
Dr Phil Ramsey staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517926

Dr Phil Ramsey PhD

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Management

Phil has taught at 蹤獲扦 University since 1988, teaching at both postgraduate and undergraduate level and both internally and extramurally. Phil's background is in Training and Development, though his interests have broadened to embrace the field of Organisational Learning, and the impact of culture on learning and change. He has a particular interest in leadership, change and organisational learning in the field of education. Research has included leadership in 'collectivist' cultures such as Indonesia, and the professional practices of trainers working in the domain of Emotional Intelligence.

PhD supervisions include:

Peter Blyde: Models of leadership in New Zealand

Dodi Irawanto: Paternalistic Leadership in Indonesia

Lesley Gill: Practices of Emotional Intelligence training practitioners

Sajid Khan: Mental models of innovative educators

Recently, Phil has been working on the development of a software-based system for training administration, known as Skill Tracker. This product has been commercialised by 蹤獲扦 University and its initial application has been in the field of Veterinary Science. The system incorporates principles of learning and aims to both (1) enhance the experience of learners by allowing them to track their progress as they acquire skills, and (2) provide decision-makers with information that allows them to manage training systems.

Dr Phil Ramsey works in the areas of HRD and Organisational Learning. He is the creator of the Training Administration tool Skill Tracker and is involved in research to do with its application. Phil has conducted and supervised research in application of organisational learning and systems thinking concepts to emotional intelligence, innovation in education and development of leadership models and practices for varying cultural contexts.

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Contact details

  • Ph: 84926
    Location: 3.10, Business Studies Central
    Campus: Palmerston North


  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2004)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Application of Organisational Learning concepts and technique in design of HR systems.

Skill Tracker.

Educational innovation.

School leadership.

Emotional Intelligence training.

Research Opportunities

  • Skill Tracker  (01/07/2016) Skill Tracker is a software based training administration system being developed and commercialized at 蹤獲扦. Research opportunities involve validation and evaluation.


Resource Development and Management

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Business and Management (150300): Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000):
Education (130000): Educational Administration, Management and Leadership (130304):
Human Resources Management (150305):
Specialist Studies in Education (130300)


Organisational Learning



School Leadership

On the Job Training

Skill Tracker

Training Needs 

Systems Thinking

Paternalistic Leadership

Emotional Intelligence Training

Research Outputs


Ramsey, P., & Cataloni, S. (2024). Relational assessment in a low-trust world. Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Khan, S., Ramsey, P., & Khan, M. (2023). Embracing educational transformation: exploring personalised, collaborative and contextualised education through dilemma theory. Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
[Journal article]Authored by: Khan, M., Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Khan, S. (2021). Dilemmas, emotion and innovation in tertiary education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 58(3), 250-260
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Poskitt, J., & Ramsey, P. (2019). Leadership dynamics within and across schools. New Zealand Principal. 34(1), 10-12 Retrieved from https://issuu.com/nzprincipal.co.nz/docs/nzp_t1_2019_web/12
[Journal article]Authored by: Poskitt, J., Ramsey, P.
Gill, L., Schaddelee, M., Turner, S., & Ramsey, P. (2018). Exploring the value of storytelling for developing empathy in caring professions workers: a pilot study. Australian Academy of Business and Economics Review. 4(4), 223-233 Retrieved from http://www.aabl.com.au/public/journals
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Gill, L., Schaddelee, M., Ramsey, PL., Turner, S., & Naylor, T. (2018). When Empathy Works: Towards Finding Effective Ways of Sustaining Empathy Flow. Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application). 6(3), 115-136 Retrieved from https://apmba.ub.ac.id/index.php/apmba/article/view/290
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2017). Taking the humour out of appraisal. Swings and Roundabouts. Autumn 2017, 18-19 Retrieved from https://issuu.com/waterfordpresslimited/docs/sw33_march_2017_web
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Khan, S., Weston, J., & Marshall, N. (2016). Designed for learning: Use of skill tracker in veterinary education. Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application. 5(1), 53-63
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Weston, J.
Weston, J., Marshall, N., & Ramsey, PL. (2016). Burying the red book. VetScript. 29(6), 46-47 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/elibrary/edition/7536
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Gill, L., Ramsey, P., Leberman, S., & Atkins, S. (2016). Using world café to enhance relationship-building for the purpose of developing trust in emotional intelligence training environments. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods. 14(2), 98-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Ramsey, P.
Irawanto, DW., Ramsey, PL., Rochman, F., & Rosita, NH. (2016). Good governance perception: Enhancing paternalistic leadership action and employee commitment. Research Journal of Business Management. 10(1-3), 44-50
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Gill, LJ., Ramsey, PL., & Leberman, SI. (2015). From chaos to safe transformation: The emotional intelligence learning environment model. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change. 12(3), 257-286
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Ramsey, P.Contributed to by: Ramsey, P.
Gill, LJ., Ramsey, PL., & Leberman, SI. (2015). A Systems Approach to Developing Emotional Intelligence Using the Self-awareness Engine of Growth Model. Systemic Practice and Action Research. 28(6), 575-594
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Ramsey, P.
Gill, LJ., Ramsey, PL., & Leberman, SI. (2014). Exploring emotional intelligence trainer roles. New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management. 14(1), 3-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Ramsey, P.Contributed to by: Leberman, S.
Johnson, T., Martin, A., Palmer, F., Watson, G., & Ramsey, P. (2013). A core value of pride in winning: The All Blacks' team culture and legacy. International Journal of Sport and Society. 4(1), 1-14 Retrieved from http://www.commongroundpublishing.com/
[Journal article]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.
Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, FR., Watson, G., & Ramsey, PL. (2013). Artefacts and the All Blacks: Rites, rituals, symbols and stories. Sporting Traditions. 30(1), 43-59
[Journal article]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.
Irawanto, DW., Ramsey, PL., & Tweed, DM. (2013). The paternalistic relationship: Authenticity and credibility as a source of healthy relationships. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership. 6(1), 1-11 Retrieved from http://scholar.valpo.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1075&context=jvbl
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Gill, L. (2012). Shedding light on trust. Asian-Pacific Management and Business Application. 1(2), Retrieved from http://www.apmba.ub.ac.id/index.php/apmba/article/view/107
[Journal article]Authored by: Leberman, S., Ramsey, P.
Irawanto, D., Ramsey, PL., & Tweed, DM. (2012). Exploring paternalistic leadership and its application to the Indonesian public sector. The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services. 8(1), 4-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Tweed, D.
Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, FR., Watson, G., & Ramsey, PL. (2012). Collective leadership: A case study of the All Blacks. Asia Pacific Management Business Application. 1(1), 53-67 Retrieved from http://apmba.ub.ac.id/index.php/apmba/article/view/101
[Journal article]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.
Ramsey, PL., Irawanto, D., & Tweed, D. (2012). Exploring paternalistic leadership and its application to the Indonesian public sector. The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services. 8(1), 4-20 Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=17027142
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Irawanto, DW., & Ramsey, PL. (2011). Paternalistic leadership and employee responses in Javanese culture. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business. 13(2), 185-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Irawanto, DW., Ramsey, PL., & Ryan, JC. (2011). Tailoring leadership theory to indonesian culture. Global Business Review. 12(3), 355-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Irawanto, DW., Ramsey, PL., & Ryan, JC. (2011). Challenge of leading in Javanese culture. Asian Ethnicity. 12(2), 125-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & McLellan, J. (2008). Leadership development: Wielding the double-*edged sword. Journal of Australasian School Leaders. 12, 32-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., & Ramsey, PL. (2007). Resolving the Perfectionist's ‘catch-22’ Techniques for Fundamental Change. Gifted Education International. 23(3), 280-288
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., Ramsey, D., & Mason, R. (2007). The 蹤獲扦 Kiwi friend programme. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 44(2), 109-118
[Journal article]Authored by: Mason, R., Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., & Ramsey, PL. (2007). Resolving the perfectionist's 'catch-22' techniques for fundamental change. Gifted Education International. 23(3), 280-288 Retrieved from http://gei.sagepub.com/content/23/3/280.refs?patientinform-links=yes&legid=spgei;23/3/280
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Ramsey, DC., & Mason, RL. (2007). The massey kiwi friend programme. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 44(2), 109-118 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14703290701251264
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
McLellan, J., & Ramsey, PL. (2007). How can performance appraisal work in schools?. New Zealand Principal. 22(1), 4-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2006). Teaching organizational learning: Permission to exhale. Reflections: The SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning, and Change. 7(4), 29-37 Retrieved from http://www.solonline.org/?SoLReflectionsIndex
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2006). The massey kiwi friend programme: Transforming attitudes through a community of practice. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 5(2), 67-72 Retrieved from http://www.ijd.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.29/prod.195
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2005). Learning through differences: Dilemma theory in action. Systems Thinker. 16(2), 2-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., McLellan, J., & Anderson, P. (2005). Principal's office: Learning laboratory. New Zealand Principal. 20(1), 4-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2005). Charting the challenge of perfectionism. Systems Thinker. 16(6), 10-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2005). Charting the challenge of perfectionism. Systems Thinker. 16(6), 10-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2004). Learning organisation dilemmas: An exploratory study of consultants' mental models. New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management. 4, 1-16 Retrieved from http://www.nzjhrm.org.nz/Site/Articles/2004.aspx
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., Franklin, T., Ramsey, D., & Wells, R. (2002). Rethinking grades for sustainable learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 39(2), 117-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Sinha, P. (2002). Consultants as problem solvers or capacity builders?. Systems Thinker. 13(6), 2-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., & Ramsey, PL. (2002). Refraining the perfectionist's catch-22 dilemma: A systems thinking approach. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 26(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Franklin, PH., Ramsey, DC., & Wells, R. (2002). Rethinking grades for sustainable learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 39(2), 117-123 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14703290252934568
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2002). How do you gauge achievement?. Systems Thinker. 12(10), 9-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Sinha, P. (2002). How consultants operate: And how to help them do their job. University of Auckland Business Review. 4(1), 1-10 Retrieved from http://www.uabr.auckland.ac.nz/files/articles/Volume4/v4i1-ramsey.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2001). The performance trap: Balancing demand and capacity. People & Performance. 8(5), 27-28
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2001). How do you gauge achievement?. Systems Thinker. 12(10), 9-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2001). Commentary [on Understanding how systems work through children's stories, by Linda Booth Sweeney]. Reflections: the SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning, and Change. 3(2), 63-63 Retrieved from http://www.solonline.org/page/ReflectionsIndex/?
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2001). Learning to be complete: The challenge of cultural dynamics. Reflections: The SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning, and Change. 3(1), 49-56 Retrieved from http://www.solonline.org/page/ReflectionsIndex/?
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Wells, R. (2000). Wobbling to success by managing the "accidental adversaries" dynamic. Systems Thinker. 11(9), 6-7 Retrieved from http://www.pegasuscom.com/PDFs/tstsam2.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Molloy, J., & Ramsey, PL. (2000). Ford and Firestone hit a pothole. Systems Thinker. 11(10), 8-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Wells, R. (2000). How am I supposed to work with her?: The accidental adversaries storyline. Systems Thinker. 11(8), 7-7 Retrieved from http://www.pegasuscom.com/levpoints/V11n8blocks.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., & Ramsey, PL. (1996). Feminine and masculine values in flight instructing. Women in Management Review. 11(8), 4-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P.


Khan, S., Kahn, M., & Ramsey, P. (2024). Educational paradigm shifts in the era of rapid technological advancement. In Disruptive Technologies in Education and Workforce Development. (pp. 115 - 135).
[Chapter]Authored by: Khan, M., Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). Billibonk and the Bugs.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). Billibonk and the Thorn Patch.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). The Floods of Knith.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P. (2008). Learning and performance: Rethinking the dance. In Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 3 - 14).
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., Tootell, B., & Mason, R. (2008). Evaluation by means. In Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 157 - 169).
[Chapter]Authored by: Mason, R., Ramsey, P., Tootell, B.
Ramsey, D., & Ramsey, P. (2008). Perfectionism and learning. In Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 201 - 213).
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Kumar, P., & Ramsey, P.(2008). Learning and performance matter.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Kumar, P., & Ramsey, P. (Eds.) (2008). Learning and performance matter. Singapore: World Scientific
[Edited Book]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Tootell, BL., & Mason, RL. (2008). Evaluation by means. In P. Kumar, & P. Ramsey (Eds.) Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 157 - 170). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Tootell, B.
Ramsey, D., & Ramsey, PL. (2008). Perfectionism and learning. In P. Kumar, & P. Ramsey (Eds.) Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 3 - 14). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Tootell, BL., & Mason, RL. (2008). Evaluation by means. In P. Kumar, & P. Ramsey (Eds.) Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 157 - 170). London. UK: World Scientific Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Tootell, B.
Ramsey, DC., & Ramsey, PL. (2008). Perfectionism and Learning. In P. Kumar, & P. Ramsey (Eds.) Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 201 - 213). London. UK: World Scientific Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2008). Learning and performance: Rethinking the dance. In P. Kumar, & P. Ramsey (Eds.) Learning and Performance Matter. (pp. 3 - 14). London. UK: World Scientific Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Prem, K., & Ramsey, PL. (Eds.) (2008). Learning and performance matter. London, UK: World Scientific Publishing
[Edited Book]Edited by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2003). The 'learning organisation' metaphor. In Organisational learning for all seasons: Building internal capabilities for competitive advantage. (pp. 23 - 31). Singapore, Republic of Singapore: National Community Leadership Institute
[Chapter]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Franklin, PH., & Ramsey, DC.(2000). On the job learning: Creating productive work environments. Palmerston North, NZ: Dunmore Press
[Authored Book]Authored by: Ramsey, P.

Creative Work

Ramsey, P.(2023). The Dark Jungle: Explanation of Main Systems Thinking Concepts. : Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). The Dark Jungle: Summary of Key Concepts. Online: Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). The Floods of Knith: Explanation of Main Systems Thinking Concepts. Online: Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). The Floods of Knith: Summary of Key Concepts. Online: Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). Billibonk and the Bugs: Explanation of Main Systems Thinking Concepts. Online: Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). Billibonk and the Bugs: Summary of Key Concepts. online: Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). Billibonk and the Thorn Patch: Explanation of Main Systems Thinking Concepts. online: Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.(2023). Billibonk and the Thorn Patch: Summary of Key Concepts. [Online]. : Systems Dynamics Society
[Film or Video]Authored by: Ramsey, P.


Ramsey, PL. (2003). The learning cultures of organisations. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Ramsey, P.


Ramsey, P., Arabul, E., Alibeyoglu, M., Durak, N., Goktepe, E., Yarabas, U., . . . Joy, T.Systems Thinking in Psychological Counseling: A Pilot Study in a Middle School. . Chicago USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., & Hansen, S.Using data to unravel dispositions in education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, ICICKM. (pp. 297 - 303). 2048-9803.
[Conference]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., & Khan, S. (2019). Dilemmas, Cognitive Mapping and Qualitative--Quantitative Divide. Poster session presented at the meeting of 16th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning. Sydney, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., & Hansen, S.(2019). Using data to unravel dispositions in education. Paper presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning. Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., & Gill, L.Facilitation of 'World Cafe' Workshop for conference participants. . Dunedin
[Conference Other]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P.What you don't see is what you don't get.. . Dunedin
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Gill, L., Atkins, S., Ramsey, P., & Schaddelee, M.Detecting sincerity in world café experiences en route to Q-Sorting. Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies. (pp. 122 - 128). 2049-0968.
[Conference]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Weston, J., & Khan, S. (2017). Skill tracking: Wise use of objectives in professional education. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning ICICKM 2017. (pp. 187 - 193). Reading, UK: 14th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning ICICKM 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Weston, J.
Ramsey, PL., Gill, L., Atkins, S., & Schaddelee, M. (2017). Detecting Sincerity in World Café Experiences en Route to Q-Sorting. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. (pp. 122 - 128). Reading UK: 16th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., Gill, L., Leberman, S., & Atkins, S. (2016). Using relationship-building methodology for developing trust: World café in action. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Research Methodology. (pp. 99 - 107). Reading, UK: 15th European Conference on Research Methodology
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Leberman, S., Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2013). Easy, economic, expedient - An effective training evaluation model for SMEs. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational. (pp. 540 - 550). Reading, United Kingdom: International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Khan, S., & Ramsey, P.Corporate training in need of new lens. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. (pp. 1418 - 1425). 2048-8963.
[Conference]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2012, June). Designing for Trust in Emotional Intelligence Training. Presented at Emotional Intelligence Symposium. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, FR., Watson, GD., & Ramsey, P. (2010, November). Organisational factors in developing the All Blacks team culture. Presented at 16th Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand [SMAANZ] Conference: Sport Management in Action. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.
Johnson, T., Martin, A., Palmer, F., Watson, G., & Ramsey, P. (2010, November). Organisational factors in developing the All Blacks team culture. Presented at 16th Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P.
Johnson, T., Martin, AJ., Palmer, F., Watson, G., & Ramsey, P. (2010). Organisational factors in developing the All Blacks team culture. In Conference Proceedings Programme and Abstracts of the 16th SMAANZ Conference 2010(pp. 22 - 22). , 16th Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand [SMAANZ] Conference: Sport Management in Action New Zealand: Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.
Irawanto, D., Ramsey, P., & Tweed, D.(2010). The paternalistic relationship: Authenticity and credibility as a source of healthy relationships. . Bangkok, Thailand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Tweed, D.
Ramsey, PL. (2010, June). Collaboration in a learning community. Presented at New Zealand Federaton of Vocational and Support Services National Conference: Allies and Collaborators. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL.(2009). Sustainable leadership development: The personal mastery challenge.
[Conference Other]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Irawanto, D., Ramsey, P., & Ryan, JC.(2008). Tailoring leadership theory to Indonesian culture. . Taipei, Taiwan
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., & Ramsey, PL.(2008). Sustaining excellence: the hidden challenges of perfectionism. . Boston, MA, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2005, June). The massey kiwi friend program: Transforming attitudes through a community of practice. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communitites and Nations. Beijing, China.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2004). Strengthening collaborations by learning from conflict. 14th Annual Pegasus Conference: Building Collaborations to Change Our Organizations and the World: Systems Thinking in Action. (pp. 217 - 224). Waltham, MA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Ramsey, DC. (2004, December). Strengthening collaborations by learning from conflict. Presented at 14th Annual Pegasus Conference: Building Collaborations to Change Our Organizations and the World: Systems Thinking in Action. Cambridge, MA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Mason, RL. (2004, November). Evaluating cross-cultural training: A model of balanced adjustment. Presented at 3rd Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development. Seoul, Korea.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Mason, RL. (2004). Evaluating cross-cultural training: A model of balanced adjustment. In Y. Moon, AM. Osman-Gani, K. Shinil, GL. Roth, & HO. Eds (Eds.) 3rd Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development. (pp. 687 - 694). Seoul, Korea
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., Mason, RL., & Ramsey, PL. (2004, November). Building cross-cultural competencies in HRD students. Presented at 3rd Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development. Seoul, Korea.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, DC., Mason, RL., & Ramsey, PL. (2004). Building cross-cultural competencies in HRD students. 3rd Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development. (pp. 321 - 326). Seoul, Korea
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2003, May). Learning from conflict: Working with opposing values. Presented at Leading and Sustaining Organisational Change: Organisational Learning Conference. Singapore.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2002, September). Conflict's silver lining: Uncovering the lessons of value-based conflict. Presented at Leading in a Complex World: Systems Thinking in Action. San Diego, CA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2001). Natural learning: Creating productive learning environments. Systems, Settings, People: Meeting Workforce Development Challenges. (pp. 139 - 144). Adelaide, SA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2001). Natural learning: Creating productive learning environments. In AM. Roche, & JM. Eds (Eds.) Systems, Settings, People: Workforce Development Challenges for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Field. (pp. 139 - 143). Adelaide, SA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Ramsey, P.


Ramsey, P., & Armstrong, S-L. (2023, September). How do I improve my learners' mindset, by using questioning to reduce interference?. In Member schools in Te Oro Karaka Kahui Ako. Presented at Palmerston North Girls High School. : Te Oro Karaka Kahui Ako.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P. (2023, April). Using Systems Thinking to Promote Student Social and Emotional Learning. In SDS Pre-College SIG. Presented at Online. : Systems Dynamics Society.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P., & Sweeney, L. (2023, November). Systems Thinking Through Storytelling. In Systems Dynamics Society Education SIG. Presented at Online. : Systems Dynamics Society.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Johnson, TW., Martin, AJ., Watson, GD., Palmer, FR., & Ramsey, P. (2013, June). Developing a Winning Culture: New Zealand All Blacks Rugby 1950-2010. Presented at You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixKrYjf6knQ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Martin, A., Palmer, F., Ramsey, P., Watson, G.
Ramsey, PL. (2012, October). Fundamental Knowledge in International Scholarly Publications. In Doctoral students, University of Brawajaya. Presented at Malang Indonesia. : University of Brawajaya.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & Irawanto, D. (2012, October). Credible and Accountable Governance and Leadership. In Indonesian Civil Servants. Presented at Malang, Indonesia. : University of Brawajaya.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2012, October). Leadership in the Global Work Place. In Undergraduate and Masters of Management students. Presented at Malang, Indonesia. : University of Brawajaya.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2012, June). Challenging Conversations: the key to Organisational Learning. In Staff and students of Otago Polytechnic. Presented at Otago Polytechnic. : School of Applied Business.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2012, October). Leadership in the Global Workplace. In University of Brawijaya students of Business.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2012, June). Challenging Conversations: the key to Organisational Learning.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, P. (2010). Reframing curriculum design from a social learning perspective. Presented at Ira Cunningham Lecture Theatre (ICLT), 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2009, May). Shaping the conversational field: Creating a space for dialogue. In Living Springs ECE Leader's Retreat. Presented at Christchurch, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2009, June). It can be lonely at the top: Disrupting the dance of blind reflex. In NZ Federation of Vocational and Support Services Leadership Forum. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2009, April). Contributing to a successful learning community. In Learning Carnival. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2009, April). Developing your leadership practicing not playing. In Vision Manawatu. Presented at Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2007, September). Meeting the challenge of perfectionism. In National Community Leadership Institute. Presented at Singapore.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2007, August). Leading with insight: Disrupting the dance of blind reflex. In State Services Commission Conference: 'Transforming Service'. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
McLellan, J., Ramsey, PL., & Bryant, C. (2007, July). The challenge of collaboration. In Extending High Standards Across Schools Conference. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2007, July). Establishing purpose. In Extending High Standards Across Schools Conference. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL. (2007). Effective on the job learning: Teaching practical skills. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.
Ramsey, PL., & McLellan, J. (2005, September). Leadership, relationships, colleagues and success. : New Zealand Educational Institute AP/DP and Unit Holders Seminar.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ramsey, P.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

My academic background is in learning and development, and my teaching practice reflects my interest in engaging students with rich learning experiences that make a difference. That involves focusing on practices that students can develop and apply in different contexts. Further, throughout my teaching career I have collected concepts that enable learners to gain insight into dynamically complex situations, such as systems thinking, dilemma theory,  I aim to teach students ways of thinking that they can apply to the challenges that are most important to them. I have taught in disciplines of learning and development, organisational learning, and leadership and teamwork.

Graduate Supervision Statement

My approach to graduate supervision is based around identifying and engaging with the strengths and interests of students. My aim is to find what they care about deeply, help them clarify what they hope to achieve, and to explore with them different ways of thinking about topcs that produce rich insights into what is happening. I seek to draw on my experience with concepts such as dilemma theory and systems thinking to approach research in new ways. I encourage students to seek to generate new knowledge that makes a difference to people's practice. Often this will involve exploring perspectives that may not have previously been researched, such as those of consultants and practitioners.

Research intersts have included work on organisational culture, skills acquisition, and educational innovation. My interest in cultural dilemmas attracts me to topics that involve working across organisational boundaries.

Dr Phil Ramsey is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 3
Co-supervisor 0 1

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2019 - Sajid Khan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Dilemmas of Educational Innovation
  • 2015 - Lesley Gill - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring trainer perspectives of emotional intelligence training program design
  • 2011 - Dodi Wirawan Irawanto - Doctor of Philosophy
    "Exploring paternalistic leadership and its application to the Indonesian context

Co-supervisor of:

  • 1998 - Peter Blyde - Doctor of Philosophy
    A Descriptive Exploration of Executive Perceptions of Leadership.