
Associate Professor Dianne Gardner staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518566

Associate Professor Dianne Gardner PhD

Associate Professor

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Psychology


Contact details

  • Ph: 43441
    Location: 3.05, Psychology Building
    Campus: Turitea


  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Sydney (2003)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

I am interested in a range of topics related to industrial/organisational psychology, especially wellbeing at work. This can include the positive and negative outcomes of work demands, work-life balance, coping, resilience/ cognitive hardiness, generational differences at work, the role of optimism, self-esteem and social support in work-related wellbeing, emotional intelligence, learning from errors, and the effective management of hazards at work. My overall approach is that of positive psychology: the focus on human strengths and resources in the workplace.


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Industrial and Organisational Psychology (170107): Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000)

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Understanding Workplace Stress and Bullying in New Zealand Workplaces

Date Range: 2007 - 2009

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Stress and wellbeing in vet students

The veterinary profession in NZ is concerned about levels of occupational stress. MURF funding supported research into the ways in which optimism, self-esteem, social networks and coping strategies were related to veterinary students' levels of stress and life satisfaction. Questionnaires were distributed to students in all 5 years of the BVSc in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Men and women did not differ on key study variables. Students with more optimism and self-esteem were less stressed, less likely to see problems as threats, more likely to see problems as challenges and used better coping strategies. Students in different years did not differ in their levels of optimism, social support, self-esteem, life satisfaction or stress. Recommendations included retaining initiatives to build well-being that are already in place, such as initiatives to build social skills and strong interpersonal networks which in turn may foster self-esteem and optimism.
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Date Range: 2007 - 2008

Funding Body: 蹤獲扦 University

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Gardner, DH. (2024). Pets in the workplace: a scoping review. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 72(6), 307-316
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Chi, D., de Terte, I., & Gardner, D. (2024). Cognitive processing of HIV stigma and its association with posttraumatic growth: a reflexive thematic analysis. Australian Psychologist. 59(4), 377-390
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D.
McBride, DI., Richardson, A., Gardner, D., Wyeth, E., Shepherd, D., Derrett, S., . . . Cameron, C. (2023). Multiple symptom illness in New Zealand contemporary veterans. New Zealand Medical Journal. 136(1580), 62-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gordon, SJG., Bolwell, CF., Weston, JF., Benschop, J., Gardner, DH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2023). Using a Card Sort Technique to Determine the Perceptions of First-Year Veterinary Students on Veterinary Professionalism Attributes Important to Future Success in Clinical Practice. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 50(4), 445-456
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Gardner, D., Weston, J.
Chi, D., de Terte, I., & Gardner, D. (2022). Posttraumatic Growth and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in People with HIV. AIDS and Behavior. 26(11), 3688-3699
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D.
McBride, D., Samaranayaka, A., Richardson, A., Gardner, D., Shepherd, D., Wyeth, E., . . . Derrett, S. (2022). Factors associated with self-reported health among New Zealand military veterans: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 12(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2022). Client incivility and its effects on veterinary wellbeing. Veterinary Record. 190(4), 157-159
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Frost, L., & Gardner, D. (2022). Maintaining Balance for Christian Counsellors When Work is a Calling. Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling. 76(1), 48-55
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Djokovic, A., Cooper-Thomas, HD., & Gardner, D. (2022). Expectations and experiences of practising veterinarians throughout an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction programme. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 70(6), 304-312
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gordon, SJG., Gardner, DH., Weston, JF., Bolwell, C., Benschop, J., & Parkinson, TJ. (2022). Using the critical incident technique to determine veterinary professional competencies important for enhancing the veterinarian-client interaction. Veterinary Record. 190(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Gardner, D., Weston, J.
Gordon, S., Gardner, D., Weston, J., Bolwell, C., Benschop, J., & Parkinson, T. (2021). Fostering the development of professionalism in veterinary students: Challenges and implications for veterinary professionalism curricula. Education Sciences. 11(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Gardner, D., Weston, J.
Jillings, EKP., Curtis, E., Gardner, D., Parkinson, TJ., Hecker, KG., & Cogger, N. (2021). Widening access to veterinary education: descriptive analysis of ethnicity, societal representation and educational background of applicants to veterinary education in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 69(3), 147-157
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Gardner, D., Jillings, E.
Bentley, TA., Teo, STT., Nguyen, DTN., Blackwood, K., Catley, B., Gardner, D., . . . Port, Z. (2021). Psychosocial influences on psychological distress and turnover intentions in the workplace. Safety Science. 137
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Port, Z., Tappin, D.
Green, A., Gardner, D., & Legg, S. (2022). An exploration of the emotional experience of BASE jumping. Sport in Society. 25(2), 390-404
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Roche, M., Bentley, T., Cooper-Thomas, H., Catley, B., Teo, S., . . . Trenberth, L. (2020). An exploration of gender and workplace bullying in New Zealand. International Journal of Manpower. 41(8), 1385-1395
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Handy, J., Gardner, D., & Davy, D. (2020). Relational Expectations and Transactional Obligations: Incompatible Psychological Contracts and Triadic Employment Relationships. SAGE Open. 10(2) Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2158244020932672
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Richardson, A., Gurung, G., Samaranayaka, A., Gardner, D., deGraaf, B., Wyeth, EH., . . . McBride, D. (2020). Risk and protective factors for post-traumatic stress among New Zealand military personnel: A cross sectional study. PLoS ONE. 15(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Handy, J., Warren, L., Hunt, M., & Gardner, D. (2019). Managing professional identity within a changing market environment: New Zealand optometrists’ responses to the growth of corporate optometry. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal Of Social Sciences Online. 15(1), 204-216 Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1177083X.2019.1700137
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Soykan, A., Gardner, D., & Edwards, T. (2019). Subjective wellbeing in New Zealand teachers: An examination of the role of psychological capital. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. 29(2), 130-138
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gordon, SJG., Gardner, DH., Weston, JF., Bolwell, CF., Benschop, J., & Parkinson, TJ. (2019). Quantitative and thematic analysis of complaints by clients against clinical veterinary practitioners in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(3), 117-125
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Gardner, D., Weston, J.
de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Hudson-doyle, E., & Bethell, F. (2018). Adversity in the Asia Pacific Region: Challenges Facing Health and Society. Journal of Loss and Trauma. 23(5), 347-350
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Hudson-Doyle, E.Edited by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Hudson-Doyle, E.
Ellis, DE., & Gardner, D. (2018). Psychosocial Factors Relating to Adaptive Capacity in a New Zealand District Health Board. Journal of Loss and Trauma. 23(5), 395-418
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Rasmussen, W. (2018). Workplace bullying and relationships with health and performance among a sample of New Zealand veterinarians. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 66(2), 57-63
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Rosen, R., & Gardner, DH. (2017). Desirable attributes of a radiation protection adviser. Radiation Protection in Australasia (2017). 34(1), 17-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, HD., O'Driscoll, M., Roche, M., . . . Trenberth, L. (2017). Organisational strategies to manage workplace bullying. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. 33(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Furness, K., Williams, MN., Veale, JF., & Gardner, DH. (2017). Maximising potential: The psychological effects of the youth development programme project K. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 46(1), 14-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D., Williams, M.
Weston, JF., Gardner, D., & Yeung, P. (2017). Stressors and protective factors among veterinary students in New Zealand. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 44(1), 22-28
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D., Weston, J., Yeung, P.
Stiles-Smith, B., Kennedy, B., & Gardner, DH. (2016). Leadership report: Christchurch school drives intervention home. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice. 31(1), 48-54 Retrieved from http://www.nzeals.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., O’Driscoll, M., Cooper-Thomas, HD., Roche, M., Bentley, T., Catley, B., . . . Trenberth, L. (2016). Predictors of workplace bullying and cyber-bullying in New Zealand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Laird, I., McBride, D., McLaren, SJ., Gardner, D., Hislop, R., Gray, J., . . . Page, WH. (2016). Noise sources, exposures and controls in small enterprises in New Zealand. New Zealand Acoustics. 29(1), 28-38 Retrieved from http://www.acoustics.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I., Page, W.
Gardner, DH., & Rasmussen, W. (2016). Veterinary workplace bullying surprisingly high. VetScript. , 44-47 Retrieved from http://www.nzva.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Kimber, S., & Gardner, DH. (2016). Relationships between workplace well-being, job demands and resources in a sample of veterinary nurses in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 64(4), 224-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Stewart, L., & Gardner, D. (2015). Developing mahi oranga: A culturally responsive measure of ma¯ori occupational stress and wellbeing. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 44(2), 79-88
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2015). How mentoring works. New Zealand Veterinary Association. XXVIII(2), 7-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Laird, I., Dickinson, P., Legg, S., McBride, D., & Mclaren, S. (2014). Safety climate, attitudes to noise management and exposure to noise in small and medium sized workplaces in New Zealand. Small Enterprise Research. 21(2), 190-201
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Hodges, ME., & Gardner, D. (2014). Examining the Influence of Error Climate on Aviation Maintenance Performance. Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology. 7
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2014). Review of Mental illness in the workplace.. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. 30(3), 431-433
[Book Review]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2014). Review of A life in error: From little slips to big disasters.. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. , 319-320
[Book Review]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Cooper-Thomas, H., Bentley, T., Catley, BE., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, MP., & Trenberth, L. (2014). The impact of bullying on observers and targets. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management. 14(2), 82-95 Retrieved from http://www.nzjhrm.org.nz/Site/About.aspx
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Laird, I., Dickinson, PJ., Legg, S., McBride, D., & McLaren, S. (2014). Safety climate, attitudes to noise management and exposure to noise in small and medium sized workplaces in New Zealand.. Small Enterprise Research. 21(2), 190-201
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Von Dietze, E., & Gardner, D. (2014). Euthanizing wildlife: Experiences and coping strategies among people who conduct euthanasia. Pacific Conservation Biology. 20(1), 28-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Lunt, A., & Gardner, DH. (2013). Work-related coaching, job crafting, and outcome achievement. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management. 13(1), 27-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Catley, BE., Bentley, TA., Forsyth, D., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, MP., . . . Trenberth, L. (2013). Managing workplace bullying in New Zealand: Perspectives from occupational health and safety practitioners. Journal of Management & Organization. 19(5), 598-612
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Bentley, T., Catley, BE., Cooper-Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, MP., & Trenberth, L. (2013). Ethnicity, Workplace Bullying, Social Support and Psychological Strain in Aotearoa/New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 42(2), 84-91 Retrieved from http://www.psychology.org.nz/publications-media/new-zealand-journal-of-psychology/#.U8CT542SysZ
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Parkinson, T., & Fletcher, R. (2013). Wellbeing at work and psychological resources. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. 29(4), 221-238 Retrieved from http://www.cch.com.au/
[Journal article]Authored by: Fletcher, R., Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2013). Ethnicity, workplace bullying, social support and psychological strain in Aotearoa/New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 42(2), 84-91
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, M., Catley, B., Bentley, T., & Trenberth, L. (2013). Neutralizing workplace bullying: The buffering effects of contextual factors. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 28(4), 384-407
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Harper, A. (2012). Work resources and stress: Encouraging positive outcomes in the workplace. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. 28(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Hopkins, V., & Gardner, D. (2012). The mediating role of work engagement and burnout in the relationship between job characteristics and psychological distress among lawyers. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 41(1), 59-68
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Overdale, S., & Gardner, D. (2012). Social Support and Coping Adaptability in Initial Military Training. Military Psychology. 24(3), 308-326
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bentley, TA., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, MP., Dale, A., . . . Trenberth, L. (2012). Perceptions of workplace bullying in the New Zealand travel industry: Prevalence and management strategies. Tourism Management. 33(2), 351-360
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Cennamo, L., & Gardner, D. (2011). Generational differences in work values, outcomes and person-organisation values fit. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 39(2), 24-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Mooney, MF., Paton, D., de Terte, I., Johal, S., Karanci, AN., Gardner, D., . . . Johnston, D. (2011). Psychosocial Recovery from Disasters: A Framework Informed by Evidence. NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 40(4), 26-38
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B.
Johal, S., Chambers, R., Collins, S., de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., . . . Johnston, D. (2011). Potential social and psychological consequences of the Rena incident: Lessons from an international perspective. The New Zealand Medical Journal. 124(1345), 86-88 Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/124-1345/4959/content.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D.
Gardner, DH. (2011). Resilience: Why do some cope better than others?. VetScript. 24(11), 13-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2011). Burnout and engagement at work. Vetscript. 24(8), 54-56
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Mooney, MF., Paton, D., De Terte, I., Johal, S., Karanci, AN., Gardner, D., . . . Johnston, D. (2011). Psychosocial recovery from disasters: A framework informed by evidence. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 40(4), 26-38
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D.
Cash, ML., & Gardner, D. (2011). Cognitive hardiness, appraisal and coping: Comparing two transactional models. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 26(8), 646-664
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Johal, S., Chambers, R., Collins, S., de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., . . . Johnston, D. (2011). Potential social and psychological consequences of the Rena incident: Lessons from an international perspective. New Zealand Medical Journal. 124(1345), 86-89
[Journal article]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D.
O'Driscoll, MP., Cooper-Thomas, HD., Bentley, T., Catley, BE., Gardner, DH., & Trenberth, L. (2011). Workplace bullying in new zealand: A survey of employee perceptions and attitudes*. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 49(4), 390-408
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2011). Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology. STRESS AND HEALTH. 27(3), 263-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Vergara, JA., & Gardner, D. (2011). Stressors and psychological wellbeing in local humanitarian workers in Colombia. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 26(6), 500-507
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2011). Optimism, self-esteem, and social support as mediators of the relationships among workload, stress, and well-being in veterinary students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 38(1), 60-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Burt, C., Cable, D., Carr, S., Cooper Thomas, H., Gardner, D., . . . Lobb, B. (2010). I/O psychology programmes at New Zealand universities: Contributions to the profession and to organisations in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Psychology Aotearoa. 2(2), 90-92
[Journal article]Authored by: Carr, S., Gardner, D.
Harrowfield, R., & Gardner, D. (2010). Faith at work: Stress and well-being among workers in christian organizations. Journal of Christianity and Psychology. 29(3), 208-217
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Carston, MC., & Gardner, D. (2009). Cognitive hardiness in the New Zealand military. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 38(3), 26-34
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Forsyth, S., Gardner, DH., & Macky, K. (2009). How to work with Gen C. Idealog. , 108-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Fletcher, R. (2009). Demands, appraisal, coping and outcomes: Positive and negative aspects of occupational stress in veterinarians. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 17(4), 268-284
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Wood, R. (2009). Errors, feedback, learning and performance. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Organisational Psychology. 2(1), 30-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bentley, T., Catley, B., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, M., & Cooper-Thomas, H. (2009). Perspective on bullying in the New Zealand health and hospitality sectors. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 25(5), 363-373
[Journal article]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Bentley, TA., Catley, BE., Gardner, DH., O'Driscoll, M., Trenberth, L., & Cooper Thomas, H. (2009). Bullying in the New Zealand health and hospitality sectors. Occupational Health and Safety, Journal of. 25(5), 363-374
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Macky, K., Gardner, D., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Generational differences at work: Introduction and overview. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 23(8), 857-861
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Cennamo, L., & Gardner, D. (2008). Generational differences in work values, outcomes and person-organisation values fit. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 23(8), 891-906
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bartram, D., & Gardner, D. (2008). Coping with stress. In Practice. 30(4), 228-231
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bartram, D., & Gardner, DH. (2008). Effective coping for managing stressful situations. Vetscript. 21(6), 34-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bullen, L., & Gardner, D. (2008). Resilience training in a restructuring organisation. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 24(4), 309-319
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Smith, J., & Gardner, D. (2007). Factors affecting employee use of work-life balance initiatives. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 36(1), 3-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Balmforth, K., & Gardner, D. (2006). Conflict and facilitation between work and family: Realizing the outcomes for organizations. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 35(2), 69-76
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
McGowan, J., Gardner, D., & Fletcher, R. (2006). Positive and negative affective outcomes of occupational stress. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 35(2), 92-98
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
King, M., & Gardner, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence and occupational stress among professional staff in New Zealand. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 14(3), 186-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Hini, D. (2006). Work-related stress in the veterinary profession in new zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(3), 119-124
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2006). Reducing stress in veterinary work. Vetscript. 19(6), 34-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2006). Stress management: A consideration of issues and some implications for practice. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 22(1), 37-44
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). What's Stressful and what's satisfying about veterinary work?. Veterinary Council of New Zealand Newsbrief. , 4-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). Stress can be both good and bad. Veterinary Council of New Zealand Newsbrief. , 6-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Lovely, K., & Gardner, D. (2005). Aged care facilities: Perceptions of the implementation of no-lift policies. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 21(1), 43-49
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). Work demands, coping, satisfaction and stress among veterinarians. Vetscript. 18(9), 20-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). What causes stress for veterinarians?. Vetscript. 18(4), 16-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). What support do veterinarians use to manage workplace strain?. Vetscript. 18(2), 22-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). Levels of strain in veterinarians. Vetscript. 18(1), 12-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Kay, C., & Gardner, DH. (2004). Effectiveness of a behavioural safety program for the management of manual handling incidents. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health - Australia and New Zealand. 20(6), 555-561
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2004). Work demands, satisfaction and strain. Vetscript. 17(9), 12-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2003). [Untitled]. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 19(5), 489-490
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Hanson, C., & Gardner, D. (2002). The impact of functionally illiterate native English speakers on workplace safety. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 18(1), 45-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Hanson, C., & Gardner, DH. (2002). The impact of functionally illiterate native English speakers on workplace safety. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 18(1), 45-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Simpson, I., & Gardner, D. (2001). Using OHS positive performance indicators to monitor corporate OHS strategies. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(2), 125-134
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Hall, R. (2001). Web-based training for OHS professionals: Some issues. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(6), 625-631
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Dingsdag, D., & Gardner, D. (2001). Safety performance in coal mining: An examination of some underlying issues. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(5), 485-489
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
West, DJ., & Gardner, D. (2001). Occupational injuries of physiotherapists in North and Central Queensland. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 47(3), 179-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Trethewy, R., Gardner, D., Cross, J., & Marosszeky, M. (2001). Behavioural safety and incentive schemes. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(3), 251-262
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Winder, C., Gardner, D., & Trethewy, R. (2001). Occupational health and safety management systems: Recent Australasian developments. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(1), 67-77
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Winder, C., Gardner, DH., & Trethewy, R. (2001). Occupational health and safety management systems: Recent Australian developments.. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(1), 67-77
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Hall, R. (2001). Web-based training for OHS professionals: Some issues. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(6), 625-631
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Dingsdag, D., & Gardner, DH. (2001). Safety performance in coal mining: An examination of some underlying issues. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(5), 485-489
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
West, D., & Gardner, DH. (2001). Occupational injuries of physiotherapists in north and central Queensland. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 47(3), 179-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Trethewy, R., Gardner, DH., Cross, J., & Marosszeky, M. (2001). Behavioural safety and incentive schemes. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 17(3), 251-262
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Simpson, I., & Gardner, DH. (2001). Using OHS positive performance indicators to monitor corporate OHS strategies. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health - Australia and New Zealand. 17(2), 125-134
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2000). Management systems for contractors. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 16(6), 521-526
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Costigan, A., & Gardner, D. (2000). Measuring performance in OHS: An investigation into the use of positive performance indicators. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 16(1), 55-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Trethewy, R., & Gardner, D. (2000). OHS performance: Improved indicators for contractors. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 16(6), 527-534
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2000). Barriers to the implementation of management systems: lessons from the past.. Quality assurance (San Diego, Calif.). 8(1), 3-10
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bewick, N., & Gardner, D. (2000). Manual handling injuries in health care workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 6(2), 209-221
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Trethewy, R., & Gardner, DH. (2000). OHS performance: Improved indicators for contractors. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 16(6), 527-534
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2000). Barriers to the implementation of management systems: Lessons from the past. Quality Assurance. 8(1), 3-10
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2000). Management systems for contractors. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 16(6), 521-526
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Costigan, A., & Gardner, DH. (2000). Measuring performance in OHS: An investigation into the use of positive performance indicators. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 16(1), 55-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bewick, N., & Gardner, DH. (2000). Manual handling injuries in health care workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 6(2), 209-221
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Winder, C. (1999). Using benchmarking to improve organizational communication.. Quality assurance (San Diego, Calif.). 6(4), 201-211
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Cross, JA., Fonteyn, PN., Carlopio, J., & Shikdar, A. (1999). Mechanical equipment injuries in small manufacturing businesses. Safety Science. 33(1-2), 1-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Winder, C., & Gardner, D. (1999). Integrating training systems for occupational health and safety, quality and environmental management.. Quality assurance (San Diego, Calif.). 6(3), 127-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Carlopio, J., Fonteyn, PN., & Cross, JA. (1999). Mechanical equipment injuries in small manufacturing businesses. knowledge, behavioral, and management issues. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 5(1), 59-71
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Gordon, J., Cross, J., & Fonteyn, P. (1997). Development and evaluation of Hazpak: A self-help guide to risk assessment. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 13(6), 567-573
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Winder, C. (1997). Occupational health and safety management systems.. Quality assurance (San Diego, Calif.). 5(3), 183-196
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gordon, JD., Gordon, LT., & Gardner, DH. (1996). A study of assaultive/aggressive behaviour on staff by patients/clients in psychiatric facilities. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 12(2), 169-177
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Foo, MH., & Hesketh, B. (1995). Realistic Job Previews: Information Processing and the Accuracy of SelfAssessment. Australian Psychologist. 30(1), 64-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Carlopio, J., & Gardner, D. (1995). Perceptions of work and workplace: Mediators of the relationship between job level and employee reactions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 68(4), 321-326
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Cross, J. (1995). Training of OHS professionals: Survey of industry representatives and safety science students. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 11(2), 165-170
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Hesketh, B., & Gardner, D. (1993). Person-environment fit models: A reconceptualization and empirical test. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 42(3), 315-332
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Carlopio, JR., & Gardner, D. (1992). Direct and Interactive Effects of the Physical Work Environment on Attitudes. Environment and Behavior. 24(5), 579-601
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Hesketh, B., McLachlan, K., & Gardner, D. (1992). Work Adjustment Theory: An empirical test using a fuzzy rating scale. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 40(3), 318-337
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D.


Gardner, DH., & O'Driscoll, M. (2016). Professional wellbeing. In WW. Waitoki, JS. Feather, NR. Robertson, & JJ. Rucklidge (Eds.) Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 181 - 192). Wellington, New Zealand: The New Zealand Psychological Society
[Chapter]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Hopner, V., McNaught, A., Nelson, NRP., & Chamberlain, K. (2015). Processes to support psychological well-being in deployed personnel. In A. Powles, N. Partow, & N. Nelson (Eds.) United Nations Peacekeeping Challenge: The Importance of the Integrated Approach. (pp. 131 - 148). Farnham, England: Ashgate
[Chapter]Authored by: Gardner, D., Hopner, V., Nelson, N.Edited by: Nelson, N., Powles, A.
Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, MP., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, HD., & Trenberth, L. (2013). When workplaces go sour-bullying at work. In Relationships in Organizations: A Work Psychology Perspective. (pp. 218 - 238).
[Chapter]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Bentley, T., Blackwood, K., Catley, B., Gardner, D., Le Fevre, M., & Tappin, D. (2013). The vulnerability of the bullied worker. In T. Fashoyin, M. Tiraboschi, M. Sargeant, & M. Ori (Eds.) Vulnerable workers and precarious working. (pp. 274 - 292). United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D., Tappin, D.
Gardner, D., & Macky, K. (2012). Generational differences: Something old, something new. In Work and Quality of Life: Ethical Practices in Organizations. (pp. 417 - 428).
[Chapter]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & O'Driscoll, M. (2007). Professional wellbeing. In IM. Evans, JJ. Rucklidge, & M. O'Driscoll (Eds.) Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 245 - 258). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Psychological Society Inc.
[Chapter]Authored by: Gardner, D.


Gardner, DH. (2003). The role of feedback about errors in learning a complex novel task. (Doctoral Thesis, Australian Graduate School of Management)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Gardner, D.


Tappin, D., Blackwood, K., Bentley, T., Port, Z., Ashby, L., Bone, K., . . . MacDonald, B.(2024). The Healthy Work Project: Stakeholder Report - Evaluating a Psychosocial Safety Climate Approach for Improving Wellbeing in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Auckland: 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Gardner, D., Port, Z., Roskruge, M., Tappin, D.
Tappin, D., Blackwood, K., Bentley, T., Port, Z., Bone, K., D'Souza, N., . . . McDonald, B.(2023). Evaluating a Psychosocial Safety Climate Intervention for Reducing Work-Related Psychosocial Risk in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Gardner, D., Port, Z., Roskruge, M., Tappin, D.
Forsyth, D., Ashby, L., Gardner, D., & Tappin, D.(2021). Psychosocial Safety Climate and Worker Health – Findings from the 2020 New Zealand Workplace Barometer..
[Technical Report]Authored by: Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Tappin, D.
Tappin, D., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Ashby, L., Bentley, T., Bone, K., . . . Cordier, J.(2020). The New Zealand Workplace Barometer: Psychosocial safety climate and worker health – findings from the 2019 NZ Workplace Barometer..
[Technical Report]Authored by: Brougham, D., Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Port, Z., Tappin, D.
Bentley, T., Tappin, D., Blackwood, K., Bone, K., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., . . . Ashby, L.(2019). The New Zealand Workplace Barometer: A report on findings from the 2018 survey of the New Zealand Workplace Barometer.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Port, Z., Tappin, D.
Gardner, D., Hopner, V., McNaught, AJ., Nelson, N., & Chamberlain, K.(2015). A process review of deployment and psychological wellbeing in the New Zealand Defence Force. Auckland, New Zealand: 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Gardner, D., Hopner, V., Nelson, N.
Gavala, JR., Hopner, V., & Gardner, D. (2011). Exploratory factor analysis of Maori identity as measured by MMM-ICE RS31. School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University, Albany.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D., Hopner, V.
Parkinson, T., Hughes, H., Gardner, D., Suddaby, G., Gilling, M., & MacIntyre, W. (2011). Engaging learners effectively in science, technology and engineering: The pathway from secondary to University education: Report to Ako Aotearoa. Wellington, NZ: Ako Aotearoa: National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gavala, JR., Hopner, V., & Gardner, D. (2010). Te Whaka-tewha-tewha-tanga o te tuakiri a te toa Taua Moana: Exploring Maori identity within the Royal New Zealand Navy. School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University, Albany.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D., Hopner, V.
Gardner, D., & Parkinson, T. (2010). Stress, wellbeing, optimism, self-esteem, coping and satisfaction with social support among veterinary students. Report submitted to the Veterinary Program, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, 蹤獲扦 University..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2009). Understanding stress and bullying in New Zealand workplaces: Final report to OH&S steering committee.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Bentley, TA., Catley, BE., Cooper Thomas, H., Gardner, DH., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2009). Understanding stress and bullying in New Zealand workplaces.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2008). Work and study related wellbeing and stress among veterinary students.: Report presented to the Veterinary Program, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005). Work demands, coping, satisfaction and stress among veterinarians. 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2004). Work-related strain and support among NZ veterinarians. 蹤獲扦 University, School of Psychology.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Gardner, D.


Gardner, D. (2019, August). Error feedback and error framing in training and learning. Presented at New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Tuia te ao whnau whnui kia puwai ∼ Our relational world - psychology contributing to human flourishing. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Bentley, T., Tappin, D., Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Blackwood, K., Gardner, D., . . . D'Souza, N. (2018, August). The New Zealand Workplace Barometer: Monitoring psychosocial risks and impacts on individual and organisational outcomes. Presented at 20th Congress International Ergonomics Association. Florence, Italy.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Port, Z., Tappin, D.
Handy, J., Gardner, D., & Davy, D. (2020). Relational Expectations and Transactional Obligations: Incompatible Psychological Contracts and Triadic Employment Relationships. SAGE Open. Vol. 10
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Handy, J., Warren, L., Hunt, M., & Gardner, D. (2020). Managing professional identity within a changing market environment: New Zealand optometrists’ responses to the growth of corporate optometry. Kotuitui. Vol. 15 (pp. 204 - 216).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Handy, JA., Warren, L., Hunt, M., & Gardner, D. (2017). Navigating identity conflicts within private optometry: New Zealand optometrists' reflections on a transforming industry. (pp. 865 - 865). , 31st Annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gordon, SJG., Bolwell, C., Gardner, D., Weston, J., & Parkinson, T. (2017). Using client complaints, lodged with the Veterinary Council against veterinarians to inform the teaching of essential professional skills in an undergraduate veterinary curriculum. Proceddings AVA annual conference. (pp. 405 - 408). : AVA Annual conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D., Weston, J.
Gordon, S., Gardner, D., Parkinson, T., Weston, J., Robertson, A., & Bolwell, C. (2017). First-year Veterinary Student perceptions on the importance of professional skills to veterinary career success. Veterinary Employability Conference. : VetSet2Go Veterinary Employability Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D., Weston, J.
Gordon, SJG., Gardner, D., Parkinson, T., Weston, J., & Bolwell, C. (2017). Using client complaints, lodged with the Veterinary Council against veterinarians to inform the teaching of essential professional skills in an undergraduate veterinary curriculum. Veterinary Employability Forum. : VetSet2Go Veterinary Employability Forum
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D., Weston, J.
Gardner, DH., O'Driscoll, M., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., Roche, M., . . . Trenberth, L. (2016, September). What are New Zealand workplaces doing to manage workplace bullying?. Presented at New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference 2016: Psychology without borders: M te mahi kakama, k atu. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Warren, L., Handy, JA., Gardner, D., & Hunt, M. (2017). How do New Zealand optometrists perceive and manage role tensions in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive trade environment?. .. : Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2016
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Roche, M., Cooper-Thomas, H., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Gardner, DH., O'Driscoll, M., . . . Teo, S. (2016). Bullying trumps engagement across time: Bad is stronger than good in the workplace. In Workplace Bullying and Harassment 2016: Book of Proceedings: The 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment(pp. 38 - 38). , 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment: In the pursuit of healthy and sustainable work for all New Zealand: International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, DH., Roche, M., . . . Trenberth, L. (2016). Do perceived organisational support, psychological capital and work engagement alleviate the effects of destructive leadership and team conflict on workplace bullying: Some evidence from New Zealand. In Workplace Bullying and Harassment 2016: Book of Proceedings: The 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment(pp. 37 - 38). , 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment: In the pursuit of healthy and sustainable work for all New Zealand: International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment ((IAWBH)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Handy, J., Warren, L., Hunt, M., & Gardner, D. (2016). Optometrists: Healthcare professionals or specialist retailers?. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference 2016: Psychology without borders: M te mahi kakama, k atu. Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Rasmussen, W., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, M., . . . Teo, S. (2016). Bullying, cyber-bullying and strain in the New Zealand veterinary profession. In Workplace Bullying and Harassment 2016: Book of Proceedings: The 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment(pp. 38 - 39). , 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment: In the pursuit of healthy and sustainable work for all New Zealand: International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Williams, MN., Furness, K., Veale, JF., & Gardner, DH. (2016, September). The effects of Project K on the wellbeing of adolescents: A multilevel model analysis. Presented at New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D., Williams, M.
Gardner, DH. (2015). Workplace bullying and wellbeing among New Zealand veterinarians. , 4th Aotearoa New Zealand Organisational Psychology and Organisational Behaviour Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Barney, AR., Gardner, D., & Podd, J. (2015). Beyond benzedrine and booze: The case for comprehensive cognitive-fitness-to-work screening. , New Zealand Annual Psychological Society Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Catley, BE., Tappin, D., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., & Bentley, T. (2014). Getting the most out of WorkSafe NZ’s workplace bullying guidelines. In OHSIG Conference and Exhibition 2014. World Class Workplace: Achieving Excellence Together(pp. 20 - 20). , OHSIG Conference and Exhibition: Occupational Health & Safety Industry Group
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D., Tappin, D.
Gardner, DH., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2013). Trouble at work: Exploring ill-treatment in New Zealand workplaces.. , Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Chamberlain, K., Hopner, V., McNaught, A., & Nelson, N. (2013). Processes to support psychological well-being in deployed personnel. , Pacific Army Chiefs Conference/Pacific Armies Management Seminar (PACC/PAMS),
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D., Hopner, V., Nelson, N.
Bentley, T., Gardner, DH., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., & O'Driscoll, M. (2013, August). Trouble at work: Exploring ill-treatment in New Zealand workplaces. Presented at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Capitalism in Question. Orlando, Florida, United States of America.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2013, September). Effectiveness of individual and organizational strategies to address workplace bullying. Presented at New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Building bridges: Dialogues across Psychology: Whakatina: Ng krero o te Mtai Hinengaro. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2013). Effectiveness of individual and organizational strategies to address workplace bullying. In New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Building bridges: Dialogues across Psychology: Whakatina: Ng krero o te Mtai Hinengaro(pp. 32 - 32). , New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Building bridges: Dialogues across Psychology: Whakatina: Ng krero o te Mtai Hinengaro New Zealand: The New Zealand Psychological Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, DH., & Trenberth, L. (2013, September). Interventions for managing workplace bullying. Presented at New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Building bridges: Dialogues across Psychology: Whakatina: Ng krero o te Mtai Hinengaro. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, DH., & Trenberth, L. (2013). Interventions for managing workplace bullying. In New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Building bridges: Dialogues across Psychology: Whakatina: Ng krero o te Mtai Hinengaro(pp. 33 - 33). , New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Building bridges: Dialogues across Psychology: Whakatina: Ng krero o te Mtai Hinengaro New Zealand: The New Zealand Psychological Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Bentley, T., Gardner, D., Catley, BE., Cooper-Thomas, H., & O'Driscoll, M. (2013). Trouble at work: Exploring ill-treatment in New Zealand workplaces. In L. Toombs (Ed.) 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Capitalism in Question. Vol. 2013 (pp. 1 - 5). : 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Catley, B., Bentley, T., Forsyth, D., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, M., . . . Trenberth, L. (2013). Managing workplace bullying in New Zealand: Perspectives from occupational health and safety practitioners. In Journal of Management and Organization Vol. 19 (pp. 598 - 612).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D.
Johal, SS., Collins, S., Chambers, R., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D., . . . Paton, D. (2012). Supporting psychosocial recovery from disasters: How an advisory group can help increase capacity. Proceedings of The 6th Australasian Natural Hazards Management Conference. Vol. 2 (pp. 17 - 17). New Zealand: 6th Australasian Natural Hazards Management Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D.
Laird, I., McBride, D., Legg, S., Dickinson, P., McLaren, S., & Gardner, D. (2012, October). Effective strategies in the prevention of noise induced hearing loss. Presented at 11th Biannual Safety 2012 World Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Bentley, TA., Blackwood, K., Catley, BE., Gardner, D., Le Fevre, M., & Tappin, D. (2013). The vulnerability of the bullied worker. In T. Fashoyin, M. Tiraboschi, M. Sargeant, & M. Ori (Eds.) Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work. (pp. 274 - 292). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work in a Changing World
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D., Tappin, D.
Laird, I., McBride, D., Legg, S., Dickinson, P., McLaren, S., & Gardner, D. (2012). Effective strategies in the prevention of noise induced hearing loss. In Injury Prevention Vol. Supplement 1 (pp. A13 - A13). , 11th Biannual Safety 2012 World Conference: BMJ Publishing Group
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Catley, BE., Bentley, TA., Forsyth, D., Cooper-Thomas, H., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, MP., . . . Trenberth, L. (2012). What makes for a "Prevention Active" organisation? Occupational health and safety practitioners' perspectives on managing workplace bullying in New Zealand. In Book of Proceedings: The 8th International Conference on Workplace Bulling and Harassment - Future Challenges(pp. 56 - 57). , The 8th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment Copenhagen: IAWBH and University of Copenhagen
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Forsyth, D., Gardner, D.
Mooney, M., de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Huggins, T., Johnston, D., . . . Paton, D. (2011). An academic contribution to psychosocial recovery from disasters. In New Zealand Psychological Society [NZPsS] Conference: Peoples, Places, Paradigms: Growing and Changing: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 52 - 52). , New Zealand Psychological Society [NZPsS] Conference: Peoples, Places, Paradigms: Growing and Changing New Zealand: New Zealand Psychological Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D.
Gardner, DH., Laird, I., Dickinson, P., Hoek, J., Legg, S., McBride, D., . . . McLaren, S. (2011, October). Safety climate, attitudes to noise and exposure to noise.. Presented at Occupational Health and Safety Industry Group 2012: Towards 2020. Challenges and changes in OH&S.. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Cooper-Thomas, HD., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Gardner, DH., & Trenberth, L. (2011, June). Workplace bullying and its consequences: Effectiveness of organisational initiatives. Presented at IOP 2011: 9th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference: Connectivity in a dynamic world: Human connection in a world of rapid change. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., Laird, I., Dickinson, P., Hoek, J., Legg, S., & McBride, D. (2011, June). Safety climate, attitudes to noise and noise exposure in New Zealand workplaces. Presented at IOP 2011: 9th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference: Connectivity in a dynamic world: Human connection in a world of rapid change. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Cooper-Thomas, HD., Catley, B., Bentley, T., Gardner, DH., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2011, June). Is there a double whammy from being an observer and a target of workplace bullying?. Presented at IOP 2011: 9th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference: Connectivity in a dynamic world: Human connection in a world of rapid change. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2011, March). Preparing your organisation. Presented at Emergency Management Summer Institute. Joint Centre for Disaster Research, School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University Campus, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Suddaby, GT., MacIntyre, W., Parkinson, T., & Gardner, D.(2010, November). Engagement in the Sciences: The Pathway from Secondary to tertiary learning. .
[Conference]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Cooper-Thomas, H., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Gardner, DH., & Trenberth, L. (2010, July). Bullying and stress in New Zealand organisations: The effectiveness of personal coping efforts. Presented at 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
MacIntyre, W., Parkinson, T., Gardner, D., Suddaby, G., & Hughes, H. (2010). Transition and engagement in the sciences: From school to university. In DP. Hudson, DV. Chandra, DD. King, & PK-T. Lee (Eds.) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Education Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 12).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
MacIntyre, W., Gardner, D., Gilling, M., Hughes, H., Parkinson, T., Rosemergy, R., . . . Suddaby, G. (2010). Engaging secondary school learners effectively in science: Voices of students and teachers. In S. Dolinsek, & T. Lyons (Eds.) The XIV International Organization for Science and Technology Education International Symposium on Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education. (pp. 715 - 724). : The XIV International Organization for Science and Technology Education International Symposium on Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Catley, B., Bentley, T., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, M., Cooper Thomas, H., & Trenberth, L. (2010, December). The prevalence of workplace bullying in NZ: Findings from four industry sectors. Presented at 24th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2010. Adelaide, SA, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Cooper Thomas, H., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Gardner, D., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2010, July). Bullying in healthcare settings: Why is it happening, and what is being done by organisations?. Presented at 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Cooper Thomas, H., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Gardner, D., & Trenberth, L. (2010). Counteracting workplace bullying and stress in New Zealand organisations. Human Resources Institute of New Zealand Research Forum 2010.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Laird, I., Johnston, K., McBride, D., Grimmer Somers, K., Legg, S., Dickinson, P., . . . Hoek, J. (2010). Effective strategies in the prevention of noise induced hearing loss. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics, ISSA 2010. (pp. 1 - 9).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Gardner, D., Parkinson, T., & Fletcher, R.Wellbeing at work and psychological resources.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2010, April). Business recovery: What does HR need to do. Presented at Human Resources Institute of New Zealand Business Recovery Forum. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper Thomas, H., O'Driscoll, M., & Trenberth, L. (2010, June). Organisational leadership, personal coping and effective solutions to workplace bullying. Presented at 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Copenhagen, Denmark.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Catley, B., Bentley, T., Cooper Thomas, H., Trenberth, L., O'Driscoll, M., & Gardner, D. (2010). Managing workplace bullying in New Zealand: Managerial responses from three industries. In Seventh International Conference on Bullying and Harassment Transforming Research: Evidence and Practice(pp. 37 - 38). , Seventh International Conference on Bullying and Harassment: Centre for Research on Workplace Behaviours
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Trenberth, L., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper Thomas, H., & Gardner, D. (2010). Developing a methodology for measuring bullying and stress in New Zealand workplaces. In Seventh International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment Transforming Research: Evidence and Practice(pp. 70 - 70). , Seventh International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment: Centre for Research on Workplace Behaviours
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Bentley, T., Trenberth, L., Cooper Thomas, H., Gardner, D., & Catley, B. (2010). Effectiveness of organisational strategies to combat bullying in New Zealand workplaces. In Seventh International Conference on Workplace Bullying & Harassment Transforming Research: Evidence and Practice(pp. 97 - 98). , Seventh International Conference on Workplace Bullying & Harassment: The Centre for Research on Workplace Behaviours
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Laird, I., Johnston, K., McBride, D., Grimmer Somers, K., Legg, S., Dickinson, P., . . . Hoek, J. (2010). Effective strategies in the prevention of noise induced hearing loss. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics 2010. (pp. 1 - 9).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Parkinson, TJ., Gardner, DH., & Gilling, ML. (2010). Student and employer surveys of competence. Proceedings of The 3rd Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conferences. (pp. 1 - 10). : 3rd Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D. (2009, June). Wellbeing and psychological resources. Presented at 8th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP): Meeting the future: Promoting sustainable organisational growth. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Bentley, T., Catley, B., Cooper Thomas, H., Gardner, D., & Trenberth, L. (2009, August). Bullying and stress in three New Zealand industry sectors. Presented at The New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Conflict Process Resolution: P嚙?pa Mahi Ratanga. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Gardner, DH., Bentley, TA., Trenberth, L., Catley, BE., & Cooper Thomas, H. (2009). Workplace bullying and stress: Contextualising the problem in three New Zealand industry sectors. Poster session presented at the meeting of 8th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP). Meeting the future: Promoting Sustainable Organisational Growth. Sydney, NSW
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Catley, B., Gardner, D.
Handy, JA., Davy, D., & Gardner, DH. (2009). Mutual disappointments: The relationship between Auckland temporary staffing agencies, their client organisations and temporary clerical workers. In N. Beaumont (Ed.) 23rd ANZAM Conference 'Sustainability Management and Marketing'. (pp. 1 - 15).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
MacIntyre, W., Gardner, DH., Gilling, ML., Hughes, HD., Parkinson, TJ., Rosemergy, R., . . . Suddaby, G. (2009, November). Engaging learners effectively in science, technology and engineering: The pathway from secondary to university education. Presented at 8th Science Education Research Symposium. University of Caterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2008). Managing grief associated with euthanasia. In P. Cragg, J. Keenan, & G. Sutherland (Eds.) Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) Conference 2008: Blue sky to deep water: The reality and the promise. (pp. 67 - 69).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2008). The psychology of enthusiasm. In TJ. Parkinson (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA. (pp. 109 - 115).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, D., & Fletcher, RB. (2007). Wellbeing at work. Poster session presented at the meeting of 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference/1st Asia Pacific Congress on Work and Organisational Psychology. Adelaide, SA, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Fletcher, R., Gardner, D.
Morrison, RL., Gardner, DH., & Nolan, T. (2007). Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: Difficulties with workplace friendships. In M. Dollard, T. Winefield, M. Tuckey, & P. Winwood (Eds.) Better Work. Better Organisations. Better World. 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP) / 1st Asia Pacific Congress on Work and Organisational Psychology (APCWOP). (pp. 218 - 223).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
O'Driscoll, M., Cooper Thomas, H., Carr, SC., Morrison, R., & Gardner, DH. (2007). Leadership - the 'Kiwi business success' project. In Annual Conference & AGM Psychology in Aotearoa(pp. 14 - 14). : The New Zealand Psychological Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Carr, S., Gardner, D.
Morrison, R., Gardner, DH., & Nolan, T. (2007). Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: Difficulties with workplace friendships. Proceedings of the 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP)/ 1st Asia Pacific Congress on Workplace and Organisational Psychology (APCWOP). (pp. 218 - 223).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Fletcher, RB. (2007). Wellbeing at work. In The 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP)/ 1st Asia Pacific Congress on Workplace and Organisational Psychology (APCWOP)(pp. 94). : Australian Psychological Society, Australian Journal of Psychology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Morrison, R., & Gardner, DH. (2007). "Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache": Difficulties with workplace friendships. In The 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference 1st Asia(pp. 118). : Australian Psychological Society Australian Journal of Psychology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH., & Winder, C. (2000). Benchmarking and best practice in OHS communication. Proceedings of the (ICOH) International Commission on Occupational Health Conference. (pp. 133 - 143). Toowoomba, QLD
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Winder, C., Gardner, DH., & Trethewy, R. (2000). Occupational health and safty management systems: Recent Australasian development. Proceedings of (ICOH) International Commission on Occupational Health. (pp. 151 - 160). Toowoomba, QLD
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Dingsdag, D., & Gardner, DH. (2000). An investigation into the effectiveness of OHS managenent systems on other organisational outcomes. In . Megan Tranter (Ed.) 6th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Occupational Health and Safty Educators. (pp. 165 - 176). Hawkesbury, Australia
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Gardner, D.


Leveson, V. (2011). Taking breaks helps worker productivity. (pp. B8 - B8). New Zealand Herald
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Leveson, V. (2011). Making social skills work for you. (pp. C11 - C11). New Zealand Herald
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Leveson, V. (2010). Union calls for 'whanau leave'. (pp. 1 - 1). Stuff.co.nz Business Day/Sunday Star Times
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Leveson, V., . (2010). It's payback time for NZ's top talent. (pp. 1 - 3). New Zealand Herald
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Leveson, V. (2009). Stepping down gracefully. (pp. D1 - D2). New Zealand Herald
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Becker, JS., Daly, M., Ellis, DE., Lindsay, J., Gardner, DH., Paton, D., . . . Wilson, T. (2009). Emergency management planning. Presented at Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Leveson, V., & Gardner, DH. (2009). Work to battle bullies goes on. NZ Herald
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2008, October). Psychology of decisions. In Biosecurity New Zealand. Presented at Wallaceville, Upper Hutt.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Laird, IS., Dickinson, P., McLaren, SJ., Legg, SJ., Hoek, JA., Gardner, DH., . . . McBride, D. (2008). Prevention of noise induced hearing loss.
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I.
Becker, JS., Cronin, SJ., Daly, MC., Donaldson, T., Ellis, DE., Johnston, DM., . . . Paton, D. (2008, February). Emergency management planning: lessons from recent & historic events.. In Emergency Management Summer Institute. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D., Johnston, D.
Leveson, V. (2008). Failure is part of learning to succeed.
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2007). Can't take it anymore?. (pp. C10).
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2006). Dealing with stress. (pp. 57).
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2006). Beating burnout. (pp. 22 - 24).
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2005, September). Wellbeing at work. : NZ Veterinary Association & Institute of Veterinary, Animal, and Biomedical Sciences.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2004). Cool heads prevail.
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Cross, J., Curran, J., Danahar, B., Innes, B., Niven, A., McGuren, M., . . . Whiting, JM. (2004). OHS Risk Management Handbook. (pp. 1 - 65). Standards Australia International Ltd
[Other]Authored by: Gardner, D.
Gardner, DH. (2004, September). Wellbeing at work. : New Zealand Veterinary Association.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gardner, D.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 4
Co-supervisor 3 6