
Contact details +6449793382

Helene Marsters BSc, MSc, PGDipPH

Senior Analyst

Centre for Public Health Research



  • Bachelor of Science - Victoria University (2007)
  • Master of Science (Honours) - Victoria University (2010)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Distinction) - 蹤獲扦 University (2013)

Research Outputs


Read, DA., Marsters, TH., Xu, F., & Borman, B. (2017). Plugging the gap – surveillance of hazardous substances-related morbidity in primary care in New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Congress on Public Health. Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Borman, B., Marsters, T.
Marsters, TH., Borman, B., Read, D., & Poynter, M. (2014). E-notification of hazardous substances, disease and injury. (pp. 130 - 130). , NZ Population Health Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borman, B., Marsters, T.