
Contact details +6469519125

Dr Corinne Bareham-Waldock BSc, Hons, PhD

Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology

Following my PhD at the University of Cambridge, I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Brisbane then back to Cambridge, lecturing part-time in London, before repatriating to NZ on a Neurological Foundation Fellowship.  My research investigates the neural correlates of healthy spatial attention and Unilateral Spatial Neglect. I primarily use electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate the transition in consciousness between wakeful and healthy sleep onset and associated changes in attention. I am also investigating neuroimaging techniques that can track changes in behavioural measures of conscious awareness, potentially lending to more accurate diagnosis and prognosis in paitents with a disorder of consciousness. 


Contact details

  • Ph: +6469519125
    Location: 3.21, Psychology
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Science - Victoria University (2007)
  • Honours - Victoria University (2008)
  • Doctorate - University of Cambridge (2015)

Prizes and Awards

  • Victoria University of Wellington Graduate Award Honours degree funding - Victoria University of Wellington (2007)
  • Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 16, Brighton Best Neuroscience Poster - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (2012)
  • Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 18, Brisbane Best Neuroscience Poster - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (2014)
  • Prince of Wales Commonwealth Scholarship - Full Scholarship for PhD - Cambridge Commonwealth Trust (2010)

Research Expertise

Research Interests



Transitions in consciousness

Spatial Neglect

Neuroimaging methods

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Cognitive Sciences (170200): Computer Perception, Memory and Attention (170201): Neurocognitive Patterns and Neural Networks (170205): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000)



Consciousness states

Transitions in Consciousness

Spatial Attention

Spatial Neglect

Research Outputs


Cruse, D., Ragazinskaite, K., Chinner, A., Bareham, C., Roberts, N., Banner, R., . . . Villa, D. (2024). Family caregivers’ sense-making of the results of functional neurodiagnostics for patients with Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 34(9), 1257-1278
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Adams, S., Mustafa, M., Bareham, C., Carryer, J., Tenbensel, T., & Poghosyan, L. (2022). The Organizational Climate for Nurse Practitioners Working in Primary Health Care in New Zealand: A National Survey. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 18(7), 736-740.e2
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C., Carryer, J.
Jagannathan, SR., Bareham, CA., & Bekinschtein, TA. (2022). Decreasing Alertness Modulates Perceptual Decision-Making. Journal of Neuroscience. 42(3), 454-473
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Bareham, CA., Oxner, M., Gastrell, T., & Carmel, D. (2021). Beyond the neural correlates of consciousness: using brain stimulation to elucidate causal mechanisms underlying conscious states and contents. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 51(1), 143-170
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Mustafa, M., Adams, S., Bareham, C., & Carryer, J. (2021). Employing nurse practitioners in general practice: An exploratory survey of the perspectives of managers. Journal of Primary Health Care. 13(3), 274-282
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C., Carryer, J.
Bareham, CA., Roberts, N., Allanson, J., Hutchinson, PJA., Pickard, JD., Menon, DK., . . . Chennu, S. (2020). Bedside EEG predicts longitudinal behavioural changes in disorders of consciousness. NeuroImage: Clinical. 28
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Adams, S., Boyd, M., Carryer, J., Bareham, C., & Tenbensel, T. (2020). A survey of the NP workforce in primary healthcare settings in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal. 133(1523), 29-40
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C., Carryer, J.
Bareham, CA., Allanson, J., Roberts, N., Hutchinson, PJA., Pickard, JD., Menon, DK., . . . Chennu, S. (2019). Longitudinal assessments highlight long-term behavioural recovery in disorders of consciousness. Brain Communications. 1(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Bareham, CA., Georgieva, SD., Kamke, MR., Lloyd, D., Bekinschtein, TA., & Mattingley, JB. (2018). Role of the right inferior parietal cortex in auditory selective attention: An rTMS study. Cortex. 99, 30-38
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Jagannathan, SR., Ezquerro-Nassar, A., Jachs, B., Pustovaya, OV., Bareham, CA., & Bekinschtein, TA. (2018). Tracking wakefulness as it fades: Micro-measures of alertness. NeuroImage. 176, 138-151
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Bareham, CA., Allanson, J., Roberts, N., Hutchinson, PJA., Pickard, JD., Menon, DK., . . . Chennu, S. (2018). Longitudinal bedside assessments of brain networks in disorders of consciousness: Case reports from the field. Frontiers in Neurology. 9(AUG)
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Bareham, CA., Bekinschtein, TA., Scott, SK., & Manly, T. (2015). Does left-handedness confer resistance to spatial bias?. Scientific Reports. 5
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.
Bareham, CA., Manly, T., Pustovaya, OV., Scott, SK., & Bekinschtein, TA. (2014). Losing the left side of the world: Rightward shift in human spatial attention with sleep onset. Scientific Reports. 4
[Journal article]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.


Bareham, CA., Manly, T., Scott, SK., & Bekinschtein, T.Losing your left side of the world during sleep onset: auditory spatial neglect-like effects in drowsy normal participants. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. (pp. 117 - 117). 0962-1105.
[Conference]Authored by: Bareham-Waldock, C.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 1 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Nalinda Liyanagedera - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigation on the effectiveness of EEG-BCI techniques to process emotions/ thoughts.

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