
Contact details +6492127159

Petra Satele

Senior Tutor

School of Psychology

Research Outputs


Mafile’o, T., Vaka, S., Leau, K., Satele, P., & Alefaio-Tugia, S. (2024). Decolonising Qualitative Analysis: Collectively Weaving Understanding Using Talanoa and Fa’afaletui Pacific-Indigenous Research Methods. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 23
[Journal article]Authored by: Mafile'o, T., Satele, P.


Alefaio-Tugia, S., Andrews, M., Afeaki-Mafile'o, E., Satele, P., Carr, S., Haar, J., . . . Jones, H. (2022). Shifting the poverty lens for sustainable livelihoods A Pasifika perspective on a living wage. In S. McLennan, M. Forster, R. Hazou, D. Littlewood, & C. Neill (Eds.) Tu Rangaranga. (pp. 280 - 294). Auckland, New Zealand: 蹤獲扦 University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Arrowsmith, J., Carr, S., Haar, J., Hodgetts, D., Jones, H., Parker, J., Satele, P.
Alefaio-Tugia, S., Afeaki-Mafile'o, E., & Satele, P. (2019). Pacific-indigenous communityvillage resilience in disasters. In Pacific Social Work: Navigating Practice, Policy and Research. (pp. 68 - 78).
[Chapter]Authored by: Satele, P.


Alefaio-Tugia, S., Ioane, J., Satele, P., Satele, J., & Naepi, M. (2023). Talanoa Participatory - Impact Evaluation A Pacific Youth Gang Prevention and Intervention Programme Developed by Affirming Works (AW).
[Other]Authored by: Satele, P.Contributed to by: Satele, P.