
Associate Professor Tracy Morison staff profile picture

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Associate Professor Tracy Morison PhD

Associate Professor

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Psychology

Tracy Morison is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology with 18 years of experience in teaching and research. She holds adjunct appointments as an honorary research associate of at Rhodes University and (incoming) Editor-in-Chief of journal

Trained as a research psychologist, she previously worked as a full-time researcher in a national social science council in South Africa, the , with a mandate to produce "Social Science [research] that makes a difference" in people's lives. 

Prof Morison's major scholarly contributions are in the areas of

  1. sexual and reproductive decision-making,
  2. sexual and reproductive health and rights, and
  3. qualitative methodology.

Her primary research focus is on sexual and reproductive health, with an emphasis on how social environments shape decisions and practices. She uses feminist and critical theories, alongside in-depth qualitative methodologies, to explore the social contexts in which people’s sexual and reproductive interactions, practices, and decisions occur. Her work addresses topics such as contraception, abortion, sexual violence prevention, and health access for marginalised groups.

Driven by a solid commitment to social justice, the aim of her work is to show how options are opened or closed down for people from marginalised social groups and to identify structural and systemic issues that need to be addressed to support everyone’s sexual and reproductive rights. She also feels strongly about making academic knowledge more accessible and extending research findings beyond academic spaces through policy work and application in real-world settings.

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Associate Professor and Director of the MSc in Health Psychology Program in the School of Psychology. Adjunct appointments include Honorary Research Associate of at Rhodes University and the incoming Editor-in-Chief of .

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Contact details

  • Ph: X86216
    Location: 3.04, School of Psychology
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Doctor of Philosophy - Rhodes University (2011)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Prizes and Awards

  • Mid-career Researcher Award - International Society for Critical Health Psychology (2021)
  • Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) Humanities Book Award - Long List: Morison & Macleod (2015) Men's pathways to parenthood. - Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) Humanities Book Award (2016)
  • I am an Honorary Research Associate Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction, Department of Psychology, Rhodes University, South Africa. - Rhodes University (2012)
  • Selected for Emerging Psychologists Programme - International Congress of Psychology (2012)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

My main areas of interest and expertise are in sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice including, but not limited to the following.

  • Main focus areas: Contraception, abortion, and pregnancy
  • Reproductive decision-making (including choosing parenthood or voluntary childlessness)
  • Gendered aspects of Sexual and Reproductive Health 
  • Sexualities (including heterosexuality) and Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health services, especially for LGBTQ+ and other marginalised groups
  • Related topics like sex education, activism/advocacy, or health service access and use
  • Feminist theory, including Feminist Poststructuralism and Reproductive Justice Theory


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Developmental Psychology and Ageing (170102): Gender Psychology (170105): Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology (170106): Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000): Social and Community Psychology (170113)


  • Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, & Justice
  • Gender and feminism
  • Critical theory
  • Qualitative methods

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Balancing access and agency in Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) programming: Developing a reproductive justice framework for Aotearoa New Zealand

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is seen as one of the most promising developments for public health and women's rights in the last decade. In Aotearoa/New Zealand LARC has been met with much enthusiasm. There have been significant efforts to increase access and uptake, mainly targeting 'at risk' women (teens and ethnic minorities) and those on welfare. Amid this enthusiasm, little attention has been given to women's reproductive autonomy or their own perspectives on LARC. As a result, the role of power relations remains overlooked and under-theorised, as do the politics surrounding LARC and reproductive health in Aotearoa. This provides an ideal case study to generate local data including women's perspectives, as well as to extend the framework of Reproductive Justice. This is a more holistic framework for understanding reproductive health issues that has significant potential for application in Aotearoa. To do this, the research will seek to highlight questions of power and agency in the provision of LARC in Aotearoa and explore how these insights can contribute to the theoretical development of the reproductive justice framework, both locally and transnationally.
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Date Range: 2019 - 2023

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

  • A/Pro Tracy Morison - Project Leader
  • Dr Jade Sophia Le Grice - Team Member
  • Catriona Macleod - Team Member

Research Outputs


Healy-Cullen, S., & Morison, T. (2024). Extending sexual scripting theory through critical discursive psychology: An analytical approach to explore the performance of sexual identities. Theory and Psychology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T.
Healy-Cullen, S., Taylor, K., & Morison, T. (2024). Youth, Pornography, and Addiction: A Critical Review. Current Addiction Reports. 11(2), 265-274
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T.
Tappin, J., Riley, S., & Morison, T. (2024). How to have great sex: Exploring sexual subjectivities and discourses of desire in mainstream online media aimed at women. Feminism and Psychology. 34(1), 172-192
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T., Riley, S., Tappin, J.
Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Taylor, JE., & Taylor, K. (2024). What does it mean to be ‘porn literate’: perspectives of young people, parents and teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 26(2), 174-190
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Taylor, J.
Bloom, O., & Morison, T. (2024). Supporting Intellectually Disabled Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Qualitative Study With Support Workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Women's Reproductive Health. 11(2), 396-416
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lestari, MD., Stephens, C., & Morison, T. (2023). Local knowledge and unliveable narratives: How insights from family caregiving narratives can inform locally relevant ageing policy. Journal of Aging Studies. 64
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T., Stephens, C.
Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Taylor, JE., & Taylor, K. (2023). Performing smart sexual selves: A sexual scripting analysis of youth talk about internet pornography. Sexualities.
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Taylor, J.
Morison, T. (2023). Using reproductive justice as a theoretical lens in qualitative research in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 20(1), 172-192
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2023). Patient-provider power relations in counselling on long-acting reversible contraception: a discursive study of provider perspectives. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 25(5), 537-553
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lestari, MD., Stephens, C., & Morison, T. (2023). The Role of Local Knowledge in Multigenerational Caregiving for Older People. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 21(3), 339-359
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T., Stephens, C.
Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Ross, K., & Taylor, JE. (2022). How do youth, parents, and educators use discursive sexual scripts to make sense of youth engagement with internet pornography?. Porn Studies. 9(4), 445-463
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Ross, K., Taylor, J.
Healy-Cullen, S., Taylor, JE., Ross, K., & Morison, T. (2022). Youth Encounters with Internet Pornography: A Survey of Youth, Caregiver, and Educator Perspectives. Sexuality and Culture. 26(2), 491-513
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Ross, K., Taylor, J.
Morison, T., Macleod, CI., & Lynch, I. (2022). ‘My friends would laugh at me’: embedding the dominant heterosexual script in the talk of primary school students. Gender and Education. 34(3), 329-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Healy-Cullen, S., Taylor, JE., Morison, T., & Ross, K. (2022). Using Q-Methodology to Explore Stakeholder Views about Porn Literacy Education. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 19(2), 549-561
[Journal article]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Ross, K., Taylor, J.
Lestari, MD., Stephens, C., & Morison, T. (2022). Constructions of older people's identities in Indonesian regional ageing policies: the impacts on micro and macro experiences of ageing. Ageing and Society. 42(9), 2046-2066
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T., Stephens, C.
Morison, T., & Eagar, D. (2021). Women’s perspectives on long-acting reversible contraception: a critical scoping review of qualitative research. Women and Health. 61(6), 527-541
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2021). Reproductive justice: A radical framework for researching sexual and reproductive issues in psychology. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 15(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Wootton, S., & Morison, T. (2020). Menstrual Management and the Negotiation of Failed Femininities: A Discursive Study Among Low-Income Young Women in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Women's Reproductive Health. 7(2), 87-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Herbert, S. (2020). Muted resistance: The deployment of youth voice in news coverage of young women’s sexuality in Aotearoa New Zealand. Feminism and Psychology. 30(1), 80-99
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Herbert, S. (2019). Rethinking ‘Risk’ in Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy: the Value of the Reproductive Justice Framework. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16(4), 434-445
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Khuzwayo, Z., & Morison, T. (2017). Resisting Erasure: Bisexual Female Identity in South Africa. South African Review of Sociology. 48(4), 19-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Mtshengu, A., Sandfort, T., & Reddy, V. (2016). “As long as they behave themselves”: Heterosexual recuperation in South Africans’ talk about homosexuality. Psychology in Society. 51 Retrieved from http://ref.scielo.org/bh3tt8
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2016). 'We can't help you here': The discursive erasure of sexual minorities in South African public sexual and reproductive health services. Psychology of Sexualities Review. 7(2), 7-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Macleod, C. (2016). Focus on ‘the ramily’? How South African family policy could fail us. HSRC Policy Briefs. , 1-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Macleod, C., Lynch, I., Mijas, M., & Shivakumar, ST. (2016). Stigma Resistance in Online Childfree Communities: The Limitations of Choice Rhetoric. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 40(2), 184-198
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2016). Gay men as parents: analysing resistant talk in South African mainstream media accounts of queer families.. Feminism & Psychology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2016). Gay men as parents: Analysing resistant talk in South African mainstream media accounts of queer families. Feminism and Psychology. 26(2), 188-206
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Gibson, AF., Wigginton, B., & Crabb, S. (2015). Online Research Methods in Psychology: Methodological Opportunities for Critical Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 12(3), 223-232
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2015). Knowledge and Knowing in South Africa: Making a Case for the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Psychology in Society. 12(3), 76-78
[Book Review]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Gibson,, A., Wigginton, B., & Crabb, S. (2015). Online research methods: Methodological opportunities for critical qualitative research in psychology.. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 12(3), 223-232 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uqrp20
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Macleod, C. (2014). When veiled silences speak: reflexivity, trouble and repair as methodological tools for interpreting the unspoken in discourse-based data. Qualitative Research. 14(6), 694-711
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2013). Moving from reproductive choice to reproductive justice.. HSRC Review. 13(6), 30-31 Retrieved from http://www.hsrc.ac.za/en/review/hsrc-review-may-2013/moving-from-reproductive-choice-to-reproductive-justice
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2013). Heterosexual Men and Parenthood Decision Making in South Africa: Attending to the Invisible Norm. Journal of Family Issues. 34(8), 1125-1144
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Macleod, C. (2013). A Performative-Performance Analytical Approach: Infusing Butlerian Theory Into the Narrative-Discursive Method. Qualitative Inquiry. 19(8), 566-577
[Journal article]Authored by: Morison, T.


Healy-Cullen, S., & Morison, T. (2023). Porn literacy education: A critique. In ML. Rasmussen, & L. Allen (Eds.) Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Sexuality Education. : Palgrave
[Chapter]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Le Grice, JS. (2023). Reproductive justice: Illuminating the intersectional politics of sexual and reproductive issues. In The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. (pp. 419 - 435).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Healy-Cullen, S., & Morison, T.L. Allen, & ML. Rasmussen (Eds.)February(pp. 1 - 13). FebruaryFebruaryHealy-Cullen, S., & Morison, T.L. Allen, & ML. Rasmussen (Eds.)FebruaryFebruaryFebruary
[Reference Book]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T.
Morison, T., Ndabula, Y., & Macleod, CI. (2022). The Contraceptive Paradox, Contraceptive Agency, and Reproductive Justice: Women’s Decision-Making about Long-Acting Reversible Contraception. In T. Morison, & JMJ. Mavuso (Eds.) Sexual and Reproductive Justice: From the Margins to the Centre. (pp. 227 - 247). Lanham: Lexington Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Mavuso, JMJ. (Eds.) (2022). Sexual and Reproductive Justice: From the Margins to the Centre. Lanham: Lexington Books
[Edited Book]Edited by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2021). Reproductive justice: Revitalising critical reproductive health research. In Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness. (pp. 169 - 182).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Macleod, CI., & Morison, T. (2020). Fertility, childbirth, and parenting: Defining sexual and gender relations. In The Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women. (pp. 110 - 123).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019). ‘Living two lives’ and ‘blending in’: Reproductive citizenship and belonging in the parenthood narratives of gay men. In Queer Kinship: South African Perspectives on the Sexual Politics of Family-Making and Belonging. (pp. 167 - 189).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Reddy, V., Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2019). Queer kinship in South Africa: Where to next?. In Queer Kinship: South African Perspectives on the Sexual Politics of Family-Making and Belonging. (pp. 199 - 205).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Reddy, V.(2019). Introduction: Queer kinship in South Africa.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Morison, T.
Macleod, CI., Feltham-King, T., Mavuso, JMJJ., & Morison, T. (2019). 'Failed' mothers, 'failed' womxn: Demarcating normative mothering. In Intersections of Mothering: Feminist Accounts. (pp. 30 - 43).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Morison, T., Macleod, CI., Mijas, M., Du Toit, R., & Seemanthini, S. (2018). From Deviant Choice to Feminist Issue: An Historical Analysis of Scholarship on Voluntary Childlessness (1920-2013). In Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness: The Joys of Otherhood?. (pp. 11 - 47).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Roberts, B., Gordon, S., Struwig, J., & Reddy, V. (2019). South African public opinion on family rights for lesbians and gay men: Entry points for activism and interventions. In Z. Mokomane, B. Roberts, J. Struwig, & S. Gordon (Eds.) South African Social Attitudes: family matters: family cohesion, values and strengthening to promote wellbeing. (pp. 119 - 138). Pretoria, South Africa: The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Timol, F., Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2019). Is a woman’s place still in the home? Gender-role attitudes and women’s position in the South African labour market. In Z. Mokomane, B. Roberts, J. Struwig, & S. Gordon (Eds.) South African Social Attitudes: family matters: family cohesion, values and strengthening to promote wellbeing. (pp. 182 - 208). Pretoria, South Africa: The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Reddy, V., Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2018). Queer Kinship in South Africa: Where to next?. In T. Morison, I. Lynch, & V. Reddy (Eds.) Queer Kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. (pp. 199 - 205). Pretoria, South Africa: Unisa Press/Routlege
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
Macleod, CI., Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019). Focus on ‘the family’? How South African family policy fails queer families. In Queer Kinship: South African Perspectives on the Sexual Politics of Family-Making and Belonging. (pp. 22 - 32).
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Reddy, V. (2018). Queer kinship in South Africa. In T. Morison, I. Lynch, & V. Reddy (Eds.) Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. (pp. 1 - 14). Pretoria, South Africa: Unisa Press/Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
(2019). Queer Kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging.
[Edited Book]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lyons, A., & Chamberlain, K.KC. O'Doherty, & D. Hodgetts (Eds.)February(pp. 215 - 231). JanuaryAprilMorison, T., Lyons, A., & Chamberlain, K.KC. O'Doherty, & D. Hodgetts (Eds.)AprilJanuaryAprilAprilMorison, T., Lyons, A., & Chamberlain, K.KC. O'Doherty, & D. Hodgetts (Eds.)AprilJanuaryAprilAprilMorison, T., Lyons, A., & Chamberlain, K.K. O'Doherty, & D. Hodgetts (Eds.)MarchMarchMarch
[Reference Book]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Hodgetts, D.
Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2018). ‘Living two lives’ and ‘blending in’: Reproductive citizenship and belonging in the parenthood narratives of gay men.. In T. Morison, I. Lynch, & V. Reddy (Eds.) Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging.. (pp. 167 - 189). Pretoria, South Africa: Unisa Press/Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Edited by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Morison, T., Macleod, CI., Mijas, M., du Toit, R., & Seemanthini, S. (2018). From deviant choice to feminist issue: An historical analysis of scholarship on voluntary childlessness (1920 to 2013). In N. Sappleton (Ed.) Voluntary and involuntary childlessness: The joys of Otherhood?. (pp. 11 - 48). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Nentwich, JC., & Morison, T. (2017). Performing the self: Performativity and discursive psychology. In CB. Travis, & JW. White (Eds.) American Psychological Association Handbook of the Psychology of Women. (pp. 209 - 228). Washington, United States of America: American Psychological Association
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Macleod, C.(2016). Men's pathways to parenthood: Silence and heterosexual gendered norms. Cape Town: HSRC Press
[Authored Book]Authored by: Morison, T.
Chitiga-Mabugu, M., Karuaihe, S., Reddy, V., Morison, T., Botsis, H., Ntuli, M., . . . Tsoanamatsie, N.(2014). South African women as champions of change: A civil society programme of action for the African women’s decade. Cape Town: HSRC Press
[Authored Book]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Reddy, V. (2013). Familiar claims: Representations of same-gendered families in South African mainstream news media. In C. Lubbe-De Beer, & J. Marnell (Eds.) Home affairs: Rethinking lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender families in contemporary South Africa. (pp. 21 - 49). Johannesburg, South Africa: Fanele Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.Contributed to by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2008). “Our place in the family of things”: A story of animals, (re)connection and belonging in the world.. In D. Wylie (Ed.) Toxic Belonging? Identity and Ecology in Southern Africa.. Newcastle (UK): Cambridge Scholars Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Morison, T.


Morison, T. (2011). ‘But what story?’: A narrative-discursive analysis of ‘white’ Afrikaners accounts of male involvement in parenthood decision-making. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Morison, T.


Lynch, I., Morison, T., Essop, R., Macleod, C., Tolla, T., & Gqomfa, N. (2018). “Kwanele! Communities ensuring safe learning environments for girls” in Khayelitsha: Part of the Sexual Violence in Schools in South Africa (SeViSSA) initiative in South Africa: Midterm report.. Human Science Research Council/Rhodes University..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2017). ‘Dating rules’ and intimate partner violence in township schools: Findings from the SeViSSA baseline study.. www.hsrc.ac.za.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2016). System failures and stigma: an unhealthy mix for women. Research Brief. AIDS Foundation of South Africa.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Morison, T., Moolman, T., Chiumbu, S., Makoae, M., & Fluks, L. (2016). Advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of sexual and gender minorities in Gert Sibande District, Mpumalanga: A rapid ethnographic assessment. Human Sciences Research Council.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2016). Use and perceptions of public Sexual and Reproductive Health services: A quantitative situational analysis in OR Tambo and Gert Sibande districts. Human Sciences Research Council.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Morison, T., Gomfa, N., Timol, F., & Macleod, C. (2016). “Kwanele! Communities ensuring safe learning environments for girls” in Khayelitsha: Part of the Sexual Violence in Schools in South Africa (SeViSSA) initiative in South Africa: Baseline report.. Human Sciences Research Council/Rhodes University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Reddy, V., Morison, T., & Moolman, B. (2015). Making Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights Real in South Africa: A baseline study of selected sites in four provinces..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Goga, S., Rarieya, J., & Reddy, V. (2014). Framework for the development of a National Policy on Gender Equity in Basic Education.. Department of Basic Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Botsis, H., Wiebesiek, L., Khalema, E., Vawda, M., Dlamini, N., . . . Reddy, V. (2012). Diagnostic review: National & provincial monitoring & evaluation systems focused on women, children & people with disabilities in South Africa. Department of Women, Children, and People with Disabilities.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2012). Good practice for addressing violence against women in South Africa Gender and Poverty Eradication..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Morison, T.


Morison, T.Symposium: Doctor knows best? Qualitative perspectives on interactions and relationships with healthcare workers from four countries. . Bratislava
[Conference Other]Authored by: Morison, T.Contributed to by: Morison, T.
Morison, T.“You can push them a little”: Healthcare providers talk about contraceptive care. . Bratislava
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Morison, T.
Tappin, J., Riley, S., & Morison, T.Sexual subjectivities and discourses of desire in mainstream online women’s media. . Online
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Morison, T., Riley, S.
Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Ross, K., & Taylor, J.How youth, caregivers and educators draw on sexual scripts to make sense of young people’s engagement with Internet pornography. . Online
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Healy-Cullen, S., Morison, T., Ross, K., Taylor, J.
Morison, T.“You have to be careful of your own agenda”: Discursive dilemmas in healthcare provider’s talk about Contraceptive Care. . Online
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Morison, T.
Ryan, A., & Morison, T. (2021). Barriers to socially just Relationships and Sexuality Education in England: A policy analysis. Poster session presented at the meeting of British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference. Online
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T.(2021). 'We're not OK until we're all OK': Advancing Reproductive Health, Justice, and Well-Being in Social Research.
[Conference Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2021, April). ‘We are not OK until we are all OK’: Advancing Reproductive Health, Justice, and Well-Being in Social Research. Presented at Social Psychology Days 2021. Helsinki.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., Essop, R., Fluks, L., & Macleod, C.(2019, April). Starting early: Promoting younger adolescents’ sexual & reproductive health through intimate partner violence intervention. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Herbert, S.(2017, December). Youth on the margins: A discursive analysis of Aotearoa NZ Sexual & Reproductive Health policy. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Macleod, C., Lynch, I., Morison, T., & Saunders, B.(2017, July). “Girls want to be pleaded”: The sexual ‘hustler’ and provider masculinity.. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Moolman, B., & Reddy, V.(2016, July). Beyond the clinic walls: Making sexual and reproductive rights real for marginalised groups. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Morison, T., Gomfa, N., Swartz, C., Macleod, C., Sanders, B., . . . Goldstein, S.(2016, May). What’s love got to do with it? Love and narratives of normalisation in township-based South African adolescents’ talk about intimate partner violence.. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Lynch, I.(2015, July). Gay men and fatherhood in South Africa: A discursive study.. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Rule, C.(2015, September). You have to keep reproducing success: South African students constructions of success & agency in Higher Education. . (pp. 72 - 72). Retreived from http://repository.hsrc.ac.za/handle/20.500.11910/1720
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Lynch, I.(2014, September). Same different or deficient constructions of same gendered families in South African mainstream media. . (pp. 60 - 60).
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T.(2013, September). The childfree ‘choice’: Childfree social identity construction in virtual spaces.. . Retreived from http://repository.hsrc.ac.za/handle/20.500.11910/2828
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T.(2013, July). What to expect when you’re not expecting: Child freedom social stigma and reproductive justice. .
[Conference]Authored by: Morison, T.
Reddy, V., Salo, E., Morison, T., Botsis, H., Baloyi, A., Mtshengu, A., . . . Sandfort, T. (2012, July). Taverns, bars and shebeens: sexual risk and HIV within homo-social spaces among black men who have sex with men in South African townships.. Presented at XIX International AIDS Conference. Washington, DC, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2012, August). Heterosexual men and parenthood decision-making in South Africa: Attending to the invisible norm.. Presented at International Sociological Association forum. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., & Macleod, CI. (2011, August). Hearing the silences through the ‘noise’: Narratives of parenthood decision making among heterosexual, ‘white’ Afrikaners.. Presented at 17th South African Psychology Congress. International Convention Center, Cape Town, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2009, August). Choosing to parent: ‘Trouble’ in constructions of motherhood and fatherhood.. Presented at 15th South African Psychology Congress. International Convention Center, Cape Town, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2006, August). Our place in the family of things: representations of selves and belonging.. Presented at 3rd Literature and Ecology Colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morison, T.


Morison, T. (2022). Who decides women’s best interests? Examining the role of contraceptive care providers. : 蹤獲扦 News
[Internet publication]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2022). Who Decides Women’s Best Interests? Examining patient-provider power relations in counselling on long-acting reversible contraception. : Internationsl Society of Critical Health Psychology Blog
[Internet publication]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Essop, R., Tolla, T., & Morison, T. (2018). Intimate partner violence in Khayelitsha schools: A Culture of silence. (pp. 12 - 14).
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Essop, R., Tolla, T., & Morison, T. (2018). Intimate partner violence in Khayelitsha schools: A culture of silence.. (pp. 10 - 12).
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Garden, E. (2017). SeViSSA Brief 2: A culture of silence that normalises widespread violence.. Human Sciences Research Council
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Garden, E. (2017). SeViSSA Brief 1: Very high rates of sexual violence with younger learners most vulnerable.. Human Sciences Research Council
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Lynch, I., Essop, R., Morison, T., & Tolla, T. (2017). 'Dating rules’ and intimate partner violence in township schools: Findings from the SeViSSA Baseline Study.. Human Sciences Research Council
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.Contributed to by: Morison, T.
Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Macleod, C. (2016). Focus on ‘the family’? How South African family policy could fail us. (pp. 1 - 5). HSRC Press
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2016). Gay Men as Parents and Caregivers: Information for South African service providers..
[Other]Authored by: Morison, T.
Morison, T. (2015). What gay fathers can teach us about feminism and parenthood. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Morison, T.

Consultancy and Languages


  • English
    Last used: Now
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Afrikaans
    Last used: Today
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Tracy is the MSc Health Psychology Programme Director and Course Coodinator of three courses: Understanding Health and Illness, Health Promotion, and the Health Psychology Practicum. 

Graduate Supervision Statement

My approach to supervision is to see students as apprentice researchers and I try to balance formal guidance with pastoral care. I frame the task for students as a project with component parts, to scaffold the process as they work systematically through each phase, drawing on my background in research project management. I also aim to help students develop generic research skills (e.g. project management, budgeting, and information management). 

I welcome students who wish to use qualitative methods and critical theories to explore sexual and reproductive health issues. My main areas of interest and expertise are in sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice including, but not limited to the following.

  • Main focus areas: Contraception, abortion, and pregnancy
  • Reproductive decision-making (including choosing parenthood or voluntary childlessness)
  • Gendered aspects of Sexual and Reproductive Health 
  • Sexualities (including heterosexuality) and Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health services, especially for LGBTQ+ and other marginalised groups
  • Related topics like sex education, activism/advocacy, or health service access and use
  • Feminist theory, including Feminist Poststructuralism and Reproductive Justice Theory

I would be interested in working on projects related to abortion and digital stories; contraception for gender non-conforming people; and (cisgender) men and contraception. 

As an idea of the projects I supervise, here are some examples of student projects under my supervision:

  • Sexuality education and youth engagement with online pornography
  • Sexuality education policy analysis
  • Support workers and the sexual and reproductive health and rights of intellectually disabled women
  • Young women's experiences of painful sexual intercourse
  • Young women's experiences of "period poverty" (aka menstrual inequity)
  • Older childfree/voluntarily childless women's experiences of stigma
  • Gay men, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), and sexual intimacy
  • Working mother's breastfeeding in the context of Early-Childhood Education
  • Smoking in pregnancy

Associate Professor Tracy Morison is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 0
Co-supervisor 2 2

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Sacha Malkin - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Abortion Telehealth in Aotearoa - Key learnings from two years of service provision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Jess Senior - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Dual Lenses: The Experiences of Clinical Psychologists with Lived Experience of Mental Distress
  • Jessica Tappin - Doctor of Philosophy
    Understanding the social discourses that shape the way young women learn about sexual desire.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2022 - Made Lestari - Doctor of Philosophy
    Multigenerational caregiving for older people in Bali: Combining macro and micro perspectives to understand ageing, family, and caregiving
  • 2022 - Siobhan Healy-Cullen - Doctor of Philosophy
    'Porn Literacy as Pedagogy?: Key Stakeholder Perspectives on Understanding and Responding to Young People's Engagement with Internet Pornography

Media and Links


  • 31 May 2013 - Magazine
    Opinion editorial: Reproductive Justice
    News Magazine article
  • 31 Jan 2015 - Magazine
    Article: Family Diversity
    News magazine article
  • 30 Sep 2015 - Magazine
    Article: 'Non-conventional' families
    News magazine article
  • 28 Mar 2019 - Newspaper
    Interview for WIRED: voluntary childlessness
    WIRED article by Emma Gray Ellis
  • 28 Jun 2022 - Newspaper
    Abortion Laws in Aotearoa NZ
    News Hub Media - interview
  • 28 Jun 2022 - Television
    Abortion laws in Aotearoa NZ
    News Hub Late Edition
  • 28 Apr 2015 - Radio
    Interview: voluntary childlessness
    Radio 702 (South African national Talk Radio station)
  • 26 Aug 2022 - Online
    Who decides womens best interests?
    Opinion Editorial
  • 24 Feb 2022 - Radio
    Interview on national telehealth abortion service
    Interview with 95b FM
  • 23 Sep 2015 - Radio
    Interview: Gay fathers & caregivers
    Unisa Radio (South African campus radio station)
  • 22 Sep 2015 - Online
    Article: Gay fathers & caregivers
    Invited contribution for The Conversation
  • 20 Sep 2022 - Online, Newspaper
    What the abortion statistics actually say
    Provided expert advice and reviewed
  • 18 May 2022 - Newspaper
    Interview with MU Journalism student, B. Stone
    Interviewed for 3-part feature on abortion to be published freelance
  • 17 Aug 2017 - Radio
    Interview: Men's Pathways to Parenthood
    Interviewed on SAFM 'The Talk Shop' with Naledi Moleo (a South African national radio station) about my co-authored book (Morison & Macleod, 2015)
  • 15 Nov 2021 - Other
    Linguistics lounge - expert contributor
    Surfing the Crimson Wave: Talking and not talking about menstruation Tony Fisher talks to Dr Tracy Morrison and Professor Alma Gottlieb about menstruation, its meaning in different cultures, and the m
  • 14 Aug 2024 - Online
    RE News
    Interview on Voluntary Childlessness among young people
  • 13 Jun 2022 - Newspaper
    Interviewed by S. Solomon
    Talking to children about menstruation
  • 13 Jun 2022 - Newspaper, Online
    Talking to kids about periods
    Stuff News, Serena Solomon, talking about periods with children
  • 10 Sep 2021 - Online
    Mid-Career Award feature
    Rhodes University academic and alumnae win big at inaugural ISCHP awards
  • 07 Oct 2021 - Video
    Contributed to EONZ resource, which includes a four-part video series. The videos address some of the key topics covered in the resource. It is delivered in a youth-friendly and engaging way, so its
  • 07 Oct 2020 - Newspaper
    Op-ed: social stigma behind & period poverty
    We need to tackle the social stigma behind period poverty
  • 06 Jun 2019 - Newspaper
    Interview NZ Herald: Voluntary childlessness
    Jamie Morton for New Zealand Herald
  • 05 Nov 2018 - Newspaper, Online
    Interview: same-sex parenthood & families
    Interview for News24 about my queer parenthood and my forthcoming editted book, Queer Kinship, with Beth Amato.
  • 02 Dec 2015 - Radio
    Interview: Gay fathers & caregivers
    Interview on SAFM (national South African radio station) about my research
  • 02 Aug 2022 - Newspaper, Online
    Stuff News, Michelle Duff, Abortion
  • 01 Nov 2022 - Newspaper
    Telehealth service expands access to safe abortion
  • 01 Nov 2022 - Radio
    Interview on RNZ Morning Report
    Phone option for abortions rolling out
  • 01 Mar 2013 - Magazine
    "What to expect when you're not expecting"
    Women's Health, Carrie Anton, March 2013
  • 01 Jun 2022 - Online
    Interviewed by S. Lang, CapsuleNZ on abortion
    Provided expertise for a piece on abortion access in the USA and the impact on NZ and the rest of the world.
  • 01 Feb 2020 - Magazine
    Interview North & South: Voluntary childlessness

Other Links