
Associate Professor Sandy Bulmer staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136315

Associate Professor Sandy Bulmer PhD

Associate Professor

Doctoral Supervisor
蹤獲扦 Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

Having both an academic and practitioner background, I consider myself a consumer researcher with a strong interest in teaching and supervision. The overarching theme of my research projects in marketing communication and branding can be summarised as investigating consumer experience using qualitative techniques. Consumers' experiences of marketing initiatives that I have studied include brand advertising on television, Instagram posts by fashion brands and retailers, self-service technology in supermarket checkouts, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services, and healthy eating, exercise and sun-safe social marketing messaging.



Contact details

  • Ph: 09 2136315
    Location: QB3.40A, Quad Block B
    Campus: Albany


  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Auckland (2011)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests



Marketing Communications

What consumers do with marketing communications

Digital and social media used for marketing purposes


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000): Marketing (150500): Marketing Communications (150502)

Research Outputs


Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Dodds, S. (2024). Co-creating sustainability: transformative power of the brand. Journal of Marketing Management. 40(9-10), 820-850
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Harper, S. (2024). Transformative advertising: well-being Instagram messaging. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 41(4), 378-390
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Harper, S. (2024). Sustainability, brand authenticity and Instagram messaging. Journal of Business Research. 175
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Fountaine, S., Bulmer, S., Palmer, F., & Chase, L. (2023). Decolonising public service television in Aotearoa New Zealand: telling better stories about Indigenous rurality. Media, Culture and Society. 45(4), 685-701
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Fountaine, S.
Palakshappa, N., Dodds, S., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Cause for pause in retail service: a respond, reimagine, recover framework. Journal of Services Marketing. 36(4), 584-596
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Moore, S., Bulmer, S., & Elms, J. (2022). The social significance of AI in retail on customer experience and shopping practices. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 64
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Elms, J.
Fountaine, S., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Telling Stories About Farming: Mediated Authenticity and New Zealand’s Country Calendar. Television and New Media. 23(1), 81-99
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Fountaine, S.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, AJ. (2018). Exploring consumers’ experiences of spiritual value in healthcare services. Social Responsibility Journal. 14(2), 287-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2018). Incorporating visual methods in longitudinal transformative service research. Journal of Service Theory and Practice. 28(4), 434-457
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Bulmer, S., Elms, J., & Moore, S. (2018). Exploring the adoption of self-service checkouts and the associated social obligations of shopping practices. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 42, 107-116
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Elms, J.
Lyes, A., Palakshappa, N., & Bulmer, S. (2016). Cause-related events: Fulfilling the objectives of social partnerships. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 21(4), 286-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2014). Consumer value in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services. Australasian Marketing Journal. 22(3), 218-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2014). Consumer value in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services. Australasian Marketing Journal. 22(3), 218-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2014). Contextualising brand consumption experiences: A multi-modal enabling technique. Qualitative Market Research. 17(2), 151-167
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2011). Brands as resources in intergenerational cultural transfer. Advances in Consumer Research. 39, 379-384
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Hawkins, J., Bulmer, S., & Eagle, L. (2011). Evidence of IMC in social marketing. Journal of Social Marketing. 1(3), 228-239
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2010). Experiences of brands and national identity. Australasian Marketing Journal. 18(4), 199-205
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., Eweje, G., & Kitchen, P. (2010). Integrated strategic partnerships between business and not-for-profit organisations: A case study from New Zealand. Journal of Marketing Communications. 16(4), 255-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Eagle, L., Kitchen, PJ., & Bulmer, S. (2007). Insights into interpreting integrated marketing communications: A two-nation qualitative comparison. European Journal of Marketing. 41(7-8), 956-970
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2006). Advertising across cultures: Interpretations of visually complex advertising. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 28(1), 57-71
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2006). Visual rhetoric and global advertising imagery. Journal of Marketing Communications. 12(1), 49-61
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2004). Meaningless or meaningful? Interpretation and intentionality in post-modern communication. Journal of Marketing Communications. 10(1), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Eagle, L., Bulmer, S., de Bruin, A., & Kitchen, PJ. (2006). Advertising and children: Issues and policy options. Journal of Promotion Management. 11(2-3), 175-194
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Eagle, L., Bulmer, S., Kitchen, PJ., & Hawkins, J. (2004). Complex and controversial causes for the ‘obesity epidemic’: The role of marketing communications. Journal of Medical Marketing: Device, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Marketing. 4(3), 271-287
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Eagle, L., Bulmer, S., De Bruin, A., & Kitchen, PJ. (2004). Exploring the link between obesity and advertising in New Zealand. Journal of Marketing Communications. 10(1), 49-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Eagle, L., Bulmer, S., & De Bruin, A. (2003). Marketing communications implications of children's new electronic media use: A survey of parental opinions and perceptions. Journal of Marketing Communications. 9(3), 129-146
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Eagle, L., de Bruin, A., & Bulmer, S. (2002). Violence, values, and the electronic media environment. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 7(1), 25-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Bulmer, S.


Dodds, SL. (2016). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare services. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand) Dodds, SL. (2016). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare services. (Doctoral Thesis) Dodds, SL. (2016). Consumer value and value co-creation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare services. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Dodds, S.Edited by: Bulmer, S., Murphy, A.
Bulmer, S. (2011). How do brands affect national identity?. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Auckland)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, SL. (2001). Consumer Interpretation of metaphors in complex television advertising: an extension study.. (Master's Thesis, University of Auckland)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Bulmer, S.


Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2023). Sustainability and engaging brand experiences on Instagram. In M. Tourky, & V. Theoharakis (Eds.) 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference Proceedings. Cranfield , Bedfordshire, UK: 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N., & Bulmer, S. (2022). Social Sustainability and Brand Wellbeing Messaging on Instagram. In P. Harrigan, & G. Brush (Eds.) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5DjbL6hrbq69lpgFwcRbmMCB0he02GF/view?pli=1. : ANZMAC Conference 2022
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Palakshappa, N.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, S., & Murphy, A. (2021). Value Co-creation and Temporality in Frontline Services. In LL. Bove, SJ. Bell, & A. Hito (Eds.) Something Different ANZMAC 2021. : ANZMAC Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Bulmer, S., & Kim, HHJ. (2020). Analysis of Fashion Brands’ Use of Instagram. , 27th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Dodds, S., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, A. (2017). Consumer value co-creation in frontline healthcare services. In A. Gneezy, V. Griskevicius, & P. Williams (Eds.) NA - Advances in Consumer Research. Vol. 45Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, S., & Bulmer, SL. (2017). Consumers’ experiences of spiritual value in healthcare services. ANZMAC 2017 Proceedings. (pp. 728 - 731). : ANZMAC 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S.
Dodds, SL., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, AJ. (2017). Consumer value co-creation in frontline healthcare services. NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45 (2017). : Association for Consumer Research North America Conference 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Dodds, SL., Bulmer, SL., & Murphy, AJ. (2016). Visual methods: Enhancing understanding of consumers’ experiences of healthcare services. In D. Fortin, & LK. Ozanne (Eds.) Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era. (pp. 760 - 760). Christchurch, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Dodds, S., Murphy, A.
Lyes, A., Palakshappa, NN., & Bulmer, S. (2012). Communicating corporate social responsibility using social media: Implications for marketing strategists. In Marketing in the Socially Networked World: Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant & Resurgent Markets, AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Chicago, illinois: American Marketing Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, SL., & Buchanan-Oliver, M.(2014). Nostalgia, brands and relationships: Cultural chains of memory. Paper presented at the meeting of Brands and Brand Relationships 2014, Conference Presentation Abstracts. Boston, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, SL., Palakshappa, N., & Pham, K. (2013). Exploring consumer responses to nonprofit Facebook pages. Proceedings of ANZMAC 2013 Conference. : ANZMAC 2013
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2012). Brand consumption rituals and national identity. Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research. Vol. 10 (pp. 172 - 173). : Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research [ACR] Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Lyes, A., Palakshappa, NN., & Bulmer, SL. (2012). Communicating corporate social responsibility using social media: Implications for marketing strategists. In Proceedings of 2012 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Vol. 23 (pp. 249 - 256). , 2012 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Chicago, United States of America: American Marketing Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Lyes, A., Bulmer, S., & Palakshappa, N. (2012). Using Facebook to communicate corporate social responsibility activities. In PJ. Kitchen, & A. Palmer (Eds.) Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Corpor@te and M@rketing Communications Conference. (pp. 27 - 46). Brittany: The 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications: Past, Present, Future - Shaping Corporate and Marketing Communications
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2011). Brands as resources in intergenerational cultural transfer. In ACR 2011 Conference Program(pp. unpaginated). , The Association for Consumer Resarch [ACR] Annual North American Conference: Building Connections United States: Association of Consumer Research
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2010). Big ideas on the contribution of brands to consumers' lives. Advances in Consumer Research. Vol. 38 (pp. 344 - 350).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan Oliver, M. (2010). Marketing communications: Resources for national identity projects. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2010): Communications in Times of Growth and Times of Crisis. (pp. 56 - 65). Denmark: 15th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications [CMC]: Communications in Times of Growth and Times of Crisis
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan Oliver, M. (2009). Brands, brand communications and national identity. In DD. Tojib (Ed.) Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy [ANZMAC] Conference 2009. (pp. 1 - 8). Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy [ANZMAC] Conference: Sustainable Management and Marketing
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Palakshappa, N., Bulmer, S., & Eweje, G. (2008). IMC and non-profit organisations: A case study from New Zealand. In K. Podnar, & Z. Jancic (Eds.) Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource; Response to Contemporary Use, Challenges and Criticism. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2008). (pp. 137 - 144). Slovenia: 13th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications: Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource; Response to Contemporary use, Challenges and Criticism
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S., Eweje, R., Palakshappa, N.
Bulmer, S., & Buchanan Oliver, M. (2008). The power of brands in the construction of national identity. Proceedings of the Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management. (pp. unpaged - 11). United Kingdom: The 4th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Hawkins, J., Bulmer, S., Rose, L., & Eagle, L. (2006). School-based health communication: Are parents the weakest link?. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 6). Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy [ANZMAC] Conference 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, S. (2006). Conversations around brands, advertising and community identity: The case of national identity. In Association of Consumer Research Asia Pacific [ACR] 2006 Borderless Consumption: Doctoral Colloquium Program and Paper Abstracts(pp. 6 - 6). , Association of Consumer Research Asia Pacific [ACR] 2006: Borderless Consumption Australia: Association for Consumer Research Asia Pacific
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, SL., & Buchanan Oliver, M. (2005). Semiotics, meaning and advertising: Evolution through time and space. In AD. Bruin, & NP. Eds (Eds.) 2nd Qualitative Research in Business Symposium: Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, SL., & Eagle, LC. (2005). Perspectives from New Zealand on advertising self regulation and marketing food to children. In SP. Ed (Ed.) Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2005: Broadening the Boundaries. (pp. 9 - 16). Fremantle, WA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Hawkins, JC., Eagle, LC., & Bulmer, SL. (2005). Pharmaceutical marketing and barriers to communications. In SP. Ed (Ed.) Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Broadening the Boundaries. (pp. 53 - 60). Fremantle, WA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Davison, A., Bulmer, SL., & Eagle, LC. (2005). Integrated marketing communication implementation in small New Zealand businesses. In IP. Ed (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications. (pp. 250 - 269). Nicosia, Cyprus
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Eagle, LC., Bulmer, SL., & Blair, R. (2005). Why white boxes and gray markets may cause brand communication blues. In IP. Ed (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications. (pp. 208 - 225). Nicosia, Cyprus
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, SL., Hawkins, JC., & Eagle, LC. (2004). Child consumers of advertising: Differences across deciles. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities. (pp. 1 - 11). Wellington, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.
Bulmer, SL., & Buchanan Oliver, M. (2004). Television advertising, intentions and interpretations: Developing insights using qualitative approaches. In AD. Bruin, & NP. Eds (Eds.) Qualitative Research in Business Symposium Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bulmer, S.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Before coming to 蹤獲扦 in 1997 I worked in the marketing industry, commissioning TV and magazine ads, point-of-sale materials, competitions and other sales promotions, briefing sales teams in New Zealand and working with new product development teams in Sydney and Auckland to design new products and packaging.Using this practitioner expertise, I try to help students think more deeply about marketing practice and theory - and ultimately - to stimulate thinking so that graduates are well prepared for a career in the real world of marketing.

Graduate Supervision Statement

My style of graduate supervision has been strongly influenced by my own very positive doctorate and masterate thesis experience in which my supervisor stimulated critical thinking and expertly utilised the Socratic Method. As well as fostering intellectual and scholarly growth, I take a keen interest the process of successfully completing a thesis. I believe that having a good overview of progress and helping a student stay on track is an important part of my role in graduate supervision.

Key features of my style include:

  • Generous allocation of time to students with an open, informal and friendly style
  • Providing encouragement and developing a good student/supervisor relationship
  • Promoting the habit of consistently writing as a means of thinking
  • Scheduling frequent supervision meetings (and adjusting according to changing requirements)
  • Enabling the student to express their changing supervisory needs and take control of meeting agendas; signalling what type and how much support is needed
  • Exchanging news about training opportunities, grants, call for papers, research resources and interesting new publications
  • Encouraging the documentation of feedback, decisions and useful ideas/resources after every supervision meeting
  • Fostering a strategic view of publication opportunities and career development
  • Supporting the early adoption of tools to help manage the end production of a high-quality thesis, including style templates, software tools for publishing and managing citations/references, and qualitative data management/analysis software.

Associate Professor Sandy Bulmer is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 2
Co-supervisor 0 2

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Chao Chen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring live streaming as a marketing tool in the context of cross-border-e-commerce

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Simon Moore - Doctor of Philosophy
    Foreseeing the unforeseen social dimensions and implications of AI digital humans in retail
  • 2016 - Sarah Dodds - Doctor of Philosophy
    Consumer Value and Value Co-creation in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Health Services

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2011 - Suzanne Flannagan - Doctor of Business and Administration
    Enabling Promise Delivery: The influence of internal marketing communication
  • 2009 - Jacinta Hawkins - Doctor of Philosophy
    Applying marketing theory in educational settings: A study of communication processes within school-based health promotions