
Contact details +6469517390

Vicki Gifkins


Institute of Education

Research Outputs


Gifkins, V., & McLaughlin, T. (2023). Using social stories as an intentional teaching strategy. Early Education Journal. 68, 20-28 Retrieved from https://eej.ac.nz/index.php/EEJ/article/view/60
[Journal article]Authored by: Gifkins, V., McLaughlin, T.
Clarke, L., McLaughlin, T., Aspden, K., Riley, T., & Gifkins, V. (2021). Characteristics of professional development research in Aotearoa New Zealand's early childhood education sector: A systematic literature review. New Zealand Annual Review of Education. 27, 79-115 Retrieved from https://ojs.victoria.ac.nz/nzaroe/article/view/8033
[Journal article]Authored by: Aspden, K., Gifkins, V., McLaughlin, T.