
Associate Professor Vijaya Muralidharan staff profile picture

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Associate Professor Vijaya Muralidharan DPhilEd

Director of Academic Programmes

Institute of Education

Associate Professor in Inclusive Education

Institute of Education

Prior to entering academia, I worked as a psychologist with children and young persons with a range of educational, social and emotional needs for nearly 15 years. I have also worked as a classroom teacher both in New Zealand and overseas and briefly as an itinerant special needs teacher. I have been involved in inter-agency work with governmental and non-governmental organisations.This positions me well to undertake collaborative research work alongside school and teachers, as well as researchers in the field of health, social work and psychologists.

My professional philosophy is underpiined by a firm belief that every child can learn and thrive given appropriate opportunities and support.  Therefore my research and supervision interests support the themes of equity and social justice in schools and communities. I am fundamentally a qualitative researcher with a keen interest to explore perceptions and lived experiences of individuals.  Currently I supervise and co-supervise a number of Master's students and a couple of doctoral students. I also  mentor and advise Master's students undertaking professional inquiry projects.

I  am an Associate Professor at 蹤獲扦 University New Zealand . I teach in the Masters in Educational and Developmental Psychology Programme. I have the role of Director of Academic Programmes in the Institute of Education. My research interests are in the field of inclusive education, Autism, children and young persons with emotional and behavioural difficulties, school engagement. I am a registered psychologist with annual practising certificate and also a registered teacher.



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Contact details

  • Ph: +64-6-3569099 ext 84315
    Location: 3.1, Collinson Village
    Campus: Turitea


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education - Victoria University (2010)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Inclusive education; Autism; Emotional and Behaviour difficulties; .Student engagement in Secondary schools. Teacher Edcuation;Multicultural Education;

Research Opportunities

  • MURF project  (24/01/2014) Exploring the interpretations of 'continual disobedience' by secondary schools as this category attracts the maximum number of suspensions and stand-downs in high schools.
  • Early Researcher Grant  (15/09/2013) Autism project


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Early Childhood Education (excl. Maori) (130102): Education (130000): Education Systems (130100):
Educational Psychology (170103):
Higher Education (130103): Primary Education (excl. Maori) (130105):
Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000):
Special Education and Disability (130312): Specialist Studies in Education (130300): Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators (130313)


 Inclusive education; Autism; Emotional and Behaviour difficulties; .Student engagement ;Teacher Edcuation

Research Outputs


Miller, H., Bourke, R., & Dharan, V. (2023). Fostering success: young people’s experience of education while in foster care. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 27(6), 689-703
[Journal article]Authored by: Bourke, R., Muralidharan, V.
Read, E., Robertson, T., Dharan, V., & O'Neill, J. (2022). Secondary students’ perceptions of their school’s disciplinary processes. Set: Research Information for Teachers. 2022(3), 46-51 Retrieved from https://www.nzcer.org.nz/node/61943
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V., O'Neill, J.
Dharan, V., & Mincher, N. (2024). Continual disobedience: a term perpetuating exclusive practices in schools. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 28(10), 2251-2264
[Journal article]Authored by: Mincher, N., Muralidharan, V.
Busch, R., & Dharan, V. (2021). The Impact of Innovative Learning Environments on Sensory Processing Difficulties: Students’ Perspectives.. International Journal of Student Voice,. 6(7), Retrieved from https://sites.psu.edu/ijsv/volume-6/
[Journal article]Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V. (2021). Autistic students and Learning Partnerships. Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. First Online, 1-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V. (2020). Education & Girls on the Autism Spectrum – Developing an Integrated Approach. Kairaranga. 20(2), 63-64
[Book Review]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2020). It is not THEM and US – Sustainable outcomes for children and young people on the autism spectrum. Kairaranga. 21(1), 17-28 Retrieved from https://kairaranga.ac.nz/index.php/k/article/view/319
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Yeo, L., Riley, T., & Dharan, V. (2018). Banter, belonging, and being unique: Boys’ experiences of acceleration in New Zealand. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education. 27(2), 16-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V., Riley, T.
Yeo, L., Riley, T., & Dharan, V. (2018). Banter, belonging, and being unique: Boys' experiences of acceleration in New Zealand. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education. 27(2), 16-27 Retrieved from https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=915467901427684;res=IELHSS
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V., Riley, T.
Mentis, M., Holley-Boen, W., Butler, P., Kearney, A., Budd, J., Riley, T., . . . Bevan-Brown, J. (2016). Mwhai: Webbing a professional identity through networked interprofessional communities of practice. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 60(November), 66-75
[Journal article]Authored by: Butler, P., Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Muralidharan, V., Riley, T.
Mentis, M., Holley-Boen, W., Butler, P., Kearney, A., Budd, J., Riley, T., . . . Bevan-Brown, J. (2016). Mwhai: Webbing a professional identity through networked interprofessional communities of practice. Teaching and Teacher Education. 60, 66-75
[Journal article]Authored by: Butler, P., Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Muralidharan, V., Riley, T.
Bourke, R., & Dharan, V. (2015). Assessment practices of educational psychologists in Aotearoa/New Zealand: from diagnostic to dialogic ways of working. Educational Psychology in Practice. 31(4), 369-381
[Journal article]Authored by: Bourke, R., Muralidharan, V.Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2014). Beginning Teachers and diversity - why the need for extended critical professional support. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 43(1), 61-74 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1359866X.2014.940840
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V., Meyer, L., & Mincher, N. (2012). At the receiving end - Are policies and practices working to keep students in high schools?. New Zealand Annual Review of Education. 21, 119-141 Retrieved from http://www.victoria.ac.nz/education/research/nzaroe/issues-index/2011-2012
[Journal article]Authored by: Mincher, N., Muralidharan, V.
Bourke, R., Holden, B., & Dharan, V. (2007). You think you're doing it, but now I question myself. Using a self-review process in New Zealand schools for learning and change. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 7(2), 57-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V. (2006). Enhancing Effective Practice in Special Education (EEPiSE).. Kairaranga. 7, 3-7
[Journal article]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.


Dharan, V. (2016). Introduction. In J. Bevan-Brown, & V. Dharan (Eds.) Autism Spectrum Disorder in Aotearoa New Zealand Promising Practices and Interesting Issues. (pp. 1 - 13). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council of Educational Research Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.Edited by: Muralidharan, V.
Bevan-Brown, J., & Dharan, V. (Eds.) (2016). Autism spectrum disorder in Aotearoa New Zealand: Promising practices and interesting issues. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Education Research
[Edited Book]Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.Edited by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2015). Engraining inclusive pedagogy: The role of teacher educators in the practicum and beyond. In E. Walton, & S. Moonsamy (Eds.) Making Education Inclusive. (pp. 75 - 93). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publisher
[Chapter]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V. (2013). Understanding diversity - Moving beginning teachers beyond receiving the baton. In Inclusive Education: Perspectives on professional practice. (pp. 52 - 65). Auckland, New Zealand: Dunmore Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Carrington, S., Bourke, R., & Dharan, V. (2012). Using the Index for Inclusion to develop inclusive school communities. In S. Carrington, & J. Macarthur (Eds.) Teaching in Inclusive School Communities. (pp. 341 - 364). Australia: Wiley & Sons
[Chapter]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Margrain, V., & Dharan, V. (2011). Connecting curriculum. In V. Margrain, & V. Macfarlane (Eds.) Responsive Pedagogy: Engaging restoratively with challenging behavior.. (pp. 64 - 82). Wellington: NZCER Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Meyer, LH., & Muralidharan, V. (2011). Special education, teacher education and diversity.. (Vol. Four) ,Los Angeles: SAGE
[Scholarly edition]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.


Dharan, VM. (2010). Beginning Teachers, schools, and diversity.. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.


Dharan, V., Pond, R., & Mincher, N. (2022, November). When pandemic is not all doom and gloom – Listening to Teachers and Students. Presented at NZARE. Virtual.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Mincher, N.Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V., Runswick-Cole, K., & Maswell, G. (2021, September). Seize the moment – reconceptualising schools, teaching, and learning. Presented at BERA. Virtual.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V., & Muralidharan, V. (2020, February). Parents and educational psychologists working together.. Presented at 12th Educational Psychology Forum. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
MacArthur, J., Dharan, V., & Rutherford, G. (2017, October). Feeling in or out? Students perspectives on learning support at secondary school. Presented at The Inclusive Education Summit. Adelaide, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.
MacArthur, J., Dharan, V., & Rutherford, G. (2017, October). Feeling in or out: Students' perspectives on learning support at secondary school. Presented at The Inclusive Education Symposium. Adelaide.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.Contributed to by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2017). The tryst with curriculum for parents with children with ASD. Poster session presented at the meeting of Asia-Pacific Autism Conference. Sydney, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2015, November). Continual disobedience - Are we singing from the same song sheet?. Presented at Australian Association of Research in Education (AARE). Perth, Western Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2015). We do, but should we: Dilemma of parents of children with ASD. , Australian Association of Research in Education
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2015). Hearing from the experts – Parents’ knowledge of what works for their children. , Altogether Autism New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, VM. (2015). Engraining inclusive pedagogy: Role of teacher educators in practicum and beyond. In E. Walton, & S. Monogamy (Eds.) Journal. (pp. 75 - 93). : SAALED
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V. (2013, July). For whom the [warning] bells toll. Presented at Inclusive Education Colloquium. Brisbane, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V.Systemic synchronisation of expectations and practices in training teachers. . Johannesburg, South Africa
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V.(2011, November). Culturally competent psychological services - knowing what aspect(s) of diversity matters in pedagogical practice.. .
[Conference]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V. (2011). Tracking beginning teachers' orientations of diversity: why do they change?. CD-ROM. (pp. 1073 - 1082). : Back to the Future: Legacies, Continuities and Changes in Educational Policy, Practice and Research
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Muralidharan, V.What we know and what we learn: perceptions of beginning teachers on student diversity.. . Rotorua
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.


M.Dharan, V., & Muralidharan, V. (2023). What is important learning – Teachers showing the way in the pandemic.. Equity through Education
[Other]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V., & Muralidharan, V. (2020). Extending the flexibility of learning environments for those with autism..
[Other]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Dharan, V., & Muralidharan, V. (2019). Resources, resources everywhere, but --..
[Other]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Haworth, PA., & Dharan, V. (2017, April). Conducting ethical research.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.
Averill, R., Hynds, A., & Muralidharan, V. (2011, November). Visiting lecturers' perceptions of the scope of GTS (Graduating Teacher Standard ) three: understand how contextual factors influence teaching and learning'.. In Victoria University Faculty of Education staff.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Muralidharan, V.


Dharan, V., Pond, R., Mincher, N., & Muralidharan, V. (2022). Teacher and Student Well-being in the Covid-19 pandemic - Full report.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Mincher, N., Muralidharan, V., Pond, R.

Consultancy and Languages


  • Tamil
    Last used: Everyday
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Hindi
    Last used: 2015
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Average
  • Kannada
    Last used: 2015
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

My teaching papers are in the Masters of Educational and Deveopmental Psychology. I thoroughly enjoy online  mode of teaching as it provides a lot of scope for students to express their ideas in many ways including moving away from traditional essay type assignments. I use of community of practice approach to teaching and strongly believe that peer resources are very under used and provide every opportunity in my course to tap into student expertise. 

As a supervisor, I believe in supporting students not only during the completion of their thesis  in a respectful and responsive manner, but also encourage and support their publishing as a co-author.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 4 0
Co-supervisor 0 3

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Matthew Taylor - Doctor of Philosophy
    Healthy masculinity - What impact can a school-based programme have on adolescents' views on masculinity
  • Karen Howell - Doctor of Philosophy
    A study of Specialist Teachers' experiences and preparedness in supporting the inclusion of students funded under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme in Aotearoa mainstream schools.
  • Jeanette Hastie - Doctor of Philosophy
    Mori womens perspective of mothering a loved one who has Autism (tn an Takiwtanga)
  • Leanne Romana - Doctor of Philosophy
    How, when and where do we belong? Exploring teacher perspectives of belonging from lived experience

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Vani Narayanan - Doctor of Philosophy
    An Ethnographic Study of Autistic Childrens Social Experiences at School
  • 2021 - Branka Vasilic - Doctor of Philosophy
    Supporting interprofessional collaborative practice through relational orientation
  • 2019 - Johanna Wood - Doctor of Education
    Professional Learning in Teen Parent (alternative) Education