
Contact details +6469518075

Associate Professor Leigh Coombes

Associate Professor

Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of Psychology

My research focus is embedded within the HEARTH research cluster that has a focus on IPV, DV and sexual violence.

Sexuality and women's marginalisation are also of significance to our research.


Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Mentor Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

domestic and sexual violence

women's sexuality

women's experiences of reproductive violence

qualitative methodlogies that privilege reflexivity


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Citizenship (160602): Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation (160202): Criminological Theories (160204): Criminology (160200): Gender Specific Studies (169901): Human Geography (160400): Other Studies in Human Society (169900): Political Science (160600): Political Theory and Political Philosophy (160609): Studies In Human Society (160000)

Research Outputs


Rogerson, A., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2018). Hysterical inquiry: A methodology emergent through a dutiful daughter. Theory and Psychology. 28(6), 823-842
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C., Rogerson, A.
Mowat, K., Coombes, LM., & Busch, R. (2016). Resituating masculinity and power in preventing child sexual abuse. The Australian Community Psychologist. 28(1), 24-45
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Morgan, C., & Coombes, LM. (2016). Protective mothers: Women's understandings of protecting children in the context of legal interventions into intimate partner violence. The Australian Community Psychologist. 28(1), 59-78
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Connor, G., Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2015). iAnorexic: Haraway’s Cyborg Metaphor as Ethical Methodology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 12(3), 233-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Connor, G., Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Blake, D., & Coombes, L. (2016). No-man's Land: Adoption Storied Through the Aotearoa/New Zealand Adoption Act 1955. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 26(1), 47-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM., & Poananga, S. (2014). Whanau management: A positive discipline approach used by a modern-day whanau. Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists. 24(2), 3-15 Retrieved from http://natlib.govt.nz/items?i%5Bsubject%5D=Case+studies&il%5Bsubject_text%5D=Tikanga+tuku+iho
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Busch, R., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2014). Manufacturing egalitarian injustice: A discursive analysis of the rhetorical strategies used in fathers’ rights websites in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Feminism and Psychology. 24(4), 440-460
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Connor, G., & Coombes, LM. (2014). Gynetic organisms: pro-anorexic techno bodies. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care. 7(2), 62-71 Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/
[Journal article]Authored by: Connor, G., Coombes, L.
Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2013). Empowerment and advocacy for domestic violence victims. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 7(8), 526-536
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Coombes, L., & Alefaio-Tugia, S. (2013). Pasifikology. News from psychologies’ margins in Aotearoa/New Zealand: An interview with Siautu Alefaio-Tugia. Annual Review of Critical Psychology. 10(Critical Psychology in a Changing World II: Building Bridges and Expanding the Dialogue), 35-49 Retrieved from https://discourseunit.com/annual-review/10-2013/
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Coombes, L., & Campbell, B. (2006). Biculturalism, gender and critical social movements in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Still speaking from psychologies' margins. Annual Review of Critical Psychology. 5(Critical Psychology in a Changing World: Contributions from different geo-political regions), 1-17 Retrieved from http://www.discourseunit.com/annual-review/arcp-5-critical-psychology-in-a-changing-world-contributions-from-different-geo-political-regions/
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Aldridge, A., & Coombes, LM. (2005). It's really quite a delicate issue: GPs talk about domestic violence. Women's Studies Journal. 19(2), 56-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM., Morgan, CA., Tuffin, KF., & Johnson, M. (2004). Critical legal psychology: Readings of the relationship between psychology and law informed by critical legal studies and critical psychology. The International Journal of Critical Psychology. (11), 30-49
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2004). Narrative form and the morality of psychology's gendering stories. Narrative Inquiry. 14(2), 303-322
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Cheals, K., Morgan, CA., & Coombes, LM. (2003). Speaking from the margins: An analysis of women's spirituality narratives. The International Journal of Critical Psychology. 8, 55-72
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2002). Politicising mothers: Counter-narratives of mothering experience. Narrative Inquiry. 12(2), 375-379
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2001). Speaking from the margins: A discourse analysis of ten women's accounts of spirituality. Australian Psychologist. 36(1), 10-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2001). Subjectivities and Silences, Mother and Woman: Theorizing an Experience of Silence as a Speaking Subject. Feminism and Psychology. 11(3), 361-375
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, LM. (2001). Working the constitution of gendered subjectivities: An example from the nexus of law and psychology. International Journal of Critical Psychology. 1, 136-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Coombes, L.


Morgan, C., Coombes, L., Denne, S., & Rangiwananga, M. (2019). Critical social psychology and victims of crime: Gendering violence, risk and dangerousness in the society of captives. In KC. O'Doherty, & D. Hodgetts (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology. (pp. 583 - 604). United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Coombes, L., Denne, S., Morgan, C.
Coombes, LM., Denne, S., & Rangiwananga, M. (2016). Social justice and community change. In W. Waitoki, J. Feather, N. Robertson, & J. Rucklidge (Eds.) Professional practice of psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 437 - 449). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Psychological Society
[Chapter]Authored by: Coombes, L., Denne, S.
Coombes, LM., & Morgan, CA. (2015). South Pacific:Tensions of space in our place. In I. Parker (Ed.) Handbook of Critical Psychology. (pp. 444 - 453). East Sussex, UK and New York, USA: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Coombes, L., Neill-Weston, F., & Weatherley, GE. (2011). Shaping feminist psychologies in Aotearoa: History, paradox, transformation. In A. Rutherford, R. Capdevila, V. Undurti, & I. Palmary (Eds.) Handbook of international feminisms: Perspectives on psychology, women, culture, and rights. (pp. 195 - 218). United States: Springer Science+Business Media
[Chapter]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, LM., & Te Hiwi, EJ. (2007). Social justice, community change. In IM. Evans, JJ. Rucklidge, & M. O'Driscol (Eds.) Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 379 - 396). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Psychological Society Inc.
[Chapter]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM., & Morgan, CA. (2004). Politicising mothers: Counter-narratives of mothering experience. In M. Bamberg, & MA. Eds (Eds.) Considering counter-narratives: Narrating, resisting, making sense. (pp. 38 - 42). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company
[Chapter]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.


Morgan, CA., & Coombes, LM.(2016). Developing culturally specific early intervention through community collaboration for men bound by Police safety orders in Counties Manukau. Study one: The first year at Gandhi Nivas: A preliminary statistical description (revised). (Report No. Study 1).
[Technical Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Denne, S., Coombes, L., & Morgan, M.(2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of programmes and services provided by Te Manawa Services: A community intervention into family violence..
[Technical Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Denne, S., Morgan, C.
Coombes, L., Morgan, M., Blake, D., & McGray, S.(2009). Enhancing safety: Survivors' experiences of Viviana's advocacy at the Waitakere family violence court. New Zealand: Te Kura Hinengaro Tangata/School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North
[Technical Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Coombes, L., Te Hiwi, E., & McGray, S. (2008). Responding together: An integrated report evaluating the aims of the Waitakere Family Violence Court protocols. Ministry of Justice.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Coombes, L., & McGray, S.(2007). An evaluation of the Waitakere Family Violence Court protocols. New Zealand: Te Kura Hinengaro Tangata / School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Coombes, L., Te Hiwi, E., & McGray, S. (2007). Accounting for safety: A sample of women victims' experiences of safety through the Waitakere Family Violence Court. Te Kura Hinengaro Tangata / School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, LM., Morgan, CA., & McGray, S.(2007). Counting on protection: A statistical description of the Waitakere Family Violence Court. New Zealand: Te Kura Hinegaro Tangata / School of Psychology, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.


Coombes, LM. (2000). Tracing monsters: the textural constitution of woman-mother-childkiller or A reading of the non-origin of the monstrous feminine in the specific instance of a case of child murder.. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, NZ)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Coombes, L.


Coombes, LM., Denne, S., & Rangiwananga, M. (2017). Negotiating meaning as an ethical competency. In Conference Program and Abstracts(pp. 14 - 14). , 13th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology Conference: Critical conversations Melbourne, Australia: Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Coombes, L., Denne, S.
Coombes, LM. (2016, October). Problems with child protection. Presented at Ending Domestic and Family Violence Summit 2016. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Morgan, M., & Coombes, LM. (2015, June). Maternal protection of children and intimate partner abuse: Paradoxes and complexities. Presented at Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference. Northampton, United Kingdom.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Rogerson, A., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2013, September). Of Carebots and Robodogs. Presented at The 5th Women in Psychology Trans-tasman Conference (and 22nd APS Women in Psychology Conference). Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, L. (2013, September). Pop Positions, Women, and Love. Presented at The 5th Women in Psychology Trans-tasman Conference (and 22nd APS Women in Psychology Conference). Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Connor, G., & Coombes, L. (2013, September). iAnorexic: Building the Pro-Anorexic Cyborg. Presented at The 5th Women in Psychology Trans-tasman Conference (and 22nd APS Women in Psychology Conference. Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Rogerson, A., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2013). Contemporary masquerade: Work-life balance and modern tragedies of (mis)perceived/(mis)placed social agency.. In A. Rogerson, & S. Denne (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium. Vol. 2 (pp. 27 - 34). Palmerston North: Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Denne, S., Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2013). Problematising effectiveness: The inclusion of victim advocacy services in living without violence programme provision and evaluation. In A. Rogerson, & S. Denne (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium,. Vol. 2 (pp. 27 - 34). Palmerston North: Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L., Denne, S.
Daud, NM., Coombes, L., Venkateswar, S., & Ross, K. (2013). Globalisation: The experience of Malay adolescents with conduct problems.. In A. Rogerson, & S. Denne (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium. Vol. 2 (pp. 73 - 80). Palmerston North: Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L., Ross, K.
Blake, D., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2013). Wade in the water: Awash in the sense of adoption.. In A. Rogerson, & S. Denne (Eds.) Published Proceedings Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium. Vol. 2 (pp. 11 - 18). Palmerston North: Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Benschop, M., Coombes, L., Morgan, M., & Gammon, R. (2013). The politics of policing family violence in New Zealand: An overview .. In A. Rogerson, & S. Denne (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium. Vol. 2 (pp. 3 - 10). : Doing Psychology: Manawat贖 Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, L. (2011, December). Conceptualisation of empowerment and their psycho-social implications for victim advocacy. Presented at The 21st Annual APS Women and Psychology Interest Group Conference. Wollongong, NSW.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2006, May). Situated ethnographic practices: Interventions with youth at risk. Presented at 5th International Conference on DRUGS & YOUNG PEOPLE. AJC Convention Centre, Randwick, NSW, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Morrison, C., & Coombes, LM. (2006, May). Risk, culture and early intervention: Exploring tensions. Presented at 5th International Conference on DRUGS & YOUNG PEOPLE. AJC Convention Centre, Randwick, NSW, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Rogerson, A., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2011). Care as a contemporary paradox in a global market. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2011.. (pp. 35 - 42). New Zealand: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2011: Doing Psychology
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C., Rogerson, A.
Denne, SC., Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2011). Seeking the voice of experience: The complexities of researching women’s accounts of their (ex-)partner’s engagement with living free from violence programmes. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2011. (pp. 20 - 26). New Zealand: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2011: Doing Psychology
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L., Denne, S., Morgan, C.
Blake, D., Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2011). ‘Wade in the water …’: Re-thinking adoptees’ stories of reunion. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2011. (pp. 5 - 10). New Zealand: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2011: Doing Psychology
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Rangiwananga, M., Coombes, L., & McCreanor, T. (2011). Stripping the Skin off Humour. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) (pp. 31 - 34). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Rogerson, A., Morgan, C., & Coombes, L. (2011). Care as a Contemporary Paradox in a Global Market. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) (pp. 35 - 42). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Denne, S., Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2011). Seeking the Voice of Experience: The Complexities of Researching Women’s Accounts of Their (Ex-) Partner’s Engagement with Living Free from Violence Programmes. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) (pp. 20 - 26). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Blake, D., Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2011). 'Wade in the Water …’:Re-thinking Adoptees’ Stories of Re-union. In R. Busch, & A. Rogerson (Eds.) (pp. 5 - 10). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Busch, RS., & Coombes, LM. (2008). Using foucauldian perspectives to enable the reading/speaking/writing of mal/adjustment as moral subjects. Proceedings of the Conference on Contemporary Critical Theories. (pp. 16 - 26).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2009, August). Accounting for safety: Women victims' and advocates' experiences of the Waitakere Family Violence Court. Presented at The New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference 2009: Conflict ... Process ... Resolution: Ppa ... Mahi ... Ratanga. Palmerston North Convention Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2009). Accounting for safety: Women victims' and advocates' experiences of the Waitakere Family Violence Court. In The New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference 2009: Conflict ... Process ... Resolution: Ppa ... Mahi ... Ratanga(pp. 61 - 62). , The New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference 2009: Conflict ... Process ... Resolution: Ppa ... Mahi ... Ratanga New Zealand: The New Zealand Psychological Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2008, May). Accounting for safety: Women victims' & advocates' experiences of the Court. Presented at JUSTPARTNERS: Family violence, specialist courts and the idea of integration. Canberra, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2005, June). Reading bicultural relations in the teaching machine from a position of privilege. Presented at International Society for Theoretical Psychology Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2005). Narrative form and the morality of psychology's gendering studies. (pp. 441 - 441). , 29th International Congress on Law and Mental Health The Netherlands: Springer
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, L., & Morgan, M.Narrative form and the morality of psychology’s gendering stories.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, CA., & Coombes, LM. (2005, June). Disordered exclusions, gender, culture and some specific local effects. Presented at Beyond the Pale: International Critical Psychology Conference. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, LM. (2003, August). Questioning justice: A critical gender analysis of the relationship between insanity and mental disorder. Presented at Embracing Change: Future directions of psychology in Aotearora / New Zealand. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Morgan, CA., Tamanui, V., Cheals, K., & Coombes, LM. (2003, November). Experiencing spirituality within the methodological constraints of psychological discourse. Presented at Women's Studies Association (NZ) Conference. Social Science Lecture Block, 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., Tamanui, V., Cheals, K., & Coombes, LM. (2003, November). Experiencing spirituality within the methodological constraints of psychological discourse. Presented at Women's Studies Association Conference. 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.
Coombes, LM. (2003, April). What do you get when you cross a poststructuralist with a gangster?: Theorising practices of critical health psychology within a specific community. Presented at 3rd International Society of Critical Health Psychology Conference. Takapuna, Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.


Coombes, L., & Morgan, M. (2009, November). Not quite responding together: An autoethnographic account of collaborating with government in a research partnership with community organisations. In School of Education Free Public Lecture, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Morgan, M., & Coombes, L. (2008, December). The Family Violence Court at Waitakere: Community collaboration and therapeutic jurisprudence in practice. In Critical Psychology Research Symposium on Gender Based Violence, Department of Psychology, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L., Morgan, C.
Coombes, LM. (2004, June). Questioning justice: A critical gender analysis of the relationship between insanity and mental disorder. : Manchester Metropolitan University, The Women Studies Research Centre.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Coombes, L.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 5 12
Co-supervisor 3 10

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Hazel Buckingham - Doctor of Philosophy
    Reimagining flows of care and dignity in ethical responses to family violence
  • Kate Duin - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Narratives of becoming: Making sense of neurodivergent rainbow rangatahi lived experiences through affirmations of difference.
  • Jacki Rowles - Doctor of Philosophy
  • Amelia Perry - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    The Therapeutic Counterspace as an Ethical Encounter: A Dignified Response to Gendered Sexual Violence and Womens Narratives of Pain
  • Dan Luff - Doctor of Philosophy
    LIFE within the Society-of-Captives: Exploring the pains of imprisonment for real

Co-supervisor of:

  • Joanne Stevenson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Gendered violence and visual representations of women's bodies
  • James McNab - Doctor of Philosophy
    Harm Through Justice
  • Ruth Bateson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring unheard stories and unmapped lifeworlds with Third Culture Kids

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Thea Wass - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    (Re)mapping Womens Cosmology: Transformative Potentia of Womens Stories
  • 2023 - Michelle Roestenburg - Doctor of Philosophy
    Te whakaohooho, te whakarauora mauri: The re-awakening and re-vitalising Indigenous spirit of power, healing, goodness and wellbeing
  • 2022 - Jasmine Gillespie-Gray - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
  • 2021 - Sharon Crooks - Doctor of Philosophy
    Un-strangering the stranger in a strange land: A multi-perspective, participant-led, exploration of in/ex-clusion in NZ mainstream high schools - privileging the voices of senior high functioning autistic students.
  • 2019 - Geneva Connor - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Impossible Feast of the Uncanny Technowoman: A Plural Feminist Cyborg Writes of the Possibilities for Science Fiction and Potent Body Politics
  • 2019 - Stephanie Denne - Doctor of Philosophy
    Becoming (non)violent: Accountability, subjectivity and ethical non-violence in response to intimate partner violence
  • 2017 - Chelsea Dowling - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    A Sexual Masquerade: The Performance of Desire and Femininity in a Fifty Shades of Grey Era
  • 2017 - Mohd Najmi Daud - Doctor of Philosophy
    Globalisation in the Malaysian context: The experience of Malay adolescents with 'conduct disorders'
  • 2013 - Denise Blake - Doctor of Philosophy
    Wade in the Water: Storying Adoptees Experiences through the Adoption Act 1955
  • 2013 - Keith Mowat - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Masculinity as a site of pre-emptive intervention in the prevention of child sexual abuse
  • 2012 - Sara Poananga - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Positive "Whanau Management" Privileging the Centrality of Whanau and Culturally Specific Understandings of Child Discipline for Effective Psychological Practice with Maori
  • 2011 - Stephanie Dillon - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Towards a typology of youth sexual harmers in Aotearoa, New Zealand

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Matthew Kean - Doctor of Philosophy
    Mens Work: Narratives of engaging with change and becoming non-violent.
  • 2023 - Caitlin Helme - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Narratives of Embedded Oppression and the Covid-19 Pandemic Response: Voices from Marginalised Sexual Violence Survivors in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • 2021 - Anthony Mattson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Be(com)ing men in another place: The migrant men of Gandhi Nivas and their violent stories
  • 2021 - Guenevere Weatherley - Doctor of Philosophy
    Precarious Feminine Identities
  • 2020 - Adrienne Everest - Doctor of Philosophy
    Voices from the family violence landscape: Gifts of experiences, understandings and insights from the heart of the sector
  • 2015 - Victoria Weedon - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Evaluation of the Good Way Model: A strengths-based integrative model of therapy for young people (with & without an intellectual disability) who have harmful sexual behaviours
  • 2014 - Ann Rogerson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Transforming feminist care ethics: Tracing (un)memorable mother-daughter relations through psychoanalytic inquiry
  • 2012 - Virginia Tamanui - Doctor of Philosophy
    Our unutterable breath: A Maori indigene's autoethnography of whanaungatanga
  • 2011 - Simon Webb - Doctor of Philosophy
    Writing truth as non-violence
  • 2010 - Prudence Fisher - Doctor of Philosophy
    Young women, power, intimate relationships and wellbeing: The circumstances that enable young women's resistant subjective desires: "A pash and a dash"