
Contact details +6492127312

Dr En-Yi Lin

Research Officer

SHORE Centre

Research Outputs


Lin, EY., Witten, K., Carroll, P., & Parker, K. (2024). Community use of school grounds outside of school hours. Kotuitui.
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Parker, K., Witten, K.
Lin, E-Y., McManus, V-M., & Adams, J. (2023). Ready to respond: Preparing firefighters for non-fire incidents. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management. 38(3), 42-47 Retrieved from https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/resources/ajem-july-2023-ready-to-respond-preparing-firefighters-for-non-fire-incidents/
[Journal article]Authored by: Lin, E.
Lin, EY., Witten, K., Carroll, P., Romeo, JS., Donnellan, N., & Smith, M. (2023). The relationship between children’s third-place play, parental neighbourhood perceptions, and children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Children's Geographies. 21(5), 789-802
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Romeo Nunez, J., Witten, K.
Smith, M., Calder-Dawe, O., Carroll, P., Kayes, N., Kearns, R., (Judy) Lin, EY., . . . Witten, K. (2021). Mobility barriers and enablers and their implications for the wellbeing of disabled children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional qualitative study. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 2
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Witten, K.
Carroll, P., Witten, K., Asiasiga, L., & Lin, EY. (2019). Children's Engagement as Urban Researchers and Consultants in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Can it Increase Children's Effective Participation in Urban Planning?. Children and Society. 33(5), 414-428
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Witten, K.
Lin, EY., Witten, K., Smith, M., Carroll, P., Asiasiga, L., Badland, H., . . . Parker, K. (2017). Social and built-environment factors related to children's independent mobility: The importance of neighbourhood cohesion and connectedness. Health and Place. 46, 107-113
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Parker, K., Witten, K.
Oliver, M., McPhee, J., Carroll, P., Ikeda, E., Mavoa, S., MacKay, L., . . . Witten, K. (2016). Neighbourhoods for Active Kids: Study protocol for a cross-sectional examination of neighbourhood features and children's physical activity, active travel, independent mobility and body size. BMJ Open. 6(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Witten, K.
Badland, H., Kearns, R., Carroll, P., Oliver, M., Mavoa, S., Donovan, P., . . . Witten, K. (2016). Development of a systems model to visualise the complexity of children's independent mobility. Children's Geographies. 14(1), 91-100
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Parker, K., Witten, K.
Oliver, M., Mavoa, S., Badland, H., Parker, K., Donovan, P., Kearns, RA., . . . Witten, K. (2015). Associations between the neighbourhood built environment and out of school physical activity and active travel: An examination from the Kids in the City study. Health and Place. 36, 57-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Lin, E., Parker, K., Witten, K.
Lin, EJ., Casswell, S., You, R., & Huckle, T. (2012). Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegiance in relation to early years of drinking. Addiction Research & Theory. 20(4), 329-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Ivory, V., Witten, K., Salmond, C., Lin, EY., You, RQ., & Blakely, T. (2012). The New Zealand index of neighbourhood social fragmentation: Integrating theory and data. Environment and Planning A. 44(4), 972-988
[Journal article]Authored by: Lin, E., Witten, K.
Lin, E-Y., Casswell, S., You, RQ., & Huckle, T. (2012). Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegience in realtion to early years of drinking. Addiction Research and Theory. 20(4), 329-338 Retrieved from http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/16066359.2011.632699
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Lin, E.
Lin, E-YJ., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., You, RQ., & Asiasiga, L. (2011). Does one shoe fit all? Impacts of gambling among four ethnic groups in New Zealand. Journal of Gambling Issues. (26), 69-88 Retrieved from http://jgi.camh.net/doi/full/10.4309/jgi.2011.26.6
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Lin, EY., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., You, R., & Asiasiga, L. (2011). Does one shoe fit all? Impacts of gambling among four ethnic groups in New Zealand. Journal of Gambling Issues. 26
[Journal article]Authored by: Lin, E.
Lin, EY., Caswell, S., You, RQ., & Huckle, T. (2012). Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegiance in relation to early years of drinking. Addiction Research and Theory. 20(4), 329-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Lin, EY., Witten, K., Casswell, S., & You, RQ. (2012). Neighbourhood matters: Perceptions of neighbourhood cohesiveness and associations with alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use. Drug and Alcohol Review. 31(4), 402-412
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Lin, E., Witten, K.
Oliver, M., Witten, K., Kearns, RA., Mavoa, S., Badland, HM., Carroll, P., . . . Ergler, C. (2011). Kids in the city study: Research design and methodology. BMC Public Health. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Lin, E., Moewaka Barnes, H., Opit, S., Witten, K.
Lin, E-Y., Casswell, S., Easton, B., Huckle, T., Asiasiga, L., & You, RQ. (2010). Time and money spent gambling and the relationship with quality-of-life measures: A national study of New Zealanders. Journal of Gambling Issues. (24), 33-53 Retrieved from http://jgi.camh.net/doi/abs/10.4309/jgi.2010.24.4
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Lin, EY. (2008). Family and social influences on identity conflict in overseas Chinese. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 32(2), 130-141
[Journal article]Authored by: Lin, E.


Ward, C., & Lin, E. (2010). There are homes at the four corners of the seas: Acculturation and adaptation of overseas Chinese. In H. Bond Michael (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology. (pp. 657 - 678). United States of America: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Lin, E.


Lin, E.(2015). Development of KPI programme evaluation framework.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Lin, E.
Casswell, S., Wall, M., Lin, EY., & Adams, J.(2014). Review of tobacco control services. Auckland, New Zealand: SHORE & Whariki Research Centre, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Lin, E.
Huckle, T., Yeh, L., Lin, E., & Jenson, V.(2013). Trends in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms among females in New Zealand.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Lin, E., Huckle, T., Casswell, S., & Liggins, S.(2012). Social supply of alcohol to young people in Taranaki and Mangere.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Lin, E.Assessment of the Social Impacts of Gambling in New Zealand.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Lin, E.
Lin, E.Perceptions of Social Cohesiveness in New Zealand Neighbourhoods.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Lin, E.


Lin, E.(2007, July). Developmental, Social and Cultural Influences on Identity Conflict in Overseas Chinese. .
[Conference]Authored by: Lin, E.