
Mr Craig McGill staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517803

Craig McGill MAppSc

Senior Research Officer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment

Roles and Responsibilities

Craig is involved in both teaching and research in seed science and technology and has a strong interest in all aspects of seed quality, including how the interaction between the environment and seed impacts on seed quality. Craig is the project leader for the New Zealand Indigenous Flora Seed Bank initiative which is a project to implement the collection, study and conservation of New Zealand’s unique plant diversity through ex situ storage of seed. 

Craig is supervising a number of postgraduate students in both the seed conservation and the use of imaging technology for seed quality assurance. In addition Craig teaches various aspects of seed science and technology in a number of post-graduate and undergraduate papers.

 Craig also has an interest in international methodology for assessing seed quality and has been a member of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) since 1998. Craig is a past-Chair of the ISTA Moisture Committee, is a member of the Executive Committee and, was elected President of ISTA from 2016-2019.


 Craig is President of the Agronomy Society of New Zealand and past-editor of Agronomy New Zealand 

Craig Is a Senior Research Officer in Seed Science and Technology with a research focus on seed of both introduced and indigenous plant species. Craig’s work on indigenous flora centres around seed conservation though ex situ storage of seed as part of the New Zealand Indigenous Seed Bank project, for which Craig is project leader. This work includes research into seed desiccation tolerance, storage and germination, and the use of imaging technologies for seed quality asurance. Craig also has expertise in seed biosecurity and the movement of seed nationally and internationally. 

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Contact details

  • Ph: +64 (06) 356 9099 ext. 84803
    Location: 339, AgHort B
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Master of Applied Science - 蹤獲扦 University (2003)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

1. Seed conservation, in particular ex situ conservation of seed in seed banks and the factors that affect seed longevity in storage.

2. Seed germination and the mechanisms by which seed dormancy is imposed.

3. Methodology for the assessment of seed quality.

4. Transmissiion of endophytic fungi into the seed and subsequently the developing plant. 


Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Biological Sciences (060000): Ecology (060200)


1. Seed conservation and seed banking.

2. Seed germination and dormancy.

3. International Seed Testing Association and international methods for assessing seed quatlity.

4. Seed biosecurity. 

Research Outputs


Godwin, A., Pieralli, S., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S., Ward, A., & McGill, C. (2024). Comparing vegetative growth patterns of cultivated (Daucus carota L. subsp. sativus) and wild carrots (Daucus carota L. subsp. carota) to eliminate genetic contamination from weed to crop. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. 16
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S.
Godwin, A., Pieralli, S., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S., Ward, A., & McGill, C. (2024). Pollen-mediated gene flow from wild carrots (Daucus carota L. subsp. carota) affects the production of commercial carrot seeds (Daucus carota L. subsp. sativus) internationally and in New Zealand in the context of climate change: A systematic review. Science of the Total Environment. 933
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S.
Alfaro Pinto, A., McGill, C., Nadarajan, J., Archila Morales, F., & Clavijo McCormick, A. (2023). Seed Morphology of Three Neotropical Orchid Species of the Lycaste Genus. Seeds. 2(3), 331-339
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Diantina, S., McGill, C., McCormick, AC., Millner, J., Pritchard, HW., & Nadarajan, J. (2023). COMPARATIVE SEED CRYOPRESERVATION OF INDONESIAN AND NEW ZEALAND EPIPHYTIC AND TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS. Cryo-Letters. 44(4), 197-207
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Kai, Y., Alfaro Pinto, A., Clavijo McCormick, A., Nadarajan, J., He, XZ., MacKay, M., . . . McGill, C. (2023). Seed Desiccation Sensitivity Varies with Geographic Distribution in Two New Zealand Native Pittosporum Species. Seeds. 2(3), 370-381
[Journal article]Authored by: He, X., McGill, C.
Bhuker, A., Malik, A., Punia, H., McGill, C., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S., Mor, VS., . . . Mansoor, S. (2023). Probing the Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Moringa oleifera under Ideal Germination Conditions. Plants. 12(16)
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S.
Godwin, A., McGill, C., Ward, A., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S., & Pieralli, S. (2023). Phenological phase affects carrot seed production sensitivity to climate change – A panel data analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 892
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S.
Mangar, A., Muetzel, S., Malik, A., Bhuker, A., Mor, V., Molenaar, A., . . . McGill, C. (2022). Moringa oleifera L.: A Potential Plant for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Temperate Agriculture Systems. Agriculture (Switzerland). 12(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Pain, S., Sofkova-Bobcheva, S.
Diantina, S., McGill, C., Millner, J., Nadarajan, J., Pritchard, HW., Colville, L., . . . Clavijo McCormick, A. (2022). Seed viability and fatty acid profiles of five orchid species before and after ageing. Plant Biology. 24(1), 168-175
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Roodi, D., Millner, J., McGill, C., Johnson, R., & Card, S. (2021). Association of oilseed rape cultivars (Brassica napus L.) with fungal endophyte of Pseudogymnoascus pannorum. Applied Research in Field Crops. 34(3), 30-42 Retrieved from https://aj.areeo.ac.ir/?lang=en&lang=en&lang=en&lang=en
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Roodi, D., Millner, JP., McGill, CR., Johnson, RD., Hea, SY., Brookes, JJ., . . . Card, SD. (2021). Development of plant–fungal endophyte associations to suppress phoma stem canker in brassica. Microorganisms. 9(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Thant, AM., Millner, JP., McGill, CR., & Tsimba, R. (2021). Productivity and quality of kale, swede, fodder beet and maize in Manawatu. Agronomy New Zealand. 50(2020), 81-93 Retrieved from https://www.agronomysociety.org.nz/files/ASNZ_2020_08B._Manawatu_crop_productivity_quality.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Diantina, S., Kartikaningrum, S., McCormick, AC., Millner, J., McGill, C., Pritchard, HW., . . . Nadarajan, J. (2021). Correction to: Comparative in vitro seed germination and seedling development in tropical and temperate epiphytic and temperate terrestrial orchids. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 144(2), 491-491 Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11240-020-01989-x
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Diantina, S., Kartikaningrum, S., McCormick, AC., Millner, J., McGill, C., Pritchard, HW., . . . Nadarajan, J. (2021). Correction to: Comparative in vitro seed germination and seedling development in tropical and temperate epiphytic and temperate terrestrial orchids (Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), (2020), 143, 3, (619-633), 10.1007/s11240-020-01947-7). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 144(2), 491
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Roodi, D., Millner, JP., McGill, C., Johnson, RD., Jauregui, R., & Card, SD. (2020). Methylobacterium, a major component of the culturable bacterial endophyte community of wild Brassica seed. PeerJ. 2020(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Diantina, S., McGill, C., Millner, J., Nadarajan, J., Pritchard, HW., & McCormick, AC. (2020). Comparative seed morphology of tropical and temperate orchid species with different growth habits. Plants. 9(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Sandoval Cruz, EA., McGill, CR., Southward, RC., McKenzie, CM., Card, SD., He, XZ., . . . Chynoweth, RJ. (2018). Does chemical control of blind seed disease (Gloeotinia temulenta) affect endophyte transmission in ryegrass seed crops?. Australasian Plant Pathology. 47(6), 561-569
[Journal article]Authored by: He, X., McGill, C., Sandoval Cruz, E.
Dowsett, CA., Buddenhagen, C., James, TK., & McGill, CR. (2018). Yellow bristle grass (Setaria pumila) germination biology. New Zealand Plant Protection. 71, 72-80
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Sommerville, KD., Clarke, B., Keppel, G., McGill, C., Newby, ZJ., Wyse, SV., . . . Offord, CA. (2017). Saving rainforests in the South Pacific: Challenges in ex situ conservation. Australian Journal of Botany. 65(8), 609-624
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Park, MJ., Williams, WM., Outred, HA., & Nadarajan, J. (2018). The mechanism of seed coat-imposed dormancy revealed by oxygen uptake in Chatham Island forget-me-not Myosotidium hortensia (Decne.) Baill.. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 56(1), 38-50
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Swadel, M., & McGill, CR. (2017). Myrtle rust disease threatens New Zealand Christmas tree. Samara. (32), 12-13
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Wang, M., McGill, CR., Southward, RC., He, XZ., Card, SD., & Rolston, MP. (2018). Epichloë fungal endophyte colonisation and seed quality in developing grass florets–effect of different fertiliser applications. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 61(1), 27-41
[Journal article]Authored by: He, X., McGill, C.
Zhang, W., Card, SD., Mace, WJ., Christensen, MJ., McGill, CR., & Matthew, C. (2017). Defining the pathways of symbiotic epichloë colonization in grass embryos with confocal microscopy. Mycologia. 109(1), 153-161
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Schnell, JL., Nolan, CA., Stanley, R., & Elliot, R. (2016). Seed banking in New Zealand: success through partnership. The Botanic Gardener. (45), 53-55
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Schnell, JL., & Bone, RE. (2016). From giant buttercups to vegetable sheep - endemic alpines of New Zealand are a conservation priority. Samara. (30), 6-7
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., & Jones, S. (2015). How can ISTA help with wild species?. Samara. (28), 5-5
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Card, SD., Hume, DE., Roodi, D., McGill, CR., Millner, JP., & Johnson, RD. (2015). Beneficial endophytic microorganisms of Brassica - A review. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL. 90, 102-112
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Card, SD., Hume, DE., Roodi, D., McGill, CR., Millner, JP., & Johnson, RD. (2015). Beneficial endophytic microorganisms of Brassica - A review. Biological Control. 90, 102-112
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Millner, JP., Silungwe, D., & McGill, CR. (2013). Evaluation of sorghum, sudan-grass and pearl millet cultivars in Manawatu. Proceedings of the 40th Agronomy Society conference. 40, 1-10 Retrieved from https://www.agronomysociety.org.nz/2010-journal-papers.html
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Zhang, H., Mcgill, CR., Irving, LJ., Kemp, PD., & Zhou, D. (2013). A modified thermal time model to predict germination rate of ryegrass and tall fescue at constant temperatures. Crop Science. 53(1), 240-249
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Millner, JP., Silungwe, D., & McGill, CR. (2011). Forage quality of sorghum, sudan-grass sorghum x sudan-grass and pearl millet cultivars in Manawatu. Agronomy New Zealand. 41, 13-22
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
James, TK., Rahman, A., McGill, CR., & Trivedi, PD. (2011). Biology and survival of broom corn millet (Panicum miliaceum) seed. New Zealand Plant Protection. 64, 142-148
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Sartie, A., Mcgill, CR., Koolaard, J., Van Epenhuijsen, K., & Carpenter, A. (2010). Botanical preparations for the protection of stored rice seed Oryza sativa from rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae and their impact on Oryza sativa germination. Seed Science and Technology. 38(3), 717-729
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Zhang, H., Irving, LJ., McGill, C., Matthew, C., Zhou, D., & Kemp, P. (2010). The effects of salinity and osmotic stress on barley germination rate: Sodium as an osmotic regulator. Annals of Botany. 106(6), 1027-1035
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Bombarda, I., Zongo, C., McGill, CR., Doumenq, P., & Fogliani, B. (2010). Fatty acids profile of alphitonia neocaledonica and grevillea exul var. rubiginosa seed oils, occurrence of an 5 series. JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 87(9), 981-986
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2010). Extending the drying period for Lolium spp. for the high-temperature oven method from 1 to 2 hours. Seed Testing International. 139, 33-36
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Free, HF., McGill, CR., & Hedley, MJ. (2010). The effect of biochars on maize (Zea mays) germination. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(1), 1-4
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Erdey, D., & McGill, CR. (2006). ISTA Seed Moisture Committee progress report. Seed Testing International. 131, 20-21
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2005). Non-orthodox seed moisture testing survey: Responses. Seed Testing International. 130, 43-44
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., McIntosh, JC., Outred, HA., & Fountain, DW. (2002). Seed storage and seed storage reserves in Chatham Island forget-me-not (Myosotidium hortensia, Boraginaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany. 40(3), 337-346
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Hampton, JG., Cookson, WR., Grama, A., Rowarth, JS., Mcgill, CR., & Hill, MJ. (2000). Temperature and time variables for accelerated ageing testing of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed lots. Seed Science and Technology. 28(3), 861-863
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.
Coolbear, P., & McGill, CR. (1990). Effects of a low-temperature pre-sowing treatment on the germination of tomato seed under temperature and osmotic stress. Scientia Horticulturae. 44(1-2), 43-54
[Journal article]Authored by: McGill, C.


Nijenstein, H., Nydam, J., Don, R., & McGill, CR. (Eds.) (2007). ISTA handbook on moisture determination (1st Ed.). Bassersdorf, Switzerland: International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)
[Edited Book]Edited by: McGill, C.


McGill, CR. (2003). Physiology of Chatham Island forget-me-not (Myosotidium hortensia) seed. (Master's Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: McGill, C.


McGill, CR., & MacKay, MB.(2015). Baseline data for Kauri regeneration and vegetation change following pest control in the Limestone Downs Bush (second report). Palmerston North, New Zealand: C. Alma Baker Trust
[Technical Report]Authored by: McGill, C.
MacKay, MB., & McGill, CR.(2014). Baseline data for kauri regeneration and vegetation change following pest control in the Limestone Downs bush. Report to the C.Alma Baker Trust on Research Activities 2013-2014.. Palmerston North
[Technical Report]Authored by: McGill, C.
MacKay, MB., & McGill, CR.(2012). Limestone Downs Bush Biodiversity. Report to the C.Alma Baker Trust on Research Activities 2009-2010.. Palmerston North
[Technical Report]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Nydam, J., Ahenda, J., EL Bagoury, OH., Bennett, MA., Daws, M., . . . Tillman, MA. (2009). Activity report of the international seed testing association committees 2008.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McGill, C.


Diantina, S., McCormick, AC., Pritchard, HW., Millner, J., Nadarajan, J., Mastur, M., . . . McGill, C.Orchid seed micro-morphometry: Importance to species' biology, ecology, and conservation. Acta Horticulturae. (pp. 153 - 161). 0567-7572.
[Conference]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Hanifa, AP., Millner, J., McGill, C., & Sjahril, R.Agro-morphological variation of pigmented rice landraces from South Sulawesi grown in a temperate glasshouse of New Zealand. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 807 (2)1755-1307.
[Conference]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Hanifa, AP., Millner, J., McGill, C., & Sjahril, R.Comparing satisfaction index on traditional pigmented rice plant attributes between upland and lowland farmers. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 807 (2)1755-1307.
[Conference]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Putri Hanifa, A., Millner, J., McGill, C., & Sjahril, R. (2019, September). Evaluation of Pigmented Rice Landraces from South Sulawesi’. Presented at International Conference on Sustainable Cereals and Crops Production Systems in the Tropics. Makassar, Indoesia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
McGill, C., Nolan, K., Schnell, J., MacKay, M., Winkworth, C., Aubia, G., . . . McGlynn, V. (2018). Seed banking (conservation) in New Zealand: supporting in situ conservation. Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators’ Society (IPPS). Vol. 68 (pp. 21 - 29).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C.
Roodi, D., Millner, J., McGill, C., Card, S., & Johnson, R. (2018). Control of phoma stem canker in oilseed rape by seed-borne endophytic fungi. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 17th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology. Congress Centre, Leipzig, Germany
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Diantina, S., Millner, J., McGill, C., Pritchard, HW., & McCormick, A. (2017). Seed micromorphometric analyses of two Dendrobium species (Orchidiaceae).. Poster session presented at the meeting of IAE symposium
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
McGill, CR., Park,, MJ., Nadarajan, J., & Williams, W.(2016, March). Challenges for the cryopreservation of Dysoxylum spectabile. .
[Conference]Authored by: McGill, C.
Millner, JP., Roodi, D., McGill, C., Card, S., & Johnson, R. (2016). Seed endophytes of wild brassica species - a potential source of beneficial symbiotic microbes for oilseed rape. Poster session presented at the meeting of 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Montreal, Canada
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Zhang, W., Card, S., McGill, CR., Matthew, C., Cristensen, M., & Mace, W. (2015). The seed of life, investigating Epichloe endophyte colonisation.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Symposium on Fungal Endophytes of Grasses.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2012, June). Water activity measurements in seed testing. Presented at 2012 Annual Meeting International Seed Testing Association. Venlo, The Netherlands.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
Millner, JP. (2011). Forage quality of sorghum, sudan-grass, sorghum x sudan-grass and pearl millet cultivars in Manawatu. Agronomy New Zealand. Vol. 41 (pp. 13 - 22). : Annual Conference of the Agronomy Society of New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C., Millner, J.
Park, MJ., Sapari, M., McGill, CR., Rowarth, JS., McKay, BR., Williams, WM., . . . Kemp, PD. (2010). Seed storage behaviour of Dysoxylum spectabile. (pp. 46 - 46). , 29th International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress - Seed Symposium: International Seed Testing Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C.
Park, MJ., Mat, S., McGill, CR., Rowarth, JS., Williams, WM., & Kemp, PD. (2010). Seed storage behaviour of Dysoxylum spectabile. Poster session presented at the meeting of 29th International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress: Seed Symposium. Cologne Germany
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Park, MJ., Nadarajan, J., Williams WM, ., & Mackay BR, . (2010). Seed storage and dormancy in Myosotidium hortensia. (pp. 20 - 20). , 29th International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress - Seed Symposium: International Seed Testing Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Park, MJ., Nadarajan, J., Williams, WM., & MacKay, BR. (2010, June). Seed storage and dormancy in Myosotidium hortensia. Presented at 29th International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress - Seed Symposium. Cologne, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., & Rowarth, JS. (Eds.)(2010). Seed Symposium: Seeds for futures 2008. In Seed Symposium: Seeds for futures 2008. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, New Zealand: Agronomy Society of New Zealand and New Zealand Grassland Association
[Conference Other]Edited by: McGill, C.
Camps Arbestain, M., Rowarth, JS., Bishop, PA., Aitkenhead, WP., Free, HF., Hindmarsh, JP., . . . Hedley, MJ. (2009). The New Zealand Biochar Research Centre: Firmly walking on the 'ground'. In 1st Asia Pacific Biochar Conference 2009(pp. 98 - 99). : NSW Department of Primary Industries
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hindmarsh, J., McGill, C.
Free, HF., McGill, CR., Rowarth, JS., Camps Arbestain, M., & Hedley, MJ. (2009). The effect of biochars on maize (Zea mays) germination. Poster session presented at the meeting of 1st Asia Pacific Biochar Conference. Gold Coast, QLD
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
Free, HF., McGill, CR., Rowarth, JS., & Hedley, MJ. (2009). The effects of biochars on maize (Zea mays) germination. In 1st Asia Pacific Biochar Conference(pp. 83 - 83). : NSW Department of Primary Industries
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C.
Park, MJ., McGill, CR., Williams, WM., & MacKay, BR. (2008, November). Seed desiccation tolerance and dormancy of three endangered New Zealand species: Carmichaelia williamsii, Clianthus puniceus and Hibiscus. Presented at Symposium: Seeds for Futures 蹤獲扦 University. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
Park, MJ., McGill, CR., Williams, MJ., & MacKay, BR. (2010). Seed desiccation tolerance and dormancy of three endangered New Zealand species: Carmichaelia williamsii, Clianthus puniceus and Hibiscus diversifolius. In CR. McGill, & JS. Rowarth (Eds.) Seed Symposium: Seeds for Futures 2008. (pp. 13 - 22).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Kitchen, KL., & Outred, HA. (2010). Regeneration of Agathis australis and associated species in a native bush stand on Limestone Downs. In CR. McGill, & JS. Rowarth (Eds.) Seed Symposium: Seeds for Futures 2008. Vol. 13 (pp. 23 - 32).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C.
Fogliani, B., Bombarda, I., McGill, CR., & Doumenq, P. (2008). Chemical composition of seeds from two New Caledonian plants used for revegetation: identification of unusual isomers of C14:1, C16:1 and C18:1 in their oil.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Symposium: Seeds for Futures. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Kitchen KL, ., & Outred, HA. (2008, November). Regeneration of Agathis australis and associated species in a native bush stand on limestone downs.. Presented at Symposium: Seeds for Futures 蹤獲扦 University. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
Zongo, C., Saintpierre Bonaccio, D., McGill, CR., Bouraima Madjebi, S., & Fogliani, B. (2007). Lipid contents and fatty acids composition of seed storage reserves of eight species used for re-vegetation in New Caledonia and their implication for long term conservation. Poster session presented at the meeting of Seed Ecology II: 2nd International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment. Perth, WA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
Zongo, C., Saintpierre Bonaccio, D., McGill, CR., Bouraima Madjebi, S., & Fogliani, B. (2007). Lipid contents and fatty acids composition of seed storage reserves of eight species used for re-vegetation in New Caledonia and their implication for long term conservation. In Seed Ecology II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment(pp. 104). : International Society for Seed Science
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C.
Saintpierre Bonaccio, D., Zongo, C., McGill, CR., Bouraima Madjebi, S., & Fogliani, B. (2007). Biology, structure, and germination characteristics of kua seeds (Alphitonia neocaledonica, Rhamnaceae) used for re-vegetation in New Caledonia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Seed Ecology II: 2nd International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment. Perth, WA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
Saintpierre Bonaccio, D., Zongo, C., McGill, CR., Bouraima Madjebi, S., & Fogliani, B. (2007). Biology, structure, and germination characteristics of kua seeds (Alphitonia neocaledonica, Rhamnaceae) used for re-vegetation in New Caledonia. In Seed Ecology II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment(pp. 77). : International Society for Seed Science
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Outred, HA., Wood, C., Kitchen, KL., & Fountain, DW. (2007, May). Desiccation tolerance and germination behaviour of nikau (Rhopalostylis sapida Wendl. et Drude) an endemic New Zealand palm. Presented at 28th International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress. Iguassu Falls, Brazil.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Outred, HA., Wood, C., Kitchen, KL., & Fountain, DW. (2007). Desiccation tolerance and germination behaviour of nikau (Rhopalostylis sapida Wendl. et Drude) an endemic New Zealand palm. In 28th International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Congress: Seed Symposium Abstracts(pp. 13). : International Seed Testing Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C.
Fountain, DW., MacKay, AC., McGill, CR., Southward, RC., Kitchen, KL., Clemens, J., . . . Outred, HA. (2005). Physiological phenomena in a range of seeds drawn from the New Zealand flora. (pp. 330). , XVII International Botanical Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McGill, C., Southward, R.
Fountain, DW., MacKay, AC., McGill, CR., Southward, RC., Kitchen, KL., Clemens, J., . . . Outred, HA. (2005). Physiological phenomena in a range of seeds drawn from the New Zealand flora. Poster session presented at the meeting of XVII International Botanical Congress. Vienna, Austria,
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C., Southward, R.
Madondo, M., McGill, CR., Kitchen, KL., Cameron, E., Long, PG., Bristol, F., . . . Fountain, DW. (2004). Best practice for organic celery seed production. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand Grassland Association : 66th Annual Conference. Ashburton, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
Fountain, DW., McGill, CR., Southward, RC., Sproul, RV., Mackay, AC., & Outred, HA. (2002). Assessment of germination and vigour status of 24-year-old seeds of a Sophora hybrid. New Zealand Journal of Botany. Vol. 40 (pp. 383 - 387).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C., Southward, R.
Fountain, DW., Outred, HA., Dixon, L., McGill, CR., & Wilson, MJ. (2001). Dormancy and germination of seeds of indigenous New Zealand plants : A review of literaure to date. Poster session presented at the meeting of Symposium on New Zealand Seeds: Their Morphology, Ecology and Use as Indicators. Lincoln University, Canterbury, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2001). Use of a temperature gradient plate for germination studies of Pachystegia Insignis seeds. Poster session presented at the meeting of Symposium on New Zealand Seeds : Their Morphology, Ecology and Use as Indicators. Lincoln University, Canterbury, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR., Kharb, R., McKay, A., Castenada, M., Schmidt Adam, GH., Outred, HA., . . . Fountain, DW. (2001). A method for the assessment of recalcitrance in seeds of New Zealand native plants. Poster session presented at the meeting of Symposium on New Zealand Seeds: Their Morphology, Ecology and Use as Indicators. Lincoln University, Canterbury, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C.
Southward, RC., Fountain, DW., Gao, R., McGill, CR., & Outred, HA. (2001). Biology of seeds of puriri (Vitex lucens). Poster session presented at the meeting of Symposium on New Zealand Seeds : Their Morphology, Ecology and use as Indicators. Lincoln University, Canterbury, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McGill, C., Southward, R.
Alieu, S., McGill, CR., Carpenter, A., Epenhuijsen, K., & Koolaard, JP. (2001, June). An evaluation of the effectiveness of botanicals in controlling rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) during rice seed storage and their effect on seed variability. Presented at 26th International Seed Testing Congress: Seed Symposium. Angers, France.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
Southward, RC., Fountain, DW., Gao, R., McGill, CR., & Outred, HA. (2002). Biology, structure, and germination characteristics of seeds of puriri Vitex lucens (Verbenaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany. Vol. 40 (pp. 427 - 435).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C., Southward, R.
Mackay, AC., McGill, CR., Fountain, DW., & Southward, RC. (2002). Seed dormancy and germination of a panel of New Zealand plants suitable for re-vegetation. New Zealand Journal of Botany. Vol. 40 (pp. 373 - 382).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C., Southward, R.
McGill, CR., Outred, HA., Hill, MJ., Hill, KA., & Fountain, DW. (2000). An evaluation of the desiccation tolerance and seed germination requirements of Chatham Island forget-me-not (Myosotidium hortensia). Special Publication (Agronomy Society of New Zealand). Vol. 12 (pp. 91 - 97). Christchurch, NZ: Seed Symposium: Current Research on Seeds in New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McGill, C.


McGill, CR. (2009, June). 2008 report on the activities of the moisture committee. In 2009 International Seed Testing Association Annual Meeting. Presented at Zurich, Switzerland.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2008, November). Ista seed moisture, germination and vigour workshop. Presented at Kephis Nakuru, Kenya.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2008). Seed of New Zealand's native flora: Scratching the surface. Presented at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2008, June). Quality assurance in seed moisture determination. In ISTA Moisture, Forest Tree and Shurb Seed and Tetrazolium Workshop. Presented at Peri Verona, Itlay.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2008, June). Moisture determination in non-orthodox seed. In ISTA Moisture, Forest Tree and Shrub Seed and Tetrazolium Workshop. Presented at Peri Verona, Italy.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.
McGill, CR. (2007, November). 28th ISTA Congress 2007, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, May 5-11. In AsureQualtiy Palmerston North Seed Laboratory. Presented at Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McGill, C.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Craig also contributes to 283201 Pasture & Crop Agronomy, 283702 Advanced Agronomy,  284301 Horticultural Crop Development & Yield, 119373 Integrative Studies

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 0
Co-supervisor 1 7

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Dhanesha Nanayakkara Nanayakkara Hinidu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Utilizing multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing techniques for the timely identification of weed contaminants during hybrid vegetable seed production
  • Asharp Godwin - Doctor of Philosophy
    Constraints to Vegetable Seed Production on the East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand

Co-supervisor of:

  • Moses Kamanga - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring the growth dynamics of Moringa and its allelopathic potential in New Zealand

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Dona Komahan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Towards better New Zealand adapted industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars: A quantitative genetic analysis of key traits and evaluation of gen
  • 2023 - Aung Myo Thant - Doctor of Philosophy
    Comparison of Maize Silage and Traditional Forage Crops in New Zealand
  • 2022 - Karin Van Der Walt - Doctor of Philosophy
    Ex situ conservation of Myrtaceae. A response to Myrtle Rust in the Pacific Region
  • 2020 - Surya Diantina - Doctor of Philosophy
    Comparison of Seed Traits of Tropical (Indonesia) and Temperate (New Zealand) Orchid Species to Support Orchid Seed Conservation
  • 2019 - Davood Roodi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Bio-prospecting for endophytes of Brassica
  • 2018 - Wei Zhang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigating endophyte transmission in Poaceae hosts
  • 2013 - Myoungjoo Park - Doctor of Philosophy
    Seed Storage Behaviour of New Zealand's Threatened Vascular Plants