
Prof Regina Scheyvens staff profile picture

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Prof Regina Scheyvens BA(Hons), PhD

Professor & Co-Director - Pacific Research and Policy Centre

Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of People, Environment and Planning

My research focuses on the relationship between tourism, sustainable development and poverty reduction, and I have conducted fieldwork on these issues in Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, the Maldives and in Southern Africa. I am also very interested in gender and development, sustainable livelihood options for small island states, and in theories of empowerment for marginalised peoples. Recent collaborative projects explore economic development on customary land in the Pacific, links between tourism and the SDGs, and links between corporate social responsibility and development in the Pacific.

Supervision interests

  • Tourism, sustainable development & the SDGs
  • Community development and empowerment
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Culture and development in the Pacific
  • Development in small island states
  • Customary land as a basis for economic development

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Programme Coordinator (Development Studies)
  • Conference convenor: Tourism and the SDGs (January 2019, Albany campus of 蹤獲扦 University, NZ)
  • Primary Investigator on a Marsden project (2017-2020) on "The Land Has Eyes and Teeth: Customary landowners' entanglements with economic systems in the Pacific"
  • Primary Investigator (along with Glenn Banks) on a Marsden project (2013-15) examining "Harnessing the power of business: the contested involvement of corporations in community development initiatives in the Pacific"
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Contact details

  • Ph: + 64 6 35605799 or + 64 21 2179481
    Location: 3.02, Social Sciences Tower
    Campus: Palmerston North


  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - 蹤獲扦 University (1989)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (1996)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Mentor Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Prizes and Awards

  • Winner of the John Rooney Award of the Association of American Geographers specialty group on Recreation, Tourism, and Sport for outstanding contributions to the applied field. - Association of American Geographers specialty group on Recreation, Tourism, and Sport (2019)
  • Recipient of a James Cook Fellowship, Royal Society of New Zealand - Royal Society of New Zealand (2021)
  • Winner of the 蹤獲扦 University Medal for Research Supervision, 2015 ($10,000). This award was on the basis of sustained excellence in postgraduate supervision, leading to positive outcomes for my students. - 蹤獲扦 University (2015)
  • Awarded a Visiting Professorship at University of Gothenburg, Sweden: 2015-17 - University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2015)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Tourism, sustainable development & the SDGs

Community development and empowerment

Corporate Social Responsibility

Culture and development in the Pacific

Development in small island states

Customary land as a basis for economic development


Resource Development and Management, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Human Geography (160400): Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography (160402): Social and Cultural Geography (160403): Studies In Human Society (160000)



Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: The re-development of tourism in Aotearoa and the Pacific post-pandemic: seeking sustainable, self-determined indigenous development

Date Range: 2021 - 2023

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: The land has eyes and teeth: customary landowners' entanglements with economic systems in the Pacific

External commentators regularly assert that customary practices around land are a constraint to economic development in the Pacific. This project turns this proposition on its head, exploring how Pacific communities have been able to establish distinctive models of engagement that allow them to pursue economic development while retaining control over customary land and upholding community processes and values. While land is conventionally understood as a commodity, we draw upon the notion of land as assemblage (Li 2014) which counters this narrow economistic perspective. Pacific people view land in a holistic manner which embraces cultural, social and spiritual elements. Implicitly the land has eyes and teeth points to peoples deep understanding of the power of the land and its mana, which demands respect. This fundamentally influences how customary land development is negotiated. Our project seeks to explore the diverse relationships that adhere around such business engagements to illuminate what makes for success for businesses on customary land. A scoping survey will help to identify four case studies of successful cooperatives and family businesses which will be researched, utilising a Vanua Research Framework and Critical Appreciative Inquiry. We anticipate that our research will construct a new way of theorising Pacific economies. Start / End years: 2017-2020 Funder(s): Royal Society of NZ, Marsden Fund Team Members: Regina Scheyvens, Glenn Banks, Litea Meo-Sewabu, Vijay Naidu (USP), Suliasi Vunibola (PhD student) and Hennah Steven (PhD student)
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Date Range: 2017 - 2020

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Harnessing the power of business: the contested invovement of corporations in community initiatives in the Pacific

The central question driving this research is "Can the community development initiatives of mining and tourism corporations operating in the Pacific bring about locally-meaningful development?" While there are increasing calls globally for the private sector to play roles in international development, there is a need for more evidence of how corporations do community development to better understand both the potential and risks associated with this. We have termed these development initiatives of corporations Corporate Community Development (CCD), and will explore how they can potentially narrow the spaces of development or, perhaps, actively contribute to community empowerment, the promotion of human rights and social equity. This research will extend conceptualisation of the private sector's roles in community development by building on fieldwork at four tourism and mining case study sites across the Pacific. We will adopt a novel, qualitative multi-scalar methodology that brings in the perspectives of the corporations, states, communities and other actors. Responding to a recognised lacunae in the literature this research will examine the value of these activities from the perspectives of affected communities, and advance theorisation of the relationship between capital and community.
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Date Range: 2013 - 2016

Funding Body: Marsden Fund - Full

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Nguyen, P., Scheyvens, R., Beban, A., & Gardyne, S. (2024). Challenges to Empowerment of Women through Value Chains: The Need to Move from Individual to Relational Empowerment. Development and Change.
[Journal article]Authored by: Beban, A., Nguyen, L., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Movono, A., Auckram, J., & Faaiuaso, L. (2024). Spiritual and environmental well-being: Factors supporting adaptation of Pacific peoples during pandemic times. Asia Pacific Viewpoint.
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2024). International development and tourism geographies. Tourism Geographies.
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Naidu, V., Scheyvens, R., & Wood, T. (2023). Pacific perspectives on aid and development. Development Policy Review. 41(S2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Vunibola, S., & Scheyvens, R. (2023). Strategies for success of Indigenous businesses on customary land: case studies of three Itaukei (Indigenous Fijian) enterprises. AlterNative. 19(3), 646-655
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., Scheyvens, R., & Ratuva, S. (2023). Beyond bouncing back : a framework for tourism resilience building in the Pacific. Pacific Dynamics. 7(1), 320-331 Retrieved from https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/items/6b59125b-aa31-4fe0-9a99-0c5462723306
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
de la Torre Parra, L., Movono, A., Scheyvens, R., & Auckram, S. (2023). Pacific approaches to fundraising in the digital age: COVID-19, resilience and community relational economic practices. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 64(2), 222-238
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Movono, A., & Auckram, J. (2023). Enhanced wellbeing of Pacific Island peoples during the pandemic? A qualitative analysis using the Advanced Frangipani Framework. International Journal of Wellbeing. 13(1), 59-78
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., Movono, A., & Auckram, S. (2023). Pacific peoples and the pandemic: exploring multiple well-beings of people in tourism-dependent communities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 31(1), 111-130
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Hardy, A., Young, T., Cheer, J., Scheyvens, R., & Movono, A. (2022). Humanising research: A citizen social science agenda. Annals of Tourism Research. 96
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2022). Adapting and reacting to Covid-19: Tourism and resilience in the South Pacific. Pacific Dynamics. 6(1), 124-150 Retrieved from https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/handle/10092/103408
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Nguyen, P., Scheyvens, R., Beban, A., & Gardyne, S. (2022). From a Distance: The ‘New Normal’ for Researchers and Research Assistants Engaged in Remote Fieldwork. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 21, 1-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Beban, A., Leonard, S., Nguyen, L., Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., Scheyvens, R., & Auckram, S. (2022). Silver linings around dark clouds: Tourism, Covid-19 and a return to traditional values, villages and the vanua. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 63(2), 164-179
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Higgins-Desbiolles, F., Scheyvens, RA., & Bhatia, B. (2023). Decolonising tourism and development: from orphanage tourism to community empowerment in Cambodia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 31(12), 2788-2808
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2022). Tourism and Politics: Responses to Crises in Island States. Tourism Planning and Development. 19(1), 50-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Cheer, JM. (2022). Tourism, the SDGs and partnerships. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30(10), 2271-2281
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Mika, JP., & Scheyvens, RA. (2022). Te Awa Tupua: peace, justice and sustainability through Indigenous tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30(2-3), 637-657
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & van der Watt, H. (2021). Tourism, empowerment and sustainable development: A new framework for analysis. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(22)
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Carr, A., Movono, A., Hughes, E., Higgins-Desbiolles, F., & Mika, JP. (2021). Indigenous tourism and the sustainable development goals. Annals of Tourism Research. 90
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Hughes, E., & Scheyvens, R. (2021). Tourism partnerships: Harnessing tourist compassion to ‘do good’ through community development in Fiji. World Development. 145
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Hutchison, B., Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2021). Resetting tourism post-COVID-19: why Indigenous Peoples must be central to the conversation. Tourism Recreation Research. 46(2), 261-275
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., Vunibola, S., Steven, H., & Meo-Sewabu, L. (2020). Business serves society: Successful locally-driven development on customary land in the South Pacific. Geoforum. 112, 52-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Stronge, D., Scheyvens, R., & Banks, G. (2020). Donor approaches to food security in the Pacific: Sustainable development goal 2 and the need for more inclusive agricultural development. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(1), 102-117
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Vunibola, S., & Scheyvens, R. (2019). Revitalising rural development in the Pacific: An itaukei (indigenous Fijian) approach. Development Bulletin. 81, 62-66 Retrieved from https://crawford.anu.edu.au/rmap/devnet/dev-bulletin.php
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Steven, H., Banks, G., & Scheyvens, R. (2019). Women leadership in business based on customary land: The concept of wanbel. Development Bulletin. 81, 58-61 Retrieved from https://crawford.anu.edu.au/rmap/devnet/dev-bulletin.php
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Laeis, G. (2021). Linkages between tourist resorts, local food production and the sustainable development goals. Tourism Geographies. 23(4), 787-809
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Chilufya, A., Hughes, E., & Scheyvens, R. (2019). Tourists and community development: corporate social responsibility or tourist social responsibility?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27(10), 1513-1529
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Laeis, GCM., Scheyvens, RA., & Morris, C. (2020). Cuisine: a new concept for analysing tourism-agriculture linkages?. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 18(6), 643-658
[Journal article]Authored by: Morris, C., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Hughes, E. (2019). Can tourism help to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere”? The challenge of tourism addressing SDG1. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27(7), 1061-1079
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Movono, A. (2018). Development and change: Reflections on tourism in the South Pacific. Development Bulletin. 80, 134-139 Retrieved from https://crawford.anu.edu.au/rmap/devnet/devnet/db-80.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Leslie, HM., Banks, G., Prinsen, G., Scheyvens, R., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Complexities of development management in the 2020s: Aligning values, skills and competencies in development studies. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 59(2), 235-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Prinsen, J., Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Biddulph, R., & Scheyvens, R. (2018). Introducing inclusive tourism. Tourism Geographies. 20(4), 583-588
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Hughes, E., & Scheyvens, R. (2018). Development Alternatives in the Pacific: How Tourism Corporates Can Work More Effectively with Local Communities. Tourism Planning and Development. 15(5), 516-534
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2018). Linking tourism to the sustainable development goals: a geographical perspective. Tourism Geographies. 20(2), 341-342
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Biddulph, R. (2018). Inclusive tourism development. Tourism Geographies. 20(4), 589-609
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., Meo-Sewabu, L., & Decena, T. (2017). Indigenous entrepreneurship on customary land in the Pacific: Measuring sustainability. Journal of Management and Organization. 23(6), 774-785
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Mawdsley, E., Murray, WE., Overton, J., Scheyvens, R., & Banks, G. (2018). Exporting stimulus and “shared prosperity”: Reinventing foreign aid for a retroliberal era. Development Policy Review. 36, O25-O43
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
McEwan, C., Mawdsley, E., Banks, G., & Scheyvens, R. (2017). Enrolling the Private Sector in Community Development: Magic Bullet or Sleight of Hand?. Development and Change. 48(1), 28-53
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Hughes, E., & Scheyvens, R. (2016). Corporate social responsibility in tourism post-2015: a Development First approach. Tourism Geographies. 18(5), 469-482
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., & Hughes, E. (2016). The Private Sector and the SDGs: The Need to Move Beyond ‘Business as Usual’. Sustainable Development. 24(6), 371-382
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA., Scheyvens, RA., McLennan, SJ., & Bebbington, A. (2016). Conceptualising corporate community development. Third World Quarterly. 37(2), 245-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Purcell, G., & Scheyvens, R. (2015). International business mentoring for development: The importance of local context and culture. International Journal of Training and Development. 19(3), 211-222
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Hughes, E., & Scheyvens, RA. (2015). Prospects for sustainable development in the pacific: A review of corporate social responsibility in tourism. The Journal of Pacific Studies. 35(1), 47-65 Retrieved from https://www.usp.ac.fj/
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Waitoa, J., Scheyvens, RA., & Warren, KT. (2015). E-whanaungatanga: The role of social media in Maori political empowerment. Alter-Native. 11(1), 45-58
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R., Warren, K.
Cheema, AR., Scheyvens, R., Glavovic, B., & Imran, M. (2014). Unnoticed but important: Revealing the hidden contribution of community-based religious institution of the mosque in disasters. Natural Hazards. 71(3), 2207-2229
[Journal article]Authored by: Glavovic, B., Muhammad, I., Scheyvens, R.
Ivanov, S. (2012). Tourism and Poverty. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. 24(4-5), 674-676
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G., Murray, WE., Overton, J., & Scheyvens, RA. (2012). Paddling on one side of the canoe? The changing nature of New Zealand’s development assistance programme. Development Policy Review. 30(2), 169-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Russell, M. (2012). Tourism and poverty alleviation in Fiji: Comparing the impacts of small- and large-scale tourism enterprises. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 20(3), 417-436
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Russell, M. (2012). Tourism, Land Tenure and Poverty Alleviation in Fiji. Tourism Geographies. 14(1), 1-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2011). Book Review: "The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty: Concepts, Research, Policy". Gender in Management: an international journal. 26(3), 251-253
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2011). The challenge of sustainable tourism development in the Maldives: Understanding the social and political dimensions of sustainability. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 52(2), 148-164
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2010). Tourism and Development in the Developing World. TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 31(2), 292-293
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Barcham, M., Scheyvens, R., & Overton, J. (2009). New Polynesian triangle: Rethinking Polynesian migration and development in the Pacific. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 50(3), 322-337
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Momsen, J. (2008). Tourism in small Island States: From vulnerability to strengths. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 16(5), 491-510
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2008). Fiji: An encyclopaedic atlas. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 64(1), 80-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2008). Culture and development in a globalizing world: Geographies, actors, and paradigms. SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 29(1), 101-104
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Momsen, JH. (2008). Tourism and poverty reduction: Issues for small island states. Tourism Geographies. 10(1), 22-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., & Momsen, J. (2008). Tourism in small island states: From vulnerability to strengths. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 16(5), 491-510
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Griffin, AL., Jocoy, CL., Liu, Y., & Bradford, M. (2008). Experimenting with active learning in geography: Dispelling the myths that perpetuate resistance. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 32(1), 51-69
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2008). Review: culture and development in a globalizing world - geographies, actors, and paradigms. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 29(1), 101-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2008). Book review: Fiji - an encyclopaedic atlas. New Zealand Geographer. 64(1), 80-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2007). Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus. Current Issues in Tourism. 10(2-3), 231-254
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2007). Tourism, development and terrorism in Bali. ASIA PACIFIC VIEWPOINT. 48(3), 379-381
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2007). Review: Tourism and terrorism in Bali. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 48(3), 379-381
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2007). Poor cousins no more: Valuing the development potential of domestic and diaspora tourism. Progress in Development Studies. 7(4), 307-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2007). The idiosyncrasies of indicators. Devforum. 27, 9-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2007). Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus. Current Issues in Tourism. 10(2&3), 231-254
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2006). Empowerment for sustainable tourism development. TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 27(4), 732-734
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2006). Sun, Sand, and Beach Fale: Benefiting from Backpackers—the Samoan Way. Tourism Recreation Research. 31(3), 75-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2004). Five star hotels the Samoan way. Just Change. 1, 8-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2003). The political economy of tourism development in Africa. TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 24(6), 724-726
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2003). Tourism and the less developed world: issues and case. TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 24(2), 231-232
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Wild, K., & Overton, J. (2003). International students pursuing postgraduate study in geography: Impediments to their learning experiences. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 27(3), 309-323
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2003). Church women's groups and the empowerment of women in Solomon Islands. Oceania. 74(1-2), 24-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Roche, M., Flenley, J., Hesp, P., Mansvelt, J., & Scheyvens, R. (2002). Connections: The teaching and learning of geography at New Zealand universities: Part 2 - Geography at 蹤獲扦 in the twenty first century. New Zealand Journal of Geography. 113(1), 5-8 Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0028-8292.2002.tb00822.x/abstract
[Journal article]Authored by: Mansvelt, J., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2002). Backpacker tourism and Third World development. Annals of Tourism Research. 29(1), 144-164
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2001). Poverty tourism. Development Bulletin. (55), 18-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2000). Enhancing community involvement in wildlife tourism: Issues and challenges. TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 21(6), 653-654
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Devkota, D., & Scheyvens, RA. (2000). The impact of gender and ethnicity on access to, and control over, resources: Implications for rural development in Nepal. Developmental Bulletin. (51), 69-72
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2000). Promoting women’s empowerment through involvement in ecotourism: Experiences from the third world. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 8(3), 232-249
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Leslie, H. (2000). Gender, ethics and empowerment: Dilemmas of development fieldwork. Women's Studies International Forum. 23(1), 119-130
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., & Purdie, N. (2000). Discarding the green lenses: Support for a livelihoods approach to sustainable development in the Pacific. The Journal of Pacific Studies. 24(2), 229-251
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (1999). Ecotourism and the empowerment of local communities. Tourism Management. 20(2), 245-249
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (1998). Engendering environmental projects: The case of eco-timber production in the Solomon Islands. Development in Practice. 8(4), 439-453
[Journal article]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.


Mika, J., Movono, A., Auckram, S., Hepi, S., & Scheyvens, R. (2024). Tourism enterprises in the South Pacific: Culturally centered adaptation in the face of Covid-19. In The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Indigenous Peoples. (pp. 219 - 234).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2021). Tourism in a World of Disorder: A Return to the Vanua and Kinship with Nature in Fiji. In COVID in the Islands: A comparative perspective on the Caribbean and the Pacific. (pp. 265 - 277).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R.(2021). Mana of the Pacific. : Potton & Burton
[Authored Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2021). Tourism in a World of Disorder: A Return to the Vanua and Kinship with Nature in Fiji. In Y. Campbell, & J. Connell (Eds.) COVID in the Islands: A comparative perspective on the Caribbean and the Pacific. (pp. 265 - 277). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan Singapore
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Biddulph, R. (Eds.) (2020). Inclusive Tourism Development. London, United Kingdom: Routledge
[Edited Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R.A. Kobayashi (Ed.)December(pp. 115 - 122). DecemberSeptemberScheyvens, R.(pp. 115 - 122). JanuaryScheyvens, R.A. Kobayashi (Ed.)DecemberDecemberOctoberDecember
[Reference Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Ahmed, W., Muhammad, I., & Scheyvens, R. (2018). Women’s everyday travel experiences in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. In J. Garrard, & E. Mikhailova (Eds.) Twin Cities Urban Communities, Borders and Relationships over Time. (pp. 119 - 131). London, United Kingdom: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Muhammad, I., Scheyvens, R.
Ahmed, W., Imran, M., & Scheyvens, R. (2018). Women's everyday travel experiences in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. In J. Garrard, & E. Mikhailova (Eds.) Twin Cities: FULL ACCESS Book Twin Cities: Urban Communities, Borders and Relationships over Time. (pp. 119 - 131). London, United Kingdom: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2012). Pro-Poor Tourism: Is There Value Beyond the Rhetoric?. In Critical Debates in Tourism. (pp. 124 - 132).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2009). Empowerment. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography: Volume 1-12. (pp. V3-464-V3-470).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2007). Exploring the Tourism-Poverty Nexus. In Pro-poor Tourism: Who Benefits?: Perspectives on Tourism and Poverty Reduction. (pp. 121 - 144).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R.A. Kobayashi (Ed.)December(pp. 115 - 122). DecemberScheyvens, R.A. Kobayashi (Ed.)
[Reference Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Hughes, E. (2015). Tourism and CSR in the Pacific. In Tourism in Pacific Islands: Current Issues and Future Challenges. (pp. 134 - 147).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2014). Tourism and Poverty Reduction. In Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues. (pp. 118 - 139).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Banks, GA., McGregor, A., & Meo-Sewabu, L. (2014). Qualitative Research. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 59 - 80). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G., Stewart-Withers, R.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2014). Ways forward. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 253 - 256). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., Scheyvens, H., & Murray, WE. (2014). Working with Marginalised, Vulnerable or Privileged Groups. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 188 - 214). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G., & Scheyvens, RA. (2014). Ethical issues. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development fieldwork: A practical guide. (pp. 160 - 187). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, H., Scheyvens, RA., & Nowak, B. (2014). Personal Issues. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 125 - 140). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
McLennan, SJ., Storey, D., & Leslie, H. (2014). Entering the field. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. (pp. 143 - 159). : SAGE
[Chapter]Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Breheny, MJ., & McQuaid, R. (2018). H.T.U.K. The development of the United Kingdom's Major Centre of high technology industry. In The Development of High Technology Industries: An International Survey. (pp. 296 - 354).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
McLennan, SJ., & Prinsen, G. (2014). Something old, something new: Research using archives, texts and virtual data. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. (pp. 81 - 100). : SAGE
[Chapter]Authored by: Prinsen, J.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (Ed.) (2014). Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. London: Sage
[Edited Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Meyer, D., Harrison, D., & Peeters, P. (2012). Does tourism reduce poverty?. In Critical Debates in Tourism. (pp. 123 - 150).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R.(2012). Tourism and poverty.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Jocoy, C., Liu, Y., & Bradford, M. (2010). Experimenting with active learning in Geography: Dispelling the myths that perpetuate resistance. (pp. 39 - 59). London: Taylor and Francis
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2009). Empowerment. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. (pp. 464 - 470).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2009). Tourism as a poverty reduction tool: strategies for small island states. In Commonwealth Ministers Reference Book. (pp. 86 - 89). London: Henley Media Group
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2008). Tourism and Gender. In JH. Momsen (Ed.) Gender and Development: Critical Concepts in Development Studies.. (pp. 400 - 422). London: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2008). Gender-sensitive tourism. In JH. Momsen (Ed.) Gender and Development: Critical Concepts in Development Studies (volume 3). (pp. 400 - 422). London: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2008). On the beach: Small-scale tourism in Samoa. In Tourism at the Grassroots: Villagers and Visitors in the Asia-Pacific. (pp. 131 - 147).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2007). Ecotourism and gender issues. In Critical Issues in Ecotourism. (pp. 185 - 213).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2007). Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus. In CM. Hall (Ed.) Pro-poor Tourism: Who Benefits? Perspectives on Tourism and Poverty Reduction. (pp. 121 - 144). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2007). Ecotourism and gender issues. In J. Higham (Ed.) Critical Issues in Ecotourism: Understanding a Complex Tourism Phenomenon. (pp. 186 - 213). Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2004). Growth of Beach Fale Tourism in Samoa: The High Value of Low-cost Tourism. In Nature-Based Tourism in Peripheral Areas: Development or Disaster?. (pp. 188 - 202).
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., Nowak, BS., & Scheyvens, H. (2003). Ethical Issues. In R. Scheyvens, & DS. Eds (Eds.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 139 - 166). London, UK: Sage Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Blandy, S., Dupuis, A., & Dixon, J. (2010). Introduction. In Multi-Owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice. (pp. 1 - 11).
[Chapter]Authored by: Kaur, L., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Eds, DS. (Eds.) (2003). Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd
[Edited Book]Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Storey, DS., & Scheyvens, RA. (2003). Afterword. In R. Scheyvens, & DS. Eds (Eds.) Development fieldwork: A practical guide. (pp. 233 - 237). London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2003). Local involvement in managing tourism. In S. Singh, DJ. Timothy, & RKD. Eds (Eds.) Tourism in Destination Communities. (pp. 229 - 252). Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., Scheyvens, H., & Murray, WE. (2003). Working with marginalised, vulnerable or privileged groups. In R. Scheyvens, & D. Storey (Eds.) Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. (pp. 167 - 194). London, UK: Sage Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA.(2002). Tourism for Development: Empowering Communities. Harlow, UK: Prentice Hall
[Authored Book]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.


McLennan, SJ. (2012). An alternative model for development?: promise and politics in the projecthonduras network. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand) McLennan, SJ. (2012). An alternative model for development?: promise and politics in the projecthonduras network. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Edited by: Scheyvens, R.


Scheyvens, R., Movono, A., Tasere, A., Neihapi, P., Taua'i, L., Turner, L., . . . Auckram, J.(2022). Measuring the wellbeing of tourism-reliant communities in the South Pacific during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palmerston North: Institute of Development Studies, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., & Russell, M.(2013). Sharing the Riches of Tourism in Vanuatu.. Palmerston North: 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Scheyvens, R., & Fairbairn-Dunlop, P. (2010). Being a Single Mum: Pacific Island Mothers' Positive Experiences of Parenting. ( Report No. Blue Skies Report 34/10). Families Commission.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Russell, M. (2010). Sharing the Riches of Tourism: Summary Report - Fiji. 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Russell, M. (2009). Tourism and Poverty Reduction in the South Pacific. 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2006). Desk study for NZAID on alternative forms of tourism including ecotourism, nature tourism and pro-poor tourism.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Wild, K., & Scheyvens, RA.(2000). Facilitating the learning experiences of the New Zealand official development assistance funded post-graduate students at 蹤獲扦 University. Palmerston North, NZ: 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.


Leonard, S. (2020). Implementing an interdisciplinary Masters of the SDGs. Proceedings from ICSD 2020. : International Conference on Sustainable Development 2020
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Banks, G., Leonard, S., Scheyvens, R.
Ahmed, W., Imran, M., & Scheyvens, R.Women's everyday travel experiences in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. TWIN CITIES: URBAN COMMUNITIES, BORDERS AND RELATIONSHIPS OVER TIME. (pp. 119 - 131).
[Conference]Authored by: Muhammad, I., Scheyvens, R.
Leslie, H., Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Prinsen, G., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Working towards values-based, ethically informed and practice-orientated pedagogy in development studies: what role can competencies play?. , Pedagogy in Practice: How we teach in Development Studies Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Scheyvens, ., Banks, GA., Bebbington, A., McLennan, S., Hughes, EL., & Richardson, E. (2014, April). Can corporations do community development? An examination of the mining and tourism industries in the Pacific.. Presented at Association of American Geographers. Tampa, Florida.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
McLennan, SJ., Banks, G., Scheyvens, ., Hughes, E., Richardson, E., & Bebbington, T. (2014, November). The future is now: Exploring corporate community development initiatives in the Pacific. Presented at The Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2014. London, United Kingdom.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., Banks, GA., Bebbington, A., McLennan, S., Hughes, E., & Richardson, E. (2014). Can corporations do community development? An examination of the mining and tourism industries in the Pacific. , Association of American Geographers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
McLennan, SJ., Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., Hughes, E., & Richardson, E. (2013, November). Corporate community development: Unpacking the rhetoric. Presented at Sustainability Conference. 蹤獲扦 University, Albany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., McLennan, S., & Bebbington, A.Conceptualising corporate community development.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA.(2011, June 30). The challenging terrain of development studies research: can our research be both ethical and empowering?. , Communicating New Research in Timor Leste
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA.(2011, September 12). Sun, Sand, and Ethics? An Examination of the Commitment of Tourist Resorts in Fiji and Vanuatu to Corporate Social Responsbility. , Island and Small States Tourism Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA.(2010, December 1). Tourism Disasters: determinants for the recovery of small tourism businesses post-disaster. , DevNet Conference: Making Development Sustainable: Connections, Learning, Commitment. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2010, December). Tourism Disasters: determinants for the recovery of small tourism businesses post-disaster. Presented at DevNet Conference: Making Development Sustainable: Connections, Learning, Commitment. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R.(2010, January 21). Responsible corporates? Social, economic and environmental responsibility in Fijian tourist resorts. , Positioning Geography Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA., & Scheyvens, RA.(2009, November 22). Linking New Zealand’s foreign policy and development aid: Examining the effects of domestic policy change on the Pacific. , Crunch Times, Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA., & Scheyvens, RA.(2009, September 29). The Pacific as a Development Disaster: New Zealand's retrograde constructions of Pacific problems and solutions. , Institute of Australian Geographers Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA.(2008, December 3). Preaching Pro-Poor Tourism: Is there value beyond the rhetoric?. , DevNet conference: Peripheral Vision
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA.(2008, September 24). Saving the World One Package Holiday at a Time? Tourism, Poverty Alleviation & Globalisation. , ESRC Symposium: Tourism, Globalisation and Inequality
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Cheema, A R, ., Scheyvens, RA., & Muhammad, I, .(2008, April). A critical analysis of the livelihood rehabilitation strategy implemented after the 2005 Pakistan earthquake. Proceedings of the 4th International i-Rec Conference 2008 - Building resilience: achieving effective post-disaster reconstruction.
[Conference]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Cheema, AR., Scheyvens, RA., & Imran, M. (2008). A critical analysis of the livelihood rehabilitation strategy implemented after the 2005 Pakistan earthquake. Proceedings of the 4th International i-Rec Conference. Vol. 29 (3) (pp. 1 - 14).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Muhammad, I., Scheyvens, R.
Cheema, AR., Scheyvens, RA., & Imran, M. (2008). A critical analysis of the livelihood rehabilitation strategy implemented after the 2005 Pakistan earthquake. In Proceedings of the 4th International i-Rec Conference Vol. 29 (pp. 20). : i-Rec
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Muhammad, I., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., Griffin, AL., Jocoy, CL., Liu, Y., & Bradford, M.(2007, April 17). Experimenting with Active Learning in Geography: Dispelling the Myths that Perpetuate Resistance. , Association of American Geographers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA., & Momsen, JH.(2006, June 30). Tourism and Poverty Reduction: Challenging Issues Facing Small Island States. , International Geographical Union Pre-Congress Symposium
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2006). Donor support for tourism as a means of poverty reduction: Learning from NZAID's experiences. , Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Biennial Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2006). Trouble in paradise: The paradox of sustainable toursim development in the Maldives. , Atlas Asia-Pacific Conference 2006: Tourism After Oil
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2005). Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus. On Voyage - New Directions in Tourism Theory. (pp. 1 - 19). Berkeley, CA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2005). Tourism and poverty-alleviation in an age of globalisation. (pp. 130 - 130). , Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference London, UK: Royal Geographical Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2005). Tourism, globalisation and poverty-alleviation: Compatible goals?. In K. Jackson, N. Lewis, S. Adams, & MM. Eds (Eds.) 4th Biennial Conference of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network. (pp. 82 - 87). Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2005, October). Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus. Presented at On Voyage: New Directions in Tourism Theory. University of California, Berkeley, CA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2003, December). Maximising local participation in the tourism sector: The case of Samoa. Presented at Taking Tourism to the Limits: An Interdisciplinary Conference in the Waikato. University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2003). Growth and benefits of budget beach fale tourism in Samoa. In D. Storey, J. Overton, & B. Nowak (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference of theAotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network. (pp. 229 - 235). Palmerston North, NZ: Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network: Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2003). Tourism as a tool to overcome poverty? A critical assessment of the pro-poor tourism ideal. In New Zealand Geographical Society 22nd Conference: Windows on a Changing World(pp. 48). Christchurch, N.Z: New Zealand Geographical Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Glavovic, BC., Scheyvens, RA., & Overton, JD. (2003). Waves of adversity, layers of resilience: Exploring the sustainable livelihoods approach. In D. Storey, J. Overton, & BN. Eds (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network. (pp. 289 - 293). Pamerston North, NZ: 3rd Biennial Conference of the International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa New Zealand. Contesting Development : Pathways to Better Practice
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Glavovic, B., Scheyvens, R.
Glavovic, BC., Scheyvens, RA., & Overton, JD. (2002). Waves of adversity, layers of resilience: Exploring the sustainable livelihoods approach. In D. Storey, J. Overton, & BN. Eds (Eds.) Proceedings of 3rd Biennial Conference of the Australia/New Zealand International Development Network (DevNet). (pp. 289 - 293). Palmerston North, NZ: Contesting Development: Pathways to Better Practice:
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Glavovic, B., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2002). Eco- and budget tourism in Samoa: The high value of low-cost tourism. (pp. 25). , Ecotourism, Wilderness and Mountain Tourism: Issues, Strategies and Regional Development Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Tourism, University of Otago
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2001). The teaching-research nexus: Personal experiences from a young geographer. In S. Paewai, & GS. Eds (Eds.) Towards Understanding the Interdependence of Research and Teaching. (pp. 31 - 34). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2000). Achieving justice through tourism. Second Biennial Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DEVNET) Conference: Poverty, Prosperity, Progress. (pp. 138 - 142). Wellington, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2000). Backpackers are Beautiful: Assessing the Potential of Budget Travellers to Support Community Tourism in Africa. In M. Roche, M. McKenna, & P. Hesp (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference of the New Zealand Geographical Society. (pp. 278 - 282). Hamilton, New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2000). Community involvement in ecotourism in Southern Africa: The need for gender sensitive planning and management. In J. Umbelino (Ed.) Sustainable Tourism: The 98' International Geographic Union Study Group Meeting. (pp. 145 - 163). Lisboa, Portugal
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.


Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2022). Culture as a foundation for development in the Pacific: Time to turn the tables.. : Asia & Pacific Policy Forum
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., Hughes, E., Hapeta, J., Scheyvens, R., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2021). Indigenous scholars struggle to be heard in the mainstream. Here’s how journal editors and reviewers can help.. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Movono, A. (2021). Tourism in the Pacific: What’s behind the smile?. : Stuff
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., Movono, A., Strickland, D., Bibi, P., Tasere, A., Hills, G., . . . Teama, F. (2020). Development in a world of disorder: tourism, COVID-19 and the adaptivity of South Pacific people. : Institute of Development Studies, 蹤獲扦 University
[Working Paper]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2020). Why NZ’s tough coronavirus travel rules are crucial to protecting lives at home and across the Pacific. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R., & Movono, A. (2020). Traditional skills help people on the tourism-deprived Pacific Islands survive the pandemic. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2020). Pacific tourism is desperate for a vaccine and travel freedoms, but the industry must learn from this crisis. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Movono, A., & Scheyvens, R. (2020). Sun, sand and uncertainty: the promise and peril of a Pacific tourism bubble.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, R. (2019). We’re in the era of overtourism but there is a more sustainable way forward. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Mawdsley, E., Murray, WE., Overton, J., Scheyvens, RA., & Banks, GA. (2015). Sharing Prosperity? A Comparative Analysis of Aid Policy in New Zealand and the United Kingdom in the 2010s. (pp. 1 - 28). In Online: New Zealand Aid and Development Dialogues - www.nzadds.org.nz
[Working Paper]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Wild, KL., & Scheyvens, RA. (2012). Aid, education and adventure: Thai women’s participation in a development scholarship scheme. In 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North: Institute of Development Studies
[Working Paper]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G., Murray, W., Overton, J., & Scheyvens, R. (2012). Paddling on One Side of the Canoe? The Changing Nature of New Zealand's Development Assistance Programme. (pp. 169 - 186).
[Working Paper]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2009). Empowerment, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. (pp. 464 - 470). Elsevier
[Other]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Barcham, M., Scheyvens, RA., & Overton, J. (2007). Rethinking Polynesian mobility : a new Polynesian triangle.. In Palmerston North: Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development, Working Paper Series 2007/3, 蹤獲扦 University
[Working Paper]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2005). Beach fale tourism in Samoa: The value of indigenous ownership and control over tourism. In Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development Working Paper Series(pp. 1 - 49). : 蹤獲扦 University, Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development
[Working Paper]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.
Scheyvens, RA. (2005). The growth of beach fale tourism in Samoa: Doing tourism the Samoan way. In Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development Working Paper Series(pp. 1 - 46). : 蹤獲扦 University, Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development
[Working Paper]Authored by: Scheyvens, R.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2006 - NZAID
    Desk review of NZAID's funding for tourism-related programmes in Asia and the Pacific over a 20 year time span.
  • 2005-2008 - Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
    Three contracts for short periods of time to support the development and implementation of a monitoring and evaluation plan for the gender programme of CORDs, a Maasai NGO in Tanzania.
  • October 2011 - Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
    Monitoring visit to Samoa to assess tsunami rehabilitation and recovery projects

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

131.121 Rich World, Poor World

131.321 Strategies for Sustainable Development

131.701 Development and Underdevelopment

131.703 Gender and Development

131.706 Globalisation and Development

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 16
Co-supervisor 2 10

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Bronwyn Hutchison - Doctor of Philosophy
    The clay in our hands: How the diverse Indigenous economies of traditional Kichwa ceramics (mocahua) support well-being
  • Fenjie Qi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Regenerative tourism and social-ecological resilience: Application to Picton (Waitohi & Waikawa), Aotearoa New Zealand

Co-supervisor of:

  • Swarnima Kriti - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Role of Care and Commoning in Postdevelopment Practice: Working with Te Hiko, New Zealand and Chinhari, India
  • Clare Wedu Kokinai - Doctor of Philosophy
    A study examining change, indigenous resilience and adaptation processes through socio-cultural structures in post-conflict communities of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Lan Phuong Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Engaging with the private sector for development: A critical analysis of attempts to partner with business for womens economic empowerment in Vietnam
  • 2022 - Heidi-Mari Van Der Watt - Doctor of Philosophy
    "Better lives for all"? Prospects for empowerment through marine wildlife tourism in Gansbaai, South Africa
  • 2020 - Suliasi Vunibola - Doctor of Philosophy
    E da dravudravua e na dela ni noda vutuni-i-yau - Customary land and economic development: case studies from Fiji.
  • 2019 - Gabriel Christoph Maria Laeis - Doctor of Philosophy
    What's on the Menu? How the cuisine of large-scale, upmarket tourist resorts shapes agricultural development in Fiji
  • 2017 - Andrew Kangwa Chilufya - Doctor of Philosophy
    Optimising Community Development through Corporate Social Responsibility: An Examination of the Tourism Industry in Livingstone, Zambia
  • 2016 - Emma Hughes - Doctor of Philosophy
    The tourist resort and the village: Local perspectives of corporate community development in Fiji
  • 2015 - Patricia Webster - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Marketisation of Charitable Organisations in Social Development
  • 2013 - Shane Aporosa - Doctor of Philosophy
    Yaqona (kava) and education in Fiji: Investigating 'cultural complexities' from a post-development perspective
  • 2012 - Abdur Cheema - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring the role of the mosque in dealing with disasters: a case study of the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan
  • 2012 - Sharon McLennan Cruz - Doctor of Philosophy
    An alternative model for development? Promise and politics in the projecthonduras network
  • 2011 - Vicky Walters - Doctor of Philosophy
    The power to reform: Water and poverty of democracy and rights in the era of "good" governance
  • 2011 - Johannes Prinsen - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Decentralisation of Education & Health Servicesin Uganda & Tanzania from a Local Perspective & in a Historical Context
  • 2010 - Tom Ondicho - Doctor of Philosophy
    Tourism, Power and Politics: The challenges of Maasai involvement in tourism development.
  • 2009 - Lesley Batten - Doctor of Philosophy
    "Lady, is this civilisation?" A case study of community participation in a health development programme in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • 2008 - Kirsten Wild - Doctor of Philosophy
    Aid, education and adventure. Exploring the impact of development scholarships on women's lives
  • 2007 - Rochelle Stewart-Withers - Doctor of Philosophy
    Contesting Development: The Experience of Female-headed Households in Samoa

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Sueann Waite - Doctor of Philosophy
    Narratives of Creole islandness: Exploring the relational practices of public servants and community leaders in Jamaica
  • 2021 - Michelle Greene - Doctor of Philosophy
    Physical Education (PE) as a pathway to empowerment of young people in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
  • 2020 - Hennah Steven - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring the Role of Women in Indigenous Businesses Based on Customary Land: Case Studies from Papua New Guinea
  • 2018 - Sharon Bell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Health justice for all: The development of alternative health system capabilities in the conflict-affected context of Shan State, Myanmar
  • 2018 - Emma Richardson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Mining and Development: Examining the effectiveness of mining company-community development intervention in New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea
  • 2018 - Waheed Ahmed - Doctor of Philosophy
    Transport and Women's Social Exclusion in Urban Areas in Pakistan
  • 2016 - Paul Beumelburg - Doctor of Philosophy
    Apiianga no te oraanga akapuapinga e te taporoporo i te ipukarea: Education as Sustainable Development: Mangaia, Cook Islands.
  • 2015 - Dennis Rockell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pacific Island Labour Programmes in New Zealand: an aid to Pacific Island Development ? A critical Lens on the Recognised Seasonal Employer-Policy
  • 2012 - Kathryn Hay - Doctor of Philosophy
    Agenda success? The prospects for sub-regional human rights arrangements in the Pacific
  • 2009 - Trisia Farrelly - Doctor of Philosophy
    Business Va'avanua: Cultural Hybridisation and Indigenous Entrepreneurship in the Bouma National Heritage Park, Fiji

Media and Links


  • 28 Mar 2014 - Newspaper
    One willing helper
    Article reflecting on 25 years of Development Studies at 蹤獲扦, showing the contribution that staff and alumni are making through their research and practice internationally
  • 25 Nov 2020 - Newspaper, Online
    Pacific tourism is desperate for a vaccine
    Pacific tourism is desperate for a vaccine and travel freedoms, but industry must learn from this crisis
  • 23 Jan 2019 - Radio
    'Overtourism' a new concern
    'Overtourism' is a serious issue around the world. It's the idea that we might have reached "peak tourism" because our incredible destination can't handle the crowds.
  • 22 Mar 2014 - Newspaper
    Kiwis urged to adopt global citizen approach
    News item in relation to the 25th anniversary of Development Studies at 蹤獲扦 University.
  • 21 Mar 2014 - Online
    Private sector role rising in international develo
    The private sector is playing a greater role in aid and development in poorer countries one of the key changes in the 25 years since 蹤獲扦 University launched the first Development Studies programme
  • 20 Dec 2019 - Newspaper, Online
    We can no longer afford to be complacent
    Issues of overtourism and growth in New Zealand
  • 18 Dec 2019 - Radio
    Tourism is eroding our natural beauty
    A report just out in the last couple of hours, by The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) Simon Upton is warning that that increasing numbers of tourists are eroding the very attribut
  • 11 Jun 2013 - Magazine, Online
    Making a difference with tourism
    Voluntary Service Abroad blog and magazine post based on an interview with Regina Scheyvens about tourism in the Pacific
  • 06 Sep 2013 - Radio
    Aid landscape in the Pacific is changing
    Radio NZ interview with Regina Scheyvens and others regarding the changing nature of aid being delivered by the NZ aid programme, as discussed at a forum held this week in Wellington called 'Looking F

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