
Associate Professor Matthew Barnes staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516822

Associate Professor Matthew Barnes BSc(Hons), PhD

Associate Professor, Deputy Head - SoSEN

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition

Deputy Head of School

School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition


Contact details

  • Ph: 06 3569099 ext 83822
    Location: PTC 1.34, Practical Teaching Complex
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - 蹤獲扦 University (2009)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2012)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Alcohol and sports performance
  • Skeletal muscle recovery
  • Resistance exercise
  • Sports performance


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Exercise Physiology (110602): Human Movement and Sports Science (110600): Medical And Health Sciences (110000)

Research Outputs


Moyen, NE., Barnes, MJ., Perry, BG., Fujii, N., Amano, T., Kondo, N., . . . Mundel, T. (2024). Nicotine exacerbates exertional heat strain in trained men: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Journal of Applied Physiology. 137(2), 421-428
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Perry, B.
Cornish, SM., & Barnes, MJ. (2024). Editorial: Nutrition and muscle recovery after exercise. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 6
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Ulluwishewa, D., Nicholls, G., Henderson, H., Bernstein, D., Fraser, K., Barnett, MPG., . . . Barnes, MJ. (2024). Effects of bovine whey protein on exercise-induced gut permeability in healthy adults: a randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 124(7), 2045-2056
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Ravenwood, B., Coad, J., & Barnes, MJ. (2023). A comparison of the effects of sheep's milk and cow's milk on recovery from eccentric exercise. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 5
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ. (2023). Nutrition-Based Strategies to Reduce Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage and Soreness. Nutrients. 15(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Lomiwes, D., Barnes, M., Shaw, OM., Ngametua, N., Sawyer, GM., Burr, NS., . . . Miller, MR. (2023). Characterising the Cytokine and Circulating Immune Cell Response After a Single Bout of Eccentric Stepping Exercise in Healthy Untrained Males. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise.
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Lomiwes, D., Barnes, M., Shaw, O., Ngametua, N., Sawyer, G., Burr, N., . . . Miller, MR. (2023). The Efficacy of New Zealand Greenshell™ Mussel Powder Supplementation in Supporting Muscle Recovery Following Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Healthy, Untrained Adult Males. Nutrients. 15(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Tian, H.
O'Connor, W., O'Connor, E., Barnes, M., Miller, M., Gardener, H., & Stannard, S. (2022). Chronic carbohydrate restriction improves endurance capacity and body composition in men and women. Journal of Science and Cycling. 11(1), 70-83 Retrieved from https://www.jsc-journal.com/index.php/JSC/article/view/712
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
King, D., Hume, P., Clark, T., Foskett, A., & Barnes, M. (2022). Match participation and movement demands in amateur domestic women’s rugby union in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine. 48(2), 58-65
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Foskett, A.
O’Connor, E., Mündel, T., & Barnes, MJ. (2022). Nutritional Compounds to Improve Post-Exercise Recovery. Nutrients. 14(23)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Lomiwes, D., Parry, DAD., & Mackintosh, S. (2022). An experimental model of contusion injury in humans. PLoS ONE. 17(11 November)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Yeh, TS., Lei, TH., Barnes, MJ., & Zhang, L. (2022). Astragalosides Supplementation Enhances Intrinsic Muscle Repair Capacity Following Eccentric Exercise-Induced Injury. Nutrients. 14(20)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Petterson, A., & Cochrane, DJ. (2021). Peak Power Output and Onset of Muscle Activation during High Pull Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 35(3), 675-679
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
King, D., Hume, PA., Clark, TN., Foskett, A., & Barnes, M. (2020). Incidence of Match Injuries in an Amateur Women’s Rugby Union Team in New Zealand over Two Consecutive Seasons. Advances in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. 2020(02), Retrieved from https://kosmospublishers.com/incidence-of-match-injuries-in-an-amateur-womens-rugby-union-team-in-new-zealand-over-two-consecutive-seasons-2/
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Foskett, A.
King, D., Hume, PA., Clark, T., Foskett, A., & Barnes, MJ. (2021). Training injury incidence in an amateur women's rugby union team in New Zealand over two consecutive seasons. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 24(6), 544-548
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Foskett, A.
Barnes, MJ., Perry, BG., Hurst, RD., & Lomiwes, D. (2020). Anthocyanin-Rich New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract Supports the Maintenance of Forearm Blood-Flow During Prolonged Sedentary Sitting. Frontiers in Nutrition. 7
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Perry, B.
King, D., Hume, P., Cummins, C., Pearce, A., Clark, T., Foskett, A., . . . Barnes, M. (2019). Match and Training Injuries in Women’s Rugby Union: A Systematic Review of Published Studies. Sports Medicine. 49(10), 1559-1574
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Foskett, A.
Mundel, T., Houltham, SD., Barnes, MJ., & Stannard, SR. (2019). Nicotine supplementation does not influence performance of a 1h cycling time-trial in trained males. Frontiers in Physiology. 10(MAR)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Pritchard, HJ., Barnes, MJ., Stewart, RJ., Keogh, JW., & McGuigan, MR. (2019). Higher- Versus lower-intensity strength-training taper: Effects on neuromuscular performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 14(4), 458-463
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Lark, SD., Dickie, JA., Faulkner, JA., & Barnes, MJ. (2019). Muscle activation and local muscular fatigue during a 12-minute rotational bridge. Sports Biomechanics. 18(4), 402-413
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Miller, A., Reeve, D., & Stewart, RJC. (2019). ACUTE NEUROMUSCULAR AND ENDOCRINE RESPONSES TO TWO DIFFERENT COMPOUND EXERCISES: SQUAT VS. DEADLIFT. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33(9), 2381-2387
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Lei, TH., Cotter, JD., Schlader, ZJ., Stannard, SR., Perry, BG., Barnes, MJ., . . . Mündel, T. (2019). On exercise thermoregulation in females: interaction of endogenous and exogenous ovarian hormones. Journal of Physiology. 597(1), 71-88
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Perry, B.
Crum, EM., McLeay, YD., Barnes, MJ., & Stannard, SR. (2018). The effect of chronic soluble keratin supplementation in physically active individuals on body composition, blood parameters and cycling performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 15(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Fraser, J., Coley, K., & Perry, BG. (2018). Is Postexercise Blood Flow Restriction a Viable Alternative to Other Resistance Exercise Protocols?. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 89(4), 504-510
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Perry, B.
Pritchard, HJ., Barnes, MJ., Stewart, RJC., Keogh, JWL., & McGuigan, MR. (2018). Short-Term Training Cessation as a Method of Tapering to Improve Maximal Strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 32(2), 458-465 Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2018/02000/Short_Term_Training_Cessation_as_a_Method_of.19.aspx
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Crum, EM., Barnes, MJ., & Stannard, SR. (2018). Multiday pomegranate extract supplementation decreases oxygen uptake during submaximal cycling exercise, but cosupplementation with n-acetylcysteine negates the effect. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 28(6), 586-592
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Mcleay, Y., Stannard, S., & Barnes, M. (2017). The Effect of Taurine on the Recovery from Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Males. Antioxidants. 6(4), 79-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Crum, EM., Che Muhamed, AM., Barnes, M., & Stannard, SR. (2017). The effect of acute pomegranate extract supplementation on oxygen uptake in highly-trained cyclists during high-intensity exercise in a high altitude environment. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 14(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Pritchard, HJ., Barnes, MJ., Stewart, RJC., Keogh, JWL., & McGuigan, MR. (2018). Short-term training cessation as a method of tapering to improve maximal strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 32(2), 458-465
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Mündel, T., Machal, M., Cochrane, DJ., & Barnes, MJ. (2017). A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study Investigating the Effects of Nicotine Gum on Strength, Power and Anaerobic Performance in Nicotine-Naïve, Active Males. Sports Medicine - Open. 3(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
Dickie, JA., Faulkner, JA., Barnes, MJ., & Lark, SD. (2017). Electromyographic analysis of muscle activation during pull-up variations. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 32, 30-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
McLeay, Y., Stannard, SR., Mundel, T., Foskett, A., & Barnes, M. (2017). Effect of alcohol consumption on recovery from eccentric exercise induced muscle damage in females. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 27(2), 115-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Foskett, A.
Barnes, MJ., Petterson, A., & Cochrane, DJ. (2017). Effects of different warm-up modalities on power output during the high pull. Journal of Sports Sciences. 35(10), 976-981
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
Pritchard, HJ., Tod, DA., Barnes, MJ., Keogh, JW., & Mcguigan, MR. (2016). Tapering practices of New Zealand's elite raw powerlifters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(7), 1796-1804
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Perry, BG., Pritchard, HJ., & Barnes, MJ. (2016). Cerebrovascular, cardiovascular and strength responses to acute ammonia inhalation. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 116(3), 583-592
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Perry, B.
Pritchard, H., Keogh, J., Barnes, M., & McGuigan, M. (2015). Effects and mechanisms of tapering in maximizing muscular strength. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 37(2), 72-83
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Prentice, C., Stannard, SR., & Barnes, MJ. (2015). Effects of heavy episodic drinking on physical performance in club level rugby union players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 18(3), 268-271
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Cochrane, DJ., & Barnes, MJ. (2015). Muscle activation and onset times of hip extensors during various loads of a closed kinetic chain exercise. Research in Sports Medicine. 23(2), 179-189
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
Cochrane, DJ., Coley, KW., Pritchard, HJ., & Barnes, MJ. (2015). Vibration exercise as a warm-up modality for deadlift power output. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(4), 1033-1039
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
Cochrane, DJ., Black, MJ., & Barnes, MJ. (2014). Does acute side-alternating vibration exercise enhance ballistic upper-body power?. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35(12), 1006-1011
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
Pritchard, HJ., Stannard, SR., & Barnes, MJ. (2014). Ammonia inhalant & stimulant use among powerlifters: Results from an international survey. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning. 22(5), 52-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Brown, S., Barnes, MJ., & Mündel, T. (2014). Effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on human HRV and respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Acta Physiologica Hungarica. 101(3), 263-272
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ. (2014). Alcohol: Impact on Sports Performance and Recovery in Male Athletes. Sports Medicine.
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Perry, BG., Schlader, ZJ., Barnes, MJ., Cochrane, DJ., Lucas, SJE., & Mündel, T. (2014). Hemodynamic response to upright resistance exercise: Effect of load and repetition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 46(3), 479-487
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D., Perry, B.
Prentice, C., Stannard, SR., & Barnes, MJ. (2014). The effects of binge drinking behaviour on recovery and performance after a rugby match. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 17(2), 244-248
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Cochrane, DJ., Booker, HR., Mundel, T., & Barnes, MJ. (2013). Does Intermittent Pneumatic Leg Compression Enhance Muscle Recovery after Strenuous Eccentric Exercise?. International Journal of Sports Medicine.
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D.
Brown, SJ., Raman, A., Barnes, MJ., & Mündel, T. (2013). Autonomic cardiovascular response to acute hypoxia and passive head-up tilting in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology. , 1-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
McLeay, Y., Barnes, MJ., Mundel, T., Hurst, SM., Hurst, RD., & Stannard, SR. (2012). Effect of New Zealand blueberry consumption on recovery from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 9
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mündel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2012). The effects of acute alcohol consumption and eccentric muscle damage on neuromuscular function. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 37(1), 63-71
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mundel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2011). The effects of acute alcohol consumption on recovery from a simulated rugby match. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30(3), 295-304
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Schrieks, IC., Barnes, MJ., & Hodges, LD. (2011). Comparison study of treadmill versus arm ergometry. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 31(4), 326-331
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Hodges, L.
Barnes, MJ., Perry, BG., Mündel, T., & Cochrane, DJ. (2011). The effects of vibration therapy on muscle force loss following eccentrically induced muscle damage. European Journal of Applied Physiology. , 1-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D., Perry, B.
Barnes, MJ., Mündel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2011). A low dose of alcohol does not impact skeletal muscle performance after exercise-induced muscle damage. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 111(4), 725-729
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mündel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2010). Post-exercise alcohol ingestion exacerbates eccentric-exercise induced losses in performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 108(5), 1009-1014
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mündel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2010). Acute alcohol consumption aggravates the decline in muscle performance following strenuous eccentric exercise. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 13(1), 189-193
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Schlader, ZJ., Mündel, T., Barnes, MJ., & Hodges, LD. (2010). Peak cardiac power output in healthy, trained men. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 30(6), 480-484
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M., Hodges, L.
Brown, SJ., Mundel, T., Barnes, M., & Brown, JA. (2009). Indirect measures of human vagal withdrawal during head-up tilt with and without a respiratory acidosis. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 59(1), 31-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Duffield, R., Edge, J., Merrells, R., Hawke, E., Barnes, M., Simcock, D., . . . Gill, N. (2008). The effects of compression garments on intermittent exercise performance and recovery on consecutive days. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 3(4), 454-468
[Journal article]Authored by: Barnes, M.


Barnes, M. (2019, November). OUCH: responses to a new model of contusion injury. Presented at Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand Annual Conference. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Perry, BG., Hurst, RD., & Lomiwes, D.Effects Of Blackcurrant Extract On Peripheral Blood Flow And Muscular Endurance. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 50 (5)(pp. 720 - 720). 0195-9131.
[Conference]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Mcleay, Y., Crum, E., Stannard, ., Barnes, MJ., & Starck, . (2017). The effect of a novel keratin protein supplement vs. casein on lean body mass and exercise performance in male athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Vol. 20 (pp. e11 - e11). : Sports Medicine Australia National Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Pritchard, HJ., Barnes, MJ., Keogh, JWL., & McGuigan, MR. (2016). The effectiveness of Prilepin's chart for powerlifting strength improvements in resistance trained males. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Conference. Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, USA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Reeve, D., & Miller, A. (2016). The effects of squatting vs. deadlfting on measures of central and peripheral fatigue. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Conference. Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, USA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Pritchard, HJ., Barnes, MJ., Keogh, JWL., & McGuigan, MR. (2016). Relationships between 1RM powerlifting competition lifts and common modified and accessory exercises used in training – a pilot study. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASCA International Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Perry, BG., Schlader, ZJ., Barnes, MJ., Cochrane, DJ., Lucas, SJE., & Mundel, T. (2013). Middle cerebral artery blood velocity in response to dynamic upright resistance exercise: effect of load and repetition. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Union of Physiological Sciences 2013. Birmingham, United Kingdom
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Barnes, M., Cochrane, D., Perry, B.
Barnes, MJ.(2013, July). Antioxidants from berries to assist with recovery and other aspects of helping the body sustain and recover from extreme damage. .
[Conference]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Stannard, SR., Ali, A., Barnes, MJ., Burns, M, ., Foskett, A., & Hodges, LD.(2011, February). Sport and Alcohol - Finding The Balance. . 1 (1)(pp. 1 - 278).
[Conference]Authored by: Ali, A., Barnes, M., Foskett, A., Hodges, L.
Barnes, MJ., Muendel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2011). Impact Of Acute Post-eccentric Exercise Alcohol Use On Neuromuscular Function. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. Vol. 43 (pp. 36 - 36).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mundel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2011). Acute, post-eccentric exercise alcohol consumption alters voluntary and electrically stimulated muscle function. Poster session presented at the meeting of Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Denver, Colorado, USA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Schlader, Z., Mundel, T., Barnes, M., & Hodges, L. (2010). Peak cardiac output in trained males. In British Journal of Sports Medicine, International Sports Science, Sports Medicine Conference(pp. 1 - 1). : BMJ Publishing Group
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnes, M., Hodges, L.
Barnes, MJ., Mundel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2008, March). Post-exercise alcohol use increases eccentric-exercise induced strength loss. Presented at Post Graduate Sport Research Conference. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mundel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2008). Post-exercise alcohol use increases eccentric-exercise induced strength loss. In Post Graduate Sport Research Conference(pp. 36 - 37). : 蹤獲扦 University, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ., Mundel, T., & Stannard, SR. (2007). Effect of alcohol on recovery from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. In Medical Sciences Congress 2007(pp. 49). : MedSciNZ
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnes, M.
McLeay, Y., Stannard, S., & Barnes, M.The effect of taurine on the recovery from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage in males.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Brown, SJ., Dent, J., Barnes, MJ., & Mundel, T. (2007). Human heart rate variability during baroreceptor stimulation. In Medical Sciences Congress 2007(pp. 97). : MedSciNZ
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Brown, SJ., Dent, J., Barnes, MJ., & Mundel, T. (2007). Human cardioventilatory measures during hypercapnia. In Medical Sciences Congress 2007(pp. 63). : MedSciNZ
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Brown, SJ., Dent, J., Barnes, MJ., & Mundel, T. (2007, November). Human cardioventilatory measures during hypercapnia. Presented at Medical Sciences Congress 2007. Queenstown, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Brown, SJ., Dent, J., Barnes, MJ., & Mundel, T. (2007). Human heart rate variability during baroreceptor stimulation. Poster session presented at the meeting of Medical Sciences Congress 2007. Queenstown, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Barnes, M.
Barnes, MJ.Alcohol and recovery from strenuous exercise. In SR. stannard, A. ali, MJ. Barnes, M. Burns, A. Foskett, & L. Hodges (Eds.): Sport and alcohol: finding the balance
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Barnes, M.Edited by: Ali, A., Foskett, A., Hodges, L.


Schlader, Z., Mundel, T., Barnes, M., & Hodges, L. (2010, August). Peak cardiac output in trained males. In International Sports Science & Sports Medicine. Presented at Newcastle, United Kingdom.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Barnes, M., Hodges, L.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 1
Co-supervisor 0 3

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Douglas King - Doctor of Philosophy
    Injury incidence and physiological requirements of a domestic amateur women's rugby union team in New Zealand

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2018 - Emma O'Connor - Doctor of Philosophy
    Dietary antioxidants and the efficiency of oxygen transport and uptake during endurance exercise
  • 2018 - Yanita McLeay - Doctor of Philosophy
    The physiological effects of nutritional thiol supplementation
  • 2017 - William O'Connor - Doctor of Philosophy
    Metabolic Flexibility and Endurance Performance

Media and Links


  • 26 Nov 2014 - Television
    Young kiwis experiment with with potent steroids
    Interviewed by Michael Morrah for TV3's 3rd Degree current affairs program
  • 22 Apr 2013 - Online
    Should I Take a Shot During My Race?
    Phone interview done with Erin Beresini for Outside Magazine about drinking alcohol during exercise
  • 16 Jan 2015 - Online
    The truth about post-workout beer
    Phone interview done with Devon Jackson from Outside Magazine regarding the use of alcohol post exericse
  • 14 Feb 2014 - Television
    Doping drug interceptions on the rise
    Interviewed by Michael Morrah for TV3 News regarding steroid interceptions by NZ Customs and use of steroids in New Zealand
  • 12 Oct 2012 - Online
    How Does Alcohol Affect Workout Recovery?
    Interviewed by Erin Beresini form Outside Magazine
  • 03 Sep 2014 - Online
    The Rules of Running Drunk
    Interviewed by Devon Jackson from Outside Magazine
  • 01 May 2015 - Online
    Should I Give Up Alcohol Before a Big Race?
    Phone interview done with Amanda McMIllan from Outside Magazine regarding abstaining from alcohol to improve athletic performance