
Ms Kura Puke staff profile picture

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Kura Puke

Associate Dean - Maori

CoCA - Maori Arts

Animated, illuminated works include ‘Purapurawhetu’ from the 2006 series, ‘Muramura’, 2008 and Te Waipuna, 2012 have shown in national public galleries including Puke Ariki, Pataka Museum, Te Manawa Galleries and international public galleries such as Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, New Mexico, USA.


Kura achieves a wide range of art and technology based installations through through collaboration with experts in their specialist fields.


‘Te Ara Wairua : pathways of the intangible’ with S. Foster (蹤獲扦 University), Dr. H.Geismar (UCL, UK) and Te Matahiapo Research Organisation, June 2014. Cellular-broadband and lighting technologies were applied to create audio and visual experience that allowed a dynamic virtual powhiri to occur between Aotearoa and University College London (UCL) and exhibitions at Octogon and The Gatehouse galleries UCL, UK.. The result was connections created for tangata whenua to taonga housed in collection and ongoing, relationships between tangata whenua, UCL curators and Ngti Ranana in shared responsibilities to the taonga across this physical distance. distance.

Te Hononga :the joining of two worlds, involved virtual real-time aural transmission, from Aotearoa to the wharenui Hinemihi Te Ao Tawhito, Clandon Park, Guildford, Surrey, UK, where actual-time environmental sounds were transmitted, that 'lightwashed'  the meetinghouse, at dawn, on the anniversary of the Tarawera eruption. This was a collaboration with Ngati Hinemihi, Rotorua, The National Trust and Te Maru o Hinemihi, UK.


 ‘Tipi-R-ng蘋’, for Scanz2013: 3rd nature, The ‘He mm whenua’ and ‘H蘋ntore’ projects for TEZA2013, and 'Koe tatou te Tangata" (with Ngti Tawhirikura,  exemplify K.Puke and S.Fosters innovative use of sound-carrying laser and LED lights within kaupapa-driven visual aural experiences within land-based environments. These were created with Te Matahiapo Research Organisation () where aspects of matauranga Maori, in relation to 'technologies' are an ongoing investigation. 


In 2012 Kura Puke in collaboration with Blue Wade (USA) and Te Matahiapo Research Organisation received a residency for ISEA2012 In New Mexico, USA working with several pueblo groups and high-school art and engineering students to work together with Intel Corporation: Centre of Innovation,  to create solar-powered illuminated sculptures (light emitting diodes and fiber-optics) to explore accessible technologies to express and contribute to culture, identity and indigenous knowledge.

Kura has presented conference papers and articles that encompass aspects of matauranga Maori, kaupapa Maori  and indigenous research methodologies as central to Maori/indigenous art analysis.  A paper for AAANZ, 2011 asserted distinctly Maori values as central to Maori art critique. A published journal article surveyed a NZ artist's oeuvre, drawing on a layered reading of Gaelic visual narratives. A paper for Talanoa Oceania Conference, 2011 identified shared aspects towards a specific Pasifika methodology. Presentations at Kingitanga Day, 2012, and He Manawa Whenua Indigenous Research Conference, 2013 have proposed technology as a component that offers the potential for transformation, as dynamic accessible tools to enrich understanding indigenous knowledge 

Kura Puke’s research exemplifies the continuum of indigenous knowledge transmission through use of electronic technologies, to create illuminated artworks that resemble both customary and contemporary patterns and forms. Kura’s work gives aesthetic and communicative expression to sustainable cultural creativity through the integration of Maori knowledge, technology, art and design to optimize the function of indigenous visual culture in building and maintaining knowledge capacity and capability.

Kura also participates in projects that progress through the dynamics of collaborative creativity to contribute towards inclusive audio, visual and performative experiences. 

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Contact details

  • Campus: Wellington

Prizes and Awards

  • NZIA: New Zealand Institute Architecture Wellington Architecture Awards x3 for Education, Interior and Colour. Kura Puke with Stuart Foster and Ngatai Taepa contributed significantly with Ari stevens fo Athfeild Architecture to the application process including text, images, tikanga and manaaki within Te Rau Karamu such as jury visit and presenting at awards process. - NZIA Te Khui Waihanga New Zealand Institute Architecture (2022)
  • BEST award- Purple Pin Toitanga- Auckland Art Gallery - with oral presentation delivered by Kura Puke, Inahaa Te Urutahi Waikerepuru and Stuart Foster . K Puke, S Foster with Ngatai Taepa were significant contributors (for the wider Te Kahui Toi group) with Ari Stevens of Athfeild Architects for the application process. - Designers Institute of New Zealand DINZ (2022)
  • Best Awards for 3 categories 1) Toitutanga- Gold Textiles, Gold and Light Design -Silver . Signitificant contribution to application process with Ngatai Taepa and Stuart Foster (on behalf of the wider Te Kahui Toi group) with Ari Stevens of Athfeild Architecture. - Designers Institute of New Zealand DINZ (2022)
  • Resenes Nightingale Award - Kura Puke, Stuart Foster and Ngatai Taepa contributed to the application of this award alongside Ari Stevens from Athfeild Architects. This article was based on the colour applied in the wharenui (Kura Puke, Saffronn Te Ratana and Ngatai Taepa) with painted artworks using Resene Paints in wharenui. Resene Paints is a major sponsor to the national architecture and design awards. - Resenes (2022)
  • NZIA 2022- Te Kahui Toi and Athfeild Architects for Te Rau Karamu Marae, Pukeahu. NZIA received two awards in the Education and Interior Architecture categories. Judges described the project as delivering an enriching cultural outcome, with subtle use of light and shade to enhance the storytelling of the beautiful space. Kura Puke, Ngatai Taepa and Stuart Foster (on behalf of the wider Te Khui Toi group) contributed key roles to creating the applications alongside Ari Stevens from Athfeild Architects. - Te Khui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects (2022)
  • NZIA Interior Award- Supreme - NZIA Interior Awards (2022)
  • Te Rau Karamu Marae Landscape received Award of Excellence Institutional and Commercial 2022. Studio Pacific Architecture and Te Kahui Toi /Athfeild Architects e Rau Karamu Marae is a space where students can be physically and emotionally immersed in tikanga, mtauranga, and te ao Mori as an integral aspect of their learning. The marae is a distinctive world-class piece of art, the result of a highly successful collective and collaborative approach working with mana whenua, and which places kaupapa, tikanga and mtauranga Mori at the heart of 蹤獲扦 Universitys Pukeahu Campus. The marae, which can host guests overnight, is to be predominately used for teaching and learning, and the marae landscape is an integral part of this learning space. The landscape design is a bold, creative statement, strong in siting and form, of high-quality materials, and rich in detail and meaning. Kura Puke and Stuart Foster with Ngatai Taepa (on behalf of the wider Te Kahui Toi group) contributed significantly to the application process including text, images, tikanga and manaakitangi in regards to the Marae such as powhiri and presentations for judging panel - New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture (2022)
  • 蹤獲扦 University Research Medal - application process written by Ngatai Taepa and Kura Puke (on 1-4 Sep 2022) on behalf of the wider Te Kahui Toi Group. A presention and celebration occurred at Te Rau Karamu Marae and Te Whare P贖kk - 蹤獲扦 University (2022)
  • NZ Timber Design Awards- Speciality Timber - Kura Puke, Stuart Foster and Ngatai Taepa (on behalf of Te Kahui Toi) contributed to the application of this award alongside Ari Stevens from Athfeild Architects. This article was based on the innovative and excellent application of Totara to Te Whaioranga te Whaio wharenui, Te Rau Karamu marae. - NZ Timber Design Awards hosted by Timber Unlimited (2023)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

art and design 

matauranga Maori


Research Opportunities

  • project  (03/06/2014) project


Design for Commerce, Community and Culture

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Studies In Creative Arts And Writing (190000): Visual Arts and Crafts (190500): Visual Arts and Crafts not elsewhere classified (190599)



Research Outputs


Foster, S., & Puke, K. (2024). Ki te Titia Taku Raukura: Should My Plume of Peace be Witnessed Quivering. Memory Connection. 4(1), 58-71 Retrieved from https://memoryconnection.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Memory-Connection-2024.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.
Kura, P., Archer-Martin, J., & Foster, S. (2023). Waewae Taku Haere : Stepping into Belonging in Storied Landscapes. IDEA Journal. 20.1 Uncertain Interiors, 151-179 Retrieved from https://journal.idea-edu.com/index.php/home/article/view/511
[Journal article]Authored by: Foster, S.Contributed to by: Puke, K.
Foster, S., & Puke, K. (2019). Kapo, Ka P Ka Awatea. Memory Connection. 3(1), 144-175 Retrieved from http://memoryconnection.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Memory-Connection_30MB.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.Contributed to by: Foster, S.

Creative Work

Puke, K., & Foster, S. (2024) He Raukura ra Tenei - Aroaro [audio-visual screenwork]. [Exhibition] Cine Cosmos Cinema, Universidad Buenos Aires
[Artwork]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.
Puke, K., & Foster, S. (2024) Taumaha k roimata, Muramura k Takiwai ...he taonga - 2. [Exhibition] Wellington Museum
[Artwork]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.Contributed to by: Puke, K.
Puke, K. (2024) Tnei Te Otinga T贖. [Exhibition] Wellington Waterfront
[Artwork]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, K., Bridgman, M., Bain, AJ., & Komene, K. (2023) Ka noninonitia ki Korokoro Awa. [Exhibition] Wellington Museum
[Artwork]Authored by: Puke, K.Contributed to by: Puke, K.
Puke, K. (2023) Taumaha k roimata, muramura k takiwai...he taonga - 1. [Exhibition] Wellington Museum
[Artwork]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, K., & Bridgman, M. (2023) Puehu Te One Pakini Te One. [Exhibition] Whairepo Lagoon Wellington Waterfront and Steamer Basin, Dunedin
[Artwork]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, K., Foster, S., & Bridgman, M. (2022, September 14). Ahi Kaa ! E Noho Koniahi ! Ko Ng Taringa i Kite !. (No. of Pieces: 2) [Light , sound, and visual art installations]. Wellington Waterfront.
[Exhibition]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.
Puke, K., & Foster, S. (2020) Te Mouri. [Exhibition] Waterscreen, Whairepo Lagoon, Wellington Waterfront
[Artwork]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.
Foster, S., & Puke, K. (2014). Te Hononga: The Joining of Two Worlds. (Site-specific installation and ceremony; reactive sound-carrying LED lanterns, projection mapping, live cellular/broadband connection, speakers) Te Hononga: The Joining of Two Worlds: Hinemihi Te Ao Tawhito, Clandon House, Clandon Park, Guildford, Surrey, UK
[Performance]Authored by: Puke, K.


Puke, K., & Foster, S. (2024, April). He Tohu He Whakaora Towards Embodying Knowledge / Hacia Una Corporeiza. Presented at Artes y retoricas de la memoria global: un congreso de la Memory Waka / Arts and Rhetoric of Global Memory: A Conference of Memory Waka. Universidad Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, K., & Foster, S. (2022, October). He Raukura R Tnei : Here is that plume. Presented at Memory: Trauma, site and Materiality Symposium. Online- presentation from Te Rau Karamu Marae Oct 14.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.


Puke, K., & Foster, S. (2024, April). Ki Tua Atu o te Mata / mas alla de la superficie / Beyond the Surface. In Artes y retoricas de la memoria global: un congreso de la Memory Waka / Arts and Rhetoric of Global Memory: A Conference of Memory Waka. Presented at Cine Cosmos, audio visual theatre, Universidad Buenos Aires.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, K. (2022, June). Te Rau Karamu Marae. Presented at City Gallery.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, K. (2022, October). He Raukura r tenei. In Memory: Trauma, Site and Materiality Symposium 2023 Memoria: Trauma, Sitio y Materialidad Simposio 2023 With Syracuse University, Universidad de Buenos Aires 蹤獲扦 University. Presented at Te Rau Karamu marae - online symposium.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Puke, K.
Puke, KA., & Foster, ST. (2013, December). Standing in the Light. Presented at 'Creative Summit' forum, TEZA2013 Transitional Economic Zone of Aotearoa, held at the Creative Hub, New Brighton Mall, Christchurch.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Foster, S., Puke, K.
Foster, S., & Puke, K. (2013, February). The Substance of Experience. In SCANZ2013: 3rd nature Hui and Symposium, WITT, New Plymouth.. Presented at http://www.intercreate.org/2012/10/scanz-2013-the-substance-of-experience/. : Intercreate Research Organisation.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Puke, K.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement



197810 Thesis MFA


214 157 Studio 1                                          Art Place

237:230 Creative Cultures & Contexts 1   Time Space Event

237:330 Creative Cultures  & Ideas 1        Mumuhou



co-supervisor M.Phil

co-supervisor MFA



213440-441 Art Studio

213330-331 Art Studio

213220-221 Art Studio

214:157 Art Studio Art Place

237:230 Creative Cultures & Contexts 1   Time Space Event

237:231 Creative Cultures & Contexts 2   Memory  (Co-coordinator)

237:131 Conversations in Creative Cultures




237:130 Critical Studies A

237:402 The Visual Field (Co-coordinator)

Media and Links


  • 30 Jan 2014 - Radio
    Ko Tatou Te Tangata MAP
    Radio interview for Access Radio Taranaki for 'Community Art and Spirit Creatives' in relation to the project 'Ko Tatou te Tangata: We are the people' Stuart Foster and Kura Puke were interviewed with
  • 10 Jun 2014 - Newspaper
    Day to Remember Mount Tarawera's Eruption
    Newspaper article published in NZ Herald/Rotorua Daily News, informed by iwi kaumatua Te Rangipuawhe Maika and whanau, a poignant iwi commemoration of 10 June1886 Mount Tarawera volcanic eruption and
  • 09 Jun 2014 - Magazine
    Light Shone on Remarkable Story of Hinemihi
    Magazine article published in 蹤獲扦 News for the Project titled 'Te Hononga : The Joining of Two Worlds' where Stuart Foster and Kura Puke (with Te Matahiapo) collaborated with Ngti Hinemihi Mori R
  • 05 Jan 2015 - Radio
    Waiwhakaiho River inspires digital artwork
    Radio interview for Radio NZ: Summer Report. S.Foster & K.Puke (College of Creative Arts, MU), Jane Richardson (Taranaki Living Lab: MU) and Ian Clothier (Intercreate Research Organisation) interviewe
  • 01 Nov 2014 - Other
    TEZA 2013 : The Catalogue
    Published catalogue for TEZA2013:The Transitional Economic Zone of Aotearoa, includes the two projects by Stuart Foster and Kura Puke: He Whenua Mm: Land Lightly, and, E Hanana nei i te H蘋ntore : T

Other Links