
Prof Steven Trewick staff profile picture

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Prof Steven Trewick

Professor in Evolutionary Ecology

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences

For more information about the research I do please have a look at our team website , just click the URL

I am fascinated by the same 'grandeur' in the way that life has developed on our planet that beguiled Charles Darwin. As a result my interests are diverse and dynamic extending to the composition of biotas and ways that biotas develop; the way species evolve and interact and the way interactions evolve; the definition and description and significance of biodiversity, the classification, taxonomy and systematics of life on earth and its conservation, and much more.

I am in interested in how, why and when species form.  Why do assemblages have the species they do?  To what extent is this a product of rare events such as dispersal and continental vicariance  vs ecological adaptation? How do species evolve as they interact with other plants and animals and the physical environment?  Modern research tools are allowing inferences about past processes to be melded with observations of current changes in communities, species and populations, that result from environmental change that is the direct result of excessive exploitation of the Earth by humans.

The NZ archipelago has ancient geological links with other (Gondwanan) landmasses, and harbours some organisms of ancient pedigree, but many taxa appear to be the products of recent colonisation or radiation.  I am interested in the use of ecological and molecular approaches to help understand the process that lead to the distributions and interactions of species.  I am particularly interested in endemic invertebrates including peripatus, weta, carabid beetles and stick insects.  Studies of these taxa involve comparison with relatives in neighbouring regions (Australia, New Caledonia etc).  I also work on birds, exploring evolution of flightlessness and species radiations associated with Pacific Islands.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +64 6 356 9099 ext 84842
    Location: 1.18, AgHort A
    Campus: Manawatu

Research Expertise

Research Interests

For more information please refer to the website of our research team

I am in interested in how, why and when species form.  Why do assemblages have the species they do?  To what extent is this a product of historical events such as dispersal, vicariance and extinction, vs ecological adaptation? How do species evolve as they interact with other plants and animals?

The NZ archipelago has ancient geological links with other (Gondwanan) landmasses, and harbours some organisms of ancient pedigree, but many taxa appear to be the products of recent colonisation or radiation.  I am interested in the use of ecological and molecular approaches to help understand the process that lead to the distributions and interactions of species.  I am particularly interested in endemic invertebrates including peripatus, weta, carabid beetles and stick insects.  Studies of these taxa involve comparison with relatives in neighbouring regions (Australia, New Caledonia etc).  I also work on birds, exploring evolution of flightlessness and endemism more generally.

Molecular tools have contributed much to our understanding of ecology and testing questions about adaptation, but an interest and understanding of whole organism biology is essential.  Good research requires good questions and these come from observing the natural world.  Molecular tools provide a means to look at nature in both a space (geography) and time.  Often it is possible to test ideas about the behaviour and ecology of organisms using genetic markers that cannot (or not easily) be viewed directly, and as such can be a useful addition to field studies.  Similarly population genetic methods can help research on conservation, and explore the interactions between related species where they meet and interact ecologically and reproductively.

Some recent/current projects include:

  • · Evolutionary ecology of alpine grasshoppers.
  • · Global phylogeography of swamphens (Porphyrio)
  • · Microendemism of micorsnails.
  • · Seed predation by tawa moth.
  • · Evolutionary genetics of brush-tailed possum.
  • · Mate location and choice in stick insects.
  • · Diet and ecophysiology of tree weta
  • · Sexual selection and diversity in the ground weta.
  • · Systematics and population genetics of cave weta.
  • · Deep time diversification of rails.
  • · Ecology and population genetics of weka (Gallirallus australis).
  • · Evolutionary rates in New Zealand marine molluscs (fossils and DNA).
  • · Conservation genetics of Powelliphanta land snails.
  • · Behaviour and phylogeny of Fijian honeyeaters.
  • · Southern hemisphere biogeography of weta.
  • · Feeding ecology and biodiversity of the Fijian longhorn beetles
  • · Speciation and evolution of flightless rails (Rallidae).
  • · Conservation of Philippine crocodile.
  • · Reproductive and ecological interactions at tree weta contact zones
  • · Seed predation and plant/insect mutualisms.
  • · Host-parasite interactions in cabbage aphid.

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Biological Sciences (060000): Ecology (060200):
Environmental Sciences (050000):
Evolutionary Biology (060300): Genetics (060400): Genomics (060408): Invertebrate Biology (060808): Molecular Evolution (060409): Population, Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics (060411):
Studies In Human Society (160000):
Zoology (060800)


Species, evolution, biogeography, biodiversity, evolutionary ecology, environmental sustainability, science communication

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Why fly when you can walk? Genetic pathways to flightlessness

Date Range: 2017 - 2022

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Punctuated evolution: is rapid morphological change linked to speciation?

The study of fossils provides an impression of morphological evolution made up of long periods of constrained evolution when nothing changes interspersed with geologically sudden leaps in form. Many interpret these abrupt changes in morphology as being the result of speciation (punctuated equilibrium). Other explanations for this pattern are possible and include rapid adaptation without speciation, the invasion of species from elsewhere, or hybridisation. New Zealand has one of the world's best fossil records for marine snails and many lineages in the rocks have relatives alive today. For the first time we can study the morphology and the molecular evolution of the same snail lineages united to produce a time-space integrated view of phenotypic divergence. This project brings together a unique combination of paleontologists, molecular geneticists and phylogeographers to study speciation in the past and present. Using mathematical analysis of shell shape changes and the latest DNA sequencing tools we will determine whether the timing of morphological change coincides with speciation inferred from molecular phylogenetics. By answering the fundamental question 'Is morphological change the result of species formation'. We will place New Zealand at the forefront of speciation research internationally.
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Date Range: 2013 - 2016

Funding Body: Marsden Fund - Full

Project Team:

Project Title: MSI - Postdoc Fellowship - Simon Hills - Population and community structure of East Coast marine molluscs

Effective management of ecological recourses is contingent on access to quality information about organisms and environment. For Maori, a comprehensive understanding of the structure of New Zealand's biodiversity is particularly valuable for considering traditional management practices such as mataitai and taiapure, and for management of iwi fishing resources. Such basic biodiversity data is critical for the identification of areas that will make the most appropriate marine reserves, and for the long-term evaluation of marine reserves. The structure of populations and communities of organisms in New Zealand is of particularly interesting due to the diverse and highly dynamic nature of the local environment. This dynamism has had a profound effect on the phylogeographic patterns of species found in New Zealand (Wallis and Trewick 2009). However, the marine environment is currently relatively underrepresented in such studies. Significant research has been devoted to a small selection of mostly commercially harvested species (e.g. paua, crayfish, fin-fish), and places of interest (e.g. Hayward 1997, Taylor and Morrison 2008). However, the greater part of the New Zealand marine biodiversity is relatively poorly understood. A key question in the consideration of the current biodiversity is how it changes over time. Specifically, where did it come from and how is it likely to change in the future?
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Date Range: 2011 - 2014

Funding Bodies: Use MINBIE -- Ministry of Science and Innovation; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Project Title: What limits a weta?

The distribution of a species is controlled by a combination of environmental factors and biotic interactions. For example temperature must be warm enough to allow growth, and the right foods must be available in the environment. We investigated the factors limiting the expansion of the range of the common Wellington tree weta species Hemideina crassidens. We inferred past range changes from patterns of genetic diversity over its range, and examined the competitive interactions that might prevent sympatry with the Auckland tree weta. We are investigating adaptation to high and low elevation sites that might allow the species to expand its range and the potential role of gene flow in limiting adaptation.
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Date Range: 2010 - 2013

Funding Body: 蹤獲扦 University

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Trewick, S. (2017). Plate tectonics in biogeography. In D. Richardson (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Grandcolas, P., & Trewick, SA. (2016). What Is the meaning of extreme phylogenetic diversity? The case of phylogenetic relict species. In P. Grandcolas, & R. Pellens (Eds.) Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics. : Springer International
[Chapter]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2016). Phylogenetics and conservation in New Zealand: The long and the short of it. In R. Pellens, & P. Grandcolas (Eds.) Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis. (pp. 81 - 98). : Springer International
[Chapter]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, S., & Morgan-Richards, M.(2014). NZ Wild Life Introducing the Weird and Wonderful Character of Natural New Zealand. : Penguin Books
[Authored Book]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M.(2014). NZ Wild Life. China: Penguin
[Authored Book]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Worthy, TH. (2001). Origins and prehistoric ecology of takahe based on morphometric, molecular, and fossil data. (pp. 31 - 48). : UNIV OTAGO PRESS
[Chapter]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Macfarlane, R., Maddison, IG., Andrew, IG., Berry, JA., Johns, PM., Hoare, RJB., . . . Trewick, SA. (2011). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. In DP. Gordon (Ed.) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity.
[Chapter]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Brescia, FM., & Jordan, CJ. (2009). Diversity and phylogeny of New Caledonian Placostylus land snails: Evidence from mitochondrial DNA. In P. Grandcolas (Ed.) Zoologia Neocaledonica Volume 7: Biodiversity studies in New Caledonia. (pp. 421 - 436). Paris: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
[Chapter]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M.(2005). Stick insects. Auckland, NZ: Reed Publishing
[Authored Book]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan Richards, M., King, T., & Trewick, SA. (2001). The evolutionary history of Tree Weta: A genetic approach. In LHF. Ed (Ed.) The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies. (pp. 111 - 126). Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.


Trewick, SA. (2024). Two new genera of tokoriro (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Macropathinae) from Aotearoa New Zealand. Zootaxa. 5481(5), 531-546
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Bulgarella, M., Haywood, J., Dowle, EJ., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2024). Standard metabolic rate variation among New Zealand Orthoptera. Current Research in Insect Science. 6
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Gaspar, J., Trewick, SA., & Gibb, GC. (2024). De-novo assembly of four rail (Aves: Rallidae) genomes: A resource for comparative genomics. Ecology and Evolution. 14(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Nakano, M., Park, KC., A. Trewick, S., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2024). Food plant odor perception in three sympatric alpine grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Chemoecology. 34(2), 71-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Grey, L., Trewick, SA., & Johnson, SL. (2024). Introduced mammalian predators influence demography and trait variation of a New Zealand stag beetle. Journal of Insect Conservation. 28(4), 725-736
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Meza-Joya, FL., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2024). Phenotypic and genetic divergence in a cold-adapted grasshopper may lead to lineage-specific responses to rapid climate change. Diversity and Distributions. 30(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Koot, EM., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2024). Ngokeoke Aotearoa: The Peripatoides Onychophora of New Zealand. Insects. 15(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Platania, L., Cardoso, A., Anderson, M., Fikáek, M., Gauthier, J., Hendrich, L., . . . Gómez-Zurita, J. (2024). New Caledonian rovers and the historical biogeography of a hyper-diverse endemic lineage of South Pacific leaf beetles. Systematic Entomology. 49(4), 565-582
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Dowle, EJ., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2024). Fossil-calibrated phylogenies of Southern cave wet show dispersal and extinction confound biogeographic signal. Royal Society Open Science. 11(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Wheeler, C., Pearman, JK., Howarth, JD., Vandergoes, MJ., Holt, K., Trewick, SA., . . . Wood, SA. (2024). A paleoecological investigation of recent cyanobacterial blooms and their drivers in two contrasting lakes. Harmful Algae. 131
[Journal article]Authored by: Holt, K., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Koot, EM., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2023). Mwhitiwhiti Aotearoa: Phylogeny and synonymy of the silent alpine grasshopper radiation of New Zealand (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Zootaxa. 5383(2), 225-241
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Quenu, M., Judd, EJ., Morgan-richards, M., Trewick, SA., Holt, K., Tyler, J., . . . Lorrey, AM. (2023). High-resolution stable isotope profiles from shells of the land snail Placostylus reveal contrasting patterns between snails originating from New Zealand and New Caledonia. Journal of Quaternary Science. 38(7), 1171-1183
[Journal article]Authored by: Holt, K., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Meza-Joya, FL., Morgan-Richards, M., Koot, EM., & Trewick, SA. (2023). Global warming leads to habitat loss and genetic erosion of alpine biodiversity. Journal of Biogeography. 50(5), 961-975
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Yarita, S., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2023). Genotypic detection of barriers to rat dispersal: Rattus rattus behind a peninsula predator-proof fence. Biological Invasions. 25(6), 1723-1738
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Marshall, CJ., Biggs, PJ., & Trewick, SA. (2023). Insect Freeze-Tolerance Downunder: The Microbial Connection. Insects. 14(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Nakano, M., Morgan-Richards, M., Clavijo-McCormick, A., & Trewick, S. (2023). Abundance and distribution of antennal sensilla on males and females of three sympatric species of alpine grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Zoomorphology. 142(1), 51-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Carmelet-Rescan, D., Morgan-Richards, M., Pattabiraman, N., & Trewick, SA. (2022). Time-calibrated phylogeny and ecological niche models indicate Pliocene aridification drove intraspecific diversification of brushtail possums in Australia. Ecology and Evolution. 12(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Meza-Joya, FL., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2022). Relationships among body size components of three flightless New Zealand grasshopper species (Orthoptera, Acrididae) and their ecological applications. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 31(1), 91-103
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Bhavanam, S., & Trewick, SA. (2022). Effects of population density on adult morphology and life-history traits of female Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). European Journal of Entomology. 119, 191-200
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Henderson, IM., Pohe, SR., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2022). Spatial Variation of Acanthophlebia cruentata (Ephemeroptera), a Mayfly Endemic to Te Ika-a-Mui—North Island of Aotearoa, New Zealand. Insects. 13(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hegg, D., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2022). High alpine sorcerers: Revision of the cave wt genus Pharmacus Pictet & de Saussure (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Macropathinae), with the description of six new species and three new subspecies. European Journal of Taxonomy. 808, 1-58
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Koot, EM., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2022). Climate change and alpine-adapted insects: Modelling environmental envelopes of a grasshopper radiation. Royal Society Open Science. 9(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Nakano, M., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Clavijo-McCormick, A. (2022). Chemical Ecology and Olfaction in Short-Horned Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 48(2), 121-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Pattabiraman, N., Morgan-Richards, M., Powlesland, R., & Trewick, SA. (2022). Unrestricted gene flow between two subspecies of translocated brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Biological Invasions. 24(1), 247-260
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Vilcot, M., & Trewick, SA. (2022). Lack of assortative mating might explain reduced phenotypic differentiation where two grasshopper species meet. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 35(4), 509-519
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Quenu, M., Trewick, SA., Daly, EE., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2021). Generation of large mitochondrial and nuclear nucleotide sequences and phylogenetic analyses using high-throughput short-read datasets for endangered Placostylinae snails of the southwest Pacific. Molluscan Research. 41(3), 243-253
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Stasiak, K., Dunowska, M., Trewick, S., & Rola, J. (2021). Genetic variation in the glycoprotein b sequence of equid herpesvirus 5 among horses of various breeds at Polish national studs. Pathogens. 10(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dunowska, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2021). A new species of large Hemiandrus ground wt (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) from North Island, New Zealand. Zootaxa. 4942(2), 207-218
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Carmelet-Rescan, D., Morgan-Richards, M., Koot, EM., & Trewick, SA. (2021). Climate and ice in the last glacial maximum explain patterns of isolation by distance inferred for alpine grasshoppers. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 14(5), 568-581
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Taylor-Smith, B., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2021). Ecology and systematics of the wine wt and allied species, with description of four new Hemiandrus species. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 48(1), 47-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Daly, EE., Trewick, SA., Dowle, EJ., Crampton, JS., & Richards, MM. (2020). Conservation of pupu whakarongotaua the snail that listens for the war party. Ethnobiology and Conservation. 9
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Gaspar, J., Gibb, GC., & Trewick, SA. (2020). Convergent morphological responses to loss of flight in rails (Aves: Rallidae). Ecology and Evolution. 10(13), 6186-6207
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Quenu, M., Trewick, SA., Brescia, F., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2020). Geometric morphometrics and machine learning challenge currently accepted species limits of the land snail Placostylus (Pulmonata: Bothriembryontidae) on the Isle of Pines, New Caledonia. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 86(1), 35-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Gemmell, MR., Hills, SFK., Marshall, BA., Beu, AG., Crampton, JS., . . . Morgan-Richards, M. (2020). Lineage identification affects estimates of evolutionary mode in marine snails. Systematic Biology. 69(6), 1106-1121
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Koot, EM., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2020). An alpine grasshopper radiation older than the mountains, on K Tiritiri o te Moana (Southern Alps) of Aotearoa (New Zealand). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 147
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Gemmell, MR., Trewick, SA., Hills, SFK., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2020). Phylogenetic topology and timing of New Zealand olive shells are consistent with punctuated equilibrium. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 58(1), 209-220
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Taylor-Smith, B., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2020). Patterns of regional endemism among New Zealand invertebrates. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 47(1), 1-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hegg, D., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2019). Diversity and distribution of pleioplectron hutton cave wt (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Macropathinae), with the synonymy of weta chopard and the description of seven new species. European Journal of Taxonomy. 2019(577)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Langton-Myers, SS., & Trewick, SA. (2019). Loss and gain of sexual reproduction in the same stick insect. Molecular Ecology. 28(17), 3929-3941
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Daly, EE., Walker, KJ., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2019). Spatial genetics of a high elevation lineage of Rhytididae land snails in New Zealand: the Powelliphanta Kawatiri complex. Molluscan Research. 39(3), 280-289
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Morgan-Richards, M., Daly, EE., & Trewick, SA. (2019). Tuatara and a new morphometric dataset for Rhynchocephalia: Comments on Herrera-Flores et al.. Palaeontology. 62(2), 321-334
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Garcia–R, JC., Gonzalez-Orozco, CE., & Trewick, SA. (2019). Contrasting patterns of diversification in a bird family (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae) are revealed by analysis of geospatial distribution of species and phylogenetic diversity. Ecography. 42(3), 500-510
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Trewick, S.
Gemmell, MR., Trewick, SA., Crampton, JS., Vaux, F., Hills, SFK., Daly, EE., . . . Morgan-Richards, M. (2018). Genetic structure and shell shape variation within a rocky shore whelk suggest both diverging and constraining selection with gene flow. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 125(4), 827-843
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Fitness, JL., Morgan-Richards, M., Hegg, D., & Trewick, SA. (2018). Reinstatement of the New Zealand cave wt genus miotopus hutton (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) and description of a new species. European Journal of Taxonomy. 2018(468), 1-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Sivyer, L., Morgan-Richards, M., Koot, E., & Trewick, SA. (2018). Anthropogenic cause of range shifts and gene flow between two grasshopper species revealed by environmental modelling, geometric morphometrics and population genetics. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 11(5), 415-434
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Mckean, NE., Trewick, SA., Griffin, MJ., Dowie, EJ., & Morgan-Rrichards, M. (2018). Viability and fertility of hybrid New Zealand tree we<sup>−</sup>ta<sup>−</sup> Hemideina spp. (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae). Journal of Orthoptera Research. 27(2), 97-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Trewick, SA., Crampton, JS., Marshall, BA., Beu, AG., Hills, SFK., . . . Morgan-Richards, M. (2018). Evolutionary lineages of marine snails identified using molecular phylogenetics and geometric morphometric analysis of shells. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 127, 626-637
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Bridgeman, B., Morgan-Richards, M., Wheeler, D., & Trewick, SA. (2018). First detection of wolbachia in the New Zealand biota. PLoS ONE. 13(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Alfaro, FM., Muñoz-Ramírez, CP., Zúñiga-Reinoso, Á., Trewick, SA., & Méndez, MA. (2018). Phylogeography of the chilean red cricket cratomelus armatus (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) reveals high cryptic diversity in central Chile. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 123(4), 712-727
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Hills, SFK., Marshall, BA., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2018). Genome statistics and phylogenetic reconstructions for Southern Hemisphere whelks (Gastropoda: Buccinulidae). Data in Brief. 16, 172-181
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Bulgarella, M., Sivyer, L., Dowle, EJ., Hale, M., McKean, NE., . . . Trewick, SA. (2017). Explaining large mitochondrial sequence differences within a population sample. Royal Society Open Science. 4(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Pilkington, S., Shepherd, LD., Gibb, GC., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2017). Closing the gap: Avian lineage splits at a young, narrow seaway imply a protracted history of mixed population response. Molecular Ecology. 26(20), 5752-5772
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibb, G., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Bradley, E., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2017). Genetic distinctiveness of the Waikawa Island mouse population indicates low rate of dispersal from mainland New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 41(2), 245-250
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Hills, SFK., Marshall, BA., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2017). A phylogeny of Southern Hemisphere whelks (Gastropoda: Buccinulidae) and concordance with the fossil record. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 114, 367-381
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Bhavanam, S., & Trewick, S. (2017). Effects of larval crowding and nutrient limitation on male phenotype, reproductive investment and strategy in Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Journal of Stored Products Research. 71, 64-71
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Bradley, E., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2017). Genetic distinctiveness of the waikawa island mouse population indicates low rate of dispersal from Mainland New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 41(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Crampton, JS., Marshall, BA., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2017). Geometric morphometric analysis reveals that the shells of male and female siphon whelks Penion chathamensis are the same size and shape. Molluscan Research. 37(3), 194-201
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2017). Speciation through the looking-glass. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 120(2), 480-488
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Garcia-R, JC., Joseph, L., Adcock, G., Reid, J., & Trewick, SA. (2017). Interisland gene flow among populations of the buff-banded rail (Aves: Rallidae) and its implications for insular endemism in Oceania. Journal of Avian Biology. 48(5), 679-690
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Trewick, S.
Taylor-Smith, BL., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2016). Three new ground wt species and a redescription of Hemiandrus maculifrons. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 43(4), 363-383
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Yabaki, M., Winkworth, RC., Mclenachan, PA., Aalbersberg, W., Winder, L., Trewick, SA., . . . Lockhart, PJ. (2016). Placing the Fijian Honeyeaters within the meliphagid radiation: Implications for origins and conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology. 22(3), 262-271
[Journal article]Authored by: Lockhart, P., McLenachan, P., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Olley, L. (2016). Spatial size dimorphism in New Zealand's last endemic raptor, the Krearea Falco novaeseelandiae, coincides with a narrow sea strait. Ibis. 158(4), 747-761
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Hills, SFK., Biggs, PJ., & Trewick, SA. (2016). Sticky genomes: Using NGS evidence to test hybrid speciation hypotheses. PLoS ONE. 11(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Nelson-Tunley, M., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2016). Genetic diversity and gene flow in a rare New Zealand skink despite fragmented habitat in a volcanic landscape. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 119(1), 37-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., & Trewick, S. (2016). Asymmetric effects of adult nutrition on reproductive success of male and female Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Physiological Entomology. 41(2), 91-95
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Mckean, NE., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2016). Little or no gene flow despite F<inf>1</inf> hybrids at two interspecific contact zones. Ecology and Evolution. 6(8), 2390-2404
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Minor, MA., Wang, Q., Rogers, DJ., Koot, EM., & Trewick, SA. (2016). Role of olfaction in host plant selection and local adaptation of a polyphagous herbivore, Eucolaspis Sharp. Journal of Applied Entomology. 140(6), 444-452
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Vaux, F., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2016). Lineages, splits and divergence challenge whether the terms anagenesis and cladogenesis are necessary. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 117(2), 165-176
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Steel, DJ., Stewart, BG., Trewick, SA., & Wallis, GP. (2015). Fiord populations of Astrobrachion constrictum (Ophiuroidea: Asteroschematidae)show little genetic differentiation for mitochondrial DNA. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 42(3), 165-172
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Minor, MA., Rogers, DJ., & Trewick, SA. (2015). Fifteen into three does go: Morphology, genetics and genitalia confirm taxonomic inflation of New Zealand beetles (chrysomelidae: Eucolaspis). PLoS ONE. 10(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Sangster, G., García-R, JC., & Trewick, SA. (2015). A new genus for the Lesser Moorhen Gallinula angulata Sundevall, 1850 (Aves, Rallidae). European Journal of Taxonomy. 2015(153), 1-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Trewick, S.
Garcia-R, JC., Elliott, G., Walker, K., Castro, I., & Trewick, SA. (2016). Trans-equatorial range of a land bird lineage (Aves: Rallidae) from tropical forests to subantarctic grasslands. Journal of Avian Biology. 47(2), 219-226
[Journal article]Authored by: Castro, I., Garcia Ramirez, J., Trewick, S.
McKean, NE., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2015). Comparative cytogenetics of North Island tree we¯ta¯ in sympatry. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 42(2), 73-84
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Dowle, EJ., Morgan-Richards, M., Brescia, F., & Trewick, SA. (2015). Correlation between shell phenotype and local environment suggests a role for natural selection in the evolution of Placostylus snails. Molecular Ecology. 24(16), 4205-4221
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Wehi, PM., Nagakawa, S., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). Does predation result in adult sex ratio skew in a sexually dimorphic insect genus?. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Neall, VE., & Trewick, SA. (2008). The age and origin of the Pacific islands: a geological overview. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 363(1508), 3293-3308
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, S. (1996). The diet of kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), takahe (Porphyrio mantelli) and pukeko (P. porphyrio melanotus) studied by faecal analysis. Notornis. 43(2), 79-84
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Grandcolas, P., Nattier, R., & Trewick, S. (2014). Relict species: A relict concept?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 29(12), 655-663
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
García-R, JC., Gibb, GC., & Trewick, SA. (2014). Eocene diversification of crown group rails (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae). PLoS ONE. 9(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Crisp, MD., Trewick, SA., & Cook, LG. (2011). Hypothesis testing in biogeography. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 26(2), 66-72
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2015). Intercontinental island hopping: Colonization and speciation of the grasshopper genus Phaulacridium (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Australasia. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 255, 71-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Dowle, EJ., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2013). Molecular evolution and the latitudinal biodiversity gradient. Heredity. 110(6), 501-510
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Wallis, GP., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). The invertebrate life of New Zealand: A phylogeographic approach. Insects. 2(3), 297-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Garcia, JRC., & Trewick, SA. (2015). Dispersal and speciation in purple swamphens (Rallidae: Porphyrio). Auk. 132(1), 140-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Trewick, S.
Mckean, NE., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2015). Comparative cytogenetics of North Island tree wt in sympatry. New Zealand Journal of Zoology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Fitness, JL., Morgan-Richards, M., Ball, OJP., Godfrey, AJR., & Trewick, SA. (2015). Improved resolution of cave weta diversity (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae): ecological implications for Te Paki, Far North, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 42(1), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Godfrey, A., Trewick, S.
Bulgarella, M., Trewick, SA., Godfrey, AJR., Sinclair, BJ., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2015). Elevational variation in adult body size and growth rate but not in metabolic rate in the tree weta Hemideina crassidens. Journal of Insect Physiology. 75, 30-38
[Journal article]Authored by: Godfrey, A., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Dowle, EJ., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2014). Morphological differentiation despite gene flow in an endangered grasshopper. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 14(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Bland, KJ. (2012). Fire and slice: palaeogeography for biogeography at New Zealand's North Island/South Island juncture. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 42(3), 153-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Garcia-R, JC., Gibb, GC., & Trewick, SA. (2014). Deep global evolutionary radiation in birds: Diversification and trait evolution in the cosmopolitan bird family Rallidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 81, 96-108
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Minards, NA., Trewick, SA., Godfrey, AJR., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2014). Convergent local adaptation in size and growth rate but not metabolic rate in a pair of parapatric Orthoptera species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 113(1), 123-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Godfrey, A., Trewick, S.
Minards, NA., Trewick, SA., Godfrey, AJR., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2014). Convergent local adaptation in size and growth rate but not metabolic rate in a pair of parapatric Orthoptera species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Bulgarella, M., Trewick, SA., Minards, NA., Jacobson, MJ., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2014). Shifting ranges of two tree weta species (Hemideina spp.): Competitive exclusion and changing climate. Journal of Biogeography. 41(3), 524-535
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., Knapp, M., Emberson, RM., Townsend, JI., & Trewick, SA. (2014). Species radiation of carabid beetles (Broscini: Mecodema) in New Zealand. PLoS ONE. 9(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Bulgarella, M., Trewick, SA., Minards, NA., Jacobson, MJ., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2013). Shifting ranges of two tree weta species (Hemideina spp.): Competitive exclusion and changing climate. Journal of Biogeography.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Smith, BT., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, S. (2013). New Zealand ground wt (Anostostomatidae: Hemiandrus): Descriptions of two species with notes on their biology. New Zealand Journal of Zoology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Fitness, JL., Morgan-Richards, M., Ball, OJ-P., Godfrey, AJR., & Trewick, SA. (2015). Improved resolution of cave weta diversity (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae): ecological implications for Te Paki, Far North, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Smith, BLT., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2013). New Zealand ground wt (Anostostomatidae: Hemiandrus): Descriptions of two species with notes on their biology. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 40(4), 314-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Myers, SS., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2013). Multiple lines of evidence suggest mosaic polyploidy in the hybrid parthenogenetic stick insect lineage Acanthoxyla. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 6(4), 537-548
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Trewick, SA., Rogers, DJ., & Minor, MA. (2013). Predictive modelling of adult emergence in a polyphagous eucolaspis (Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae) leaf beetle. Journal of Economic Entomology. 106(2), 899-904
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, M., Sandanayaka, M., & Trewick, S. (2013). Effects of mating and oviposition delay on parasitism rate and sex allocation behaviour of Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Biological Control. 65(2), 265-270
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Waters, JM., Trewick, SA., Paterson, AM., Spencer, HG., Kennedy, M., Craw, D., . . . Wallis, GP. (2013). Biogeography off the tracks. Systematic Biology. 62(3), 494-498
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Dowle, EJ., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2013). Molecular evolution and the latitudinal biodiversity gradient. Heredity.
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, M., & Trewick, S. (2012). Mating or ovipositing? A crucial decision in the life history of the cabbage aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh). Ecological Entomology. 37(3), 169-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Crampton, JS., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2012). DNA and Morphology Unite Two Species and 10 Million Year Old Fossils. PLoS ONE. 7(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Myers, SS., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2012). Multiple lines of evidence suggest mosaic polyploidy in the hybrid parthenogenetic stick insect lineage Acanthoxyla. Insect Conservation and Diversity.
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., Trewick, SA., & Sandanayaka, WRM. (2012). Body size and fitness relation in male and female Diaeretiella rapae. BioControl. 57(6), 759-766
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Morris, SJ., Johns, PM., Hitchmough, RA., & Stringer, IAN. (2012). The conservation status of New Zealand Orthoptera. New Zealand Entomologist. 35(2), 131-136
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Wehi, PM., Whaanga, H., & Trewick, SA. (2012). Artefacts, biology and bias in museum collection research. Molecular Ecology. 21(13), 3103-3109
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S., Whaanga, J.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., & Trewick, SA. (2012). Reproductive strategies of Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae) during fluctuating temperatures of spring season in New Zealand. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 22(1), 1-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Bland, KJ. (2012). 153-183 Fire and slice: Palaeogeography for biogeography at New Zealand's North Island/ South Island juncture. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 42(3), 153-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Wehi, PM., Whaanga, H., & Trewick, SA. (2012). Artefacts, biology and bias in museum collection research. Molecular Ecology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Chappell, EM., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2012). Shape and sound reveal genetic cohesion not speciation in the New Zealand orthopteran, Hemiandrus pallitarsis, despite high mitochondrial DNA divergence. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 105(1), 169-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., & Trewick, SA. (2012). Fitness gain in a koinobiont parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) by parasitising hosts of different ages. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 15(1), 83-87
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). Phylogenetic information of genes, illustrated with mitochondrial data from a genus of gastropod molluscs. BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. 104(4), 770-785
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). Phylogenetic information of genes, illustrated with mitochondrial data from a genus of gastropod molluscs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 104(4), 770-785
[Journal article]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., Trewick, SA., & Sandanayaka, WRM. (2012). Body size and fitness relation in male and female Diaeretiella rapae. BioControl. , 1-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Segovia, R., Pett, W., Trewick, S., & Lavrov, DV. (2011). Extensive and evolutionarily persistent mitochondrial tRNA editing in velvet worms (Phylum Onychophora). Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28(10), 2873-2881
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Griffin, MJ., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2011). Is the tree weta Hemideina crassidens an obligate herbivore?. New Zealand Natural Sciences. 36, 11-19 Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/nznaturalsciences/home
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., & Trewick, SA. (2011). Exploring phylogeographic congruence in a continental Island system. Insects. 2(3), 369-399
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Wallis, GP., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). The invertebrate life of New Zealand: A phylogeographic approach. Aquatic Insects: international journal of freshwater entomology. , 297-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., Trewick, SA., & Sandanayaka, WRM. (2011). Host selection for self-superparasitism by Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). New Zealand Plant Protection. 64, 37-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Wehi, PM., Nakagawa, S., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). Does predation result in adult sex ratio skew in a sexually dimorphic insect genus?. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 24(11), 2321-2328
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Griffin, MJ., Trewick, SA., Wehi, PM., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011). Exploring the concept of niche convergence in a land without rodents: The case of weta as small mammals. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 35(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., Trewick, SA., & Powlesland, RG. (2011). Population structure and biogeography of Hemiphaga pigeons (Aves: Columbidae) on islands in the New Zealand region. Journal of Biogeography. 38(2), 285-298
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Wyman, TE., Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., & Noble, ADL. (2011). Mutualism or opportunism? Tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata) and tree weta (Hemideina) interactions. Austral Ecology. 36(3), 261-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Allegrucci, G., Trewick, SA., Fortunato, A., Carchini, G., & Sbordoni, V. (2010). Cave crickets and cave weta (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) from the Southern End of the World: A molecular phylogeny test of biogeographical hypotheses. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 19(1), 121-130
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Landis, CA., Campbell, HJ., Begg, JG., Mildenhall, DC., Paterson, AM., & Trewick, SA. (2010). Reply. Geological Magazine. 147(1), 153-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Gibb, GC. (2010). Vicars, tramps and assembly of the New Zealand avifauna: A review of molecular phylogenetic evidence. Ibis. 152(2), 226-253
[Journal article]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Pole, MS., Landis, CA., Campbell, HJ., Begg, JG., Mildenhall, DC., Paterson, AM., . . . Trewick, SA. (2010). Discussion of 'The Waipounamu Erosion Surface: questioning the antiquity of the New Zealand land surface and terrestrial fauna and flora'. GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. 147(1), 151-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Cook, LD., Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., & Johns, PM. (2010). Status of the New Zealand cave weta (Rhaphidophoridae) genera Pachyrhamma, Gymnoplectron and Turbottoplectron. Invertebrate Systematics. 24(2), 131-138
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Stringer, IAN. (2010). Geographic parthenogenesis and the common tea-tree stick insect of New Zealand. Molecular Ecology. 19(6), 1227-1238
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Brescia, F., & Jordan, C. (2009). Diversity and phylogeny of New Caledonian Placostylus land snails; evidence from mitochondrial DNA. Diversity and phylogeny of New Caledonian Placostylus land snails: Evidence from mitochondrial DNA In Zoologia Neocaledonica Volume 7: Biodiversity studies in New Caledonia. Editors: Grandcolas P. 198: 421-436. Museum National d. , 421-436
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan Richards, M. (2009). New Zealand biology. Encyclopedia of Islands. , 665-673
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Wallis, GP., & Trewick, SA. (2009). New Zealand phylogeography: Evolution on a small continent. Molecular Ecology. 18(17), 3548-3580
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Neall, VE., & Trewick, SA. (2008). Review. The age and origin of the Pacific islands: A geological overview. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363(1508), 3293-3308
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., Trewick, SA., & Paterson, AM. (2008). Review. Evolution of New Zealand's terrestrial fauna: A review of molecular evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363(1508), 3319-3334
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., Bartosch-Härlid, A., Kardailsky, O., Phillips, MJ., McLenachan, PA., . . . Penny, D. (2008). Bird evolution: Testing the Metaves clade with six new mitochondrial genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: McLenachan, P., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Cowie, RH. (2008). Introduction. Evolution on Pacific islands: Darwin's legacy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363(1508), 3289-3291
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2008). DNA barcoding is not enough: Mismatch of taxonomy and genealogy in New Zealand grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Cladistics. 24(2), 240-254
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Walker, KJ., Trewick, SA., & Barker, GM. (2008). Powelliphanta augusta, a new species of land snail, with a description of its former habitat, stockton coal plateau, new zealand). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 38(3), 163-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Cowie, RH. (2008). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Evolution on Pacific Islands: Darwin's Legacy. 363(1508)
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., Trewick, SA., & Paterson, AM. (2008). Evolution of New Zealand's terrestrial fauna: a review of molecular evidence. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 363(1508), 3319-3334
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., & Collins, LJ. (2008). Are you my mother? Phylogenetic analysis reveals orphan hybrid stick insect genus is part of a monophyletic New Zealand clade. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 48(3), 799-808
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Pratt, RC., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2008). Diversification of New Zealand weta (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Anostostomatidae) and their relationships in Australasia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363(1508), 3427-3437
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Walker, KJ., & Jordan, CJ. (2008). Taxonomic and conservation status of a newly discovered giant landsnail from Mount Augustus, New Zealand. Conservation Genetics. 9(6), 1563-1575
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Landis, CA., Campbell, HJ., Begg, JG., Mildenhall, DC., Paterson, AM., & Trewick, SA. (2008). The waipounamu erosion surface: Questioning the antiquity of the New Zealand land surface and terrestrial fauna and flora. Geological Magazine. 145(2), 173-197
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., Bartosch-Haerlid, A., Kardailsky, O., Phillips, MJ., McLenachan, PA., . . . Penny, D. (2008). Bird evolution: testing the Metaves clade with six new mitochondrial genomes. BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 8,
[Journal article]Authored by: McLenachan, P., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Dunavan, S. (2008). When is it coevolution? The case of ground wt and fleshy fruits in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 32(1), 108-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Paterson, AM., & Campbell, HJ. (2007). Hello New Zealand. Journal of Biogeography. 34(1), 1-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2007). DNA barcoding is not enough: Mismatch of taxonomy and genealogy in New Zealand grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Cladistics. 23, 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2005). Hybrid origin of a parthenogenetic genus?. Molecular Ecology. 14(7), 2133-2142
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Goldberg, J., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2005). Fewer species of Argosarchus and Clitarchus stick insects (Phasmida, Phasmatinae): Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Zoologica Scripta. 34(5), 483-491
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2005). After the deluge: Mitochondrial DNA indicates Miocene radiation and Pliocene adaptation of tree and giant weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae). Journal of Biogeography. 32(2), 295-309
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan Richards, M. (2004). Phylogenetics of New Zealand's tree, giant and tusked Weta (orthoptera: Anostostomatidae): Evidence from mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 13(2), 185-196
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., & Chapman, HM. (2004). Chloroplast DNA diversity of Hieracium pilosella (Asteraceae) introduced to New Zealand: Reticulation, hybridization, and invasion. American Journal of Botany. 91(1), 73-85
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., Chapman, HM., & Krahulcova, A. (2004). Interspecific hybridization among Hieracium species in New Zealand: Evidence from flow cytometry. Heredity. 93(1), 34-42
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Pinter, I., Bakker, F., Barrett, J., Cox, C., Gibby, M., Henderson, S., . . . Vogel, J. (2002). Phylogenetic and biosystematic relationships in four highly disjunct polyploid complexes in the subgenera Ceterach and Phyllitis in Asplenium (Aspleniaceae). Organisms Diversity and Evolution. 2(4), 299-311
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., Russell, SJ., Henderson, S., Rumsey, FJ., Pintér, I., . . . Vogel, JC. (2002). Polyploidy, phylogeography and Pleistocene refugia of the rockfern Asplenium ceterach: Evidence from chloroplast DNA. Molecular Ecology. 11(10), 2003-2012
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Wallis, GP. (2001). Chromosome races with Pliocene origins: Evidence from mtDNA. Heredity. 86(3), 303-312
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2001). Identity of an endangered grasshopper (Acrididae: Brachaspis): Taxonomy, molecules and conservation. Conservation Genetics. 2(3), 233-243
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Wallis, GP. (2001). Bridging the "beech-gap": New Zealand invertebrate phylogeography implicates pleistocene glaciation and pliocene isolation. Evolution. 55(11), 2170-2180
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Wallis, GP., & Trewick, SA. (2001). Finding fault with vicariance: A critique of heads (1998). Systematic Biology. 50(4), 602-609
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2001). Scree weta phylogeography: Surviving glaciation and implications for pleistocene biogeography in new zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 28(3), 291-298
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Steel, DJ., Trewick, SA., & Wallis, GP. (2000). Heteroplasmy of mitochondrial DNA in the ophiuroid Astrobrachion constrictum. Journal of Heredity. 91(2), 146-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Wallis, GP. (2000). Characterization of a hybrid zone between two chromosomal races of the weta Hemideina thoracica following a geologically recent volcanic eruption. Heredity. 85(6), 586-592
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Wallis, GP., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2000). Phylogeographical pattern correlates with Pliocene mountain building in the alpine scree weta (Orthoptera, Anostostomatidae). Molecular Ecology. 9(6), 657-666
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2000). Artificial weta roosts: A technique for ecological study and population monitoring of Tree Weta (Hemideina) and other invertebrates. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 24(2), 201-208
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2000). Molecular evidence for dispersal rather than vicariance as the origin of flightless insect species on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Journal of Biogeography. 27(5), 1189-1200
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2000). Mitochondrial DNA sequences support allozyme evidence for cryptic radiation of New Zealand Peripatoides (Onychophora). Molecular Ecology. 9(3), 269-281
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1999). Molecular diversity of Dunedin peripatus (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 26(4), 381-393
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1999). A new weta from the Chatham Islands (Orthoptera: Raphidophoridae). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 29(2), 165-173
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1998). Sympatric cryptic species in New Zealand Onychophora. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 63(3), 307-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1997). On the skewed sex ratio of the Kakapo Strigops habroptilus: Sexual and natural selection in opposition?. Ibis. 139(4), 652-663
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1997). Flightlessness and phylogeny amongst endemic rails (Aves : Rallidae) of the New Zealand region. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 352(1352), 429-446
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1997). Sympatric flightless rails Gallirallus dieffenbachii and G. modestus on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand; morphometrics and alternative evolutionary scenarios. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 27(4), 451-464
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (1996). Morphology and evolution of two takahe: Flightless rails of New Zealand. Journal of Zoology. 238(2), 221-237
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Trewick, SA. (1995). On the distribution of tree weta in the North Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 25(4), 485-493
[Journal article]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Dearden, P. (1994). A rapid protocol for DNA extraction and primer annealing for PCR sequencing. BioTechniques. 17(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Trewick, S.


Trewick, SA., & Morris, S. (2008). Diversity and taxonomic status of some New Zealand grasshoppers: DOC research and development Series 290.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Trewick, S.


Hills, S., Vaux, F., Trewick, S., Crampton, J., Marshall, B., Beu, A., . . . Morgan-Richards, M. (2018). Identifying evolutionary lineages of marine snails.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Molluscs 2018, the triennial meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia.. Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, S., Gemmell, M., Crampton, J., Trewick, S., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2018). Do New Zealand Olive Shells (Amalda spp.) support Punctuated Equilibria?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Molluscs 2018, the triennial meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia.. Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
King, S., Barry, M., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, S. (2017). The biology and ecology of green gecko (Naultinus) found in unique habitat on the Denniston and Stockton Plateaus. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2017 New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference. The Catlins, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Gemmell, M., Vaux, F., Marshall, BA., Crampton, JS., Trewick, SA., . . . Morgan-Richards, M. (2015, November). Mitochondrial Phylogenomics of New Zealand Aeneator Finlay, 1926 and Buccinulum Deshayes, 1830 species (Buccinidae).. Presented at Molluscs 2015, the triennial meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia.. Coffs Harbour, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Gibb, GC., & Trewick, SA. (2014, February). Why fly when you can walk?. Presented at Waiheke 2014, The 18th Annual New Zealand Phylogenomics Meeting
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Crampton, JS., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, . (2014, February). Diversification patterns in molecular and paleontological data of the marine mollusc genus Alcithoe.. Presented at Waiheke 2014, the 18th Annual New Zealand Phylogenomics Meeting. Waiheke Island, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Crampton, JS., Marshall, BA., Beu, AG., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2014). Evolution of the New Zealand Alcithoe, an integration of molecular and paleontological evidence.. In Abstracts: ‘GeoGenes V’ Geology and Genes V 2014 – a meeting of mudstone and molecules, ‘GeoGenes V’ Geology and Genes V 2014 – a meeting of mudstone and molecules Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Garcia-R, JC., Gibb, G., & Trewick, S. (2015). Comparative evolution of the rails (Aves: Rallidae) in Australasia: Phylogeography analysis of supertramp species. In 26th International Ornithological Congress abstract booklet Vol. 156 , 26th International Ornithological Congress (IOC 2014)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Garcia-R, JC., & Trewick, S. (2014, January). Phylogegraphic analysis of the supertramp swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio (Aves:Rallidae): Diversification and geneflow with emphasis on the Indo-Pacific region. Presented at IBS Early Career Conference
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Trewick, S.
Garcia-R, JC., Gibb, G., & Trewick, S. (2014). “Rail ways”. Poster session presented at the meeting of 26th International Ornithological Congress. Tokyo, Japan
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Gibb, GC., & Trewick, SA. (2013, November). Why fly when you can walk?. Presented at Phylomania 2013
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Gibb, GC., & Trewick, SA. (2013, December). Why fly when you can walk? The evolution of flightlessness in Rails. Presented at Australasian Ornithological Conference 2013. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Crampton, JS., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2013). Fossils and phylogeny: comparing patterns of extinction and speciation.. In AÇOREANA, Revista de Estudos Açoreanos Vol. Suplemento 8, Julho de 2013 , World Congress of Malacology 2013 Ponta Delgada: Sociedade Afonso Chaves
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Hills, SFK., Crampton, JS., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2012, December). The evolution of New Zealand Alcithoe, an integration of molecular and paleontological evidence.. Presented at Molluscs 2012, the triennial meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hills, S., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Segovia, R., Walker, P., Trewick, S., Gleason, D., & Lavrov, D.Extensive tRNA editing in mitochondrial genomes of Onychophora. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. (pp. E293 - E293). 1540-7063.
[Conference]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Vogel, JC., Barrett, JA., Gibby, M., James, C., Morgans-Richards, M., Rumsey, FJ., . . . Trewick, S.Taxon rarity and endemism versus glacial refugia and centres of genetic diversity - Where should we place conservation priorities for European pteridophytes?. Fern Gazette. 16 (6-8)(pp. 464). 0308-0838.
[Conference]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., Fitness, JL., Ball, OJP., Godfrey, AJR., & Trewick, SA. (2014). Species ecology - the distribution and abundance of forest invertebrates. Poster session presented at the meeting of The New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Godfrey, A., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Godfrey, AJR., Bulgarella, M., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2014, November). Modelling growth of captive tree weta. Presented at New Zealand Ecological Society Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Godfrey, A., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Godfrey, AJR., Bulgarella, M., Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2014, November). Modelling growth of captive tree weta. Presented at 65th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Statistical Association. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Godfrey, A., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., & Trewick, SA. (2012, April). Effects of mate choice and mate density on mating success in Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae).. Presented at The 61st New Zealand Entomological Society conference. Whangarei, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., Sandanayaka, WRM., & Trewick, SA. (2012). Effects of host and foundress density on reproductive strategy of Diaeretiella rapae. In New Zealand Plant Protection Vol. 65 (pp. 294 - 294). , New Zealand Plant Protection Society Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Minor, MA., Rogers, DJ., & Trewick, SA. (2011, November). Systematics and diversity of Eucolaspis in New Zealand. Presented at The 14th Annual New Zealand Molecular Ecology conference. Akitio, Tararua.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, P., Trewick, SA., Minor, M., & Rogers, D. (2011, August). Systematics and diversity of native pest beetles, Eucolaspis, in New Zealand. Presented at The 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2011, August). Hopping across the ditch: The New Zealand Orthoptera. Presented at The 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Paterson, A., & Trewick, SA. (2011, August). The rise and fall of Zealandia: biogeographic implications for entomology. Presented at The 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Yeates, D. (2011, August). Australia: sistership or mothership to the NZ invertebrate fauna opening remarks on testing biogeographic hypotheses. Presented at The 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., & Trewick, SA. (2011). Exploring phylogeographic congruence in a continental island system. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Fitness, J., Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., & Cook, L. (2011). Beta Weta Geta: Rhaphidophoridae taxonomy in New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., & Trewick, SA. (2011, August). Host selection for self-superparasitism by Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Presented at New Zealand Plant Protection Society Annual Conference 2011. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., & Trewick, SA. (2011, August). Mating versus oviposition in Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae).. Presented at The 3rd combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Lincoln University, Christchurch.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Minor, MA., Trewick, S., & Rogers, DJ. (2011). Modelling emergence of bronze beetle (Eucolaspis spp.) adults using degree-days and threshold temperatures.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 64th Annual Conference of New Zealand Plant Protection Society. Rotorua, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Trewick, S., Minor, MA., & Rogers, DJ. (2011, March). Systematics and phylogeography of a native beetle Eucolaspis from New Zealand.. Presented at Global Conference on Entomology (GCE 2011). Chiang Mai, Thailand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, PRC., Trewick, S., Minor, MA., & Rogers, DJ. (2011). Taxonomic inflation?: assessing the case of a native beetle genus Eucolaspis from New Zealand. (pp. 99 - 99). , Biosystematics Berlin 2011
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Grandcolas, P., Nattier, R., Marchal, L., Jourdan, H., Keith, P., Pellens, R., . . . Trewick, SA. (2010, February). Relict taxa in biogeography: what do they actually tell us?. Presented at Southern Connection Congress. Bariloche, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Lehneback, C., Wagstaff, S., & Trewick, SA. (2010, February). The origin of the New Zealand flora; a devil’s advocate approach.. Presented at Southern Connection Congress. Bariloche, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Campbell, H., Landis, C., Herzer, R., & Paterson, A. (2010, February). Biogeography with a sinking feeling: A geological history of Zealandia. Presented at Southern Connection Congress. Bariloche, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Hardy, N., Cook, L., & Trewick, SA. (2010, February). Biogeography of Austral insects: a comparative molecular phylogenetics approach. Presented at Southern Connection Congress. Bariloche, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Morgan-Richards, M., Goldberg, J., Pratt, R., & Johns, P. (2010, February). Better the weta you know: biogeography of southern orthoptera. Presented at Southern Connection Congress. Bariloche, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Minor, MA., Sandanayaka, WRM., & Trewick, SA. (2010). Parasitism and mating of Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) in an uncontrolled environment.. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand Plant Protection Society Annual Conference 2010. New Plymouth, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Kant, R., Trewick, SA., Sandanayaka, WRM., & Minor, MA. (2010, April). Does parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) discriminate its host cabbage aphid during superparasitism?. Presented at The 59th New Zealand Entomological Society Conference. Victoria University, Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, P., Minor, M., Wang, Q., Trewick, S., & Rogers, D. (2010, April). Behavioural and ecological associations between bronze beetle, Eucolaspis spp (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and host plants: use of plant odours for host selection. . Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Doddala, P., Minor, M., Wang, Q., Trewick, S., & Rogers, D. (2010, April). Behavioural and ecological associations between bronze beetle, Eucolaspis spp (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and host plants: Use of plant odours for host selection. Presented at The Entomological Society of New Zealand: 59th Annual Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Minor, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Welvaert, S. (2009, November). Tree weta phylogeography and the trouble of paralogs. Presented at Annual Meeting MolEco109. Tautuku, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Gibb, GC., Penny, ED., & Trewick, SA. (2009). Niche stability in NZ birds: Integrating phylogeny, morphology, life history and paleontology. In GC. Gibb, D. Penny, & SA. Trewick (Eds.) Geogenes 4, Geological Society of New Zealand. (pp. 20 - 21).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Campbell, HJ., Begg, J., Beu, A., Carter, B., Curtis, N., Davies, G., . . . Trewick, SA. (2009). Geological considerations relating to the Chatham Islands, mainland New Zealand and the history of New Zealand terrestrial life.. In Geology and Genes IV(pp. 5 - 6). : Geological Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Holt, K., Trewick, S.
Gibb, GC., Goldberg, J., Trewick, SA., & Penny, D. (2008, February). The Multiscale Nature of Phylogeny: A case study using the New Zealand Pigeon (Kereru).. Presented at New Zealand Phylogenetics Conference. Whitianga, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gibb, G., Trewick, S.
Chappell, E., Trewick, S., Morgan-Richards, M., & Castro, IC. (2008). Morphology, phylogeography and drumming behaviour in a New Zealand Ground Weta, Hemiandrus pallitarsis. Presented at New Zealand Ecological Society Conference. Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Castro, I., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., & Trewick, SA. (2007). Talitripsis and relative dimensions in space: phylogeography of a New Zealand cave cricket (Orthoptera: Raphidophoridae). Poster session presented at the meeting of Evolution 2007. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Gibb, GC., Goldberg, J., Trewick, SA., & Penny, D. (2007, June). Pigeon evolution: integrating barcoding to the tree of life. Presented at Evolution 2007. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., Goldberg, J., Paterson, A., & Campbell, HJ. (2007, June). Speciation rates: contrasts across the New Zealand archipelago. Presented at Evolution 2007. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2007, June). New Zealand stick insects. Presented at Evolution 2007. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Paterson, AM., Armstrong, K., Trewick, SA., & Campbell, H. (2007, June). Downunder in Downunder: what do inundated islands tell us about long distance dispersal?. Presented at Evolution 2007. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Pratt, RC., Morgan-Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2007, June). Witness to the sinking ark or victims of the Pacific flypaper? Phylogenetic relationships of Anostostomatid crickets.. Presented at Evolution 2007. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Gibb, GC. (2007, December). Assembly of the New Zealand avifauna. Presented at 4th Biennial Australasian Ornithological Conference. University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Cook, L., Trewick, SA., & Morgan Richards, M. (2007, December). Gene flow and population genetics of the New Zealand cave weta. Presented at 10th Annual New Zealand Molecular Ecology Meeting. Kaikoura, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Chappell, E., Trewick, SA., Morgan Richards, M., & Castro, IC. (2007, December). Phylogeography, morphology and reproductive behaviour of a New Zealand ground weta Hemiandrus pallitarsis. Presented at 10th Annual New Zealand Molecular Ecology Meeting. Kaikoura, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Castro, I., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Chappell, E., Trewick, SA., Morgan Richards, M., & Castro, IC. (2007, November). Phylogeography, morphology and reproductive behaviour of ground weta (Hemiandrus pallitarsis). Presented at New Zealand Ecological Society Conference. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Castro, I., Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2005, December). Grasshopper speciation in semi-arid New Zealand. Presented at The Combined Australian Entomological Society, Society of Austalian Systematic Biologists and Invertebrate Biodiversity and Conservation Conference. Australian National University, Canberra, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2005, June). Hybrid origins of a parthenogenetic genus?. Presented at Molecular Biology & Evolution 2005. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Morgan Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2005, April). Hybrid origins of a parthenogenetic genus?. Presented at 54th Annual Conference of the Entomological Society of New Zealand. Napier, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Pratt, RC., Morgan Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2005). Anostostomatid phylogenetics: What DNA can tell us. Poster session presented at the meeting of 54th Annual Conference of the Entomological Society of New Zealand. Napier, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Pratt, RC., Morgan Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2005). Weta worldwide: Systematics and biogeography of the Anostostomatids. Poster session presented at the meeting of Molecular Biology & Evolution 2005. Auckland, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Pratt, RC., Morgan Richards, M., & Trewick, SA. (2004, December). Evolutionary relationships within Anostostomatidae. Presented at 7th New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference. Pohangina, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Goldberg, J., & Trewick, SA. (2004, December). Calibrating rates and modes of speciation. Presented at 7th New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference. Pohangina, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2003, December). Origins of New Zealand parthenogenetic stick insects: Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence. Presented at MoIEcol03 Annual Meeting. Pounawea, Catlins, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA., & Wallis, GP. (2002, April). Bridging the ''beech-gap'': New Zealand invertebrate phylo-geography implicates Pleistocene glaciation and Pliocene isolation. Presented at Entomological Society of New Zealand Annual Conference. Otago Museum, Dunedin, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Vogal, JC. (2001, November). European fern phylogeography. Presented at 4th New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference. Rotoiti Lodge Outdoor Education Centre, St. Arnaud, Nelson Lakes, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2001, January). Pleistocene invertebrate phylogeography: Contrasting north and south. Presented at Population genetics group: 34th Annual Meeting. University of Sheffield, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Morgan Richards, M., Trewick, SA., & Vogal, JC. (2001, November). European fern phylogeography. Presented at 4th New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference. Nelson, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2000). Vicariance or dispersal: A test using molecular evidence from endemic flightless insects of the Chatham islands, New Zealand. In DGH. Stewart (Ed.) 3rd Southern connection congress. Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Trewick, S.
Trewick, SA. (2000, January). Phylogeography of the Southern Hemisphere Weta. Presented at 3rd Sourthern Connection Congress. Lincoln University, Lincoln, Canterbury, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Trewick, S.


Trewick, SA. (2011). Bounding enthusiasm for bugs. Manawatu Standard
[Other]Authored by: Trewick, S.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

I teach evolution, biogeography, environmental science, zoology and ecology from first year undergraduate to PhD.

Paper coordinator for New Zealand Environments (121.103) and Biological Evolution (196.207). I also teach into Animal Biodiversity (199.317) and graduate papers including Topics in Biodiversity (199.719), Entomology (199.717) and Conservation Biology (232.701).

I supervise numerous PhD and MSc graduates and have research collaboration with scientists in New Zealand, Australia, South America, Japan and France.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 10
Co-supervisor 3 11

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Cheten Dorji - Doctor of Philosophy
    Conservation of Himalayan crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) in the context of anthropogenic climate change

Co-supervisor of:

  • Xiaochuan Liu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Evolution of toxin resistance in the brushtail possum - A pan-genome approach
  • Nyasha Chikwature - Doctor of Philosophy
    Evaluating ecologically sustainable ways to disrupt the Hemiandrus bilobatus - grape vine association
  • Michelle Guerrero - Doctor of Philosophy
    Environmental diversity of entomopathogenic fungi and their interactions with arthropod hosts

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Fabio Meza Joya - Doctor of Philosophy
    Global warming responses within the New Zealand alpine radiation of acridid grasshoppers
  • 2024 - Nimeshika Pattabiraman - Doctor of Philosophy
    Population Genetics and Genomics of a Marsupial Species: Analysis of Native and Invasive Brushtail Possum Populations (Trichosurus vulpecula)
  • 2023 - David Carmelet-Rescan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Genomic differentiation of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) populations
  • 2018 - Emily Koot - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Ecology and Evolution of New Zealands Endemic Alpine Grasshoppers
  • 2018 - Kathleen Walker - Doctor of Philosophy
    Systematics and Phylogeography of the large land snail: Powelliphanta
  • 2017 - Josephine Fitness - Doctor of Philosophy
    Te Putaiao o Tokoriro: Taxonomy and diversity of New Zealand cave weta (Orthoptera: Rhapidophoridae)
  • 2016 - Santhi Bhavanam - Doctor of Philosophy
    Effect of nutrient limitation on the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller
  • 2015 - Briar Smith - Doctor of Philosophy
    Evolution of diversity: Analysis of species and speciation in Hemiandrus ground weta
  • 2014 - Edwina Dowle - Doctor of Philosophy
    Rates of Molecular Evolution and Gene Flow
  • 2011 - Julia Goldberg - Doctor of Philosophy
    Speciation and phylogeography in the New Zealand archipelago

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Mari Nakano - Doctor of Philosophy
    Food plants and chemical ecology of sympatric species of endemic New Zealand alpine grasshoppers
  • 2022 - Julien Gaspar - Doctor of Philosophy
    Convergent evolution of flightlessness in rails (Aves: Rallidae)
  • 2021 - Mathieu Quenu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Evolution and Stable Isotopes in Placostylus species of the southwest Pacific
  • 2019 - Suman Sran - Doctor of Philosophy
    Assessing the sustainability of anticoagulant-based rodent control for wildlife conservation in New Zealand
  • 2017 - Felix Vaux - Doctor of Philosophy
    Evolutionary lineages and the Diversity of New Zealand true whelks
  • 2017 - Michael Gemmell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Genetic and Phenotypic Lineages in Neogastropod Molluscs: A Journey Through Time and Morphospace
  • 2017 - Elizabeth Daly - Doctor of Philosophy
    Fine scale population structure through space and time.
  • 2014 - Juan Carlos Garcia Ramirez - Doctor of Philosophy
    The influence of space and time on the genetic architecture of rail species (Aves:Rallidae)
  • 2012 - Prasad Doddala - Doctor of Philosophy
    Systematics of Eucolaspis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in New Zealand and ecology of Hawke's Bay lineage
  • 2012 - Rashmi Kant - Doctor of Philosophy
    Reproductive behaviour and fitness trade-offs in the aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)
  • 2010 - Simon Hills - Doctor of Philosophy
    The evolution of a marine gastropod genus: Rocks, clocks and convergence

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