
Mr Neil Ward staff profile picture

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Neil Ward BSc, NZCS

Senior Technician

School of Veterinary Science

Senior technician in Comparative Physiolog & Anatomy. Techncial support in teaching practical classes for veterinary science, animal science, veterinary nursing, science, agriculture. Special expertise in data recording systems and computer aided learning. Electrical service technician.

Special projects: animal welfare, computer aided learing/sharing, euthanasia & grief management.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +64 6 3504252
    Location: 5.03, Vet Tower
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Science - 蹤獲扦 University (2012)
  • New Zealand Certificate in Science - Manawatu Polytechnic (1975)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Animal welfare, pain, computer aided learning.

Research Outputs


Kells, NJ., Beausoleil, NJ., R Godfrey, AJ., E Littlewood, K., Ward, RN., & Johnson, CB. (2020). Effect of analgesic strategies on pain behaviour associated with combined ring castration and hot iron tail docking in Merino lambs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 222
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Godfrey, A., Johnson, C., Kells, N., Littlewood, K., Ward, R.
Singh, P., Kongara, K., Harding, D., Ward, N., Dukkipati, VSR., Johnson, C., . . . Chambers, P. (2018). Comparison of electroencephalographic changes in response to acute electrical and thermal stimuli with the tail flick and hot plate test in rats administered with opiorphin. BMC Neurology. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Johnson, C., Singh, P., Ward, R.
Johnson, CB., Sylvester, SP., Stafford, KJ., Mitchinson, SL., Ward, RN., & Mellor, DJ. (2009). Effects of age on the electroencephalographic response to castration in lambs anaesthetized with halothane in oxygen from birth to 6 weeks old. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 36(3), 273-279
[Journal article]Authored by: Johnson, C., Ward, R.
Johnson, CB., Stafford, KJ., Sylvester, SP., Ward, RN., Mitchinson, S., & Mellor, DJ. (2005). Effects of age on the electroencephalographic response to castration in lambs anaesthetised using halothane in oxygen. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(6), 433-437
[Journal article]Authored by: Johnson, C., Ward, R.
Sylvester, SP., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2004). Behavioural responses of calves to amputation dehorning with and without local anaesthesia. Australian Veterinary Journal. 82(11), 697-700
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Diesch, TJ., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., & Ward, RN. (2004). The physiological and physical status of single calves at birth in a dairy herd in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(5), 250-255
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Diesch, TJ., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., & Ward, RN. (2004). Blood metabolites and body temperature of single calves between 1 and 4 days of age in a dairy herd in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(5), 256-260
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Todd, SE., Ward, RN., & McMeekan, CM. (2003). The effect of different combinations of lignocaine, ketoprofen, xylazine and tolazoline on the acute cortisol response to dehorning in calves. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 51(5), 219-226
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Todd, SE., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2002). Effects of local anaesthesia or local anaesthesia plus a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the acute cortisol response of calves to five different methods of castration. Research in Veterinary Science. 73(1), 61-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Sutherland, MA., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2002). Cortisol reponses to dehorning of calves given a 5-h local anaesthetic regimen plus phenylbutazone, ketoprofen, or adrenocorticotropic hormone prior to dehorning. Research in Veterinary Science. 73(2), 115-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Todd, SE., Lowe, TE., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., . . . Ward, RN. (2002). A comparison of catecholamine and cortisol responses of young lambs and calves to painful husbandry procedures. Australian Veterinary Journal. 80(4), 228-233
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Sutherland, MA., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2002). Effect of local anaesthetic combined with wound cauterisation on the cortisol response to dehorning in calves. Australian Veterinary Journal. 80(3), 165-167
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Todd, SE., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2001). The physical state and plasma biochemical profile of young calves on arrival at a slaughter plant. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 49(4), 142-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Sutherland, MA., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2000). Acute cortisol responses and wound healing in lambs after ring castration plus docking with or without application of a castration clamp to the scrotum. Australian Veterinary Journal. 78(6), 402-405
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Todd, SE., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2000). Effects of food withdrawal and transport on 5- to 10-day-old calves. Research in Veterinary Science. 68(2), 125-134
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Sutherland, MA., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., Ward, RN., . . . Todd, SE. (1999). Acute cortisol responses of lambs to ring castration and docking after the injection of lignocaine into the scrotal neck or testes at the time of ring application. Australian Veterinary Journal. 77(11), 738-741
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Dinniss, AS., Stafford, KJ., Mellort, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1999). The behaviour pattern of lambs after castration using a rubber ring and/ or castrating clamp with or without local anaesthetic. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 47(6), 198-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
McMeekan, C., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., Ward, RN., & Gregory, N. (1999). Effects of a local anaesthetic and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatlory analgesic on the behavioural responses of calves to dehorning. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 47(3), 92-96
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
McMeekan, CM., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Bruce, RA., Ward, RN., & Gregory, NG. (1998). Effects of local anaesthesia of 4 to 8 hours' duration on the acute cortisol response to scoop dehorning in calves.. Australian veterinary journal. 76(4), 281-285
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Mcmeekan, CM., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., Ward, RN., & Gregory, NG. (1998). Effects of regional analgesia and/or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic on the acute cortisol response to dehorning in calves. Research in Veterinary Science. 64(2), 147-150
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Sylvester, SP., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1998). Acute cortisol responses of calves to four methods of dehorning by amputation.. Australian veterinary journal. 76(2), 123-126
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Sylvester, SP., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1998). Acute cortisol responses of calves to scoop dehorning using local anaesthesia and/or cautery of the wound.. Australian veterinary journal. 76(2), 118-122
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Dinnis, AS., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1997). Acute cortisol responses of lambs castrated and docked using rubber rings with or without castration clamp. Australian Veterinary Journal. 75(7), 494-496 Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/avj.1997.75.issue-7/issuetoc
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
McMeekan, CM., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Bruce, RA., Ward, RN., & Gregory, NG. (1997). Effects of shallow scoop and deep scoop dehorning on plasma cortisol concentrations in calves. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 45(2), 72-74
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Dinnis, AS., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1997). Acute cortisol responses of lambs castrated and docked using rubber rings with or without a castration clamp.. Australian veterinary journal. 75(7), 494-496
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Dinniss, AS., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1997). Acute cortisol responses of lambs to castration using a rubber ring and/or a castration clamp with or without local anaesthetic. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 45(3), 114-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Lester, SJ., Mellor, DJ., Holmes, RJ., Ward, RN., & Stafford, KJ. (1996). Behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs to castration and tailing using different methods. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 44(2), 45-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Petrie, NJ., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1996). Cortisol responses of calves to two methods of disbudding used with or without local anaesthetic. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 44(1), 9-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Petrie, NJ., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1996). Cortisol responses of calves to two methods of tail docking used with or without local anaesthetic. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 44(1), 4-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Lester, SJ., Mellor, D., & Ward, N. (1991). Effects of repeated handling on the cortisol responses of young lambs castrated and tailed surgically. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 39(4), 147-149 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00480169.1991.35683
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Lester, SJ., Mellor, D., Ward, N., & Holmes, RJ. (1991). Cortisol responses of young lambs to castration and tailing using different methods. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 39(4), 134-138 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00480169.1991.35680
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.
Lester, SJ., Mellor, DJ., Ward, RN., & Holmesh, RJ. (1991). Cortisol responses of young lambs to castration and tailing using different methods. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 39(4), 134-138
[Journal article]Authored by: Ward, R.


Sylvester, SP., Johnson, CB., Stafford, KJ., Ward, NN., & Mellor, DJ. (2002). Effects of age on pain sensation following castration in lambs. In Proceedings of the Physiological Society of New Zealand Vol. 21 (pp. 72 - 72). Auckland, NZ: The Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Johnson, C., Ward, R.
Diesch, TJ., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., & Ward, NN. (2002). The physiological status of newborn dairy calves between birth and four days of age. Vol. 21 (pp. 71 - 71). , 29th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of New Zealand Palmerston North, NZ: 蹤獲扦 University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ward, R.
Diesch, TJ., Mellor, DJ., Stafford, KJ., & Ward, NN. (2002, June). The physiological status of dairy calves at birth. Presented at Animal Welfare and Behaviour: From Science to Solution Conference. Novetel, Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ward, R.
Stafford, K., Mellor, D., Ward, RN., & Cann, B. (2000). Behavioural response of calves to amputation dehorning with or without local anaesthesia. In S. Peterson (Ed.) The Proceedings of the 60th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 60 (pp. 234 - 236). New Zealand: 60th Jubilee Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ward, R.
Todd, SE., Mellor, D., Stafford, K., Gregory, NG., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (2000). Short-term physiological effects of refeeding 5 to 10-day-old calves after fasting and transport. In SW. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the 60th Jubilee Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 60 (pp. 230 - 233). New Zealand: 60th Jubilee Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ward, R.
Petrie, NJ., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1995). The behaviour of calves tail docked with a rubber ring used with or without local anaesthesia. In DG. Elvidge (Ed.) The Proceedings of the 55th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 55 (pp. 58 - 60). New Zealand: 55th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ward, R.
Petrie, NJ., Stafford, KJ., Mellor, DJ., Bruce, RA., & Ward, RN. (1995). The behaviour of calves tail docked with a rubber ring used with or without local anaesthesia. In DG. Elvidge (Ed.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION, VOL 55 1995. Vol. 55 (pp. 58 - 60). : 55th Conference of the New-Zealand-Society-of-Animal-Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ward, R.

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