
Dr Sarah Dodds staff profile picture

Contact details +6492127071

Dr Sarah Dodds BSc, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer of Marketing

蹤獲扦 Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

Dr Sarah Dodds has over 15 years experience teaching marketing at the tertiary level, has owned and operated her own health business, and had the privilege of starting her marketing career with NZ tourism. Her area of expertise is Consumer Behaviour and Services Marketing with a health care focus. Underlying her work is the philosophy that marketing can be used to contribute positively to society and specifically to people's well-being.


Contact details

  • Ph: Ext 49071
    Location: QA 3.67
    Campus: Albany


  • Bachelor of Science - University of Otago (1987)
  • Master of Arts (Applied) - Victoria University (1992)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2016)

Prizes and Awards

  • Finalist in 蹤獲扦 University's 3 Minute Thesis Competition: Complementary and Alternative Medicine: How do you value the experience? - 蹤獲扦 University (2013)
  • Most Insightful Reviewer for Marketing Service Track at ANZMAC 2019 - ANZMAC (2019)
  • Dean of Graduate Research School's ' List of Exceptional Theses' - 蹤獲扦 University (2016)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Health care services

Consumer value and value co-creation

Experiential consumption

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Consumer health and well-being


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000):
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (110400):
Marketing (150500):
Medical And Health Sciences (110000): Public Health and Health Services (111700)


Consumer Behaviour - consumer value, consumer value co-creation, experiential consumption

Services Marketing - health care services

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Visual Methods

Research Outputs


Hess, A., Dodds, S., Jaud, DA., Garnier, C., & Gergaud, O. (2024). Curbing Adolescents’ Risky ‘Drinking’ Behavior with Authenticity. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Accepted Articles, Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/07439156241291476
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Hess, A.
Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Dodds, S. (2024). Co-creating sustainability: transformative power of the brand. Journal of Marketing Management. 40(9-10), 820-850
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Harper, S. (2024). Transformative advertising: well-being Instagram messaging. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 41(4), 378-390
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Harper, S. (2024). Sustainability, brand authenticity and Instagram messaging. Journal of Business Research. 175
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Stangl, LM. (2024). Understanding sustainable service ecosystems: a meso-level perspective. Journal of Services Marketing. 38(3), 288-300
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Stangl, L.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Grant, S. (2024). Tension and Paradox in Women-Oriented Sustainable Hybrid Organizations: A Duality of Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics. 190(2), 327-346
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Finsterwalder, J., Prayag, G., & Subramanian, I. (2023). Transformative service research methodologies for vulnerable participants. International Journal of Market Research. 65(2-3), 279-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Stangl, LM. (2022). Sustainability in retail services: a transformative service research (TSR) perspective. Journal of Service Theory and Practice. 32(4), 521-544
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Stangl, L.
Hess, AC., Dodds, S., & Rahman, N. (2022). The development of reputational capital – How social media influencers differ from traditional celebrities. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 21(5), 1236-1252
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Hess, A.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Cause for pause in retail service: a respond, reimagine, recover framework. Journal of Services Marketing. 36(4), 584-596
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Russell–Bennett, R., Chen, T., Oertzen, AS., Salvador-Carulla, L., & Hung, YC. (2022). Blended human-technology service realities in healthcare. Journal of Service Theory and Practice. 32(1), 75-99
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2022). Service inclusion: the role of disability identity in retail. Journal of Services Marketing. 36(2), 143-153
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Jaud, DA., & Melnyk, V. (2021). Enhancing Consumer Well-Being and Behavior with Spiritual and Fantasy Advertising. Journal of Advertising. 50(4), 354-371
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Dodds, S., & Hess, AC. (2021). Adapting research methodology during COVID-19: lessons for transformative service research. Journal of Service Management. 32(2), 203-217
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Hess, A.
Chen, T., Dodds, S., Finsterwalder, J., Witell, L., Cheung, L., Falter, M., . . . McColl-Kennedy, JR. (2020). Dynamics of wellbeing co-creation: a psychological ownership perspective. Journal of Service Management. 32(3), 383-406
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Palakshappa, N., & Dodds, S. (2021). Mobilising SDG 12: co-creating sustainability through brands. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 39(2), 265-283
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Mansvelt, J., Elms, J., & Dodds, S. (2020). Connecting meanings of ageing, consumption, and information and communication technologies through practice. Geographical Research. 58(3), 289-299
[Journal article]Authored by: Dodds, S., Elms, J., Mansvelt, J.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, AJ. (2018). Exploring consumers’ experiences of spiritual value in healthcare services. Social Responsibility Journal. 14(2), 287-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2018). Incorporating visual methods in longitudinal transformative service research. Journal of Service Theory and Practice. 28(4), 434-457
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2014). Consumer value in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services. Australasian Marketing Journal. 22(3), 218-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2014). Consumer value in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services. Australasian Marketing Journal. 22(3), 218-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S.


Dodds, SL. (2016). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare services. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand) Dodds, SL. (2016). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare services. (Doctoral Thesis) Dodds, SL. (2016). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare services. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Dodds, S.Edited by: Bulmer, S., Murphy, A.


Murphy, A., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2023). Exploring consumer sustainability practices in a retail context. In M. Thyne, & S. Biggemann (Eds.) ANZMAC 2023: Marketing For Good Conference Proceedings. (pp. 601 - 601). Dunedin, NZ: ANZMAC 2023: Marketing For Good
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2023). Sustainability and engaging brand experiences on Instagram. In M. Tourky, & V. Theoharakis (Eds.) 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference Proceedings. Cranfield , Bedfordshire, UK: 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Social Sustainability and Brand Wellbeing Messaging on Instagram. In P. Harrigan, & G. Brush (Eds.) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5DjbL6hrbq69lpgFwcRbmMCB0he02GF/view?pli=1. : ANZMAC Conference 2022
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Murphy, A., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2022). Understanding Sustainability Domains And Consumer Perceptions In A Retail Context. ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect and Reimagine: Conference Proceedings:. (pp. 510 - 512). Perth, Australia: ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect and Reimagine
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2021). Value Co-creation and Temporality in Frontline Services. In LL. Bove, SJ. Bell, & A. Hito (Eds.) Something Different ANZMAC 2021. : ANZMAC Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., Hess, A., Garnier, C., Jaud, D., & Olivier, G. (2021). Curbing Risky Consumption with Authentic Communication. In LL. Bove, SJ. Bell, & A. Hito (Eds.) Something Different ANZMAC 2021. Melbourne: ANZMAC Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Hess, A.
Palakshappa, N., & Dodds, S.(2021, April). Transformation through intangible sustainability. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Murphy, A.(2020, December). Sustainability and consumption moving forward: A snapshot of sustainability consumption in 2020. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Murphy, A. (2020). Sustainability and Consumption: Understanding Retail Purchase Behaviour. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference. (pp. 98 - 98). : 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Murphy, A., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2020). Inclusivity and Accessibility in Retail: Understanding Consumers’ Experiences. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference. (pp. 29 - 29). : 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Chen, T., Dodds, S., Witell, L., Finsterwalder, J., Falter, M., Garry, T., . . . McColl-Kennedy, J.(2019, June). Psychological Ownership and Co-created Wellbeing. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Chen, T., Dodds, S., Finsterwalder, J., & Witell, L.(2019, June). Mine, yours or ours: Psychological ownership in the co-creation of wellbeing in healthcare. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Elms, J., Dodds, S., & Mansvelt, J. (2019). Transformative nature of consuming online for older consumers. https://confer.nz/anzmac2019/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ANZMAC-2019-Final-Proceedings-01.12.19.pdf. (pp. 1014 - 1014). : ANZMAC
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Elms, J., Mansvelt, J.
Hess, A., Dodds, S., & Rahman, N. (2019). Celebrity endorsement and parasocial relationships on social media. In J. Richard, & D. Kadirov (Eds.) https://confer.nz/anzmac2019/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ANZMAC-2019-Final-Proceedings-01.12.19.pdf. (pp. 574 - 577). : ANZMAC
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Hess, A.
Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2019). Co-creating sustainability: Understanding the role of marketing practice, brands and consumers. https://www.emac-2019.org/proceedings/. Hamburg: EMAC 48th Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Hess, A., Dodds, S., & Rahman, N. (2019). Parasocial relationships and Instagram celebrities. https://www.emac-2019.org/proceedings/. Hamburg: EMAC 48th Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Dodds, S., Hess, A.
Mansvelt, J., Elms, J., & Dodds, S.(2018, July). Challenging spaces? Older Consumers and Digital Competency. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Elms, J., Mansvelt, J.
Mansvelt, J., Dodds, S., & Elms, J.(2018, September). Reasons to connect: ICT technologies, competency and the mosaic of people and technology relations. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Elms, J., Mansvelt, J.
Palakshappa, N., & Dodds, S.(2018, December). Marketing and the co-creation of sustainability – harnessing the power of brands. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, A. (2017). Consumer value co-creation in frontline healthcare services. In A. Gneezy, V. Griskevicius, & P. Williams (Eds.) NA - Advances in Consumer Research. Vol. 45Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., & Bulmer, SL. (2017). Consumers’ experiences of spiritual value in healthcare services. ANZMAC 2017 Proceedings. (pp. 728 - 731). : ANZMAC 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S.
Dodds, SL., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, AJ. (2017). Consumer value co-creation in frontline healthcare services. NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45 (2017). : Association for Consumer Research North America Conference 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, SL., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, AJ. (2016). Visual methods: Enhancing understanding of consumers’ experiences of healthcare services. In D. Fortin, & LK. Ozanne (Eds.) Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era. (pp. 760 - 760). Christchurch, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, SL.(2014, November). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Dodds, SL.(2013, November). Consumer value and value creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare: An exploratory study of the CAM consumer’s experience. . Retreived from http://www.anzmac.org/
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S.
Dodds, SL.(2012, November). Consumer value and value creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): An exploratory study of CAM consumers’ ‘lived’ experience. .
[Conference]Authored by: Dodds, S.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 2 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Carnette Pulma - Doctor of Philosophy
    Value Co-Creation and Well-being in the Circular Economy - A Case Study on SMEs in New Zealand and the Philippines
  • Anushka Patara - Doctor of Philosophy
    Value Co-creation in Sustainable Fashion: Exploring How Value Co-Creation in A Circular Modality Can Advance Sustainable Consumption

Media and Links


  • 28 Nov 2019 - Radio
    Black Friday Shopping Trends and Sustainability
    I was interviewed on Radio New Zealand by Kathryn Ryan about Black Friday shopping trends and sustainability,
  • 17 Aug 2019 - Newspaper
    Nappy composting saves up to 100 tonnes of waste f
    Interviewed for expertise on sustainability and why consumers are seeking reusable nappies