
Prof Kerry Taylor staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516579

Prof Kerry Taylor BA, BA(H), PhD

Head of School - SoHMCC

Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of Humanities Media and Creative Comm


Contact details

  • Ph: +64 6 9516579
    Location: 4.04B, Sir Geoffrey Peren Building
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Arts - Victoria University (1984)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) - Victoria University (1986)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Victoria University (1994)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

I work in the area of New Zealand history, specifically the history of the socialist left and labour movement. I have published mostly on the history of the NZ communist movement. This research has increasingly taken on a comparative and transnational approach.


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Historical Studies (210300): History And Archaeology (210000): New Zealand History (210311)


New Zealand Labour and Socialist History, New Zealand Political History, Comparative and Transnational Labour History, Oral History

Research Outputs


Taylor, KA. (2016). Peace, power and politics: How New Zealand became nuclear free. Australian Historical Studies. 47(2), 350-352Retreived from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1031461X.2016.1162698
[Book Review]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2016). Working lives by Erik Olssen. The New Zealand journal of history. 50(2), 138-139
[Book Review]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2016). The secret state. The Journal of Urgent Writing. 1(2016), 140-153 Retrieved from http://www.masseypress.ac.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Markey, R., & Taylor, K. (2008). Trans-Tasman labour history: Introduction. Labour History: a journal of labour and social history. (95), 1-2 Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/i27516303
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2008). Book Review: Kin: A collective biography of a New Zealand family, Nolan, M.. The Economic History Review. 61(1), 269-271 Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-0289.2007.00419_31.x/pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2006). Book Review: Lenin's legacy down under: New Zealand's cold war, 2004, Trapeznik, A. and Fox, A. (Eds). Political Science. 58(1), 88-89 Retrieved from http://pnz.sagepub.com/content/58/1/88.full.pdf+html
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2005). Conference Report: 'The past is before us': The Ninth National Labour History Conference. Labour History. 89(November 2005), 235-236 Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/27516087
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2005). Book Review: Adventures in democracy: A history of the vote in New Zealand by Atkinson, N., 2003. New Zealand Journal of History. 39, 110-111 Retrieved from http://www.nzjh.auckland.ac.nz/document?wid=135&page=0&action=null
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2005). Book Review: Espionage and the roots of the Cold War: The conspiratorial heritage by McKnight, D., 2002. Australian Historical Studies. 36(126), 385-387 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10314610508682929
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2004). Book Review: British capital, antipodean labour: Working the New Zealand waterfront, 1915-1951, Green, A., 2001. New Zealand Journal of History. 38, 89-91 Retrieved from http://www.nzjh.auckland.ac.nz/document?wid=194&page=0&action=null
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2000). Book Review: Studying New Zealand: A guide to sources, Wood, G.A., 1999. Political Science. 52(2), 182-183 Retrieved from http://pnz.sagepub.com/content/52/2/182
[Journal article]Authored by: Taylor, K.


Tennant, M., Watson, G., & Taylor, K. (Eds.) (2020). City at the Centre: A History of Palmerston North: Tini whet贖 ki te rangi take rau tngata ki te whenua. Auckland: 蹤獲扦 University Press
[Edited Book]Authored by: Watson, G.Edited by: Taylor, K., Watson, G.
Taylor, KA. (2017). The Old Bolshevik: Alex Galbraith, the Communist Party and the New Zealand Revolution. In R. Bell (Ed.) New Zealand Between the Wars. (pp. 108 - 131). Auckland: 蹤獲扦 University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Bell, R., Kawharu, M., Taylor, K., Belgrave, M., & Meihana, PN. (Eds.) (2017). The Treaty on the ground - where we are headed and why it matters. Auckland, New Zealand: 蹤獲扦 University Press
[Edited Book]Authored by: Taylor, K.Edited by: Meihana, P., Taylor, K.
Taylor, K., & McKergow, F. (2011). Introduction. In KA. Taylor, & F. McKergow (Eds.) Te Hao Nui The great catch: Object stories from Te Manawa. (pp. 11 - 21). New Zealand: A Godwit Book published by Random House New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K., & Matenga, T. (2011). J.T. Stewart's Taiaha. In KA. Taylor, & F. McKergow (Eds.) Te Hao Nui The great catch: Object stories from Te Manawa. (pp. 106 - 113). New Zealand: A Godwit Book published by Random House New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Matenga, T., & Taylor, K. (2011). Puketotara Pou. In K. Taylor, & F. McKergow (Eds.) Te Hao Nui The great catch: Object stories from Te Manawa. (pp. 166 - 173). New Zealand: A Godwit Book published by Random House New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2011). 'Dey' Dial Time Recorder. In K. Taylor, & F. McKergow (Eds.) Te Hao Nui The great catch: Object stories from Te Manawa. (pp. 204 - 209). New Zealand: A Godwit Book published by Random House New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2011). Longburn Freezing Workers' Singlets. In K. Taylor, & F. McKergow (Eds.) Te Hao Nui The great catch: Object stories from Te Manawa. (pp. 180 - 185). New Zealand: A Godwit Book published by Random House New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K., & McKergow, F. (Eds.) (2011). Te Hao Nui The great catch: Object stories from Te Manawa. New Zealand: A Godwit Book published by Random House New Zealand
[Edited Book]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2009). The domestic response: The Communist Party: Powerhouse of solidarity. In . Mark Derby (Ed.) Kiwi companeros: New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War. (pp. 175 - 184). New Zealand: Canterbury University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K., & Worley, M. (2008). Testing the limits: Stalinization and the New Zealand and British Communist Parties. In N. LaPorte, K. Morgan, & M. Worley (Eds.) Bolshevism, Stalinism and the Comintern: Perspectives on Stalinization, 1917-53. (pp. 226 - 244). United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2007). The ambiguous legacy of Samuel Duncan Parnell: The eight hour day in New Zealand. In J. Kimber, & P. Love (Eds.) The time of their lives: The eight hour day and working life. (pp. 15 - 23). Australia: Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2005). Cases of the revolutionary left and the Waterside Workers' Union. In M. Nolan (Ed.) Revolution: The 1913 great strike in New Zealand. (pp. 203 - 216). New Zealand: Canterbury University Press in association with The Trade Union History Project
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2005). Kiwi comrades: The social basis of New Zealand Communism 1921-48. In K. Morgan, G. Cohen, & AF. Eds (Eds.) Agents of revolution: New biographical approaches to the history of international communism in the age of Lenin and Stalin. (pp. 265 - 288). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang AG, European Academic Publishers
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2004). The Communist Party of New Zealand and the Third Period, 1928-35. In MW. Ed (Ed.) In 蹤獲扦 of Revolution: International Communist Parties in the Third Period. (pp. 270 - 300). London, UK: I. B. Tauris & Co
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Moloney, P., & Taylor, KA. (Eds.) (2002). On the left: Essays on socialism in New Zealand. Dunedin, NZ: University of Otago Press
[Edited Book]Edited by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2002). Feminism and the left: An interview with Gay Simpkin. In P. Moloney, & KT. Eds (Eds.) On the Left: Essays on Socialism in New Zealand. (pp. 133 - 149). Dunedin: University of Otago Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Moloney, P., & Taylor, KA. (2002). Bringing the left back in. In P. Moloney, & KAT. Eds (Eds.) On the Left: Essays on Socialism in New Zealand. (pp. 11 - 19). Dunedin, N.Z.: University of Otago Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2002). Writing the left into the picture: An interview with Erik Olssen. In P. Moloney, & KAT. Eds (Eds.) On the Left: Essays on Socialism in New Zealand. (pp. 179 - 197). Dunedin, N.Z.: University of Otago Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2002). 'Potential Allies of the Working Class': The Communist Party of New Zealand and Maori, 1921-1952. In P. Monoley, & KAT. eds (Eds.) Socialism on the Left: Essays on Socialism in New Zealand. (pp. 103 - 115). Dunedin, N.Z.: University of Otago Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Taylor, K.


Taylor, KA. (2015, February). The hidden labour history of spooks: Reflections from across the Tasman. Presented at Fighting Against War: Peace Activism in the Twentieth Century, 14th Biennial Labour History Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2014, May). A uniform standard of security”: New Zealand and empire security 1948-1951. Presented at Canadian Historical Association Conference. St Catherines, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2013, June). The Challenge of Engaged Scholarship. Presented at Rights, Solidarity, Justice – Labour and Working Class History Association Conference
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2013, June). Indigenous People and Industrial Dispute resolution.. Presented at Rights, Solidarity, Justice – Labour and Working Class History Association Conference. City University of New York.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2013, February). The 'J.T. Stewart' Taiaha revisited. Presented at Colonial Objects. Otago Settlers Muesum, Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA., & McKergow, F. (2012, November). Te Hao Nui and beyond. Presented at Material Histories: Antipodean Perspectives. 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2011, July). You’re Simply Using us to Advance your Own F***ing Career: Reflections on the Creative Tension between Academics and Activists’. Presented at Working Class Worlds: Local and Global Labour. University of Iowa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2011). Deploying lessons from our Australian neighbours? The state and communism in New Zealand in light of the 1951 referendum. In Democracy vs Communism: Remembering the 1951 Referendum on the Banning of the Communist Party 60th Anniversary Conference: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 5 - 5). , Democracy vs Communism: Remembering the 1951 Referendum on the Banning of the Communist Party 60th Anniversary Conference Australia: The School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2011, July). You’re simply using us to advance your own f***ing career: Reflections on the creative tension between activists and academics – the case of the New Zealand Trade Union history project. Presented at Working Class Worlds: Local and Global Perspectives on Labor History: A Conference Honoring Shelton Stromquist. Iowa City, IA, United States.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2011, September). Deploying lessons from our Australian neighbours? The state and communism in New Zealand in light of the 1951 referendum. Presented at Democracy vs Communism: Remembering the 1951 Referendum on the Banning of the Communist Party 60th Anniversary Conference. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2008, June). Conduits, proselytisers and comrades: Canada and New Zealand revolutionary tradition. Presented at Pacific Northwest Labour History Association's 40th Annual Conference: Indigenous, Immigrant, Migrant Labour and Globalization. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2007, July). New Zealand's road to socialism? The CPNZ and the New Zealand political tradition. Presented at Labour Traditions: 10th National Labour History Conference. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2007, January). Sibling rivalry?: Comparing the Communist Parties of Australia and New Zealand. Presented at Trans Tasman Labour History Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2006, June). The ambiguous legacy of Samuel Duncan Parnell: The 8 hour day in New Zealand. Presented at Working to Live: Histories of the 8 Hour Day and Working Life and New Standards for New Times? The 8 Hour Day and Beyond. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K. (2006, November). The Communist Party of New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War. Presented at Trade Union History Project: New Zealand and the Spanish War 70th Anniversary Seminar. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2005, June). The making of a New Zealand communism? The rise and fall of the Workers' Communist League. Presented at 9th National Labour History Conference. Sydney, NSW.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2004, July). Where's Wally? Reflections on New Zealand's Cold War. Presented at Visions: 12th Biennial National Conference of the Australian Historical Association. University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2004, October). Different shades of red? The social basis of New Zealand and United States communism compared. Presented at 26th Annual North American Labor History Conference. Waynes State University, Detroit, MI.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2004, December). Generation gap? Explaining the politics of protest in the 1970s. Presented at The Seventies in New Zealand: A Decade of Change. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2003, November). Looking for answers: The possibilities and limitations of a social explanation of CPNZ history - The case of 1956. Presented at New Zealand Historical Association Conference. University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2001, April). The social basis of New Zealand communism, 1921-1948. Presented at People of a Special Mould? International Conference on Comparative Communist Biography and Prosopography. University of Manchester, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2000, June). Never had more than a curiosity value? The revolutionary left and New Zealand political studies. Presented at New Zealand Political Studies Association Conference 2000. University of Otago, Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.


Taylor, KA. (2005, April). Different shades of red? The communist parties of New Zealand and the United States compared. : University of Iowa.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2000). Wilcox, Victor George 1912-1989. (pp. 561 - 562). Auckland University Press/Department of Internal Affairs
[Other]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2000). Smith, Ronald Joseph 1921-1995: Public servant, communist, peace activist. (pp. 483 - 484). Auckland University Press/Department of Internal Affairs
[Other]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, KA. (2000). Roth, Herbert Otto 1917-1994. (pp. 453 - 455). Auckland University Press/Department of Internal Affairs
[Other]Authored by: Taylor, K.
Taylor, K.Workshop: Labour in the Trans-Tasman world.
[Other]Authored by: Taylor, K.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

New Zealand History, Historical Methodology, Protest Politics, History and Film

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 5
Co-supervisor 0 3

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2015 - Linda Johnson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Maori Activism Across Borders, 1950-1980s
  • 2012 - Rachael Bell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Memory, History, Nation, War The Official Histories of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939-45
  • 2010 - Carina Hickey - Doctor of Philosophy
    From coal pit to leather pit: Life stories of Robert Semple
  • 2010 - Carol Neill - Doctor of Philosophy
    Trading our way: Developments in New Zealand's Trade Policy 1930s to 1980s
  • 2006 - Claire Robinson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Advertising and the Market Orientation of Political Parties Contesting the 1999 and 2002 New Zealand General Election Campaigns

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2020 - Fiona McKergow - Doctor of Philosophy
    Colonial Textile Culture in Mid-Nineteenth Century Aotearoa New Zealand
  • 2018 - Daniel Wildy - Doctor of Philosophy
    Reeling Them In: Printed New Zealand Army Recruiting Material 1899-1999
  • 2008 - Simon Nash - Doctor of Philosophy
    Integration of Citizens' Agendas in New Zealand Local Government environmental decision-making: An examination of two wastewater planning processes and implications for deliberate democracy