
Associate Professor Kate Hill staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518234

Associate Professor Kate Hill

Director, Master of Veterinary Medicine (MVM) Programme

School of Veterinary Science

Kate graduated as a veterinarian from the University of Queensland in 1996 and spent time in clinical practice. After 7 years in the USA (3 years as a resident, 1 year clinical faculty in small animal medicine at Purdue University, Indiana, 2 years Assistant professor in small animal medicine University of Tennessee) she joined 蹤獲扦 University in July 2005 as a Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine. Kate is a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM), and is also a registered veterinary specialist with the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council. Kate is a Director of the Centre for Service and Working dog health, was a member of the Companion Animal Society (a special interest branch of the NZVA) executive from 2007-2014, and involved with continuing education for CAS since 2006. Kate completed her PhD on Transdermal methimazole in cats in 2015. In 2017 Kate accepted the role as Director of the Masters of Veterinary Medicine.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Director Masters of Veterinary Medicine

  • Director Centre for Service and Working Health

    NZVA Board 2018-

  • Companion Animal Health Foundation Board of Trustees March 2012-2017

  • NZVA SIG : Companion Animal Society Executive member March 2007-2014

  • NZVA SIG : Companion Animal Society Technical Advisory Group August 2006-2015

  • Residency Co-ordinator for ACVIM and FACVSc January 2006-2014


Kate graduated as a veterinarian from the University of Queensland in 1996. After 7 years in the USA (3 years as a resident, 1 year clinical faculty in small animal medicine at Purdue University, Indiana, 2 years Assistant professor in small animal medicine University of Tennessee) she joined 蹤獲扦 University in July 2005 as a Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine. Kate is a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM),  In 2017 Kate accepted the role as Director of the Masters of Veterinary Medicine.

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Contact details

  • Location: 3.15, Tawharau Ora, School of Veterinary Science
    Campus: Manawatu

Prizes and Awards

  • This was an award for the oral presentation of my research presented at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress in June 2003. The abstract presentations at this conference are an extremely important part of the programme:Hill, K, Scott-Moncrieff, J.C., Nelson, R, Glickman, L, Glickman, N, Koshko, M, Blevins, W : Secretion of sex hormones in dogs with adrenal dysfunction. From: Society of Comparative Endocrinology Resident Research Award - (2003)
  • Finalist : New Zealand Innovators Awards 2012 in the category : Innovation in Health and Science for Hyper-T EarSpot. http://idealog.co.nz/venture/2012/09/innovators-awards-finalist-list-sags-under-weight-kiwi-smarts - Innovators Awards 2012 (2012)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

transdermal medications in cats


working dogs

bacterial resistance

infectious diseases in Samoa


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000):
Curriculum and Pedagogy (130200): Education (130000): Education Systems (130100): Other Education (139900): Science, Technology and Engineering Curriculum and Pedagogy (130212): Specialist Studies in Education (130300):
Veterinary Medicine (070706): Veterinary Pharmacology (070710): Veterinary Sciences (070700)


Small Animal Medicine

Working dogs

Research Outputs


Odom, TF., Riley, CB., Benschop, J., & Hill, KE. (2024). Factors Associated with Medication Noncompliance in Dogs in New Zealand. Animals. 14(17)
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Hill, K.
Hansen-Jones, CL., Hill, KE., & Cogger, N. (2023). Feline urinary tract pathogens in western Canada: Prevalence of bacterial species and antimicrobial resistance from 2012 to 2018. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 64(6), 558-564
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
Thomas, RP., Greening, SS., & Hill, KE. (2022). Mortality, incidence and seasonality of canine and feline patients treated with tick antiserum in three far North Queensland veterinary clinics from 2000 to 2020. Australian Veterinary Journal. 100(12), 579-586
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Fulmer, AE., Laven, LJ., & Hill, KE. (2022). Quality of Life Measurement in Dogs and Cats: A Scoping Review of Generic Tools. Animals. 12(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K., Laven, L.
Mayhew, IG., Hill, KE., Ahn, Y., & Jones, BR. (2022). Can drug-induced aseptic meningitis account for some cases of eosinophilic meningitis/meningoencephalitis in dogs?. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 70(3), 184-185
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
O’connell, AB., Irving, AC., Hughes, PL., Cogger, N., Jones, BR., & Hill, KE. (2021). Evidence for the continued occurrence of chorioretinopathy in working sheep dogs in new zealand in 2010. Animals. 11(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
Karkaba, A., Hill, K., Benschop, J., Pleydell, E., & Grinberg, A. (2019). Carriage and population genetics of extended spectrum 帣-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in cats and dogs in New Zealand. Veterinary Microbiology. 233, 61-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Grinberg, A., Hill, K.
O’Connell, A., Scott, I., Cogger, N., Jones, BR., & Hill, KE. (2019). Parasitic nematode and protozoa status of working sheepdogs on the North Island of New Zealand. Animals. 9(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K., Scott, I.
Hunt, H., Cave, N., Bridges, J., Gedye, K., & Hill, K. (2018). Plasma NT-proBNP and Cell-Free DNA Concentrations after Prolonged Strenuous Exercise in Working Farm Dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 32(1), 135-141
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K., Hunt, H.
Carslake, RJ., Hill, KE., Sjölander, K., Hii, SF., Prattley, D., & Acke, E. (2017). Cross-sectional survey of health management and prevalence of vector-borne diseases, endoparasites and ectoparasites in Samoan dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal. 95(12), 462-468
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
McMeekin, CH., Hill, KE., Gibson, IR., Bridges, JP., & Benschop, J. (2017). Antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacteria isolated from canine urinary samples submitted to a New Zealand veterinary diagnostic laboratory between 2005–2012. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 65(2), 99-104
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Hill, K.
Karkaba, A., Benschop, J., Hill, KE., & Grinberg, A. (2017). Characterisation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates from animals in New Zealand, 2012–2013, and subclinical colonisation in dogs and cats in Auckland. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 65(2), 78-83
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Grinberg, A., Hill, K.
Wightman, PF., Hill, KE., Cohen, EB., Bridges, J., Bolwell, CF., French, J., . . . Green, R. (2016). An imaging investigation of in situ uroliths in hospitalized cats in New Zealand and in the United States. Veterinary Medicine and Science. 2(4), 255-265
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Riley, CB., McCallum, S., MacDonald, JA., & Hill, KE. (2016). A prospective observational study of needle-handling practices at a University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 64(2), 117-120
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Toombs-Ruane, LJ., Riley, CB., Kendall, AT., Hill, KE., Benschop, J., & Rosanowski, SM. (2016). Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria isolated from neonatal foal samples submitted to a New Zealand veterinary pathology laboratory (2004 to 2013). New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 64(2), 107-111
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Hill, K.
Deshpande, D., Hill, KE., Mealey, KL., Chambers, JP., & Gieseg, MA. (2016). The Effect of the Canine ABCB1-1 Mutation on Sedation after Intravenous Administration of Acepromazine. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 30(2), 636-641
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Stratton, RB., Hill, KE., Squance, H., Pauwels, FE., Nixey, J., Cave, NJ., . . . Drennan, T. (2015). Health and welfare of search and rescue and police dogs deployed during the earthquake response of Christchurch February 2011. Animal Welfare.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Chambers, JP., Jones, BR., Bolwell, CF., Aberdein, D., & Mills, PC. (2015). Regional variations in percutaneous absorption of methimazole: An in vitro study on cat skin. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 38(6), 616-618
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Mills, PC., Jones, BR., Bolwell, CF., Aberdein, D., & Chambers, JP. (2015). Percutaneous absorption of methimazole: An in vitro study of the absorption pharmacokinetics for two different vehicles. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 38(6), 581-589
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Chambers, JP., Jones, BR., Bolwell, CF., Aberdein, D., & Mills, PC. (2015). Trans-pinnal movement of methimazole: an in vitro study showing that methimazole can cross from the inner to outer pinna of cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 17(12), 1005-1011
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Hill, K.
Hill, KE., & Shaw, IC. (2014). Does exposure to thyroxine-mimics cause feline thyroid hyperplasia?. Veterinary Record. 175(9), 228-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Beckman, M., Hill, KE., Farnworth, MJ., Bolwell, CF., Bridges, J., & Acke, E. (2014). Tourists’ perceptions of the free-roaming dog population in Samoa. Animals. 4(4), 599-611
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Gieseg, MA., Bridges, J., & Chambers, JP. (2014). The pharmacokinetics of methimazole in a novel lipophilic formulation administered transdermally to healthy cats. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 62(4), 208-213
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., Gieseg, M., Bridges, J., & Chambers, J. (2013). The pharmacokinetics of methimazole in a novel lipophilic formulation administered transdermally to healthy cats. New Zealand Veterinary Journal.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Azarpeykan, S., Stickney, A., Hill, K., Hartman, A., Jones, B., & Acke, E. (2012). Choanal atresia in a cat. New Zealand Veterinary Journal.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Pleydell, EJ., Souphavanh, K., Hill, KE., French, NP., & Prattley, DJ. (2012). Descriptive epidemiological study of the use of antimicrobial drugs by companion animal veterinarians in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 60(2), 115-122
[Journal article]Authored by: French, N., Hill, K.
Witham, AI., French, AF., & Hill, KE. (2012). Extramedullary laryngeal plasmacytoma in a dog. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 60(1), 61-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hendriks, MM., Hill, KE., Cogger, N., Jones, BR., & Cave, NJ. (2012). A retrospective study of gastric dilatation and gastric dilatation and volvulus in working farm dogs in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 60(3), 165-170
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
Witham, AI., Chou, CY., Hartman, A., Munday, JS., French, AF., & Hill, KE. (2011). Congenital hepatic fibrosis with polycystic kidney disease in a persian cat from New Zealand. Australian Veterinary Practitioner. 41(4), 178-181
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K., Munday, J.
Hill, KE., Gieseg, MA., Kingsbury, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Bridges, J., & Chambers, P. (2011). The Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Lipophilic Formulation of Methimazole for the Once Daily Transdermal Treatment of Cats with Hyperthyroidism. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 25(6), 1357-1365
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Hill, K., & Fenby, D. (2011). Results of the Companion Animal Society survey on planning the future of veterinary continued professional development in New Zealand. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 22(2), 32-34 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/77373
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Whale, C., & Hill, KE. (2009). Case report: Intestinal intussusception in a 12-week-old German Shepard puppy. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 20(1), 26-32 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/72035
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Dann, H., & Hill, KE. (2009). Canine hypercalcaemia: A case study. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 20(3), 28-32 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/72045
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009). Society of Comparative Endocrinology Conference May 31-June 2 2009, Quebec City, Canada. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 20(3), 36-37 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/72046
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Chapman, F., Kingsbury, D., Mayhew, J., Hill, KE., & Kruger, D. (2009). A case of tetraplegia in a four-year-old Jack Russell. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 20(4), 40-42 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/72053
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Zimmerman, KL., Clark, SP., Hill, K., Laverty, P., Irizarry, A., LeRoith, T., . . . DeNicola, D. (2008). A challenging case: Glucagonoma-associated superficial necrolytic dermatitis in a dog. Veterinary Medicine. 103(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Mayhew, J., & Hill, KE. (2008). Canine hearing test- the brainstem auditory evoked potential. Vetscript. 21(1), 23-23 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/44161
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Update on lymphocytic thyroiditis. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 18(2), 30-32 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/32353
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Society of comparative endocrinology meeting June 3-6 2007 Victoria, BC Canada. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 18(3), 52-53 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/32365
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Mayhew, J., & Hill, KE. (2007). How common is deafness in your practice?. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 18(4), 24-25 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/70688
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Petware's What is your diagnosis?. NZVA Companion Animal Society Newsletter. 18(3), 18 and 60
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Cystoscopy in small animals. Vetscript. 20(8), 22-27 Retrieved from http://www.sciquest.org.nz/node/43953
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Stenske, KA., Bemis, DA., Hill, K., & Krahwinkel, DJ. (2005). Acute polyarthritis and septicemia from Mycoplasma edwardii after surgical removal of bilateral adrenal tumors in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 19(5), 768-771
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Scott-Moncrieff, JCR., Koshko, MA., Glickman, LT., Glickman, NW., Nelson, RW., . . . Oliver, JW. (2005). Secretion of sex hormones in dogs with adrenal dysfunction. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 226(4), 556-561
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Stenske, KA., Bemis, DA., Hill, K., & Krahwinkel, DJ. (2005). Acute polyarthritis and septicemia from Mycoplasma edwardii after surgical removal of bilateral adrenal tumors in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 19(5), 768-771 Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.2005.tb02760.x/abstract
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., Scott-Moncrieff, JC., & Moore, G. (2004). ACTH stimulation testing: A review and a study comparing synthetic and compounded ACTH products. Veterinary Medicine. 99(2), 134-147
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., Scott Moncrieff, J., & Moore, G. (2004). ACTH stimulation testing: A review and a study comparing synthetic and compounded ACTH products. Veterinary Medicine. 99(2), 135-147
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Scott-Moncrieff, JC., Koshko, MA., Brown, JA., Hill, K., & Refsal, KR. (2003). Validation of a Chemiluminescent Enzyme Immunometric Assay for Plasma Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in the Dog. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 32(4), 180-187
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., & Scott-Moncrieff, JC. (2001). Tumors of the adrenal cortex causing hyperadrenocorticism. Veterinary Medicine. 96(9), 686-706
[Journal article]Authored by: Hill, K.


Daminet, S., & Hill, K. (2017). Feline Hyperthyroidism. In WD. Gram, RJ. Milner, & R. Lobetti (Eds.) Chronic disease management for small animals. (pp. 153 - 158). Hoboken, New Jersey, United States of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2014). Hyperadrenocorticism. In The Clinical Veterinary Advisor 3rd.
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013). Primary Functioning Adrenal Tumors Producing Signs Similar to Hyperadrenocorticism Including Atypical Syndromes in Dogs. In Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals. (pp. 65 - 70).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2011). Hyperadrenocorticism suspect/conflicting results. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 551 - 552). United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2011). Hyperadrenocorticism. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 548 - 551). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2011). Adrenal neoplasia. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 43 - 44). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2011). Adrenal mass, incidental. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 42 - 43). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2011). Aberrant adrenocortical disease (increased adrenal sex hormone production). In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 6 - 7). St. Loius, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., & Lothrop, CD. (2008). Diseases of the Pituitary Gland. In Handbook of Small Animal Practice. (pp. 449 - 455).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., & Lothrop, CD. (2007). Diseases of the Pituitary Gland. In Handbook of Small Animal Practice, Fifth Edition. (pp. 449 - 455).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Hyperadrenocorticism: Treatment. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 1543 - 1543). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Hyperadrenocorticism suspect/conflicting results. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 540 - 541). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Hyperadrenocorticism. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 537 - 540). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Adrenal mass, incidental. In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 42 - 43). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Aberrant adrenocortical disease (increased adrenal sex hormone production). In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 5 - 5). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007). Adrenal neoplasia (adenoma/carcinoma). In E. Cote (Ed.) Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. (pp. 43 - 44). St. Louis, MO, United States: Elsevier
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., & Adams, L. (2004). Polypoid cystitis. In LP. Tilley, & FWKS. Eds (Eds.) The 5 - minute veterinary consult. (pp. 1050 - 1051). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
[Chapter]Authored by: Hill, K.


Hill, KE. (2016). Methimazole administration to cats : in vivo and in vitro studies of transdermal absorption. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Hill, K.Edited by: Thomas, D.


Nanjan, K., Chambers, P., Hill, KE., & Al Alawi, F.(2008). . 552816: Intellectual Property of New Zealand: Topical formulation
[Patent]Authored by: Hill, K.


Laven, L., Baxter, K., & Hill, K. (2021). Embedding digital information literacy into contact workshops: Authentic, case-based research tasks informing cross-discipline case discussion. https://flanz.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/FLANZ-2021-Conference-proceedings-FINAL.pdf. (pp. 97 - 100). : 2021 Focus on Flexible Learning
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Baxter, K., Hill, K., Laven, L.
Laven, L., Murray, F., Baxter, K., & Hill, K.(2018). Integrating EndNote from download to research report for distance masters students. Paper presented at the meeting of https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ap-southeast-2.accounts.ivvy.com/account34583/events/124090/files/5b0c5a83276a3.pdf. Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Baxter, K., Hill, K., Laven, L.
Laven, L., Murray, F., Baxter, K., & Hill, KE. (2018). Sustaining research skills: A case sudy of integrating referencing software into online postgraduate courses. Poster session presented at the meeting of VetEd Down under Australasian veterinary educators symposium
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hill, K.
Laven, L., Murray, F., Baxter, K., & Hill, KE. (2018). Sustaining research skills: A case study of integrating referencing software into online postgraduate courses. Poster session presented at the meeting of VetEd down under
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Baxter, K., Hill, K., Laven, L.
Toombs-Ruane, LJ., Riley, CB., Rosanowski, SM., Kendall, AT., Hill, KE., & Benschop, J. (2015). Antimicrobial sensitivity of bacteria isolated from neonatal foal samples in New Zealand (2004 to 2013). 2015. (pp. 93 - 93). : British Equine Veterinary Association Congress 2015
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Hill, K.
hill, KE., Squance, H., Pauwels, FE., Stratton, RB., & Nixey, J. (2013). Medical evaluation of the urban search and rescue and police dogs deployed during the earthquake response of Christchurch February 2011. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference. Mercure Hotel, Brisbane
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Squance, H., Pauwels, FE., Stratton, RB., & Niwey, J. (2013). Medical evaluation of the urban search and rescue and police dogs deployed during the earthquake response of Christchurch February 2011. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference. Brisbane, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013, April). Can you catch hyperthyroidism from your cat?. Presented at Senior Moments An Insight in Geriatric Problems in Cats and Dogs. Centre for Veterinary EducationThe University of Sydney.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., & Squance, H. (2013). Evaluation of the morbidity and mortality of animals post Canterbury earthquakes: A pilot study. In WSAVA FASAVA 2013 Congress Handbook(pp. 600 - 600). , World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress New Zealand: World Small Animal Veterinary Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., & Squance, H. (2013, March). Evaluation of the morbidity and mortality of animals post Canterbury earthquakes. Presented at World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., & Squance, H. (2013). Evaluation of the morbidity and mortality of animals post canterbury earthquakes: A pilot study. In Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference: Earth: Fire and Rain: Abstracts(pp. 13 - 13). , Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference: Earth: Fire and Rain: Disaster and Emergency Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013). Dogs in disasters : What can the veterinary team do?. WSAVA FASAVA 2013 Congress Handbook. (pp. 579 - 580). New Zealand: World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Karkaba, A., Hill, K., Benschop, J., Grinberg, A., & Pleydell, E. (2013). Investigating the strains of multidrug resistant entrerobacteriaceae and staphylococcus aureus that are causing clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand. In WSAVA FASAVA 2013: Congress Handbook(pp. 586 - 586). , World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress Australia: World Small Animal Veterinary Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Grinberg, A., Hill, K.
Karkaba, A., Hill, K., Benschop, J., Grinberg, A., & Pleydell, E. (2013, March). Investigating the strains of multidrug resistant enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus aureus that are causing clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand. Presented at World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Benschop, J., Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013, March). Working hard for working dogs: Centre for Service and Working Dog Health: An update on research at the centre. Presented at World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013, March). Dogs in disasters – What can the veterinary team do?. Presented at World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013, March). Gastric dilatation and volvulus in working dogs. Presented at World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013). Gastric dilatation and volvulus in working dogs. (pp. 573 - 575). : World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE.(2013, March). Working Hard for working dogs – Centre for Service and working dog health. An Update on Research at the Centre.. . (pp. 575 - 576).
[Conference]Authored by: Hill, K.
O'Connell, A., Irving, C., Hughes, P., Scott, I., Cogger, N., Jones, B., . . . Hill, KE. (2013). Vision loss in New Zealand working dogs - an update. , Animal Eyes down under
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
Wells, A., Hill, KE., Vink, WD., & Stafford, K. (2013). Tail injuries in canines: A retrospective case-control study using data-mining techniques. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Small Animal Veterinary Association [WSAVA] and Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association [FASAVA] 38th Annual Congress. Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hill, K.
O'Connell, A., Hill, K., Cogger, N., Jones, B., Hughes, P., & Irving, C. (2013, February). Prevalence of chorioretinopathy in working sheep dogs in New Zealand in 2010. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
O'Connell, A., Hill, K., Cogger, N., Jones, B., Hughes, P., & Irving, C. (2013). Prevalence of chorioretinopathy in working sheep dogs in New Zealand in 2010. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 125 - 125). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
Cogger, N., Sheard, H., Jerram, A., & Hill, K. (2013, February). Demographics, husbandry and health of working dogs on New Zealand sheep and beef farms. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
Cogger, N., Sheard, H., Jerram, A., & Hill, K. (2013). Demographics, husbandry and health of working dogs on New Zealand sheep and beef farms. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 94 - 94). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013, February). The centre for service and working dog health – a new enterprise and research update. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013). The centre for service and working dog health – a new enterprise and research update. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 93 - 93). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013, February). Gastric Dilation and volvulus – A working dog dilemma. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2013). Gastric Dilation and volvulus – A working dog dilemma. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 92 - 92). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
O'Connell, A., Scott, I., Cogger, N., Jones, B., & Hill, K. (2013, February). Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode and protozoan parasites, body condition scores of working sheep dogs in New Zealand in 2010. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K., Scott, I.
O'Connell, A., Scott, I., Cogger, N., Jones, B., & Hill, K. (2013). Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode and protozoan parasites, body condition scores of working sheep dogs in New Zealand in 2010. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 125 - 125). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K., Scott, I.
Karkaba, A., Hill, K., Benschop, J., Grinberg, A., & PLeydell, E. (2012). Investigating the strains of multidrug resistant enterobacteriaceae causing clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand. In First Infectious Disease Research Centre [IDReC] Science Symposium: Delegates Handbook(pp. 58 - 58). , First Infectious Disease Research Centre [IDReC] Science Symposium New Zealand: Infectious Disease Research Centre, 蹤獲扦 University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Benschop, J., Hill, K.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011, December). Epidemiological study of GDV in working dogs. Presented at Companion Animal Patrons' Day. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011, June). Feline upper repiratory tract disease. Presented at 2011 New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011, June). Hyperthyroidism in cats. Presented at 2011 New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011, June). Hyperthyroidism. Presented at 2011 New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Geor, RJ.Acute Renal Failure.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Geor, R., Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011). Nasal disease in the cat. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference. (pp. 6.19.1 - 6.19.9). Wellington, New Zealand: Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference - Back to the Future
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011). Feline hyperthyroidsism. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference. (pp. 6.15.1 - 6.15.5). Wellington, New Zealand: Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference - Back to the Future
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011). How I treat: Feline hyperthyroidism. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference. (pp. 6.8.1 - 6.8.2). Wellington, New Zealand: Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Vetetinary Association Annual Conference - Back to the Future
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011). Acute kidney injury. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zeland Veterinary Association Annual Conference. (pp. 6.1.1 - 6.1.4). Wellington, New Zealand: Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference-Back to the Future
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010, May). Gastric dilatation volvulus in working dogs. Presented at Australian Veterinary Association and New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010). Gastric dilation volvulus in working dogs. Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010. (pp. 31.1 - 31.4). : Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Conference 2010
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010, May). Bleeding abdomen/haemangiosarcoma. Presented at Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference. Brisbane, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010). Bleeding abdomen/haemangiosarcoma. Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010. (pp. 42.1 - 42.5). : Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010, May). Gastrointestinal tumours. Presented at Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010. Brisbane, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010). Gastrointestinal tumours. Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010. (pp. 43.1 - 43.3). : Australian Veterinary Association/New Zealand Veterinary Association Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2010, August). Internships and residencies. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association "CrossRoads" Careers Seminar for BVSc III and IV. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K., Jillings, E.
Jillings, E., O'Connell, A., Cogger, N., Forsyth, S., & Hill, K. (2010). Comparative clinical evaluation of BD vacutainer plus urinalysis preservative tube and plastic tube for urinalysis in dogs and cats. Poster session presented at the meeting of ACVIM Forum 2010 (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine). Anaheim, CA, United States of America
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Cogger, N., Hill, K., Jillings, E.
Dann, H., & Hill, K.(2009). Canine hypercalcaemia: A case study. . Rotorua, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Hill, K.
Bruce, W., Worth, A., Hughes, P., & Hill, K. (2009, May). Orthopaedic forum: Q&A. Presented at Sheep and Beef Veterinary Conference 2009. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K., Worth, A.
Hill, K., Gieseg, M., Kingsbury, D., Bridges, J., Lopez Villalobos, N., & Chambers, J. (2009, June). The efficacy and safety of a novel lipophilic formulation methimazole for the once daily transdermal treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism. Presented at 2009 ACVIM (American College Veterinary Internal Medicine) Forum and Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Convention. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Hill, K. (2009, February). Feline hyperthyroidism: An environmental nutritional or genetic disease. Presented at Annual General Meeting & Seminar. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., Gieseg, M., Kingsbury, D., Bridges, J., Lopez Villalobos, N., & Chambers, J. (2009). The efficacy and safety of a novel lipophilic formulation methimazole for the once daily transdermal treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism. In Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine- Research Abstract Program of the 2009 ACVIM Forum & Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Convention(pp. 756 - 756). , 2009 ACVIM Forum/Canadian VMA Convention: American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Hill, K. (2009, February). The aetiology and disease progression of feline hyperthyroidism. Presented at 2009 New Zealand Petfood Manufacturer's Association Annual General Meeting and Seminar Day. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, March). Tiny chest treasures - thoracic diagnostic measures. Presented at Diagnostic Techniques for Companion Animals. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, March). Ram and jam and the ultimate nasal exam. Presented at Diagnostic Techniques for Companion Animals. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, June). Body lumps & bumps - medical. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference 2009. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, October). Antibiotic use in NZ small animal practice - current usage and future recommendations. Presented at Auckland Veterinary Society Meeting. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, October). Tiny chest treasures - thoracic diagnosic measures. Presented at Diagnostic Techniques for Companion Animals. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, October). Ram and jam and the ultimate nasal exam. Presented at Diagnostic Techniques for Companion Animals. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, December). How do I localise neurological disease. Presented at Companion Animal Medicine Gumbo. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2009, May). The efficacy and safety of a novel lipophilic formulation methimazole for the once daily transdermal treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism. Presented at 2009 SCE Meeting. Quebec City, Montreal, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009). Clinical dictums helping to diagnose neurological disease in small animal patients?. In . VetLearn (Ed.) Companion Animal Medicine Gumbo. (pp. 23 - 26).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009). Body lumps and bumps - medical. In K. Crosse (Ed.) Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the NZVA. (pp. 83 - 88).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009). Metabolic cause of weakness in working dogs. In . Stefan Smith (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. (pp. 213 - 215).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009). Initial management of gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV). In . Stefan Smith (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sheep & Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA. (pp. 181 - 184). : Sheep & Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009). The efficacy and safety of a novel lipophilic formulation methimazole for the once daily transdermal treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism. Poster session presented at the meeting of SCE Meeting Program. Quebec City,QC
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Gieseg, MA., Kingsbury, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Bridges, J., & Chambers, P. (2011). The Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Lipophilic Formulation of Methimazole for the Once Daily Transdermal Treatment of Cats with Hyperthyroidism.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hill, K., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Hill, KE. (2009, February). The aetioloy and disease progression of feline hyperthyroidism. Presented at The New Zealand Petfood Manufacturers Association Inc AGM and Seminar. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Chambers, JP., & Hill, KE. (2009, March). Introducing MSO. Presented at BOMAC Seminar. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Chambers, JP., & Hill, KE. (2009, March). Transdermal treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats. Presented at BOMAC Innovation Day seminar. Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009, May). Metabolic causes of exercise intolerance. Presented at Sheep & Beef Veterinary Conference. Novotel Lakeside Hotel, Rotorua.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2009, May). Pre-surgical management of gdv. Presented at Sheep & Beef Veterinary Conference. Novotel Lakeside Hotel, Rotorua.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008). Management of canine hypoadrenocorticism - Addison's disease. In M. Hennessy (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association. Vol. 271 (pp. 71 - 73).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008). Management of canine Cushing's syndrome. Proceedings of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association Conference. Vol. 271 (pp. 51 - 60).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008). Avoiding the water deprivation test. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Vol. 270 (pp. 13 - 17).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008). Thirty years of feline hyperthyroidism - why is there increasing incidence?. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Vol. 270 (pp. 9 - 11). : Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, June). 30 years of feline hyperthyroidism- why is there increasing incidence. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference - Companion Animal Society. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, August). Internships and residencies. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association "CrossRoad" Careers Seminar for 3rd year Veterinary Students. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, June). Management of addisons. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, June). Management of cushings. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, June). Early desexing - what impact. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference 2008. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, June). Avoiding the water deprivation test. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference 2008. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, June). Thirty years of feline hyperthyroidism- why is there increasing incidence. Presented at New Zealand Veterinary Conference 2008. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007, December). Transdermal methimazole for feline hyperthyroidism. Presented at Patrons' Day. 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2007, August). Internships and residencies. Presented at 3rd Year Vet Student Careers Symposium. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2006, May). The medical management of nasal disease in the dog and cat. Presented at Proceedings of the Annual Seminars of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 2006. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2006). The medical management of nasal disease in the dog and cat. Proceedings of the Annual Seminars of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 2006. (pp. 65 - 70).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2006, May). The diagnostic approach to nasal disease in the dog and cat. Presented at Proceedings of the Annual Seminars of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 2006. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2006). The diagnostic approach to nasal disease in the dog and cat. Proceedings of the Annual Seminars of the Companion Animal Society of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. (pp. 59 - 64).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2006, October). Medical treatment of nasal disease. Presented at Brisbane Veterinary Practitioners Branch of AVA Annual Conference 2006- Updates in Veterinary Medicine. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2006, October). Nasal disease in the dog and cat. Presented at Brisbane Veterinary Practitioners Branch of AVA Annual Conference 2006- Updates in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2006, December). Update on thyroiditis in dogs. Presented at 蹤獲扦 Veterinary Teaching Hospital Patrons Day: Advances in Companion Animal Practice. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Scott Moncrieff, J., Koshko, M., Glickman, L., Glickman, N., Nelson, RW., . . . Blevins, W. (2003). Secretion of sex hormones in dogs with adrenal dysfunction. (pp. 394 - 394). , 21st Annual American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum Lakewood, CO: ACVIM
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., Scott Moncrieff, J., Nelson, RW., Glickman, L., Glickman, N., Koshko, M., . . . Oliver, J. (2002). Secretion of sex hormones in dogs with adrenal dysfunction. (pp. 633 - 633). , 12th European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals/ European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress Utrecht, the Netherlands: ECVIM
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hill, K.


Hill, K. (2012, December). Zoonosis in the bedroom: Multidrug resistant E.coli and MRSA. In Companion Animal Patron's Day, 蹤獲扦 University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011). Paw-fect dog's life for kittens.
[Other]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2011, October). An introduction to Endocrinology. In Leventa Launch, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Gieseg, MA., Hill, KE., & Chambers, P. (2011, December). The pharmacokinetics of methimazole administered in a novel transdermal formulation to healthy cats. In IVABS Research Colloquium.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE., & Fenby, D. (2011). Results of the companion animal society survey on planning the future of veterinary continued professional development in New Zealand. (pp. 32 - 34). New Zealand Veterinary Association
[Other]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008). The efficacy and safety of a daily transdermal formulation of methimazole in the treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism. Presented at Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, July). Feline hyperthyroidism. In School of Veterinary Science Seminar.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K. (2008, December). Case based assessment and learning. In Massesy University Teaching Hospital. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, K., Pauwels, F., Worth, A., Dyer, C., Johnson, C., Galloway, P., . . . Parton, K. (2006, July). Want to hear about career options for your future?. In Bachelor of Veterinary Science Students, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K., Johnson, C., Worth, A.
Hill, KE. (2005, February). The art and science of diagnosing and treating hyperadrenocorticism in the dog. : The Vancouver Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2004, November). Decreasing your pet's sweetness with insulin. Presented at Knoxville, TN. : University of Tennessee, College of Medicine, Continuing Education.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.
Hill, KE. (2004, November). Sexy hormones in the dog : The adrenal sex hormones. Presented at University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine,Knoxville, TN. : University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine Continuing Education.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hill, K.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

227.213 Introductory Veterinary Clinical Studies I – Paper co-ordinator, paper being constructed for new Veterinary Curriculum

118.752 Canine and Feline Endocrinology – 2011 3 hours, Post graduate, Extramural course

117.371 Animal Production: Working Dog Nutrition, Health and Welfare Module 2011 "Health in working dogs"

227.503 Veterinary Clinics : tutorials and clinical instruction to 5th year veterinary students

227.405 Companion Animal Medicine & Surgery

227.306 Clinical Studies

227.207 Mechanisms of disease – 2nd year Veterinary Students

227.206 Integrative Veterinary Physiology

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