
Dr Richard Brown staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517749

Dr Richard Brown PhD

Senior Lecturer in mathematics

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences


Contact details

  • Ph: 84749
    Location: B3.25, Science Tower B
    Campus: Turitea


  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Canterbury (2008)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Mathematical models in biology and ecology, computer vision, numerical methods for large-scale parallel computing


Resource Development and Management, Design for Commerce, Community and Culture, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Applied Mathematics (010200): Biological Mathematics (010202): Dynamical Systems in Applications (010204): Mathematical Sciences (010000): Numerical Analysis (010301): Numerical and Computational Mathematics (010300): Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations (010302): Optimisation (010303)

Research Outputs


Brown, R., Marsland, S., & McLachlan, R. (2022). Differential Invariant Signatures for Planar Lie Group Transformations with Application to Images. Journal of Lie Theory. 32(3), 709-736
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R., McLachlan, R.
Fatoyinbo, HO., Brown, RG., Simpson, DJW., & van Brunt, B. (2022). Pattern Formation in a Spatially Extended Model of Pacemaker Dynamics in Smooth Muscle Cells. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 84(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R., Simpson, D., Van Brunt, B.
Fatoyinbo, HO., Brown, RG., Simpson, DJW., & van Brunt, B. (2020). Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Pacemaker Dynamics in a Model of Smooth Muscle Cells. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 82(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R., Simpson, D., Van Brunt, B.
Brown, RG., Hann, CE., & Geoffrey Chase, J. (2010). Vision-based 3D surface motion capture for the DIET breast cancer screening system. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 39(1-3), 72-78
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Dormanns, K., Brown, RG., & David, T. (2016). The role of nitric oxide in neurovascular coupling. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 394, 1-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Dormanns, K., Brown, RG., & David, T. (2015). Neurovascular coupling: a parallel implementation. FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE. 9
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Dormanns, K., Brown, RG., & David, T. (2015). Neurovascular coupling: A parallel implementation. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 9(SEP)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
De Lancea, CL., David, T., Alastruey, J., & Brown, RG. (2015). Recruitment Pattern in a Complete Cerebral Arterial Circle. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 137(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Jewell, CP., & Brown, RG. (2015). Bayesian data assimilation provides rapid decision support for vector-borne diseases. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 12(108)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Dormanns, K., van Disseldorp, EMJ., Brown, RG., & David, T. (2015). Neurovascular coupling and the influence of luminal agonists via the endothelium. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 364, 49-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Fostner, S., Brown, R., Carr, J., & Brown, SA. (2014). Continuum percolation with tunneling. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
James, AF., Brown, R., Weston, KA., & Walker, K. (2013). Modelling the growth and population dynamics of the exiled Stockton coal plateau landsnail, Powelliphanta augusta. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 40(3), 175-185
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG. (2012). Numerical techniques for dynamic resistive networks. ANZIAM Journal. 54(SUPPL)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG., Chase, JG., & Hann, CE. (2012). A pointwise smooth surface stereo reconstruction algorithm without correspondences. Image and Vision Computing. 30(9), 619-629
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG., James, AF., Pitchford, JW., & Plank, MJ. (2012). Habitat fragmentation: Simple models for local persistence and the spread of invasive species. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 310, 231-238
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Malchow, H., James, A., & Brown, R. (2011). Competition and diffusive invasion in a noisy environment. Mathematical Medicine and Biology. 28(2), 153-163
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
James, A., Brown, R., Basse, B., Bourdôt, GW., Lamoureaux, SL., Roberts, M., . . . Saville, DJ. (2011). Application of a spatial meta-population model with stochastic parameters to the management of the invasive grass Nassella trichotoma in North Canterbury, New Zealand. Ecological Modelling. 222(4), 1030-1037
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Millane, RP., Stirling, GD., Brown, RG., Zhang, N., Lo, VL., Enevoldson, E., . . . Murray, JE. (2010). Estimating wind velocities in mountain lee waves using sailplane flight data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 27(1), 147-158
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Hann, CE., Chase, JG., Chen, XQ., Berg, C., Brown, RG., & Elliot, RB. (2009). Strobe imaging system for digital image-based elasto-tomography breast cancer screening. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 56(8), 3195-3202
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
James, A., Plank, MJ., & Brown, R. (2008). Optimizing the encounter rate in biological interactions: Ballistic versus Lévy versus Brownian strategies. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 78(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG., Hann, CE., & Chase, JG. (2008). Vision-based 3D surface motion capture for the DIET breast cancer screening system. 15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, M2VIP'08. , 628-633
[Journal article]Authored by: Brown, R.


Malchow, H., James, A., & Brown, R. (2013). Control of competitive bioinvasion. (pp. 293 - 305).
[Chapter]Authored by: Brown, R.
David, T., & Brown, RG. (2013). Models of Cerebrovascular Perfusion. In Transport in Biological Media. (pp. 253 - 273).
[Chapter]Authored by: Brown, R.


Brown, RG., Hann, CE., Chase, JG., & Ray, LE.Surface reconstruction for a DIET breast cancer screening system. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 17 (1 PART 1)1474-6670.
[Conference]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG., Mclachlan, R., & marsland, S. (2015, December). Differential invariant signatures for images. Presented at New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium 2015. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Brown, R., McLachlan, R.
Brown, RG., Liddell, G., & Adam, N. (2017). Time errors in a frequency controller. In AJ. Roberts, & G. Wake (Eds.) ANZIAM Journal : Electronic Supplement. Vol. 57 (pp. M268 - M285). : the 2015 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry NZ Study Group, MISG-2015
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG., Hann, CE., & Chase, JG.(2008, December). Vision-based 3D Surface Motion Capture for the DIET Breast Cancer Screening System. 2008 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND MACHINE VISION IN PRACTICE (M2VIP). (pp. 605 - 610).
[Conference]Authored by: Brown, R.
Hann, CE., Chase, JG., Berg, C., Brown, RG., Elliot, RB., & Chen, XQ.Specialised image capture systems for a DIET breast cancer screening system. 2007 Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2007. (pp. 169 - 178).
[Conference]Authored by: Brown, R.
Brown, RG., Hann, CE., Chase, JG., & Ray, LA.Discrete colour-based euclidean-invariant signatures for feature tracking in a DIET breast cancer screening system. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 6511 (PART 1)1605-7422.
[Conference]Authored by: Brown, R.
Millane, RP., Brown, RG., Enevoldson, E., & Murray, JE.Estimating mountain wave windspeeds from sailplane flight data. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (pp. 218 - 229). 0277-786X.
[Conference]Authored by: Brown, R.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 0 1

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Hammed Fatoyinbo - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pattern Formation in Electrically Coupled Pacemaker Cells