
Contact details +6469517266

Hannah Ramsay

SNi Project Manager

Riddet Institute

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Kai anamata m Aotearoa exploring future food system scenarios and impacts

Creating the first computational model of Aotearoa-NZs food system that captures environmental, economic, social, and cultural aspects of wellbeing will enable policy and business to evaluate the holistic impacts of change. The model will be co-designed with national and regional policy-makers and food sector stakeholders to ensure it reflects stakeholder values and is relevant for end-users. In partnership with Wakat贖, a hapu-based organisation, the model will be applied to support assessment of the food system in Te Tauihu; develop a pathway towards a regenerative food system; and test the scalability of indigenous species and practices in a culturally appropriate manner.
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Date Range: 2023 - 2028

Funding Bodies: MBIE: Endeavour Fund: Research Programme; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team: