparing strategies of agri-business innovative small firms from rural and urban environments in New Zealand. - 15th Annual Rural Entrepreneurship Conference (2017)
  • Awarded the Best Paper Award at the 2016 High Technology Small Firms Conference held 13-15 June at University of Liverpool. The paper was Entrepreneurial Learning and innovation: Qualitative Evidence from agri-business technology-based small firms in New Zealand - Academic Conference Committee of the HTSF Conference. (2016)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

My current research focus is entrepreneurship and small business management and current research projects are collaborative,
with both 蹤獲扦 colleagues and colleagues overseas. I am working on research funded by two recent MURF grants. One, researching internet use and social networks among small businesses and the other focussed on factors affecting the process of innovation in the development of technology-based small firms (TBSFs) in the agri-food and agri-business sectors in New Zealand. I retain an active research interest in family business and gender issues, particularly women’s experiences of entrepreneurship and small business management. 


21st Century Citizenship, Resource Development and Management, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Business and Management (150300): Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000): Entrepreneurship (150304): Impacts of Tourism (150601): Small Business Management (150314): Tourism (150600): Tourism Management (150603): Tourist Behaviour and Visitor Experience (150606)



Entrepreneurship, small business management, tourism, women in business.


Other relevant recent experience:

Westpac Manawatu Business Awards - Judge 2010-2014.

Visit Ruapehu - Inaugural Trustee and Trustee 2010-2012

Young Enterprise Scheme - Judge, presenter and mentor.

New Zealand Business Week.

Zonta - Evaluation panel for Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarship.

SIFE - Students in Free Enterprise, Faculty Mentor 2011-2012



Research Outputs


Tretiakov, A., Jurado, T., & Bensemann, J. (2024). Women in IT: A Work Ecosystem Perspective. Journal of Computer Information Systems.
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A.
Tretiakov, A., Jurado, T., & Bensemann, J. (2023). Giddens' structuration theory and human resource practice in small firms. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations. 47(1), 145-161 Retrieved from https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/nzjer/article/view/117
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A.
Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A., & Bensemann, J. (2024). Symbolic power, discourse, and underrepresentation of women in IT. Information Technology and People. 37(5), 1897-1917
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A.
Tretiakov, A., Bensemann, J., & Jurado, T. (2023). Social outcome expectations and women's intentions to return to IT employment. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 27, 1-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A.
Tretiakov, A., Jurado, T., & Bensemann, J. (2023). Employee Empowerment and HR Flexibility in Information Technology SMEs. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 63(6), 1394-1407
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A.
Minh, N., Khan, M., & Bensemann, J. (2022). Corporate social responsibility in Vietnam: Systematic review of research and future directions. Society and Business Review. 17(1), 92-119
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Khan, M.
Galloway, L., Sanders, JW., Bensemann, J., & Tretiakov, A. (2022). Social networks and relationships in copreneurial firms: an international study. Journal of Family Business Management. 12(4), 908-922
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tretiakov, A.
Farr, D., Laird, I., Lamm, F., & Bensemann, J. (2019). Talking, listening and acting: Developing a conceptual framework to explore 'worker voice' in decisions affecting health and safety outcomes.. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations. 44(1), 79-100 Retrieved from http://www.nzjournal.org/NZJER44%281%29.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Laird, I.
Mika, JP., Fahey, N., & Bensemann, J. (2019). What counts as an indigenous enterprise? Evidence from Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Enterprising Communities. 13(3), 372-390
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Canh, NP., Thanh, SD., Schinckus, C., Bensemann, J., & Thanh, LT. (2019). Global emissions: A new contribution from the shadow economy. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 9(3), 320-337
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, J., Warren, L., & Anderson, A. (2021). Entrepreneurial engagement in a depleted small town: Legitimacy and embeddedness. Journal of Management and Organization. 27(2), 253-269
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Anderson, AR., Warren, L., & Bensemann, J. (2019). Identity, Enactment, and Entrepreneurship Engagement in a Declining Place. Journal of Small Business Management. 57(4), 1559-1577
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., & Bensemann, J. (2019). Does a rural location matter for innovative small firms? How rural and urban environmental contexts shape strategies of agri-business innovative small firms. Management Decision. 57(7), 1567-1588
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., & Bensemann, J. (2018). Entrepreneurial learning and innovation: Qualitative evidence from agri-business technology-based small firms in New Zealand. International Journal of Innovation and Learning. 23(3), 318-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., & Bensemann, JO. (2019). ACHIEVING INNOVATION in A LEAN ENVIRONMENT: HOW INNOVATIVE SMALL FIRMS OVERCOME RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS. International Journal of Innovation Management. 23(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Tretiakov, A., Bensemann, J., Sanders, J., & Galloway, L. (2019). The perceived importance of external ties and the performance of small owner-managed firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 20(3), 209-219
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tretiakov, A.
Nguyen, M., Bensemann, JM., & Kelly, S. (2018). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Vietnam: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility. 3(9), Retrieved from https://jcsr.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40991-018-0032-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Kelly, S.
Deakins, D., Bensemann, J., & Battisti, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial skill and regulation: Evidence from primary sector rural entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 22(2), 234-259
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Galloway, L., Sanders, J., & Bensemann, J. (2016). ICT as a Strategic Enhancer in Small Firms: A Study of New Zealand and Scotland. Strategic Change. 25(6), 647-657
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., North, D., & Bensemann, J. (2015). Paradise lost? The case of technology-based small firms in New Zealand in the post-global financial crisis economic environment. Venture Capital. 17(1-2), 129-150
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM. (2011). Copreneurship and rural tourism: Observations from New Zealand and future research directions. Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends. 4.1(2011), 41-57 Retrieved from http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=b4dd0c42-b399-4731-9919-aa09e2a68512&articleId=9ebfecfa-d65d-4308-9442-4b621821cda0
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, J., & Hall, C. (2010). Copreneurship in rural tourism: Exploring women's experiences. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 2(3), 228-244
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2006). Perceptions, understanding and awareness of Green Globe 21: The New Zealand experience. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 2(1), 115-128 Retrieved from http://ijs.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.41/prod.110
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
蹤獲扦, CL., Lewis, KV., Warriner, VC., Harris, C., Tweed, DM., Cheyne, JM., . . . Cameron, AF. (2006). Exploring firm development in the context of New Zealand SMEs. Small Enterprise Research. 14(1), 1-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tweed, D.
Cheyne, J., Downes, M., & Legg, S. (2006). Travel agent vs internet: What influences travel consumer choices?. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 12(1), 41-57
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Robinson, T., & Cheyne, JM. (2003). . Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 11(1), 92-94
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM. (2001). .. Tourism Analysis. 6(1), 77-79 Retrieved from http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/ta/2001/00000006/00000001
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM., & Barnett, SJ. (2001). The greening of accommodation: Stakeholder perspectives of environmental programmes in New Zealand hotels and luxury lodges.. Journal of Corporate Citizenship. 1, 115-126
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
P, M., & Cheyne, JM. (2000). Residents' attitudes to proposed tourism development. Annals of Tourism Research. 27(2), 391-411 Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160738399000845
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J.


Warren, L., Anderson, A., & Bensemann, J. (2018). Resistance and change in a depleted community: personal, pragmatic and paradoxical. In D. Higgins, P. Jones, & P. McGowan (Eds.) Creating entrepreneurial space: Talking through multi voices, reflections on emerging debates. (pp. 113 - 127). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, J. (2010). Allowing women's voices to be heard in tourism research: Competing paradigms of method. In CM. Hall (Ed.) Fieldwork in Tourism. (pp. 151 - 167). Oxford, UK: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM., & Harris, C. (2005). Women and self-employment. In C. 蹤獲扦 (Ed.) Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management in New Zealand. (pp. 228 - 239). Auckland, NZ: Pearson Education New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Getz, D., & Cheyne, JM. (2002). Special event motives and behaviour. In CR. Ed (Ed.) The tourist experience. (pp. 137 - 155). London, UK: Continuum
[Chapter]Authored by: Bensemann, J.


Mika, JP. (2015). The role of publicly funded enterprise assistance in Mori entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand) Mika, JP. (2015). The role of publicly funded enterprise assistance in Mori entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Edited by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM. (2009). Copreneurship in rural tourism: Exploring women's experienes. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand) Bensemann, J., & Hall, CM. (2010). Copreneurship in rural tourism: exploring women's experiences. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Bensemann, J.


Kelly, S., Bensemann, JM., Bhide, V., Eweje, G., Imbeau, JS., Lockhart, J., . . . Warren, L. (2017). Disruptive technology in the agri-food sector: An examination of current and future influence on sustainability, bio-security and business effectiveness. 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Imbeau, J., Kelly, S., Rao, V.
蹤獲扦, CL., Cameron, AF., Cheyne, JM., Harris, C., Lewis, KV., Tweed, DM., . . . Warriner, VC.(2004). Stories of growth in small and medium enterprises in New Zealand: A report on the lifecycles and transitions project. Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Centre For Small and Medium Enterprise Research, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tweed, D.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2003). Visitor perceptions of tourism environmental certification and green globe 21. 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2001). Environmental certification schemes: Operator perceptions. 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.


Scott, J., Bensemann, J., Eweje, G., Kelly, S., Lockhart, J., Rao, V., . . . Taskin, N.The emergence of social innovation in the agri-food Sector: An unintended outcome in a competitive, consumer oriented, and regulated market.. . Chicago, IL USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Eweje, R., Kelly, S., Rao, V.
Tootell, B., Fountaine, S., Bensemann, JM., & Rao, V.Achieving Career Excellence: enhancing transitions for young women from university to the workplace. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Fountaine, S., Rao, V., Tootell, B.
Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A., & Bensemann, JM.Lady Geek and women in IT: a critical discourse analysis. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Jurado, T., Tretiakov, A.
Hirst, A., & Bensemann, JM.Taking the leap – a bid for freedom and seeking the elusive balance. Experiences of self-employed women in New Zealand. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Tretiakov, A., & Bensemann, JM.Women in copreneurial firms: bibliographic analysis and literature review. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tretiakov, A.
Bensemann, J., Bhide, V., Eweje, G., Imbeau, JS., Kelly, SJ., Scott, JE., . . . Warren, L.Cloud Computing in the Agri-food Sector: Examining the influence of disruptive technology on socio-economic outcomes and business effectiveness. : Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Imbeau, J., Kelly, S.
Nguyen, M., Kelly, S., & Bensemann, JM. (2017). Contextual factors affecting Corporate Social Responsibility in an emerging country: A conceptual framework on the nature of the CSR concept in Vietnam. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability, Ethics & Governance: Responsible business for uncertain times and a sustainable future.. (pp. 357 - 376). : The 4th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Kelly, S.
Deakins, ., & Bensemann, JM. (2017). Does a rural location matter for innovative small firms? Comparing strategies of agri-business innovative small firms from rural and urban environments in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Rural Entrepreneurship Conference. : 15th Annual Rural Entrepreneurship Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Mika, J., Bensemann, JM., & Fahey, N. (2016). What is a Maori business? A study of the identity of indigenous enterprise. Proceedings of the 30th ANZAM Conference 2016. (pp. 1 - 22). : 30th ANZAM Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Warren, L., Anderson, A., & Bensemann, J. (2018). Resistance and change in a depleted community: Personal, pragmatic and paradoxical. Vol. 9A (pp. 113 - 127).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., & Bensemann, JM.Entrepreneurial learning and innovation: Qualitative evidence from agri-business technology-based small firms in New Zealand. . Liverpool
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM., Sanders, J., & Galloway, L.Family Business: The experience of copreneurial couples. . Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, ., North, D., & Bensemann, JM. (2014). The finance of technology-based small firms in New Zealand. Financing SME Growth in the UK: Meeting the Challenges after the Global Financial Crisis.. United Kingdom: Financing SME Growth in the UK: Meeting the Challenges after the Global Financial Crisis
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM., Sanders, J., & Galloway, L. (2013). Rural firms, the internet and support networks: The New Zealand situation. In ., The 11th Rural Enterprise Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Sanders, J., Galloway, L., & Bensemann, J. (2014). Investigating the relationship between Scottish rural small firms’ social networks, extra-local market diversification and internet usage. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. Vol. 4 (pp. 9 - 33).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Wright, C, ., Sanders, J., Galloway, L., & Bensemann, JM. (2012). Social networks use for geographical expansion in rural and urban small firms. In C. Vivas, & F. Lucas (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. 730 - 737). : 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Wright, C., Sanders, J., Galloway, L., & Bensemann, J. (2012). Social networks use for geographical expansion in rural and urban small firms. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship(pp. 88 - 89). , 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship [ECIE 2012] Portugal: Academic Publishing International Limited
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Sanders, J., Galloway, L., Wright, C., & Bensemann, JM. (2012). Rural firms social networks and ICT-enabled access to markets. Proceedings of 10th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference.. : 10th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM. (2012). Family business and rural tourism: A New Zealand study. In C. Lade, & L. Melson (Eds.) CAUTHE 2012: The new golden age of tourism and hospitality; Book 1; Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference. (pp. 79 - 93). : CAUTHE National Conference 2012. The New Golden Age of Tourism and Hospitality.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., Battisti, M., & Bensemann, JM. (2012). Coping with complexity: Primary sector rural SMEs and the management of regulation. Proceedings of 57th ICSB World Conference. (pp. 1506 - 1525). : 57th ICSB World Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Deakins, D., Battisti, M., & Benseman, J. (2012). Coping with complexity: Primary sector rural SMEs and the management of regulation. 57th ICSB World Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 21). New Zealand: 57th International Council for Small Business [ICSB] Conference: Leading from the edge
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM. (2012, February). Family business and rural tourism: A New Zealand study. Presented at CAUTHE National Conference 2012. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM.Family business and rural tourism: A New Zealand study.. The New Golden Age of Tourism and Hospitality. (pp. 77 - 92). : CAUTHE National Conference 2012
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Battisti, ., Deakins, ., Perry, ., Bensemann, JM., & Smallbone, D. (2011). Small business owner's capability to manage regulation and its relationship with compliance. Proceedings of International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Conference, June 2011.. (pp. 1 - 27). : International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM.Copreneurship and rural tourism in New Zealand: A mixed method approach.. In A. Karnik, & M. Stephenson (Eds.): First International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, J. (2011). Copreneurship - reflections on method from a study of women's experiences of copreneurship in rural tourism. In A. Maritz (Ed.) Proceedings of the 8th Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. (pp. 49 - 63). Melbourne, Australia: 8th Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, J. (2011, February). Copreneurship - reflections on method from a study of women's experiences of copreneurship in rural tourism. Presented at 8th Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM. (2009). Copreneurship in New Zealand rural tourism SMEs. Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference Start Small Think Big. (pp. 23 - 50).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM. (2006, January). Green Globe 21: The New Zealand tourism experience. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Heritage Development. Hanoi and Halong Bay, Vietnam.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM., Downes, MM., & Legg, SJ. (2005). Travel agents vs internet: What influences travel consumer choices?. In P. Tremblay, & AB. Eds (Eds.) Sharing Tourism Knowledge: Proceedings of the 2005 Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference. (pp. unpaged). Darwin, NT
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM. (2004, October). Gender and power: A discussion of copreneurship in tourism. Presented at International Business & Economics Research Conference and College Teaching & Learning Conference. Las Vegas, NE.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM. (2004). Gender and power: A discussion of coprenuership in tourism. (pp. 1). , 2004 International Business & Economics Research Conference and 2004 College Teaching & Learning Conference Las Vegas, NV: CIBER Research Institute
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
蹤獲扦, CL., Cameron, AF., Cheyne, JM., Harris, C., Lewis, KV., Tweed, DM., . . . Warriner, VC. (2004). Speaking up: Stories of growth in small & medium enterprises in New Zealand: A report on the Lifecycles and Transitions Project.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tweed, D.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2003). Tourism and international environmental certification: A New Zealand case study of visitor perceptions of Green Globe 21. In The Challenge of International Business(pp. 69 - 69). , Australia-New Zealand International Business Acadamy Annual Conference Dunedin, NZ: University of Otago, School of Business, Department of Marketing
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2003). Tourism and international environmental certification: A New Zealand case study of visitor perceptions on Green Globe 21. Australia-New Zealand Internationall Business Academy Conference. (pp. unpaged). Dunedin, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2003, November). Tourism and international environmental certification: A New Zealand case study of visitor perceptions of Green Globe 21. Presented at Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Conference. University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM., & Barnett, SJ. (2001, October). Environmental certification schemes: A New Zealand case of operator perceptions. Presented at Travel and Tourism Research Association -Canada Conference. Brock Plaza Hotel, Nigara Falls, ON.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM., & Barnett, SJ. (2001). Environmental certification schemes: A New Zealand case study of operator perceptions. In MJ. Ed (Ed.) Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference. (pp. 23). Ottawa, ON
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Cheyne, JM., & Barnett, SJ. (2000, December). The greening of accommodation: A New Zealand case study. Presented at 4th New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference. Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2000). The greening of hospitality: A New Zealand case study. (pp. unpaged). , 4th New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, NZ: New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.


Bensemann, JM. (2011, November). Copreneurship and rural tourism in New Zealand: A mixed method approach..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Bensemann, JM. (2009, September). Copreneurship in New Zealand rural tourism SMEs. In 22nd Annual Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference. Presented at Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J.
Barnett, SJ., & Cheyne, JM. (2000, October). Succeeding with funding applications and research: Eco-hotels: A New Zealand case study. : The Department of Management and Enterprise Development.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnett, S., Bensemann, J.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2001-2003 - Tourism Industry Association of New Zealand
    Environmental certification schemes: Operator perceptions.
  • 2002 - New Plymouth District Council
    Festival of Lights Strategic Development Plan.
  • 2003-2004 - Tourism Industry Association of New Zealand
    Visitor perceptions of tourism environmental certification and Green Globe 21.
  • 2010-2012 - Inland Revenue, Cross Departmental Research Pool Project
    SME Capability to manage regulation

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 1
Co-supervisor 0 4

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Deirdre Farr - Doctor of Philosophy
    Worker voice and the health and safety regulatory system in New Zealand

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Nimeesha Odedra - Doctor of Philosophy
    Skilled Migrant Women: Evolving or Devolving Careers A Study Exploring the Unfolding Career Experiences of Skilled Migrant Women
  • 2021 - Minh Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam: Doing good to do well
  • 2019 - Ellen Nelson - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Social Well-being of Women Officers who have Left the NZ Army
  • 2015 - Jason Mika - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Role of Publicly Funded Enterprise Assistance in Maori Entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand