
Prof Jens Mueller staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518804

Prof Jens Mueller MNZM, GD ProfCoach, GDNZIA, JurDr, LLM, MBA, MSAM, PhD, , MRSNZ

Professor of Management Practice

School of Management

MBD Executive Director, International Sales

蹤獲扦 Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

With more than three decades' experience as chair/CEO/corporate leader of large multi-national firms, Professor  Dr Dr Jens Mueller, MNZM, combines his academic research with an active consulting practice. He has worked with corporate leaders in more than 15 countries and firms such as DeLaval, Best Start, Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, HSBC, Unilever and KPMG.

In New Zealand, Jens contributes to many organisations to help create effective performance strategies and good governance models. They include Fulton Hogan, Office Products Depot, Telecom, Harcourts, Kindercare, District Health Boards, Mitre 10, Fonterra, Ministry of Health, and many others. Jens has extensive corporate governance experience, including a 9+ year term as Director at the $1 Billion PHARMAC Crown Entity, in New Zealand and overseas and consults with many firms on achieving strong sustainable growth.

Jens sees many firms that have successfully made the transition from a local New Zealand performance level, to become world class actors. Given the small national market, this requires an open mind to learn from the best firms overseas and to not shy away from world markets, where many New Zealand firms are outstanding performers. This ongoing relationship with business enables him to bring current knowledge about sustainable entrepreneurship, strategic management and good governance to Waikato Management School and its executive clients.

In addition to teaching at 蹤獲扦 Business School, Jens has taught MBA-level students in Bogota, Adelaide, Singapore, Cambodia, China, the US, and Europe, and presents governance material to Institute of Directors' clients. This gives him ample and excellent opportunity to share experiences and to benchmark his teaching to a worldwide high standard. He’s an advocate of relevant action-learning, always encouraging students to make challenging managerial decisions. Jens also holds an appointment as Professor of Management Practice at the Shantou University Business School in Guangdong/China and has been an Instructor at Northern Illinois University's College of Business.MBA/Executive MBA since 1987, where he was voted 'Professor of the Year' a record 4 times.

As one of the few double-doctorate staff at the University, Jens holds a PhD in Governance from the University of Canterbury, a doctorate in Law from California, an MBA from Illinois, a Masters in Advanced Management from Peter Drucker's Claremont University, and an LLM in International Taxation from California.

He has founded and operated a number of multi-national high technology businesses in Europe, the US and New Zealand and has successfully turned around businesses to be market leaders before on-selling to US Fortune 100 firms.

He is the editor of three refereed international academic journals and regularly writes in academic and mainstream industry and lay publications, including the New Zealand Herald, EMA News and Management magazine. Some of his six books on strategy, governance, leadership and business ethics are standard reading material for Company Directors, Strategists and students.

Jens is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM)  and is the Director of 蹤獲扦 Executive Development, the home of MBA/EMBA.

Jens is a Licensed Immigration Adviser in NZ and in Australia.  https://www.profjens.com

With more than three decades' experience as chair/CEO/corporate leader of large multi-national firms, Jens combines his academic research with extensive practice history. 

Jens has extensive corporate governance experience, including a 9+ year term as Director at the $1 Billion PHARMAC Crown Entity, in New Zealand and overseas and consults with many firms on achieving strong sustainable growth.

Jens ws an Instructor at Northern Illinois University's College of Business MBA/Executive MBA from 1987 until 2019 and a Professor at Shantou University, Guangdong, China, in addition to teaching MBAs globally.

Jens is a Licensed Immigration Adviser in NZ and in Australia.  https://www.profjens.com

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Contact details

  • Location: Albany campus by appointment, Facebook/WeChat/WhatsApp 24/7/365


  • Graduate Diploma in Professional Coaching - Southern Institute of Technology (2021)
  • Graduate Diploma New Zealand Immigration Advice - Toi Ohomai (2020)
  • Juris Doctor - Western State University College of Law (1995)
  • Masters of Law in Tax - Golden Gate University (1997)
  • Masters of Business Administration - Northern Illinois University (1989)
  • Master of Science in Advanced Management - Claremont Graduate University (1998)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Canterbury (2014)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, New Zealand Order of Merit (Member) (2015)
  • Member, Royal Society of New Zealand (Other) (2015)
  • Member, Tecnologico de Monterrey (Other) (2022)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Lic Immigration Adviser, Immigration Adviser Authority of NZ

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Knowledge Management

Global Strategies

Business & Commercial Law




Design for Commerce, Community and Culture

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000):
Law And Legal Studies (180000): Other Law and Legal Studies (189900)



Global Strategies

Business/Corporate Law


Knowledge Management


Research Outputs


Saviano, M., Del Prete, M., Mueller, J., & Caputo, F. (2023). The challenging meet between human and artificial knowledge. A systems-based view of its influences on firms-customers interaction. Journal of Knowledge Management. 27(11), 101-111 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JKM-12-2022-0940/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Prencipe, A., Boffa, D., Papa, A., Corsi, C., & Mueller, J. (2023). Unmasking intellectual capital from gender and nationality diversity on university spin-offs' boards: a study on non-linear effects upon firm innovation. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 24(1), 257-282 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JIC-08-2021-0207/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Fiano, F., Mueller, J., Paoloni, N., Briamonte, MF., & Magni, D. (2022). Evaluating fashion retailers' intellectual capital: key money as a part of customer capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 23(2), 173-194 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JIC-12-2019-0287/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Rehman, SU., Ashfaq, K., Bresciani, S., Giacosa, E., & Mueller, J. (2023). Nexus among intellectual capital, interorganizational learning, industrial Internet of things technology and innovation performance: a resource-based perspective. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 24(2), 509-534 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JIC-03-2021-0095/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Vicentini, F., Peruffo, E., Meissner, D., & Mueller, J. (2021). Unpacking Entrepreneurial Intensity and Individual Ambidexterity in Small Project-Based Enterprises: A New Perspective for the TV Drama Industry. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 68(2), 387-395 Retrieved from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8760259
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Rossi, M., Festa, G., Devalle, A., & Mueller, J. (2020). When corporations get disruptive, the disruptive get corporate: Financing disruptive technologies through corporate venture capital. Journal of Business Research. 118, 378-288 Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296320304495
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Caputo, F., Mazzoleni, A., Pellicelli, AC., & Mueller, J. (2020). Over the mask of innovation management in the world of Big Data. Journal of Business Research. 119, 330-338 Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296319302231
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Ferreira, J., Mueller, J., & Papa, A. (2020). Strategic knowledge management: theory, practice and future challenges. Journal of Knowledge Management. 24(2), 121-126 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JKM-07-2018-0461/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.Edited by: Mueller, J.
Papa, A., Dezi, L., Gregori, JL., Mueller, J., & Miglietta, N. (2020). Improving innovation performance through knowledge acquisition: the moderating role of employee retention and human resource management practices. Journal of Knowledge Management. 24(3), 589-605 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JKM-09-2017-0391/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Serino, L., Papa, A., Campanella, F., & Mueller, J. (2019). Credit access and performance of Italian firms: how relevant is gender?. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. 11(3-4), 269-289 Retrieved from https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJMFA.2019.104132
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Xi, CL., Lee, DPW., & Mueller, J. (2018). The influence of Multi-dimensional Compatibilities on customer attribution in Corporate Social Responsibility practice. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. 14(3), 3-43 Retrieved from http://www.asiaentrepreneurshipjournal.com/JAESVolXIVDec2018.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.Edited by: Mueller, J.
Ferraris, A., Monge, F., & Mueller, J. (2018). Ambidextrous IT capabilities and business process performance: an empirical analysis. Business Process Management Journal. 24(5), 1077-1090 Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/BPMJ-07-2017-0201/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Saviano, M., Caputo, F., Mueller, J., & Belyaeva, Z. (2018). Competing through consonance: a stakeholder engagement view of corporate relational environment. Sinergie: Italian Journal of Management. 36(105), 61-80 Retrieved from https://ojs.sijm.it/index.php/sinergie/article/view/143
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Metallo, C., Agrifoglio, R., Schiavone, F., & Mueller, J. (2018). Understanding business model in the Internet of Things industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 136, 298-306 Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040162518301082
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.
Mueller, J. (2007). "When doing good is just the start to being good": a possible tool to improve the organizational effectiveness of non-profit health care organizations.. J Hosp Mark Public Relations. 17(2), 45-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Mueller, J.


Warrick, D., Mueller, J., & Warrick, A. (Eds.) (2024). Cases on Critical Leadership Skills. : Edward Elgar Publisher
[Edited Book]Edited by: Mueller, J.


Dennis, LPW., Estelle, ZS., & Mueller, J.Dancing with little dragons: matching potential hires' aspirations with expectations of businesses. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (FEBM 2017). (pp. 357 - 364). 2352-5428.
[Conference]Authored by: Mueller, J.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2010 - 2019 - PHARMAC Phamaceutical Management Agency of New Zealand
    Company Director, former Chair of the Audit and Forecasting Committee
  • July 2021 - current - Royal Society of New Zealand
  • July 2020 - current - Barclays Lloyds Ltd
    Chair, Immigration Advisory
  • 2004 - current - RossiSmith Academic Publishing


  • German
    Last used: Now
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

I mainly teach papers in the 蹤獲扦 MBA programs, with a focus on Governance, Entrepreneurship/Innovation, and Global Strategies.

Media and Links

Other Links