
Dr Gretchen Good staff profile picture

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Dr Gretchen Good BA, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Health Sciences

Gretchen Good, PhD, holds certifications in Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (CVRT) and as an Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS).  Her research background is in Ageing, Vision Impairment, Activity, Independence and Life Satisfaction.  She is currently involved in research related to the impact of the NZ earthquakes on people living with disabilities, on disability across the lifespan, in Vocational Rehabilitation and on disability and sexual violence.

Gretchen Good, PhD., is a senior lecturer in Rehabilitation.  Her research area is disability across the lifespan, with a focus on activity, independence and life satisfaction. 

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Contact details

  • Ph: 83510
    Location: 7.01, SST
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Arts - Michigan State University (1985)
  • Master of Arts - Boston College (1988)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2007)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Vocational Rehabilitation

Adapted daily living skills

Vision impairment and blindness

Multiple disabilities in preschoolers

Quality of Life

Life Satisfaction

Social Comparisons 

Citizenship in young adults

Diabetes Management 

Impact of earthquakes on those with disabilities

special needs adoption 



Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Aged Health Care (111702):
Built Environment And Design (120000):
Care for Disabled (111703): Community Child Health (111704): Medical And Health Sciences (110000): Public Health and Health Services (111700)


Vocational Rehabilitation

Adapted daily living skills

Vision impairment and blindness

Multiple disabilities in preschoolers

Quality of Life

Life Satisfaction

Social Comparisons 

Citizenship in young adults

Diabetes Management 

Impact of earthquakes on those with disabilities

special needs adoption


Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: The experience of people who are blind or vision impaired during and after the Christchurch earthquakes

In January 2011 interviews were conducted with 12 Christchurch residents who are vision impaired about their experiences of the non-fatal 7.1 September 2010 earthquake, its impact upon their daily lives and views regarding emergency services and disaster management. On February 22, 2011 another major 6.3 earthquake occurred in Christchurch causing further destruction and loss of life. We had the unprecedented opportunity to interview eight of the original participants about their experiences on and since the major earthquake activity. Staff of the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind also contributed their views on how to prepare for future disasters. This has been the first time people's experience of sequential earthquake activity has been tracked and the results of our study provided unique insight into the impact of disasters on those living with disability. From the narratives, the researchers have highlighted how communities and agencies such as the RNZFB and Civil Defence can be better prepared to assist those who are vulnerable in future disasters. Recommendations were also made about what individuals can do to better prepare for future disasters. This research has identified themes and practical suggestions to guide further research in the area.
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Date Range: 2012 - 2012

Funding Body: 蹤獲扦 University

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Nazari Orakani, S., Officer, TN., Good, G., & McBride-Henry, K. (2024). Systems Are Overstretched from the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Interpretive Description of Disabled People’s Access to Healthcare and Disability Support in New Zealand. Healthcare (Switzerland). 12(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
McBride-Henry, K., Nazari Orakani, S., Good, G., Roguski, M., & Officer, TN. (2023). Disabled people’s experiences accessing healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research. 23(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2022). Disasters and Disability: A Call to Action. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 116(6), 761-763
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., Nazari Orakani, S., Officer, TN., Roguski, M., & McBride-Henry, K. (2022). Access to Health and Disability Services for New Zealanders With Impaired Vision During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020–2022. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 116(6), 830-836
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Roguski, M., Officer, TN., Nazari Orakani, S., Good, G., Händler-Schuster, D., & McBride-Henry, K. (2022). Ableism, Human Rights, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Healthcare-Related Barriers Experienced by Deaf People in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(24)
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
McManus, B., Good, G., & Yeung, P. (2021). Interactions between the Public and Assistance Dog Handlers and Trainers. Animals. 11(12), Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/11/12/3359
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., Yeung, P.
Good, G. (2021). Inclusion and Disability: The experiences of families of children living with disability in New Zealand Playcentres. “The First Years Nga Tau Tuatahi” the New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education.. 23(1), 13-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Yeung, P., Severinsen, C., Good, G., & O’Donoghue, K. (2022). Social environment and quality of life among older people with diabetes and multiple chronic illnesses in New Zealand: Intermediary effects of psychosocial support and constraints. Disability and Rehabilitation. 44(5), 768-780
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., O'Donoghue, K., Severinsen, C., Yeung, P.
Esmail, A., Poncet, F., Rochette, A., Auger, C., Billebaud, C., de Guise, É., . . . Swaine, B. (2018). The role of clothing on participation of persons with a physical disability: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 8(3), Retrieved from https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/8/3/e020299
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.Contributed to by: Good, G.
Yeung, P., Good, G., O'Donoghue, KB., Spence, S., & Ros, B. (2017). What matters most to people in retirement villages and their transition to residential aged care. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work. 29(4), 84-96 Retrieved from https://anzswjournal.nz/anzsw/article/view/419
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., O'Donoghue, K., Yeung, P.
Good, GA., English, A., Attwell, A., Dickson, A., Gibbs, A., Gordon, J., . . . Taylor, J. (2017). Social model mothers: Disability, advocacy and activism. Counterfutures - Navigating Activism and Academia. (4), 107-135 Retrieved from http://counterfutures.nz/journal.html
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & Phibbs, S. (2017). Disasters and disabled people: Have any lessons been learned?. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 111(1), 85-87
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, GA., Phibbs, S., & Williamson, K. (2016). Disoriented and Immobile: The experiences of people with visual impairments during and after the Christchurch, New Zeland, 2010 and 2011 Earthquakes. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. 110(6), 425-435 Retrieved from http://www.afb.org/afbpress/newpubjvib.asp?DocID=jvib100605
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, GA. (2016). Emergency plans in schools: Individualised disaster planning for students with impaired vision. Journal of the South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment. 8(1), 17-28 Retrieved from https://www.spevi.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/JSPEVI-Vol-81-2015-Complete.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2016). Adoption of children with disabilities: an exploration of the issues for adoptive families. Early Child Development and Care. 186(4), 642-661
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Phibbs, S., Good, G., Severinsen, C., Woodbury, E., & Williamson, K. (2015). Emergency preparedness and perceptions of vulnerability among disabled people following the Christchurch earthquakes: Applying lessons learnt to the Hyogo Framework for Action. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies. 19(SpecialIssue), 37-46
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S., Severinsen, C.
Phibbs, SR., Good, G., Severinsen, C., Woodbury, E., & Williamson, K. (2015). Emergency preparedness and perceptions of vulnerability among disabled people following the Christchurch earthquakes: Applying lessons learnt to the hyogo framework for action. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies. 19(1), 37-46
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, GA., La Grow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2011). A study of older adults: Observation of ranges of life satisfaction and functioning. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. 40(3), 96-103
[Journal article]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Chadwick, S., & Good, G. (2010). Deaf-Blindness and Preschoolers with Down Syndrome. AER journal : research and practice in visual impairment and blindness. 3(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Chadwick, S., Good, G.
Good, GA., & Chadwick, SR. (2010). Deaf-blindness and preschoolers with down syndrome. AER Journal: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness. 3(3), 98-105
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & Kabel, A. (2009). An exploration of relationships between social comparisons, disability, and life satisfaction.. AER Journal: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness. 2(1), 6-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2008). Life satisfaction and quality of life of older New Zealanders with and without impaired vision: A descriptive, comparative study. European Journal of Ageing. 5(3), 223-231
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, S., & Alpass, F. (2008). An age-cohort study of older adults with and without visual impairments: Activity, independence, and life satisfaction. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 102(9), 517-527
[Journal article]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA., & Good, GA. (2006). Alternative formats: Creative survey materials which enable inclusion of blind and vision impaired participants in research.. The Gerontologist. 27(3), 517-517
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2006). Social support reported by older New Zealanders with and without impaired vision: A descriptive, comparative study.. Anthropology & Aging Quarterly. 27(3), 20-32
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2006). Social support reported by older New Zealanders with and without impaired vision: A descriptive, comparative study. Anthropology and Aging Quarterly. 27(3), 20-32
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, G. (2005). Testing an adapted ICF model: Aging, vision impairment, activity, participation and subjective dimensions of functioning. The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2005). Testing an Adapted ICF Model: Aging, Vision Impairment, Activity, Participation and Subjective Dimensions of Functioning. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling. 11(2), 115-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2001). Ethics in research with older, disabled individuals. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 24(3), 165-170
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & LaGrow, SJ. (2000). Using peer sampling with older visually impaired adults to set goals for instruction of independent living skills. RE:view. 32, 132-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & LaGrow, SJ. (2000). Using peer sampling with older visually impaired adults to set goals for instruction of independent living skills. RE:view. 32(3), 132-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Good, G.


Good, GA., & Bozeman, L. (2015). Daily living skills and Orientation and Mobility: Merging skills to enhance life satisfaction. In N. Griffin-Shirley, & L. Bozeman (Eds.) O&M for Independent Living: Strategies for teaching Orientation and Mobility to Older Adults.. (pp. 179 - 212). New York, United States of America: AFB Press American Foundation for the Blind
[Chapter]Authored by: Good, G.


Good, GA. (2005). Ageing and vision impairment: Activity, independence and life satisfaction. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Good, G.


Yeung, P., Severinsen, C., & Good, G. (2020). Social exclusion and people with Type 2 diabetes..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Good, G., Severinsen, C., Yeung, P.
Julich, SJ., Oak, E., Terrell, J., & Good, G.(2015). The sustainable delivery of sexual violence prevention education in schools. Auckland, New Zealand: 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Good, G., Julich, S.
Good, GA.(2012). Involving older blind people in research and service delivery. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: World Blind Union
[Technical Report]Authored by: Good, G.
Suttie, A., Daly, A., Good, GA., Mambetakunov, K., Orr, A., Scott, J., . . . Verstraten, P.(2012). Age related sight loss a global time bomb. Toronto Ontario: World Blind Union
[Technical Report]Authored by: Good, G.
Phibbs, S., Woodbury, E., Williamson, K., & Good, GA.(2012). Issues experienced by disabled people following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake seried: Evidence based analysis to inform future planning and best practice guidelines for better emergency preparedness. (Report No. 40). : GNS
[Technical Report]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Suttie, A., Daly, A., Good, GA., Membetakunov, K., Orr, A., Scott, J., . . . Verstraten, P.(2011). Ageing and Visual Impairment: A report by the elderly working group of the World Blind Union. : World Blind Union
[Technical Report]Authored by: Good, G.


Good, G.Parenting during a pandemic 2. Emerging from our bubbles. . Virtual
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Good, G.
Lee, J., & Good, G.Parenting during a pandemic 3. Have any lessons been learned?. . Virtual
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, G.Parenting during a pandemic: A New Zealand experience.. . Dubai
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, G., Hytten, KF., & Joy, AV.Sensory barriers to accessing national parks.. . Michigan, United States
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Good, G., Hytten, K.
Good, G. (2021, April). Sensory Barriers to Access to National Parks: Development of an Audit Tool. Presented at Motivation, Access, Excellence, Resilience 2021 Conference.. Michigan.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, G. (2021, April). Parenting During a Pandemic. Presented at Motivation, Access, Excellence, Resilience 2021 Conference. Michigan.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, G., & Lee, J. (2020). Parenting During a Pandemic: The experience of parents of disabled children. OMAA Online Symposium Program. (pp. 1 - 14). Australia: OMAA Online Symposium 2020
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G.
Yeung, P., Severinsen, C., Good, G., & O'Donoghue, K.(2019, October). The impact of perceived neighborhood quality, psychosocial conditions, depression on quality of life among older adults with diabetes. .
[Conference]Authored by: Good, G., O'Donoghue, K., Severinsen, C., Yeung, P.
Good, G., & Phibbs, S.(2018, April). Disability and disaster: A New Zealand perspective.. .
[Conference]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, G., & Phibbs, S. (2018). Experiences of people with visual impairments in the Canterbury earthquakes. Diversity in Disaster: Communities and emergency management building resilience. (pp. 1 - 18). Melbourne, AU: The National Conference on Diversity in Disaster
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, GA., & Gibbs, A. (2016). Adoption of children with special needs: Issues and challenges. (pp. 102 - 102). , 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR 5) AUT: AUT
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & English, A. (2016). Conspicuous Families: Disability. In Social Work in Changing Times: Towards Better Outcomes(pp. 33 - 33). , Social Work in Changing Times: Towards Better Outcomes Palmerston North: 蹤獲扦 University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2016). The experience of families with disabled children at Playcentre.. , New Zealand Association for Research in Education Annual Conference and AGM. The politics of learning/Noku Ano Te Takapau Wharanui,
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., Phibbs, S., & Williamson, K. (2016). Disoriented and immobile: The experiences of people with visual impairments during and after the Christchurch, New Zealand, 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. Vol. 110 (pp. 425 - 435).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, GA. (2015). Emergency plans in schools: Individualised disaster planning for students with impaired vision. In http://www.spevi.net/spevi/spevi-conference-2015.php(pp. 33 - 33). , 2015 Biennial Conference of the South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment: Together Towards Tomorrow - Families and professionals -a vision for success. Melbourne, Australia: SPEVI Australia
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2015, January). Emergency plans in schools: Individualised disaster planning for students with impaired vision. Presented at South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment Biennial Conference 2015:. Melbourne, AU.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.Contributed to by: Good, G.
Phibbs, S., Woodbury, E., Good, G., Williamson, K., & Severinsen, CA. (2014). Emergency preparedness and perceptions of vulnerability among disabled people following the Christchurch earthquakes. , 2014 2nd Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S., Severinsen, C.
Phibbs, S., Woodbury, E., Good, G., Williamson, K., & Severinsen, CA. (2014). One year later… Re-interviewing Christchurch participants after the earthquakes.. , 2014 Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S., Severinsen, C.
Phibbs, S., Good, G., Severinsen, CA., Woodbury, E., & Williamson, K. (2014). Emergency preparedness and perceptions of vulnerability among disabled people following the Christchurch Earthquakes: Applying lessons learnt to the Hyogo Framework for Action.. Full Paper in Conference Proceedings. Integrated Disaster Risk Science: A Tool for Sustainability.. : IRDR Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S., Severinsen, C.
Phibbs, S., Good, GA., Severinsen, C., Woodbury, E., & Williamson, K. (2014). What about us? Reported experiences of disabled people related to the Christchurch earthquakes. Precedia Economics and Finance. Vol. 18 (pp. 190 - 197).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S., Severinsen, C.
Good, GA., Phibbs, S., & Williamson, K. (2013, March). Practical Suggestions for coping with disasters and for pre-disaster planning from vision impaired Cantabrians.. Presented at New Zealand Rehabilitation Association 2013. Nelson, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Phibbs, SR., Woodbury, E., Good, GA., & Williamson, KJ. (2013, December). One year later... Re-interviewing Christchurch participants after the earthquakes. Presented at Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (SAANZ). University of Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Yeung, P., & Good, GA. (2012, July). Does social media influence civic and political engagement? An investigation into young adults in New Zealand.. Presented at Joint Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact. Stockholm Sweden.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., Phibbs, S., Williamson, K., & Chambers, P. (2012). Disoriented and Immobile: The experiences of people with vision impairment during and after the Christchurch Sept. 2010 Earthquake.. (pp. 70 - 70). , International Mobility Conference 14 Palmerston North NZ: IMC
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Phibbs, S., Williamson, K., Good, GA., & Chambers, P.(2011, December 7). "It was a bit nasty eh?" Risk, vulnerability and relilience in narratives of the Christchurch earthquake from people who are blind or vision impaired.. (pp. 51 - 51). , Looking Forward: Trends, Horizons and Utopias. Sociological Association of aotearoa New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA.(2009, July 14). Miserable in the Middle: Unique characteristics reported by the “middle old” age group of adults living with impaired vision.. , IMC 13 2009
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA.(2009, July 14). Measuring daily independence in older adults with impaired vision> A presentation of the International Mobility Conference, 2009, Marburg, Germany.. , International Mobility Conference 2009
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & Kabel, A. (2008). Social comparison: exploring its relationship with vision impairment and well-being. In Proceedings of the AER International Conference(pp. Unpaged). : AER
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & Kabel, A. (2008, July). Social comparisons: exploring its relationships with vision impairment and well-being. Presented at AER International Conference. Chicago, IL, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2008, July). An age cohort study of older adults with and without impaired vision: activity independence and life satisfaction. Presented at AER International Conference. Chicago, IL, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2008). An age cohort study of older adults with and without impaired vision: activity independence and life satisfaction. In Proceedings of the AER International Conference(pp. Unpaged). : AER
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA. (2008, July). What contributes to and detracts from quality of life for older adults with and without impaired vision?. Presented at AER International Conference. Chicago, IL, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2008). What contributes to and detracts from quality of life for older adults with and without impaired vision?. In Proceedings of the AER International Conference(pp. Unpaged). : AER
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2008). Activity and independence: a comparison study of older people with and without impaired vision.. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision(pp. Unpaged). : 'Ecole d'optometrie '
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA. (2008). Activities relinquished by older people with impaired vision: why are they relinquished and what is the impact on life satisfaction?. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision. (pp. Unpaged).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2007, April). Research results from a survey of older people with impaired vision.. Presented at Annual conference of the Michigan Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MAER). Livonia, Michigan, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & LaGrow, SJ. (2007). A study of older adults in the Manawatu: Activity independence and life satisfaction. In New Zealand Association of Gerontology 2007 Conference(pp. 110). : New Zealand Association of Gerontology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & LaGrow, SJ. (2007, November). A study of older adults in the Manawatu: Activity independence and life satisfaction. Presented at New Zealand Association of Gerontology 2007 Conference. University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2006). Alternative formats: Creative survey materials which enable inclusion of blind and vision impaired participants in research.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontolical Society of America (GSA) Dallas, Texas, USA. Dallas, TX USA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., & Good, GA. (2006, December). Aging and Vision Impairment: Activity, Independence and life Satisfaction.. Presented at Wayne State University, Medical School, Institute of Gerontology, Research Colloquium. Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA.(2006, November). Alternative Formats: Creative survey materials which enable inclusion of blind and vision impaired participants in reserch.. , Wayne State University Medical School, Institute of Gerontology, Fall Open House
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2006). Alternative formats: Creative survey materials which enable inclusion of blind and vision impaired participants in research. In Gerontological Society of America's 59th Annual Scientific Meeting(pp. 517). : Gerontological Society of America [The Gerontologist, Vol 46, Special Issue 1]
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2003). Activity, independence and life satisfaction of older, vision impaired New Zealanders. 11th International Mobility Conference: 'In Touch with Africa, in Step with the World'. (pp. Unpaged). Irene, South Africa
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2003). Life satisfaction of older, vision impaired New Zealanders. 11th International Mobility Conference: 'In Touch with Africa, in Step with the World'. (pp. Unpaged). Irene, South Africa
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA., LaGrow, SJ., & Alpass, FM. (2002). Research from a small island: Daily living problems identified by older, vision-impaired New Zealanders and their sighted peers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference. Toronto, ON
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Alpass, F., Good, G.
Good, GA. (2002, December). Aging and vision loss: Comparing levels of activity, independence, and life satisfaction of older, vision impaired New Zealanders, to those of their sighted peers. Presented at The 2002-03 Institute of Gerontology Colloquium: Health and Health Disparities Series. Merrill Palmer Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2002). Independence, activity and life-satisfaction levels of older New Zealanders. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fall Poster Session and Open House, Institute of Gerontology: ''Promoting Successful Aging in Detroit and Beyond''. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2001). Ageing, vision loss and quality of life: Are we asking the right questions?. In SJL. Ed (Ed.) New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Biennial Conference: Proceedings. (pp. 21 - 26). Wellington, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2001). Assessing levels of independence and activity in older people who are vision impaired and non-vision impaired living in the Manawatu. In Proceedings of the Disability Research Awareness Day(pp. 8 - 11). , Disability Research Awareness Day Palmerston North, NZ: Disability Association of 蹤獲扦 University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2001, November). Ageing, vision loss and quality of life: Are we asking the right questions?. Presented at New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Biennial Conference. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2000, July). Assessing older people to determine points of variance in daily functioning between vision impaired and non-vision impaired populations. Presented at Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Denver, CO.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2000). Older, vision impaired and Kiwi: Older New Zealanders rate the importance of activities of daily living. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference of the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Denver, CO
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2000, July). An instrument to assess daily functioning of older people: A trial study. Presented at Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Denver, CO.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.


Good, G. (2020, September). Parenting during a pandemic. : OMAA.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Phibbs, SR., & Good, G. (2013, March). Voices of people with disability. Themes and implications from research conducted around the Canterbury earthquakes..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G., Phibbs, S.
Good, GA. (2012, September). Research on the impact of earthquakes on vision impaired persons in Christchurch: Tips for better preparedness. In Palmerston North Lion's Clubs.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2008, February). The eyes have it: Understanding low vision. Presentation to the. In New Zealand Nurses Organisation, Gerontology Section. Mid-Central Health, Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2008). Study on older blind people and how their social lives changes as the years go on.
[Other]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2007, October). Albinism and Low Vision. In . New Zealand Albinism Trust, Inaugural meeting. Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2007). Publication of abstract from dissertation.
[Other]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2007, October). Albinism and low vision. In New Zealand Albinism Trust, Inaugural meeting. Presented at Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2006, December). Research in Activities of Daily Living for Older Blind Adults.. In Greater Detroit Council of Agencies Serving the Blind, Detroit, MI..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2002, October). Blind rehabilitation in New Zealand. : Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2002, November). Aging and vision loss. : Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.
Good, GA. (2000, November). Making the most of tertiary education. In Presentation to State Services Commission annual conference. : State Services Commission.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Good, G.

Consultancy and Languages


  • NZ Sign language
    Last used: Daily
    Spoken ability: Needs work
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Supervises research reports and theses in the areas of Social Work, Rehabilitation, Education and Nursing

Teaches in the undergraduate Rehabilitation programme, including the BHSc

Teaches in the postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation.


Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 0
Co-supervisor 0 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Veronica Grondona - Doctor of Philosophy
    Post-school experiences of autistic parents of autistic children and how these experiences influence their hopes for their children post-school

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Pamela MacNeill - Doctor of Philosophy
    Disability Work Matters: Employment Opportunities for Disabled People in the New Zealand Disability Sector

Media and Links


  • 31 Jul 2015 - Radio
    Assistance Dogs for Disabled Children
    Radio interview related to personal and research experience regarding Assistance Dogs for adults and children who live with impairments. Interviewed on AccessManawatu by Liz Chandler for the Volunteer
  • 21 Sep 2021 - Magazine, Online
    The more than one club.
    The more than one club
  • 16 Apr 2021 - Video, Online
    How to live with diabetes for fifty years
    Dr. Gretchen Good, senior lecturer in Disability and Rehabilitation Studies at 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand. How to live with diabetes for fifty years (Episode 12). In The Dialogues. Sydney Austral
  • 16 Apr 2021 - Video, Online
    How to live with diabetes for fifty years
    Good, G. (2021, April 16) . Video interview. Episode 12: Dr. Gretchen Good, senior lecturer in Disability and Rehabilitation Studies at 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand. How to live with diabetes for fi
  • 14 Oct 2020 - Newspaper, Online
    Families of children with disabilities
    Stuff.co.nz National Education. 14 October 2020. Families of children with disabilities a hidden minority during Covid-19 lockdown, many still in survival mode. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/e
  • 08 Oct 2021 - Other, Online
    Parents of Vision Impaired
    Parents of Vision Impaired NZ 8 October 2020. The Challenges of parenting disabled children during a pandemic-蹤獲扦 University.
  • 06 Oct 2021 - Other
    Parenting disabled children during a pandemic.
    Challenges of parenting disabled children during a pandemic.
  • 05 Oct 2021 - Online
    What does ambition mean to you?
    AmbitionNZ Youtube Channel. 5 October 2019. What does ambition mean to you? Interviewed by Julie Fry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZFK-w3d9S8
  • 03 Aug 2020 - Online
    The more than one club
    One Percent Collective. August 2020. https://www.onepercentcollective.org/stories/the-more-than-one-club-upsidedowns