
Prof Kingsley Baird staff profile picture

Contact details +6449793506

Prof Kingsley Baird DipArts, MFA

Acting Head of School of Art

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Art


For a fuller list of research outputs 2012-18 see:



Edited book

The Myriad Legacies of 1917: A Year of War and Revolution

The Myriad Faces of War: 1917 and its Legacy symposium (http://myriadfaces.org) facilitated this 2018 publication edited by representatives of the organising institutions. Editors: Maartje Abbenhuis, Neill Atkinson, Kingsley Baird, and Gail Romano, London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-73684-6.


Exhibition and catalogue essay

The Anzac Pair (2017), National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, Waiouru, New Zealand. The Anzac Pair comprised two linked manifestations of the same research investigation: (i) an exhibition, The Anzac Pair, composed of two bronze sculptures: Gallipoli and Birth of a nation; and (ii) an exhibition catalogue essay,  "The Anzac Pair: an allegory of national identity".


Installation, performance, sculpture, book essay

Stela (2014), Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr (Military History Museum), Dresden, Germany.

Stela comprised two linked manifestations of the same research investigation, an installation and essay, "Stela - Im Tod sind alle Kameraden". The installation was composed of (i) the stainless steel Cenotaph sculpture (ii) a performance of the biscuit stacking; and (iii) the biscuit ‘memorial’ comprising approximately 20,500 edible World War One soldier-shaped Anzac recipe biscuits.


Installation and catalogue essay

Tomb (2013), Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne, France
Tomb comprised 2 linked manifestations of the same research investigation, an installation and a catalogue essay, "In memoriam: Le présent et l'absent / In memoriam: The present and the absent". The installation, Tomb, included (i) the design of multiple cookie cutter soldier shapes; (ii) a performance of stacking the biscuits over 20 days; (iii) the biscuit ‘memorial’ in the form of Sir Edwin Lutyens’s Stone of Remembrance (c. 18,600 WWI soldier-shaped biscuits).


Commissioned Artwork

Reflections (2012), Chi an Bobel Great Hall, Heartlands, Robinson's Shaft, Pool, Cornwall, United Kingdom (Kingsley Baird & Genevieve Packer)

Commissioned Reflections artwork is a 'memorial' that investigates presence and absence, spirit of place, and cross-cultural memory and identity in relation to people, place, diaspora, cultural preservation and connections (specifically between Cornwall and NZ). After developing the original concept and fundamental design, I invited NZ textile designer, Genevieve Packer, to be co-designer in the detailed resolution of this interdisciplinary (art/craft) work. The work also includes UK craft contributions that reflect local culture.



Professional Affiliations (Institutional)


Professor Baird is the chair of two 蹤獲扦 University-based, international research networks, WHAM () and .

WHAM (War History Heritage Art and Memory) Research Network, Chair


  • Auckland War Memorial Museum Tamaki Paenga Hira, (NZ)
  • Historial de la Grande Guerre (France)
  • Imperial War Museum, London (UK)
  • In Flanders Fields Museum (Belgium)
  • Militärhistorisches Museum (Germany)
  • Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (NZ)
  • National Army Museum Te Mata Toa (NZ)
  • National World War I Museum (US)


The Memory Waka Research Group, Chair


  • Syracuse University (USA)
  • York St John University (UK)

Professor Baird is a visual artist and writer whose research platform is the investigation—primarily in relation to war—of memory, memorialisation, and remembrance, national identity, mythology, and place. Research is undertaken through the design of commissioned public memorials (NZ Memorial, Canberra, 2001, with Studio of Pacific Architecture; Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, Wellington, 2004; and The Cloak of Peace, Nagasaki, 2006). In addition, he makes artefacts that investigate new conceptual, aesthetic, and material ways of creating memory forms; and publishes textual outputs often integrated with creative works to form synthesized research.

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Contact details

  • Ph: (04) 801 5799 ext 63506
    Location: 10A102A, Museum Building
    Campus: Wellington


  • Diploma in Arts - Victoria University (1997)
  • Master of Fine Art - RMIT University (2000)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Memory and remembrance; cross-cultural memorialisation; spirit of place; remembrance and national identity; visual and material culture; public art; commissioned public memorials and artefacts; leading or participating in international and national interdisciplinary public art and design research teams and projects; leading and contributing to international and multidisciplinary memory fora (research networks, conferences, publications).

Research Opportunities

  • Stela  (2014) Artist in residence sculpture project at the Military History Museum, Dresden, Germany


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Fine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting) (190502): Performance and Installation Art (190504): Studies In Creative Arts And Writing (190000): Visual Arts and Crafts (190500)



Memory and remembrance; cross-cultural memorialisation; spirit of place; remembrance and national identity; visual and material culture; public art; commissioned public memorials and artefacts; leading or participating in international and national interdisciplinary public art and design research teams and projects; leading and contributing to international and multidisciplinary memory fora (research networks, conferences, publications).

Research Outputs


Baird, K. (2024). The exploitation, repatriation, and memorialisation of human remains: An artist’s experiences / Explotación, repatriación y conmemoración de restos humanos: las experiencias de un artista. Memory Connection. Volume 4, Number 1 Retrieved from http://memoryconnection.org/
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2020). The Past We Harvest that was Yours’: The Rhetoric of National Identity and the Legacy of the Unknown Warrior in New Zealand Memory. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum. 21(The Enduring Impact of the First World War: A Collection of Perspectives), 19-26 Retrieved from https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/discover/research/publications/bulletin/vol21
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.Edited by: Baird, K.
Phillips, J., & Baird, K. (2020). Centenary of the First World War in New Zealand. 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. , 1-28 Retrieved from https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/centenary_new_zealand
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2021). Naming Rights: Conflict, Coexistence, and Restoration in the Memorial Landscape of New Zealand's Capital City. Militargeschichtliche Zeitschrift. 78(1), 1-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2019). Hokopanopano Ka Toi Moriori (reigniting Moriori Arts): memory work on Rkohu (Chatham Islands). Memory Connection. 3(1), 262-287 Retrieved from http://memoryconnection.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Memory-Connection_30MB.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2019). Naming rights: conflict, coexistence, and restoration in the memorial landscape of New Zealand’s capital city. Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift. 78(1), 1-18 Retrieved from https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/mgzs/78/1/mgzs.78.issue-1.xml
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K., & Phillips, J. (2019). Centenary (New Zealand). 1914-1918-online – International Encyclopedia of the First World War. , Retrieved from https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/centenary_new_zealand
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2016). Review: Drowned/undrowned, Sally J. Morgan and Jess Richards. Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture. 1(1), 115-120
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2016). A cast of thousands: 'Stela' at Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, Dresden. Memory Connection. 2(1), 43-67 Retrieved from http://memoryconnection.org/journals/memory-connection-vol-02/
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2016). Photo essay: Sensing memory. Memory Studies. 9(1), 99-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.
Laviolette, P., & Baird, K. (2011). Lost innocence and land matters. European Journal of English Studies. 15(1), 57-71
[Journal article]Authored by: Baird, K.


Baird, K. (2022). Piet Chielens, In Flanders Fields Museum, and the local and global commemoration of the First World War. In D. Dendooven, & P. Trogh (Eds.) Nous irons en Flandres: Festschrift voor Piet Chielens. (pp. 205 - 222). Ypres, Belgium: In Flanders Fields Museum
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2021). Annette Becker et les « trous profonds » de la mémoire et de l’histoire” (“Annette Becker and the ‘deep holes’ of memory and history”). In A. Brazzoduro, K. Daimaru, & F. Théofilakis (Eds.) Faire l’historire des violences en guerre: Annette Becker, un engagement. (pp. 241 - 253). Saint-Étienne, France: Créaphis éditions
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2021). Memorial Chairs and Transitory Fictive Kinship in the Centenary Commemoration of the End of the First World War. In S. Sumartojo (Ed.) Experiencing 11 November 2018: Commemoration and the First World War Centenary. (pp. 136 - 147). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Abraham, B., Baird, K., Bennington, D., Crawford, J., Epkenhans, M., Gough, P., . . . Watters, S. (2020). The enduring impact of the First World War: a collection of perspectives, Bulletin of the Auckland Museum 21, 2020. G. Romano, & K. Baird (Eds.) (Vol. 21 (2020)) ,Auckland: Auckland War Mmeorial Museum Tmaki Paenga Hira
[Scholarly edition]Authored by: Baird, K., Moore, M.Contributed to by: Baird, K.Edited by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2019). Exhibiting Spectacle and Recasting Memory: Commemorating the First World War in New Zealand. In L. Macaluso (Ed.) Monument Culture: International Perspectives on the Future of Monuments in a Changing World. Lanham, Maryland, United States of American: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers and the American Association for State and Local History
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Abbenhuis, M., Atkinson, N., Baird, K., & Romano, G. (Eds.) (2018). The Myriad Legacies of 1917: A Year of War and Revolution. London. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
[Edited Book]Edited by: Baird, K.
(2018). The myriad legacies of 1917: A year of war and revolution.
[Edited Book]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2014). The material of remembrance: Their name liveth for evermore?. In D. Monger, S. Murray, & K. Pickles (Eds.) Endurance and the First World War. (pp. 263 - 283). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2013). In memoriam: le présent and the absent. : 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington, New Zealand, and Historial de la Grande Guerre, Peronne, France
[Monograph]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW., Winter, JM., & Becker, A. (2013). Tomb, Kingsley Baird: Artist in residence at Historial de la Grande Guerre. : 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand, Historial de la Grande Guerre
[Monograph]Authored by: Baird, K.Edited by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2013). The consolation of the familiar. In N. Philippe, C. Pugsley, J. Crawford, & M. Strohn (Eds.) The great adventure ends: New Zealand and France on the Western Front. (pp. 391 - 405). Christchurch, New Zealand: John Douglas Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2012). Patterns of Ambivalence: The Space between Memory and Form. In Rhetoric, Remembrance, and Visual Form: Sighting Memory. (pp. 113 - 127).
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2012). Patterns of ambivalence: The space between memory and form. In Rhetoric, Remembrance, and Visual Form: Sighting Memory. (pp. 113 - 127).
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2011). Patterns of ambivalence: The space between memory and form. In AT. Demo, & B. Vivian (Eds.) Rhetoric, remembrance, and visual form: Sighting memory. (pp. 113 - 127). New York: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2010). Serve: a new recipe for sacrifice. P. Chielens (Ed.)Waiouru, NZ: National Army Museum
[Monograph]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2007). Diary Dagboek: 2007 Artist in Residence In Flanders Fields Museum. P. Chielens (Ed.)Ypres, Belgium: In Flanders Fields Museum ISBN-13:9789077025031
[Monograph]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW., Chielens, P., & Harper, G.(2007). Dagboek. Ypres, Belgium: In Flanders Fields Museum
[Authored Book]Authored by: Baird, K.

Creative Work

Baird, K. (2018) From the Uttermost Ends of the Earth (The Great Adventure). [Exhibition] In Flanders Fields Museum, Ieper, Belgium
[Artwork]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2017) The Anzac Pair. [Exhibition] Comprised 2 linked manifestations of the same research investigation: (i) an exhibition, "The Anzac Pair", National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, Waiouru, New Zealand, 7.8.2017-24.11.2017, composed of two sculptures: "Gallipoli" (500 mm [l] (variable) x 350 mm [w] x 230 [h]) and "Birth of a nation" (500 mm [l] (variable) x 320 mm [w] x 180mm [h]), bronze; and (ii) an exhibition catalogue essay: "The Anzac Pair: an allegory of national identity". In Baird, K.W. (ed), "The Anzac Pair". Waiouru, New Zealand: National Army Museum Te Mata Toa and Wellington: 蹤獲扦 University, pp. 6-33. Contributing authors: Ian McGibbon, Peter Stanley, and Kingsley Baird. Foreword by Windsor Jones, Senior Curator, National Army Museum Te Mata Toa. 55 pp. ISBN 978-0-473-40998-2
[Artwork]Authored by: Baird, K.Contributed to by: Baird, K.Edited by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2017). "The Anzac Pair" – comprising: 1 Exhibition + 1 Edited volume + Edited volume essay 1. Exhibition Baird, K.W. (2017). "The Anzac Pair". National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, Waiouru, New Zealand. Two sculptures: "Gallipoli": 500 mm (l) (variable) x 350 mm (w) x 230 (h); "Birth of a nation": 500 mm (l) (variable) x 320 mm (w) x 180mm (h). Bronze. 07 August – 24 November 2017. 2. Edited volume essay Baird, K.W. (2017). "The Anzac Pair: an allegory of national identity". In K. Baird, "The Anzac Pair". Waiouru, New Zealand: National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, Wellington: 蹤獲扦 University, pp. 6-33. 3. Edited volume ("The Anzac Pair" exhibition catalogue) Baird, K.W. (2017) (ed). "The Anzac Pair". National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, Waiouru, New Zealand / 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington, New Zealand, 55 pp. Contributing authors: Ian McGibbon, Peter Stanley, and Kingsley Baird.. ISBN 978-0-473-40998-2.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2015, May 31). Gallipoli. (No. of Pieces: 1) [Bronze]. Pataka Art + Museum, Porirua, New Zealand.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2014) Stela. [Exhibition] Comprised 2 linked manifestations of the same research investigation, an installation and essay. The installation, "Stela", Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr (MHM [Military History Museum]), Dresden, Germany, introduced MHM's WWI centenary exhibition, “14 – Menschen – Krieg” and included (i) the stainless steel "Cenotaph" sculpture (1800mm [h] x 1800mm [l] x 540mm [w]); (ii) the design of multiple cookie cutter soldier shapes used to form the biscuits (approx. 7 mm [h] x 175 mm [l] x 60 mm [w]); (iii) a performance of the biscuit stacking; (iv) the biscuit ‘memorial’ comprising approx. 20,500 edible WWI soldier-shaped Anzac recipe biscuits. 12.7–27.7.2014. The essay, "Stela - Im Tod sind alle Kameraden". In G. Bauer, M. Rogg, and G. Pieken (eds), “14 – Menschen – Krieg": Essays (zur Ausstellung zum Ersten Weltkrieg)”. Dresden: Sandstein Verlag, 230-239. MHM. "Cenotaph", stainless steel cookie cutters, and various biscuits are in the MHM Collection
[Artwork]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2013) Tomb. [Exhibition] Comprised 2 linked manifestations of the same research investigation, an installation and essay. The installation, "Tomb", Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne, France, 23.4.2013-24.11.2013, included (i) the design of multiple cookie cutter soldier shapes; (ii) a performance of stacking the biscuits over 20 days; (iii) the biscuit ‘memorial’ (3500 mm [l] x 1060 mm [h] x 862 mm [w]) in the form of Sir Edwin Lutyens’s Stone of Remembrance (c. 18,600 WWI soldier-shaped biscuits: 7 mm [h] x 175 mm [l] x 60 mm [w]). The catalogue essay, "In memoriam: Le présent et l'absent / In memoriam: The present and the absent", pp. 23-46. In Baird, K.W. (ed.). "Tomb Kingsley Baird: Artist in Residence at Historial de la Grande Guerre". Péronne, France: Historial de la Grande Guerre. French / English. 62 pages. Contributing authors: Jay Winter, Annette Becker, Kingsley Baird. Foreword by Hervé François, Director, Historial de la Grande Guerre. ISBN: 978-0-473-25457-5
[Artwork]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2013, April 23). Tomb. (No. of Pieces: 1) [Performance -Installation: Construction of some 18,600 biscuits shaped like soldiers, stacked horizontally one on top of the other.]. Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne, France.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW., & Packer, G. (2012) Reflections. [Exhibition] [Felt, canvas, bronze, mixed media. Dimensions: 1200 mm (h) x 3200 mm (l) x 300mm (d) (variable). The structure contains 8 human body-scale, ‘protective containers’ or pockets that are internally ‘adorned’ with ‘portable’ art and craftwork 'panels' (each 700 mm [h] x 350 mm [l])]. Chi an Bobel Great Hall, Heartlands, Robinson's Shaft, Pool, Cornwall, United Kingdom
[Artwork]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2011). Hinaki [Artefact]. : Havelock North, NZ
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2010). Serve: a new recipe for sacrifice. [The exhibition comprises 2 sculptures, 'Picnic' and 'Serve'. 'Picnic': 13 steel WWI mess tin replicas, ANZAC soldier cookie cutters, soldier Anzac biscuits, gold leaf. Serve: One 6.5m wooden trestle table, 13 bronze WWI 'Brodie' helmets, silver leaf, iron oxide]. National Army Museum, Waiouru, New Zealand (26 Nov 2010 - 27 Feb 2011).
[Exhibition]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2010). Todd Cog Medallion [Artefact]. : Wellington, New Zealand
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2010). Cogg: Todd Corporation Medallion 125 years [Artefact]. : Wellington, NZ
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2008). “Investigation in scale: Reliquary”. [Artefact]. : Shapeshifter 2008: Essential New Zealand Sculpture, Civic Gardens, Lower Hutt, New Zealand (22 Feb - 16 Mar)
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2008). Investigation in scale: Pro Deo et Patria [Artefact]. : Shapeshifter 2008: Essential New Zealand Sculpture, Civic Gardens, Lower Hutt, New Zealand (22 Feb - 16 Mar)
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2008). Investigation in scale: Pro Deo et Patria [Artefact].
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2008). Investigation in scale: Reliquary [Artefact].
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2007). Diary dagboek [Artefact]. In Flanders Fields Museum: In Flanders Fields Museum, Ieper (Ypres), Belgium (13 Jul - 14 Oct)
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2006). Pro Deo Et Patria: Assumption [Artefact]. : Exhibited in Shapeshifter 2006: Essential New Zealand Sculpture, Frederic Wallis House, Lower Hutt, NZ
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2006). Pro Deo et Patria (Assumption) [Artefact].
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2006). The Cloak of Peace - Te Korowai Rangimarie [Artefact]. : Nagasaki Peace Park, Nagasaki, Japan
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.
O'Sullivan, AM., & Baird, KW. (2006). The Cloak of Peace - Te Korowai Rangimarie. : Kingsley Baird / Peace Foundation: Nagasaki Peace Park, Japan
[Design]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW.Hinaki [Artefact]. : Havelock North, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
[Artefact]Authored by: Baird, K.


Baird, KW. (2008). Heartlands Art Strategy Artist Consultant’s reports 1 - 5.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K., & Laviolette, P.Heartlands.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Baird, K.


Baird, K. (2023, December). Monument: Re-envisioning an artefact of the New Zealand Wars. Presented at Space, knowledge, empire. Auckland War Memorial Museum, Tmaki Paenga Hira.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2021, March). Attending to wounds: Faces, minds, and landscapes maimed by weapons of war. Presented at Weapons, Wounds, Warfare. The University of Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2018, November). The surface and the underworld: art, myth, history, and remembrance in New Zealand and French experience of the Great War. Presented at Le Quesnoy Centenary Conference 1918-2018: France and New Zealand during the Great War, University of Waikato and the Le Quesnoy City Council. Le Quesnoy, France.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K.The surface and the underworld: art, myth, history, and remembrance in New Zealand and French experience of the Great War. . Le Quesnoy, France
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2017, April). The past we harvest that was yours': The rhetoric of national identity and the legacy of the Unknown Warrior in New Zealand memory. Presented at The myriad faces of war: 1917 and its legacy. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW.The past we harvest that was yours: The rhetoric of national identity and the legacy of the Unknown Warrior in New Zealand memory. . Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand. 25 - 28 April 2017
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2016, December). Anzac mythology, revisionism, and remembrance in the work of art. Presented at Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference. ANU, Canberra, Australia. 1 - 3 December 2016.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2016, May). Hokopanopano Ka Toi Moriori (reigniting Moriori Arts): Memory work on Rkohu (Chatham Islands). Presented at Memory Works. Syracuse University, New York City, USA. 19 - 21 May 2016.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2015, December). Naming rights: conflict, coexistence, and restoration in a memorial landscape. Presented at Memory and commemoration: War, military, society and the politics of naming in the 20th century. Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr (ZMSBw; Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the German Army), Potsdam, Germany. 2 - 3 December 2015.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2014, October). A cast of thousands: Stela at Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, Dresden. Presented at The Cultures of Memory II Symposium. York, United Kingdom.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2013, October). Surfacing memory. Presented at The Cultures of Memory Symposium 2013. Syracuse University, London, United Kingdom. 16 - 19 October 2013.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2013, April). The enlightenment trinity. College of Creative Arts, 蹤獲扦 University and Material Culture Group, Department of Anthropology, University College London, UK. Presented at The First Encounter: A Properties/Material World Lab Symposium. The First Encounter: A Properties/Material World Lab Symposium. 30 April 2013.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2012, November). The material of remembrance. Presented at Endurance and the First World War International Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2012, April). Sensory memorialization. Presented at Fifth Annual Interdisciplinary Memory Conference: The Arts of Memory. New School, New York, United States of America. 26 - 27 April 2012.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2011, April). Heartlands Snap-shots: Social research, cohesion & distinctiveness. Presented at Creative Conversations: Art, Culture & Society” Symposium, Heartlands Project. Pool, Cornwall, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K.(2010, April 15). Ebb and flow: The story of a beach. In Abstract published in proceedings, NZILA 2010 Conference: The Power of Landscape
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2010). Ebb and flow: The story of a beach. In Abstract published in proceedings, NZILA 2010 Conference: The Power of Landscape
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2010, July). Co-existence and conflict in a memorial landscape. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference 2010 with the Institute of Australian geographers (IAG). Christchurch, New Zealand (05 Jul - 08 Jul).
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K.(2010, July 5). Co-existence and conflict in a memorial landscape. In Abstract published in proceedings, NZ Geographical Society Conference 2010 with the Institute of Australian geographers (IAG)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW.(2009, November 26). Serve: A new recipe for sacrifice. , Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2009). Serve: A new recipe for sacrifice. , Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2009). Catching my gaze: arenas of exchange in forms of public memory. Presented at One Day Sculpture, an International Symposium on Art, Place and TIme. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand (26 Mar - 28 Mar).
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2009). Catching my gaze: arenas of exchange in forms of public memory. In One Day Sculpture an International Symposium on Art, Place and Time(pp. 12 - 13). , ne Day Sculpture an International Symposium on Art, Place and Time: Litmus Research Initiative, School of Fine Arts,
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K.(2008, November 3). La Consolation de la Familiar/The Consolation of the Familiar. In Abstract published in proceedings, France and New Zealand during the Great War / La France et la Nouvelle-Zélande pendant la grande guerre
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2008, October). Memory and form: The space between. Presented at Visual Memories Conference. Syracuse University, NY, United States (02 Oct - 04 Oct).
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2008). Memory and form: the space between. In Abstract published in proceedings, Visual Memories Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW.(2008). The consolation of the familiar. . Le Quesnoy, France
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2008). The consolation of the familiar. In Proceedings of 'France and New Zealand during the Great War' Conference, France and New Zealand during the Great War: University of Waikato
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW.(2008). Memory and forum: the space between. . Syracuse University, NY, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Baird, K.


Baird, K. (2020, February). Home ground: a ‘comparative history’ examining parallels between selected episodes of New Zealand’s ‘home front’ experience before, during, and after the Second World War through the lens of a contemporary artwork. In Heavy and Continuous Sacrifice: New Zealand, its Allies and the Second World War conference. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington. : New Zealand Military History Committee.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Phillips, K., & Haddix, M. (2019). Difficult Memories Symposium. Lender Center for Social Justice, the Greenberg Speaker series, the Atrocity Studies and Practices of Social Justice minor, and the Departments of Communication and Rhetorical Studies and Museum Studies at Syracuse University
[Other]Contributed to by: Baird, K., Ortega Ayala, R.
Baird, KW. (2014). “Stela im Tod sind alle Kameraden” [Stela: all are comrades in death] in "14 – Menschen – Krieg": Essays [essay in exhibition book] “Stela [Stele]" in "14 – Menschen – Krieg: Katalog" [article in exhibition catalogue]. (pp. 230 - 239). Sandstein Verlag / Militärhistorisches Museum
[Other]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2011). Contained Memory. 蹤獲扦 University (NZ) in association with Syracuse University (USA)
[Other]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2011, March). The Matter of Remembrance. Presented at Department of Anthropology, University College London, United Kingdom.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2011, February). Constructing memorial forms and national identity. Presented at Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, United Kingdom.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2010). Contained memory conference 2010 proceedings: Programme and abstracts. (pp. 1 - 84). 蹤獲扦 University, NZ,兩 Syracuse University, (USA), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
[Other]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K., & Laviolette, P. (2009, September). Community Regeneration & Art Consultancy: Heartlands Case Study, Cornwall. In School of Visual and Material Culture Seminar Series. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2007). Memory and remembrance. : Material World Blog
[Internet publication]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, KW. (2007). Memory and Remembrance.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Baird, K.
Baird, K. (2007). Memory and Remembrance.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Baird, K.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2009 - Heartlands Regeneration Project, Cornwall, UK
    Artist consultant

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement


Current PhD students:

Primary supervisor. Liang Cui, “Living with the Unassimilable: An Investigation of Personal Sexual Identity against a Backdrop of Gender Construction in Modern China”.

Primary supervisor. Jess Richards, “Here and Elsewhere”.

Primary supervisor. Rebecca Patrick, “The Wide Path: The Outside is not Outside. Explorations of a Multiplicitous Landscape”.

Secondary supervisor. David Guerin, “Re-shaping a First World War Narrative. A sculptural investigation inspired by the letters and diaries of one New Zealand soldier”.

Secondary supervisor. Maria O’Toole, “How loud is too loud?”

Current Masters co-supervisions:

MFA, MU. Monique Sharples. “Trace: Perceptive Memory”.

MFA, MU. Katy Cottrell. “Revaluing melamine waste through functional propaganda”.

Previous Masters (co-supervisions):

MFA, 蹤獲扦 University (MU). Connah Podmore, "Translating the Unknown: A representation of uncertain stories". Completion 2013. Distinction.

MFA, MU. Angela Kilford, "Walk With Me: A performative investigation researching contested memories at New Zealand’s national site for remembrance, Puke Ahu". 2015. MFA, MU. Kalya Ward, "Avon. Avon". 2014.

Prim. super, MPhil (Visual and Material Culture), MU. Wanda Lepionka-Strong, "Cultivating Continuity and Change: The Domestic Garden Tradition of the Italian Community in Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand". 2014.

MFA, MU. Anja Kutsch. "Substance and semblance and the ousted owner". 2015.

MFA, MU. Daniel Rose. “The Essential is in the Incidental: A Re-mediation of Urban Experience”. 2017.

Mark Steelsmith, “Ghosting About”. 2018.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 6 3
Co-supervisor 0 3

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Sasha Chen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Re-enacting autobiographical memory - life and death in the context of the post-covid19 era through performance photography
  • Emma Pratt - Doctor of Philosophy
    Stand up and Sing - Wayfinding for Pkeh in the orbit of taonga through multimodal storytelling
  • Daniel Belton - Doctor of Philosophy
    Spatialising the Human Figure in Digital Narratives
  • Johanna Zellmer - Doctor of Philosophy
    Contemporary jewellery as affective experience resisting biopolitics
  • Thomas Slade - Doctor of Philosophy
    Testimony of Place: How contemporary photography can contribute to new understandings of the New Zealand Wars
  • Leighton Upson - Doctor of Philosophy
    An exploration between art and indigenous forest.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Rebecca Ora - Doctor of Philosophy
    (un)settling: Performing Landscape, Woman, Aotearoa
  • 2021 - Liang Cui - Doctor of Philosophy
    Living with the Unassimilable
  • 2020 - Jessica Richards - Doctor of Philosophy
    Illusions, Transformations and Iterations: storytelling as fiction, image, artefact.

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2022 - Malcolm Doidge - Doctor of Philosophy
    Inside Arcadia: An immersive virtual phantasmagoria
  • 2021 - Maria O'Toole - Doctor of Philosophy
    Drawn Chorus: The creation of embodied drawing processes responsive to the detrimental impact of human-produced sound on humpback whales
  • 2019 - David Guerin - Doctor of Philosophy
    Re-shaping a First World War Narrative: A Sculptural Memorialisation Inspired by the Letters and Diaries of One New Zealand Soldier.

Media and Links

Other Links