
Associate Professor Ignacio Lopez Campbell staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518786

Associate Professor Ignacio Lopez Campbell BAgrEng, PhD

Associate Professor in Pasture Science

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment


Contact details

  • Ph: Ext. 85786
    Location: AHB 3.07, Ag. Hort. Building
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering - Universidad Catolica of Valparaiso, Chile (1989)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2000)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Prizes and Awards

  • Best pastoral research, XXXVIII Annual Congress of the Chilean Society of Animal Production, Chile: Ivelic J., Z繳簽iga F., Valle S., L籀pez I., Dec D. and D繹rner J. Effect of different pasture improvement strategies on the functional resistance and resilience of the porous system of an Andisol under sheep grazing. - Chilean Society of Animal Production (2013)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Pasture ecology, Soil - pastures - grazing animals relationships, Pasture condition and trend, Pasture production, Pastures environmental constraints tolerance, Pasture species competition, Pasture species ecotypes and phenotypic plasticity, Pasture species and soil water availability, Pasture species physiology, Selective and preferential grazing, Sustainable pasture improvement.

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000): Agro-ecosystem Function and Prediction (070301): Agronomy (070302): Crop and Pasture Nutrition (070306): Crop and Pasture Production (070300)

Research Outputs


Ordóñez, IP., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Dörner, J., García-Favre, J., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). A short-term effect of multi-species pastures and the plant's physiological response on pasture growth. European Journal of Agronomy. 159
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Yang, K., Li, S., Sun, Y., Cartmill, AD., López, IF., Ma, C., . . . Zhang, Q. (2024). Effects of combined nitrogen and phosphorus application on soil phosphorus fractions in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) production in China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15
[Journal article]Authored by: Cartmill, A., Lopez Campbell, I.
Ye, J., Zhou, J., Yang, F., Li, Z., Dong, R., Horne, D., . . . Chen, J. (2024). Alternations in the element stoichiometry of the grasses drive the aboveground C:N:P ratio of an agriculturally improved pasture on karst in response to differential N and P fertilization. Plant and Soil.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Oliveira, BA., López, IF., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Dörner, J., . . . Van Hale, R. (2024). <sup>18</sup>O isotopic labelling and soil water content fluctuations validate the hydraulic lift phenomena for C<inf>3</inf> grass species in drought conditions. Plant Stress. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Oliviera, BA., Lopez, IF., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., & Donaghy, DJ. (2023). Using leaf regrowth stage to define defoliation interval for diverse pastures of complementary species (Lolium perenne L., Bromus valdivianus Phil., Dactylis glomerata L. and Trifolium repens L.). Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 85, 309-320
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Irigoyen, LR., Poli, CHEC., Corrêa, GF., Tontini, JF., López, IF., & da Silva, JA. (2024). Herbage intake and performance of grazing lambs in tropical erect grass pastures maintained at different heights. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 41(1), 39-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Wei, K., Zhao, J., Sun, Y., López, IF., Ma, C., & Zhang, Q. (2023). Optimizing nitrogen and phosphorus application to improve soil organic carbon and alfalfa hay yield in alfalfa fields. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Zhang, Y., García-Favre, J., Hu, H., López, IF., Ordóñez, IP., Cartmill, AD., . . . Kemp, PD. (2023). Aboveground Structural Attributes and Morpho-Anatomical Response Strategies of Bromus valdivianus Phil. and Lolium perenne L. to Severe Soil Water Restriction. Agronomy. 13(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cartmill, A., Lopez Campbell, I.
Xia, D., An, X., López, IF., Ma, C., & Zhang, Q. (2023). Enhancing alfalfa photosynthetic performance through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation across varied phosphorus application levels. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Weerarathne, LVY., Jahufer, Z., Schäufele, R., Lopez, I., & Matthew, C. (2023). A comparative analysis of agronomic water-use efficiency and its proxy measures as derived from key morpho-physiological and supportive quantitative genetics attributes of perennial ryegrass under imposed drought. Plant-Environment Interactions. 4(5), 291-307
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Mackay-Smith, TH., López, IF., Burkitt, LL., & Reid, JI. (2023). Pasture production–diversity relationships in a knuka silvopastoral system. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 4(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Lopez Campbell, I., Reid, J.
García-Favre, J., Cranston, LM., López, IF., Poli, CHEC., Donaghy, DJ., Caram, N., . . . Kemp, PD. (2023). Pasture brome and perennial ryegrass characteristics that influence ewe lamb dietary preference during different seasons and periods of the day. Animal. 17(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Mackay-Smith, TH., Burkitt, L., Reid, J., López, IF., & Phillips, C. (2023). Correction to: A Framework for Reviewing Silvopastoralism: A New Zealand Hill Country Case Study (Land, (2021), 10, 12, (1386), 10.3390/land10121386). Land. 12(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Lopez Campbell, I., Reid, J.
García-Favre, J., López, IF., Cranston, LM., Donaghy, DJ., Kemp, PD., & Ordóñez, IP. (2023). Functional contribution of two perennial grasses to enhance pasture production and drought resistance under a leaf regrowth stage defoliation criterion. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 209(1), 144-160
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Mackay-Smith, TH., López, IF., Burkitt, LL., & Reid, JI. (2022). Knuka Trees Facilitate Pasture Production Increases in New Zealand Hill Country. Agronomy. 12(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Lopez Campbell, I., Reid, J.
Dec, D., Bravo, S., Clunes, J., Granda, S., López, I., Ordóñez, I., . . . Dörner, J. (2022). The Role of the Specific Properties of an Andosol as a Water Reservoir to Improve Pasture Growth and Prevent Soil Physical Degradation in Irrigated Grazing Systems. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 22(3), 3756-3773
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Mackay-Smith, TH., Burkitt, LL., López, IF., & Reid, JI. (2022). The impact of a knuka silvopastoral system on surface runoff and sediment and nutrient losses in New Zealand hill country. Catena. 213
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Lopez Campbell, I., Reid, J.
García-Favre, J., Zanoniani, R., López, IF., Cadenazzi, M., Sacido, M., Mailhos, ME., . . . Boggiano, P. (2021). Ecosystem and productive benefits of the strategic inclusion of annual legumes into an annual ryegrass pasture in a no-tillage integrated crop-livestock system. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. 47(3), 344-353
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Mackay-Smith, TH., Burkitt, L., Reid, J., López, IF., & Phillips, C. (2021). A framework for reviewing silvopastoralism: A new zealand hill country case study. Land. 10(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Lopez Campbell, I., Reid, J.
Ordóñez, IP., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Zhang, Y., & Herrmann, P. (2021). Response of Bromus valdivianus (pasture brome) growth and physiology to defoliation frequency based on leaf stage development. Agronomy. 11(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
García-Favre, J., Zhang, Y., López, IF., Donaghy, DJ., Cranston, LM., & Kemp, PD. (2021). Decreasing defoliation frequency enhances bromus valdivianus phil. Growth under low soil water levels and interspecific competition. Agronomy. 11(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
García-Favre, J., López, IF., Cranston, LM., Donaghy, DJ., & Kemp, PD. (2021). The growth response of pasture brome (Bromus valdivianus phil.) to defoliation frequency under two soil-water restriction levels. Agronomy. 11(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Kaur, L., Lamsar, H., López, IF., Filippi, M., Min, DOS., Ah-Sing, K., . . . Singh, J. (2021). Physico-chemical characteristics and in vitro gastro-small intestinal digestion of new zealand ryegrass proteins. Foods. 10(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kaur, L., Lopez Campbell, I., Singh, J.
Calvache, I., Balocchi, O., Alonso, M., Keim, JP., & López, I. (2020). Water-soluble carbohydrate recovery in pastures of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne l.) and pasture brome (bromus valdivianus phil.) under two defoliation frequencies determined by thermal time. Agriculture (Switzerland). 10(11), 1-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Calvache, I., Balocchi, O., Alonso, M., Keim, JP., & López, IF. (2020). Thermal time as a parameter to determine optimal defoliation frequency of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and pasture brome (Bromus valdivianus Phil.). Agronomy. 10(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Descalzi, CA., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Dörner, J., & Ordóñez, I. (2020). Pasture restoration improvement methods for temperate degraded pastures and consequences of the climatic seasonality on soil–pasture complex. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 206(1), 130-147
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Loaiza, P., Balocchi, O., de la Barra, C., & López, IF. (2019). Perennial ryegrass productivity and nutritive quality as affected by frequency of nitrogen fertilizer addition. Grassland Science. 65(2), 86-92
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Negrón, M., López, I., & Dörner, J. (2019). Consequences of intensive grazing by dairy cows of contrasting live weights on volcanic ash topsoil structure and pasture dynamics. Soil and Tillage Research. 189, 88-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Flores, PG., Lopez, IF., Kemp, PD., Dörner, J., & Zhang, B. (2018). Morpho-physiological and productive adjustments of Lolium perenne L. and Agrostis capillaris L. under incident light diminishment. Agro sur. 46(2), 35-48 Retrieved from http://revistas.uach.cl/index.php/agrosur/article/view/5923
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Weerarathne, LVY., Dong, W., Nie, M., Wang, Y., Lopez, IF., & Matthew, C. (2018). Exploring the link between more negative osmotic potential and ryegrass summer performance. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 80, 155-160 Retrieved from https://www.nzgajournal.org.nz/.../23
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Descalzi, C., Balocchi, O., López, I., Kemp, P., & Dörner, J. (2018). Different soil structure and water conditions affect the growing response of lolium perenne l. And bromus valdivianus phil. growing alone or in mixture. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 18(3), 617-635
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Ordóñez, I., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Descalzi, CA., Horn, R., Zúñiga, F., . . . Dörner, J. (2018). Effect of pasture improvement managements on physical properties and water content dynamics of a volcanic ash soil in southern Chile. Soil and Tillage Research. 178, 55-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Hodgkinson, SM., Polanco, C., Aceiton, L., & Lopez, IF. (2017). Animal research paper: Pasture intake and grazing behaviour of growing European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) and domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus, Landrace×Large White) in a semi-extensive production system. Journal of Agricultural Science. 155(10), 1659-1668
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Loaiza, P., Balocchi, O., & López, IF. (2017). Changes in water-soluble carbohydrates relative to crude protein in perennial ryegrass in response to defoliation frequency. Grassland Science. 63(3), 159-168
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Flores, PG., Lopez Campbell, IF., Kemp, PD., & Dorner, J. (2017). Sustainable pasture improvement in the South of Chile. Advances in plants and agriculture research. 6(6), 1-3 Retrieved from http://medcraveonline.com/APAR/
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Flores, PG., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Dörner, J., & Zhang, B. (2017). Prediction by decision tree modelling of the relative magnitude of functional group abundance in a pasture ecosystem in the south of Chile. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 239, 38-50
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Salas, R., Ordóñez, I., Valle, S., Lopez Campbell, I., Dec, D., Descalzi, C., . . . Dörner, J. (2016). Variación espacial de propiedades físicas de un suelo derivado de cenizas volcánicas sometido a distintas estrategias de mejoramiento de una pradera degradada.. Agro sur. 44, 29-40
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Kemp, PD., Flores, PG., Dorner, J., & Zhang, B. (2016). Decision tree model: A tool for pasture management. Agro Sur. 44(2), 3-10 Retrieved from http://agrosur-journal.cl/agrosur/
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Balocchi, OA., Alvarez, X., Flores, P., & Latrille, L. (2016). Selectivity of Bromus valdivianus Phil., Lolium perenne L. and Agrostis capillaris L. by grazing dairy cows. Agro Sur. 44(3), 53-65 Retrieved from http://agrosur-journal.cl/agrosur/
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Dec, D., Ivelic-Sáez, J., Zúñiga, F., Balocchi, O., Lopez Campbell, I., Horn, R., . . . Dörner, J. (2015). Capacity and intensity parameters of the pore system for the evaluation of the soil physical quality of an Andisol under grazing.. Agro sur. 43, 77-87
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Ivelic-Sáez, J., Zúñiga, F., Valle, S., López, I., Dec, D., & Dörner, J. (2015). Functional resistance and resilience of the pore system of an andisol exposed to different strategies of pasture improvement under sheep grazing. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 15(3), 663-679
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Keim, JP., López, IF., & Balocchi, OA. (2015). Sward herbage accumulation and nutritive value as affected by pasture renovation strategy. Grass and Forage Science. 70(2), 283-295
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Chauveau, M., Gasto, J., Lopez Campbell, IF., Clunes, J., & Dorner, J. (2015). Efecto del cambio de manejo de una pradera degradada sobre la resiliencia fisica de un suelo en la precordillera andina de la Araucania. Agro Sur. 43, 19-28
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Ramirez, M., Keim, JP., & Balocchi, O. (2014). Vegetational dynamics of sown pastures with native and naturalized species with and without fertilizer application. Agro sur. , 3-14 Retrieved from http://agrosur-journal.cl/agrosur/
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Zúñiga, F., Ivelic-Sáez, J., López, I., Huygens, D., & Dörner, FJ. (2015). Temporal dynamics of the physical quality of an Andisol under a grazing system subjected to different pasture improvement strategies. Soil and Tillage Research. 145, 233-241
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Rivero, MJ., Lopez Campbell, IF., & Hodgkinson, SM. (2014). Pasture dry matter intake in European wild boars (Sus scrofa L.) as affected by herbage allowance. Journal of Animal Science. 91, 1758-1764
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Balocchi, O., Kusanovic, K., Loaiza, P., & Lopez Campbell, I. (2013). Growth dynamic and nutritional quality of a Lolium perenne L. pasture under different defoliation frequencies: spring-summer period.. Agro sur. 41(1), 11-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Dörner, J., Dec, D., Zúñiga, F., Horn, R., Lopez Campbell, I., Leiva, C., . . . Cuevas, JG. (2013). Changes in the Physical Quality of an Andosol under Different Management Intensities in Southern Chile. Catena. 42, 262-281
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Hodgkinson, SM., Matus, F., & Lopez, IF. (2013). Behavior of grazing European wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a semi-extensive production system. Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria. 40(1), 193-199
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Rivero, MJ., López, IF., & Hodgkinson, SM. (2013). Pasture dry matter consumption in European wild boars (Sus scrofa L.) as affected by herbage allowance. Journal of Animal Science. 91(4), 1758-1764
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Keim, JP., López, IF., & Berthiaume, R. (2014). Nutritive value, in vitro fermentation and methane production of perennial pastures as affected by botanical composition over a growing season in the south of Chile. Animal Production Science. 54(5), 598-607
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Keim, JP., Valderrama, X., Alomar, D., & López, IF. (2013). In situ rumen degradation kinetics as affected by type of pasture and date of harvest. Scientia Agricola. 70(6), 405-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Rivero, J., López, I., & Hodgkinson, S. (2013). Pasture consumption and grazing behaviour of European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) under continuous and rotational grazing systems. Livestock Science. 154(1-3), 175-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Hodgkinson, SM., Matus, F., & Lopez Campbell, IF. (2013). Behaviour of grazing European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in a semi-extensive production system. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria. 40(1), 193-199
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Dörner, J., Zúñiga, F., & López, I. (2013). Short-term effects of different pasture improvement treatments on the physical quality of an andisol. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 13(2), 381-399
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, IF., Kemp, PD., Dörner, J., Descalzi, CA., Balocchi, OA., & García, S. (2013). Competitive Strategies and Growth of Neighbouring Bromus valdivianus Phil. and Lolium perenne L. Plants Under Water Restriction. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 199(6), 449-459
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Dec, D., Dörner, J., Balocchi, O., & López, I. (2012). Temporal dynamics of hydraulic and mechanical properties of an Andosol under grazing. Soil and Tillage Research. 125, 44-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Poff, JA., Balocchi, OA., & Lpez, IF. (2011). Sward and tiller growth dynamics of Lolium perenne L. as affected by defoliation frequency during autumn. Crop and Pasture Science. 62(4), 346-354
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Hodgkinson, SM., Cárcamo, A., & López, I. (2011). Selective grazing of Lolium perenne and Plantago lanceolata by growing European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in a semi-extensive system. Livestock Science. 140(1-3), 268-274
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Soto, CA., Lopez Campbell, I., & Balocchi, OA. (2010). Ingestive behaviour of dairy cows grazing Lolium perenne L. pastures with different types and levels of Neotyphodium lolii (Latch, Christensen and Samuels).. Agro sur. 38, 222-233
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Alarcón, C., Dörner, J., Balocchi, O., & Lopez Campbell, I. (2010). Effect of two grazing intensities on the hydraulic properties of an Andisol soil (Duric Hapludand).. Agro sur. 38, 30-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Blanco, A., Balocchi, O., & Lopez, I. (2010). Phenotypic variability of Bromus valdivianus Phil. accessions.. Agro sur. 38, 68-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Balocchi, OA., & López, IF. (2009). Herbage production, nutritive value and grazing preference of diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass cultivars (Lolium perenne L.). Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 69(3), 331-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Hodgkinson, SM., López, IF., & Navarrete, S. (2009). Ingestion of energy, protein and amino acids from pasture by grazing European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in a semi-extensive production system. Livestock Science. 122(2-3), 222-226
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgkinson, S., Lopez Campbell, I.
Lpez, IF., Balocchi, OA., Kemp, PD., & Valds, C. (2009). Phenotypic variability in Holcus lanatus L. in southern Chile: A strategy that enhances plant survival and pasture stability. Crop and Pasture Science. 60(8), 768-777
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Andwanter, V., López, I., & Balocchi, O. (2008). Selectividad de vacas lecheras en pastoreo por cultivares de Lolium perenne L.. Agro sur. 36, 15-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, IF., Valentine, I., Lambert, MG., Hedderley, DI., & Kemp, PD. (2006). Plant functional groups in a heterogeneous environment. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(4), 439-450
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Anwandter, V., Balocchi, O., López, I., & Pinochet, D. (2005). Phenotypic plasticity of Holcus lanatus L. accessions collected from pastures with contrasting levels of soil available phosphorous.. Agro sur. 32, 13-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Doepel, L., Pacheco, D., Kennelly, JJ., Hanigan, MD., López, IF., & Lapierre, H. (2004). Milk protein synthesis as a function of amino acid supply. Journal of Dairy Science. 87(5), 1279-1297
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, I., & Valentine, I. (2003). Rol de la diversidad de especies pratenses y de los grupos funcionales de especies sobre la condición de la pradera y su estabilidad.. Agro sur. 31, 60-76
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, IF., Lambert, MG., Mackay, AD., & Valentine, I. (2003). The influence of topography and pasture management on soil characteristics and herbage accumulation in hill pasture in the North Island of New Zealand. Plant and Soil. 255(2), 421-434
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, IF., Hodgson, J., Hedderley, DI., Valentine, I., & Lambert, MG. (2003). Selective defoliation by sheep according to slope and plant species in the hill country of New Zealand. Grass and Forage Science. 58(4), 339-349
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, I., Balocchi, O., & Niklitschek, P. (1999). Phenological and productive characterisation of Agrostis capillaris and Holcus lanatus in the Dominio Húmedo of Chile.. Agro sur. 27, 59-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Balocchi, O., López, I., & Pfister, M. (1999). Physical and germination characterisation of the seeds of native and naturalised pasture species in southern Chile II: Anthoxanthum odoratum, Holcus lanatus, Poa pratensis and Lotus uliginosus.. Agro sur. 27, 35-47
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Balocchi, O., López, I., & Lukaschewsky, J. (1998). Physical and germination characterisation of the seeds of native and naturalised pasture species in southern Chile. I: Agrostis capillaris L., Arrhenatherum elatius L. ssp bulbosus (willd), Bromus valdivianus Phil., Paspalum dasypleurus Kunza ex Desv. and Trifolium dubium Sibth.. Agro sur. 26, 11-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, I., Balocchi, O., Lailhacar, P., & Oyarzún, C. (1997). Characterization of the growing sites of six native and naturalized species in the Dominio Húmedo of Chile.. Agro sur. 25, 62-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, I., Gastó, J., & Cosio, F. (1995). Characterization of district and sites of the Very Cold and Dry Summer Tendency Steppe or Occidental Patagonia.. Agro sur. 23, 1-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Balocchi, O., López, I., Nahuelhual, L., & Estay, A. (1993). Characterization of three naturalised grass species of the ‘Dominio Húmedo’ of Chile.. Agro sur. 21, 142-153
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, I. (1991). Characteristics of the Cold Steppe grassland.. Simiente. 61, 22-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.


Lopez Campbell, IF.(2016). O passado e o presente dos sistemas de produção agrícola.
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Dorner, J., Dec, D., Zuniga, F., Horn, R., Leiva, C., . . . Cuevas, JG.(2013). Changes in the Physical Quality of an Andosol under Different Management Intensities in Southern Chile. : CATENA Verlag GMBH
[Authored Book]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.


Lopez Campbell, IF., Ordoñez, IP., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Herrmann, P., Hernández, F., . . . Bhatia, S. (2017). Pasture brome (Bromus valdivianus) leaf growth physiology: a six-leaf grass species. In SL. Woodward (Ed.) Agronomy New Zealand. Vol. 47 (pp. 13 - 22).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Ordonez, I., Dorner, J., Salas, R., Descalzi, C., & Kemp, PD.The impact of the pasture improvement strategies over the pore functioning and water dynamics of the soil. . Valdivia, Chile
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Descalzi, C., Dorner, JM., & Kemp, PD. (2016). Effect of soil water restriction and soil disturbance on Lolium perenne L. y Bromus valdivianus Phil. growth response. In R. Allende, F. Bas, P. Toro, & DL. Teixeira (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XLI (pp. 150 - 151). Chile: XLI Annual Congress of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
López, IF., & Kemp, PD. (2016). Hill country pastures in the southern North Island of New Zealand: an overview. Grassland Research and Practice. Vol. 16 (pp. 289 - 297).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Zuniga, F., Ivelic, J., Flores, P., Huygens, D., & Dorner, J. (2014). Effect of pasture improvement strategies on soil quality and pasture botanical composition and yield. Proceedings of the Chilean Soil Science Society. : XII Annual Conference of the Chilean Soil Science Society
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Zuniga, F., Ivelic, J., Huygens, D., & Dorner, J.Soil physical quality as an indicator to select a pasture improvement strategy in a degraded pasture grazed by sheep in Southern Chile. . San Luis, Potosi, Mexico
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Descalzi, CA., Dorner, JM., Kemp, PD., & Balocchi, OA. (2014). Evaluation of the establishment of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens sowing through cultivated seedbed or direct drilling. Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal. Vol. 34 (pp. 574 - 574). : XXVII Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Animal Production/XXXIX Meeting of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Negron, ML., & Dorner, JM. (2014). Soil structural stability of an Andisol on permanent pastures grazed by dairy cows of contrasting live weight. Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal. Vol. 34 (pp. 573 - 573). : XXVII Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Animal Production/XXXIX Meeting of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Descalzi, CA., Dorner, JM., Kemp, PD., & Balocchi, OA. (2014). Evaluation of degraded pasture improvement methods for intensive grazing sheep systems. Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal. Vol. 34 (pp. 572 - 572). : XXVII Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Animal Production/XXXIX Meeting of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Loaiza, P., Balocchi, O., & De La Barra, C. (2013). Crude protein fractions are affected by pattern of nitrogen application in perennial ryegrass. In C. Barchiesi, & R. Morales (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVIII (pp. 112 - 113). : XXXVIII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Ivelic, J., Zuniga, F., Valle, S., Dec, D., & Dorner, J. (2013). Effect of different pasture improvement strategies on the functional resistance and resilience of the porous system of an Andisol under sheep grazing. In C. Barchiesi, & R. Morales (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVIII (pp. 156 - 157). Chile: XXXVIII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Zuniga, F., Ivelic, J., Huygens, D., & Dorner, J. (2013). Andisol quality, under sheep grazing system: an integrative view. In C. Brachiesi, & R. Morales (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVIII (pp. 178 - 179). : XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Zuniga, F., Ivelic, J., & Dorner, J.Assessment soil quality grassland under sheep grazing. A temporal and integrative vision. . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Zuniga, F., Dorner, J., Ivelic, J., & Huygens, D.Soil physical quality, a tool for sustainable development of sheep grazing systems. . Viña del Mar, Chile
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Nunez, C., & Hodgkinson, S. (2012). Selectivity between Lolium perenne L. and Bromus valdivianus Phil. by grazing European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in summer. Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 193 - 194). : XXXVII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Loaiza, P., Balocchi, O., & Bertrand, A. (2012). Soluble carbohydrate content composition of a Lolium perenne L. as affected by nitrogen supply and defoliation frequency. Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 173 - 174). : XXXVII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Keim, JP., & Berthiaume, R. (2012). In vitro ruminal fermentation of naturalised and sown pastures from Southern Chile. In F. Ortega, P. Williams, & M. Doussoulin (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 65 - 66). Chile: XXXVII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Rivero, J., & Hodgkinson, S. (2012). Pasture consumption of European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) under continuous and rotational grazing. In F. Ortega, P. Williams, & M. Doussoulin (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 59 - 60). : XXXVII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Vera, N., Flores, P., Kemp, P., & Dorner, J. (2012). Selectivity of B. valdivianus and L. perenne in improved pastures by grazing sheep during Autumn. In F. Ortega, P. Williams, & M. Doussoulin (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 185 - 186). : XXXVII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Flores, P., Kemp, PD., & Dorner, J. (2012). Early succession of pasture species in a degraded pasture as a response to fertiliser application and intensive grazing by sheep. In F. Ortega, P. Williams, & M. Doussoulin (Eds.) Proceedings of the Chilean Society of Animal Production. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 183 - 184). Chile: XXXVII Conference of the Chilean Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.
Lopez, I., Valentine, I., Hedderley, D., & Lambert, MG.Species segregation and functional groups in the hill country of New Zealand. PROCEEDINGS OF THE XIX INTERNATIONAL GRASSLAND CONGRESS. (pp. 887 - 888).
[Conference]Authored by: Lopez Campbell, I.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 2
Co-supervisor 1 2

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Bia Anchao Oliveira - Doctor of Philosophy
    Functional complementarity in diverse pastures: an agroecological approach for pasture-based dairy systems in temperate climates

Co-supervisor of:

  • Yaliska Moreno Gonzalez - Doctor of Philosophy
    Impact of regenerative agriculture on animal performance and milk fatty acid composition in dairy cattle- a comparative study

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2022 - Javier Garcia Favre - Doctor of Philosophy
    Leaf regrowth stage as a morpho-physiological indicator of Bromus valdivianus and Lolium perenne mixed pasture defoliation in New Zealand grazing syst
  • 2020 - Iv獺n Ord籀簽ez V獺squez - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pursuing pasture tolerance and resilience through species with different functional traits and soil-plant-water interactions

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Thomas Smith - Doctor of Philosophy
    Transformative silvopastoral systems in New Zealand hill country with knuka
  • 2021 - Lekamalage Visna Weerarathne - Doctor of Philosophy
    Water-use efficiency in perennial ryegrass