
Prof Jeff Wongchoti staff profile picture

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Prof Jeff Wongchoti

Professor of Finance

School of Economics and Finance

Jeff, a finance PhD from USA with diverse publications in quality journals (including TWENTY TWO 'A'-rated articles in ABDC list).  An advisory editorial board member to Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, he has served as a referee for journals/conferences in hundreds of occasions worldwide. He has also mentored and supervised NINE PhD graduates at 蹤獲扦 University. since-2003


                                                              STUDENTS' TESTIMONIALS: 



"Dr. Jeff (Wongchoti) has been the absolute perfect man for the 125.330 Capstone course, and has arisen as my degree's all-time favourite professor." - 125.330 Anonymous

"Firstly, I just want to say, how much I am enjoying your lectures! 蹤獲扦 has kept the best till this final/capstone paper (125330)!" - 125.330 Local Distance student

"I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your lectures- they are extremely helpful. I struggle a bit with finance and past teachers have just stated the lecture slides very plainly, but you really explain the concepts and after watching it everything seems logical. It makes a big difference & I’m starting to enjoy finance a bit more. So thank you!!" - 125.330 Local Distance student

"Your passion and enthusiasm for the subject have certainly sparked a greater interest in me. Wishing you a pleasant day ahead and eagerly anticipating our next class."  - 125.810 International Block student

Pre 2023:


“Really loved this course. Jeff's teaching style is very effective, managing to break down complicated concepts to be understandable, which is a great quality to have when teaching a capstone course. Overall I feel like this course nicely expanded on all my previous corporate finance knowledge in a way that will be useful and applicable to my career. Jeff was great when it came to setting instructions for assignments; he gave us helpful hints without giving us the answer directly, which made the work very meaningful and rewarding. Jeff is a very approachable guy, who would always provide useful answers and explanations to any quires I had. He always made an effort to connect with the students; whether it be simply asking for our names, or asking for our opinions on the content of the course. Hands down the best lecturer I've had and the most interesting/ enjoyable class I've taken!” 

“I really liked the way Jeff taught this course. Usually, I can just memorize formulas and plug away at the numbers but I felt like Jeff was always trying to push for more than that. He was always trying to push for us to understand what those numbers and formulas mean. I’ve done pretty well in past finance papers, but this paper challenged me. I didn’t like it at first because I just wanted to plug in the numbers as in the past and get a good grade. But I’ve come to appreciate this paper and Jeff’s approach to teaching finance. I can definitely see why this is the capstone course for finance, it really does test to see if you actually understood anything in those previous finance courses. Thanks Jeff.” 




  •   Published 37 Articles-in-Finance
  •   22-of-which ranked 'A-level' (ABDC list):

               Financial Management

               Journal of Banking and Finance (A* ,THREE-articles;2015,2016,2022)

               Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting (A*:2022)

               The Financial Review (FOUR-articles;2005,2005,2015,2019)

               Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (THREE-articles;2008,2016,2021)

               International Review of Financial Analysis (THREE-articles;2008,2009,2016)

               International Review of Economics and Finance

               Emerging Markets Review(TWO-articles:2015,2024)

               Finance Research Letters (2019:highly-cited-article-on-cryptocurrency)

               International Review of Finance 

               Applied Economics

               Global Finance Journal


  • NINE complete(&FIVE on-going) 蹤獲扦-finance PhD-supervisions
  • TEN Taught Courses@蹤獲扦: Fundamentals-of-Finance(100-level-125100), Managerial-Finance(700-level-125700), Investment (MBA), Advanced-Business-Finance (Finance-Final-Undergrad-Course-125330), Reseach-Methods (econometrics-125785), Advanced-Risk-Management-125781, Bank-Financial-Management-125364, Case-Studies-in-Corporate-Finance-and-Risk-Management-125810,and-Advanced-Risk-Analytics-125811 (Teaching-evaluation:Year-2020 Approval-rate 98% on-average)
  • Notable speaker/contributor/referee for finance conferences/journals worldwide
  • Post-Graduate/College Studies Committee(2008-2016)
  • PhD-coordinator(SEF-PNTH-campus)
  • International-coauthors-network(47): 蹤獲扦(12),NZ(5),US(8),China(8),Vietnam(6),Malaysia(2),Cambodia,Canada,Pakistan,Thailand,Australia,and Singapore



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Contact details

  • Ph: 84053
    Location: 2.06, Business Studies West (BSW)
    Campus: Turitea

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Current interests/missions include (but not limited to):

Stock price synchronicity and its implications:

"Jeff is one of the advocates of the radical view that less synchronized (low R2) stocks are actually less (not more) informative. He proved this point through the use of signalling effect. His co-authored paper that uses signalling from analyst recommendation revisions was published in Journal of Banking and Finance in 2015. He is now also campaigning this very important point through dividend signalling effect and the link to corporate bond markets."

Shareholder activism (with GMI proposal data 2003 to 2010 available for co-authoring):

"Jeff, together with co-authors, published the first paper that points to the reduction of information asymmetry between corporate outsiders as a result of shareholder activism, as evidenced in union shareholder activism. This is published in Journal of Banking and Finance 2016."

Political aspects and stock returns

"In the Financial Review 2015, Jeff's co-authored paper shows that politically-connected firms in Thailand provides return premiums. This advocates the market efficiency as 'economic rents' should be valued in Thailand and political connections (not always obvious) can be traced  based on active search by investors. This article was also featured in the short-list for FR readers' choice award during 2015. His 2015 Emerging Markets Review article also indicated that militargy regimes do not necessarily lead to inferior stock market performances in emerging markets, according to the data. Jeff also co-authored in the first paper (2005) that looked at the effect of 'labour' versus 'national' governments on New Zealand stock market. The findings in New Zealand was not as puzzling as in the US, as shown in that study." 

CSR and emerging issues in corporate finance

"Together with co-authors, Jeff publishes a forthcoming paper in International Review of Financial Analysis 2016 that CSR requires positioning. For some types of companies, being a bit worse than peers can even produce values. Relative (not absolute, as conventionally analyzed) CSR is the key. Other working manuscripts touch on 'geography of CSR', 'CSR inactivity as a possible indicator of myopic behaviors', and 'CSR aspects in Kiwi corporations."  

Gender diversity and issues in corporate finance

"In 2016, Jeff publishes a paper with his co-authors in Pacific Basin Finance Journal that supports the role of female executives among Chinese corproations in the reduction of value-destroying corporate risk-taking."

Aspects in Exchange Traded Funds

"Jeff published two articles (2011, 2014) in a practitioners based journal (Journal of Index Investing) that touch on the issues around gold and silver ETFs."

Investors' learning and stock valuation

 "Jeff has worked on an ambitious co-authored project that points to the learning curve in stock valuation around the world. The paper also shows that the enforcement of insider trading laws is critical in the process." 


Other past published articles:

Trading volume dynamics

Trading strategies and profits

Microstructure applications to IPO

Stock price informativeness

The above were published in The Financial Review, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis, and others. 



Design for Commerce, Community and Culture

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Economics (140000):
Information And Computing Sciences (080000):
Other Economics (149900)


Financial Eonomics

Research Outputs


Feng, Y., Hao, W., Fang, J., & Wongchoti, U. (2024). In the radiance of enlightenment: The influence of nontheistic religions on corporate default risk. Emerging Markets Review. 60
[Journal article]Authored by: Fang, J., Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Ding, DK., Ferreira, C., Ngo, VM., Nguyen, PV., & Wongchoti, U. (2024). Corporate social responsibility and myopic management practice: Is there a link?. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. 62(1), 271-308
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Lu, B., Hao, W., Liao, J., & Wongchoti, U. (2023). A leap of faith that echoes well? The value impact of Chinese firms starting up business overseas. Global Finance Journal. 57
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Liao, J., Wongchoti, U.
Nguyen, CP., Nguyen, ND., & Wongchoti, J. (2023). A look beyond climate risk exposure: the impact of incapacity to cope with natural hazards on fnancial development. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30, 58058-58076 Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-023-26621-1
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Fang, J., Liu, N., de Bruin, A., & Wongchoti, U. (2022). The salience of children to household financial decisions. Journal of Banking and Finance. 139
[Journal article]Authored by: Fang, J., Wongchoti, U.
Hafeez, B., Kabir, MH., & Wongchoti, U. (2022). Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. 49(3-4), 423-460
[Journal article]Authored by: Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., Tian, G., Hao, W., Ding, Y., & Zhou, H. (2021). Earnings quality and crash risk in China: an integrated analysis. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. 28(1), 2-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Fang, J., Hao, W., & Wongchoti, U. (2022). Time-series momentum in individual stocks: is it there and where to look?. Applied Economics. 54(18), 2048-2066
[Journal article]Authored by: Fang, J., Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Trinh, HH., Nguyen, CP., Hao, W., & Wongchoti, U. (2021). Does stock liquidity affect bankruptcy risk? DID analysis from Vietnam. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 69
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Canh, NP., Hao, W., & Wongchoti, U. (2021). The impact of economic and financial activities on air quality: a Chinese city perspective. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28(7), 8662-8680
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.Edited by: Hao, W.
Canh, NP., Wongchoti, U., & Thanh, SD. (2021). Does economic policy uncertainty matter for insurance development? Evidence from 16 OECD countries. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice. 46(4), 614-648
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Hao, W., Wongchoti, U., Young, M., & Chen, J. (2021). R<sup>2</sup> and the corporate signaling effect. International Review of Finance. 21(4), 1353-1381
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, J., Hao, W., Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Wongchoti, U., Tian, G., Hao, W., Ding, Y., & Zhou, H. (2021). Earnings quality and crash risk in China: an integrated analysis. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. 28(1), 2-19 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JABES-02-2020-0012/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Nguyen, CP., Su, TD., Wongchoti, U., & Schinckus, C. (2020). The spillover effects of economic policy uncertainty on financial markets: a time-varying analysis. Studies in Economics and Finance. 37(3), 513-543
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Qu, W., Wongchoti, U., Wu, F., & Chen, Y. (2018). Does information asymmetry lead to higher debt financing? Evidence from China during the NTS Reform period. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. 25(1), 109-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Oad Rajput, SK., Wongchoti, U., Chen, J., & Faff, R. (2019). Is Financial Flexibility a Priced Factor in the Stock Market?. Financial Review. 54(2), 345-375
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, J., Wongchoti, U.
Canh, NP., Wongchoti, U., Thanh, SD., & Thong, NT. (2019). Systematic risk in cryptocurrency market: Evidence from DCC-MGARCH model. Finance Research Letters. 29, 90-100
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Hao, W., Prevost, A., & Wongchoti, U. (2018). Are Low Equity R<sup>2</sup> Firms More or Less Transparent? Evidence from the Corporate Bond Market. Financial Management. 47(4), 865-909
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Ding, DK., Ferreira, C., & Wongchoti, U. (2019). The geography of CSR. International Review of Economics and Finance. 59, 265-288 Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1059056018307950
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Ding, DK., Ferreira, C., & Wongchoti, U. (2018). Reading between the lines: not all CSR is good CSR. Pacific Accounting Review. 30(3), 318-333
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Qu, W., Wongchoti, U., Wu, F., & Chen, Y. (2018). Does information asymmetry lead to higher debt financing? Evidence from China during the NTS Reform period. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. 25(1), 109-121 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JABES-04-2018-0006/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Prevost, AK., Wongchoti, U., & Marshall, BR. (2016). Does institutional shareholder activism stimulate corporate information flow?. Journal of Banking and Finance. 70, 105-117
[Journal article]Authored by: Marshall, B., Wongchoti, U.
Khaw, KLH., Liao, J., Tripe, D., & Wongchoti, U. (2016). Gender diversity, state control, and corporate risk-taking: Evidence from China. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 39, 141-158
[Journal article]Authored by: Liao, J., Wongchoti, U.
Ding, DK., Ferreira, C., & Wongchoti, U. (2016). Does it pay to be different? Relative CSR and its impact on firm value. International Review of Financial Analysis. 47, 86-98
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Devos, E., Hao, W., Prevost, AK., & Wongchoti, U. (2015). Stock return synchronicity and the market response to analyst recommendation revisions. Journal of Banking and Finance. 58, 376-389
[Journal article]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Civilize, S., Wongchoti, U., & Young, M. (2015). Political connection and stock returns: A longitudinal study. Financial Review. 50(1), 89-119
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Civilize, S., Wongchoti, U., & Young, M. (2015). Military regimes and stock market performance. Emerging Markets Review. 22, 76-95
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Naylor, MJ., Wongchoti, U., & Ith, H. (2014). Market microstructure of precious metal ETFs. Journal of Index Investing. 5(2), 48-56 Retrieved from http://jii.iijournals.com/content/5/2/48
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U. (2013). Short-term persistence and mutual fund characteristics. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 10(4), 156-165
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., Naylor, MJ., & Gianotti, C. (2011). Abnormal returns in Gold and Silver exchange-traded funds. Journal of Index Investing. 2(2), 96-103 Retrieved from http://www.iijournals.com/doi/abs/10.3905/jii.2011.2.2.096
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Malone, CB., Wongchoti, U., & Mitchell, AJ. (2011). Australasian cash flow reporting regulation: value relevant?. Pacific Accounting Review. 23(3), 345-367
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Guo, Y., Qu, W., Wongchoti, U., & Wu, F. (2011). Can industry returns predict country indices? evidence from emerging markets. Actual Problems of Economics. (7), 355-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., Wu, F., & Young, M. (2009). Buy and sell dynamics following high market returns: Evidence from China. International Review of Financial Analysis. 18(1-2), 12-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Ding, DK., McInish, TH., & Wongchoti, U. (2008). Behavioral explanations of trading volume and short-horizon price patterns: An investigation of seven Asia-Pacific markets. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 16(3), 183-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
McInish, TH., Ding, DK., Pyun, CS., & Wongchoti, U. (2008). Short-horizon contrarian and momentum strategies in Asian markets: An integrated analysis. International Review of Financial Analysis. 17(2), 312-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., & Wu, F. (2008). Provincial co-movement in Chinese stock returns. Applied Financial Economics Letters. 4(3), 171-176
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Cahan, J., Malone, CB., Powell, JG., & Choti, UW. (2005). Stock market political cycles in a small, two-party democracy. Applied Economics Letters. 12(12), 735-740
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Li, M., McInish, TH., & Wongchoti, U. (2005). Asymmetric information in the IPO aftermarket. Financial Review. 40(2), 131-153
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., & Pyun, CS. (2005). Risk-adjusted long-term contrarian profits: Evidence from non-S&amp;P 500 high-volume stocks. Financial Review. 40(3), 335-359
[Journal article]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.


Wongchoti, U., kabir, H., & hafeez, B. (2021). Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. https://giesbusiness.illinois.edu/jbfa-conference. : Journal of Business Finance and Accounting Capital Markets Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Kabir, M., Hafeez, B., & Wongchoti, U.Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. Paper presented at the meeting of Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Gies School of Business, University of Illinois (virtual)
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U.
Kabir, M., Hafeez, B., & Wongchoti, U.Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. . New York, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U.
Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U., & Hafeez, B.Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. . Monash Business School, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U.
Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U., & Hafeez, B.Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. . ShangriLa Hotel, Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U.
Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U., & Hafeez, B. (2019). Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age. Australian Banking and Finance Conference Proceedings.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kabir, M., Wongchoti, U.
Ding, DK., Ferreira, C., & Wongchoti, U.(2019). The geography of CSR. Paper presented at the meeting of International Review of Economics and Finance
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Hao, W., Prevost, A., & Wongchoti, U.Stock return synchronicity and price informativeness: Evidence from the corporate bond market. . Las Vegas, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Hao, W., wongchoti, U., & Young, M.Price informativeness, market expectation and empirical finance. . Seoul, South Korea
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Hao, W., Wongchoti, U., Chen, J., & Young, M.R² and the corporate signaling effect. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Chen, J., Hao, W., Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Wongchoti, U., Prevost, A., & Hao, W. (2016, October). Stock return synchronicity and price informativeness: Evidence from the corporate bond market. Presented at 2016 FMA Annual Meeting Program. Las Vegas, United States of America.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hao, W., Wongchoti, U.
Ferreira, C., Ding, DKY., & Wongchoti, U.Corporate Social Responsibility: The Myopic Barometer?. . Orlando, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Ferreira, C., Ding, DKY., & Wongchoti, U.Corporate Social Responsibility: The Myopic Barometer?. . Hangzhou, China
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Ferreira, ., Ding, DKY., & Wongchoti, U.The geography of corporate social responsibility. . Nashville, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Ferreira, C., Ding, DKY., & Wongchoti, .The Geography of Corporate Social Responsibility. . Maastricht, Netherlands
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Ferreira, C., Ding, DKY., & Wongchoti, U.Reading between the lines: Financial reporting, implied corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance. . Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., Ferreira, C., & Ding, D. (2014). The geography of corporate social responsibility. 2014 European Financial Management Association Conference. (pp. 1 - 49). The Netherlands: 2014 European Financial Management Associaion Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Ferreira, C., Ding, D., & Wongchoti, U. (2014). Reading between the lines: Financial reporting, implied corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance. New Zealand Finance Colloquium 2014. (pp. 1 - 21). : New Zealand Finance Colloquium 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
wongchoti, udomsak, ., chen, jianguo, ., & oad rajput, suresh, . (2013, October). Latent growth, corporate financing decisions, and return predictability. Presented at 2013 FMA Annual Meeting. Chicago USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
wongchoti, ., wongchoti, Udomsak, ., & prevost, Andrew, . (2013, October). Union shareholder activism and information asymmetry. Presented at Financial Management Association Annual Meeting 2013. Chicago, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U. (2013, December). Insider trading laws, learning, and firm valuation: A global perspective. Presented at The 26th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference. Sydney, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., Chen, J., & Young, M. (2012, October). Stock price informativeness, dividen signalling, and earning prospects. Presented at 2012 FMA Annual Meeting. Atlanta USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U. (2012). Stock price informativeness dividend signalling and earning prospects. FMA Annual Meeting. (pp. 1 - 45). United States of America: Financial Management Association Meeting
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Huang, P., Wongchoti, U., & Zhang, Y. (2011, April). Does the value of derivatives use depend on corporate governance? Evidence from U.K. firms.. Presented at 2011 FMA (Financial Management Association) Asian Meeting. Queenstown, NZL.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Naylor, M., Wongchoti, U., & Chen, J.(2010). Profiting from black swan trades: Evidence from S&P 500 puts. . Barcelona, Spain
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Chen, J., Wongchoti, U.
Civilize, S., Wongchoti, U., & Young, M. (2010). Military regimes and stock markets. Asian Finance Association International Conference 2010.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Malone, C., Wongchoti, U., & Mitchell, A. (2010). Investing and financing cash flow disclosure requirements-value relevant?. 14th New Zealand Finance Colloquium.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Naylor, M., Wongchoti, U., & Chen, J.(2010). Profiting from black swan trades: Evidence from S&P 500 puts. . Barcelona, Spain
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Malone, CB., Wongchoti, U., & Mitchell, AJ.(2010). Investing and financing cash flow disclosure requirements - value relevant?. . University of Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., Wu, F., & Young, MR. (2008). Different priors, investor trading activites and the lead-lag relationship between market return and trading volume: Evidence from China. Proceedings of the Financial Management Association Annual Conference. (pp. 1 - 30).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U., Young, M.
Jain, PK., & Wongchoti, U. (2008). The speed of learning about firms' profitability and their price multiples: A global perspective. Proceedings of the Financial Management Association Annual Conference. (pp. 1 - 40).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Jain, PK., & Wongchoti, U. (2008). Speed of learning about firms' profitability and their price multiples: A global perspective. Proceedings of the 35th EFA Annual Conference. (pp. 1 - 41).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Jain, PK., & Wongchoti, U. (2008). The speed of learning about firms' profitability and their price multiples: A global perspective. Proceedings of the 12th New Zealand Finance Colloquium. (pp. unpaged - 37).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, J., McInish, TH., Ding, D., & Pyun, CS. (2005). Short-horizon price pattern of thin and thick trading stocks in seven Pacific-Basin capital markets. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting Program. (pp. unpaged). Chicago, IL
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., McInish, TH., Ding, D., & Pyun, CS. (2005, October). Short-horizon price pattern of thin and thick trading stocks in seven Pacific-Basin capital markets. Presented at 2005 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
McInish, TH., Ding, D., Pyun, CS., & Wongchoti, JU. (2005). Trading volume and short-horizon price pattern: A cross-country test on three behavioural models. 16th Asian Finance Association Conference. (pp. unpaged). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
McInish, TH., Wongchoti, U., & Ding, D. (2005, April). Trading volume and short-horizon price pattern: A cross-country test on three behavioural models. Presented at Eastern Finance Association Conference 2005. Norfolk, VA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Bhabra, H., Cahan, J., Malone, CB., Powell, JG., & Wongchoti, U. (2004). Political cycles and the stock market down-under. Additional evidence on the presidential puzzle. In A. Tourani Rad, A. Gunasekarage, & A. Gilbert (Eds.) 8th New Zealand Finance Colloquium. (pp. 1 - 22). Hamilton, NZ: Proceedings of the 8th New Zealand Finance Colloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Li, M., McInish, TH., & Wongchoti, J. (2003). Assymetric information in the IPO aftermarket. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. (pp. unpaged). Denver, CO
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Li, M., McInish, TH., & Wongchoti, U. (2003, October). Asymmetric information in the IPO aftermarket. Presented at FMA Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.
Wongchoti, U., & Pyun, CS. (2002, October). Risk-Adjusted Contrarian profits: Evidence from Non-S&P 500 High Trading Volume Stocks. Presented at FMA Annual Meeting 2002,. San Antonio, TX.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wongchoti, U.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 5
Co-supervisor 1 4

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Swati Puri - Doctor of Philosophy
    Corporate Finance in Indian Markets
  • Hai Hong Trinh - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Financial Impacts of Climate Risk

Co-supervisor of:

  • Norah Feng - Doctor of Philosophy
    Retirement planning and pension fund

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Van Phuc Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Three Essays on the Impact of Regulatory Changes on Firms Operation
  • 2023 - Baizhou Lu - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Economic Impact of Corporate Offshore Investments: A Chinese Perspective
  • 2022 - Sulueti Manu O'Uiha - Doctor of Philosophy
    Aligning interests: The Impact of CEO Compensation Schemes on Corporate Executive Behaviour and the Cost of Debt
  • 2022 - Anum Malik - Doctor of Philosophy
    Three Essays on Style Drift in Mutual Funds
  • 2016 - Wei Hao - Doctor of Philosophy
    R2 and Stock Price Informativeness: New Empirical Evidence

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Bilal Raja - Doctor of Philosophy
    Emerging Aspects of Shareholder Activism
  • 2015 - Suresh Rajput - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pattern Recognition Techniques and Financial Analysis
  • 2015 - Christoffel Ferreira - Doctor of Philosophy
    Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility
  • 2012 - Sireethorn Civilize - Doctor of Philosophy
    The impact of Politics on Stock Return Dynamics in Emerging Markets