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Prof Sally Casswell PhD

Co-Director SHORE & Whariki Research Centre

SHORE Centre

Professor Sally Casswell is a Co-Director of the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre, College of Health at 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand. Her research interests are in social and public health policy, particularly in relation to alcohol and other drugs.  She has carried out research on the development and implementation of public policy at the national and community level and in the evaluation of these initiatives. Professor Casswell  was responsible for the design and initiation of the International Alcohol Control (IAC) study of which the Australian studies are a part. She  has been involved in many  studies of drinking and drug patterns and problems in general populations and as a  participant in a variety of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies and analyses. 

Professor Casswell co –authored  Alcohol, No Ordinary Commodity (2010), the authoritative review of international alcohol policy. She has published widely, is a regular key note speaker at  national and international conferences  She  has been  a member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems since 1986 and  SHORE is a WHO Collaborating Centre . Professor Casswell also has an active involvement with the NGO sector including GAPA (Global Alcohol Policy Alliance) of which she is chair of the Scientific Advisory Board and APAPA (Asia Pacific Alcohol Policy Alliance) and contributes to media discussion. Professor Casswell is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and an Officer of the Order of New Zealand.

Professor Sally Casswell is a Co-Director of the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre, College of Health at 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand. Her research interests are in social and public health policy, particularly in relation to alcohol and other drugs.  She has carried out research on the development and implementation of public policy at the national and community level and in the evaluation of these initiatives.

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  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Otago (1975)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

social and public health policy, particularly in relation to alcohol and other drugs


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Medical And Health Sciences (110000): Public Health and Health Services (111700)


social and public health policy, particularly in relation to alcohol and other drugs

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Quantifying the disease burden of alcohol's harm to others

Date Range: 2018 - 2023

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Assessing and comparing national policy to reduce harmful use of alcohol

Date Range: 2017 - 2021

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: APINZ effects of change in sale and supply

Date Range: 2014 - 2017

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Alcohol Policy Interventions in New Zealand (APINZ)

Alcohol is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in New Zealand with youth disproportionally affected. Imminent change to our alcohol policy environment has created the opportunity for this research. The Alcohol Policy Interventions in New Zealand (APINZ) study will evaluate changes in alcohol policy on drinking behaviour and policy related mediating variables. It uses a longitudinal design, interviewing a sample of the general population and of young people. By examining impacts of policy change on variables such as where and when alcohol is purchased and consumed and who supplies underage young people we will better understand the behavioural, social and environmental processes that underpin health in relation to alcohol use. APINZ is part of an international project which will allow comparisons to be made with other countries. It will provide new knowledge about impacts of alcohol policy change and contribute to national and international efforts to reduce alcohol-related harm.
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Date Range: 2012 - 2015

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: The Range and Magnitude of Alcohol's Harm to Others

A large proportion of New Zealanders report the experience of physical, social, economic and psychological harms because of the drinking of others.
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Date Range: 2008 - 2011

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Casswell, S., Babor, TF., Carah, N., Jernigan, DH., & Petticrew, M. (2024). Normative value of ‘best buys’ and the case of bans on alcohol marketing. BMJ Global Health. 9(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Jankhotkaew, J., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Chaiyasong, S., Kalapat, R., Waleewong, O., . . . Parker, K. (2024). A composite index of provincial alcohol control policy implementation capacity in Thailand. International Journal of Drug Policy. 130
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Ji, N., Xu, Q., Zeng, X., Casswell, S., Bai, Y., & Liu, S. (2024). Alcohol Advertising Exposure and Drinking Habits Among Chinese Adolescents in 2021: A National Survey. American Journal of Public Health. 114(8), 814-823
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Randerson, S., Parker, K., & Huckle, T. (2024). Using the International Alcohol Control (IAC) policy index to assess effects of legislative change in Aotearoa New Zealand. BMC Public Health. 24(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K., Randerson, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo, JS., Moewaka Barnes, H., Connor, J., & Rehm, J. (2024). Quantifying alcohol-attributable disability-adjusted life years to others than the drinker in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A modelling study based on administrative data. Addiction. 119(5), 855-862
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Casswell, S. (2024). Misleading conclusion from limited research approach: Comment on Manthey et al. ‘Restricting alcohol marketing to reduce alcohol consumption: A systematic review of the empirical evidence for one of the “best buys”’. Addiction. 119(6), 1139-1140
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Babor, TF., Casswell, S., Graham, K., Huckle, T., Livingston, M., Rehm, J., . . . Sornpaisarn, B. (2023). Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity - A Summary of the Third Edition. Sucht. 69(4), 147-162
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Gilmore, I., Finlay, I., McKee, M., Marmot, M., Casswell, S., Rice, P., . . . Severi, K. (2023). Commending Public Health Scotland's evaluation of minimum unit pricing. The Lancet. 402(10404), 771
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Leung, JYY., Randerson, S., McLellan, G., & Casswell, S. (2023). Addressing the influence of the alcohol industry in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal. 136(1579), 104-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Leung, Y., Mclellan, G., Randerson, S.
Torney, A., Room, R., Huckle, T., Casswell, S., & Callinan, S. (2023). Beverage-specific consumption trends: A cross-country, cross-sectional comparison. International Journal of Drug Policy. 117
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K., Graydon-Guy, T., Leung, J., Parry, C., . . . Randerson, S. (2023). Effective alcohol policies are associated with reduced consumption among demographic groups who drink heavily. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. 47(4), 786-795
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Leung, Y., Parker, K., Randerson, S.
Romeo, JS., Huckle, T., Casswell, S., Connor, J., Rehm, J., & McGinn, V. (2023). Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Estimates of prevalence and indications of inequity. Drug and Alcohol Review. 42(4), 859-867
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Leung, J., Casswell, S., Parker, K., Huckle, T., Romeo, J., Graydon-Guy, T., . . . van Dalen, W. (2023). Effective alcohol policies and lifetime abstinence: An analysis of the International Alcohol Control policy index. Drug and Alcohol Review. 42(3), 704-713
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Leung, Y., Parker, K., Randerson, S., Romeo Nunez, J.
Jankhotkaew, J., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Chaiyasong, S., & Phonsuk, P. (2023). Quantitative tools and measurements for assessing the implementation of regulatory policies in reducing alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms: A scoping review. Drug and Alcohol Review. 42(1), 157-168
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Mialon, M., Petticrew, M., London, L., Casswell, S., & Babor, TF. (2022). Major conflicts of interest in an invitation-only meeting hosted by the UK and the alcohol industry in Asia. JSAD FastTakes. Retrieved from https://www.jsad.com/do/10.15288/jsad-FT.09.16.2022-11/full/
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K., Romeo, J., Graydon-Guy, T., Leung, J., . . . Harker, N. (2022). Benchmarking alcohol policy based on stringency and impact: The International Alcohol Control (IAC) policy index. PLOS Global Public Health. 2(4 April)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Leung, Y., Parker, K., Randerson, S., Romeo Nunez, J.
Babor, TF., Casswell, S., Graham, K., Huckle, T., Livingston, M., Rehm, J., . . . Sornpaisarn, B. (2022). Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity-a summary of the third edition. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 117(12), 3024-3036
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Huckle, T., & Casswell, S. (2024). Alcohol corporations and the metaverse: Threats to public health?. Drug and Alcohol Review. 43(1), 9-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2022). A new opportunity for a fairer, more equitable approach to alcohol supply -minus the marketing. New Zealand Medical Journal. 135(1558), 14-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2022). Development of Alcohol Control Policy in Vietnam: Transnational Corporate Interests at the Policy Table, Global Public Health Largely Absent. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11(12), 3032-3039
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2022). A new opportunity for a fairer, more equitable approach to alcohol supply-minus the marketing. The New Zealand medical journal. 135(1558), 7-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Jankhotkaew, J., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Chaiyasong, S., & Phonsuk, P. (2022). Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of Effective Alcohol Control Policies: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Liu, S., Huang, F., Zhu, X., Zhou, S., Si, X., Zhao, Y., . . . Casswell, S. (2022). China’s Changing Alcohol Market and Need for an Enhanced Policy Response: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Leung, JYY., & Casswell, S. (2022). The WHO Foundation should not accept donations from the alcohol industry. BMJ Global Health. 7(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Leung, Y.
Leung, JYY., & Casswell, S. (2022). Management of Conflicts of Interest in WHO’s Consultative Processes on Global Alcohol Policy. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11(10), 2219-2227
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Leung, Y.
Rehm, J., Casswell, S., Manthey, J., Room, R., & Shield, K. (2021). Reducing the Harmful Use of Alcohol: Have International Targets Been Met?. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 12(2), 530-541
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Leung, JYY., Au Yeung, SL., Lam, TH., & Casswell, S. (2021). What lessons does the COVID-19 pandemic hold for global alcohol policy?. BMJ Global Health. 6(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Leung, Y.
Casswell, S. (2021). We can't rely upon monitoring by researchers and civil society to prevent cannabis industry influence—a global response is needed. Addiction. 116(11), 2948-2950
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Rehm, J., telemkas, M., Ferreira-Borges, C., Jiang, H., Lange, S., Neufeld, M., . . . Manthey, J. (2021). Classifying alcohol control policies with respect to expected changes in consumption and alcohol-attributable harm: The example of Lithuania, 2000–2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(5), 1-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
telemkas, M., Manthey, J., Badaras, R., Casswell, S., Ferreira-Borges, C., Kaldien, R., . . . Rehm, J. (2021). Alcohol control policy measures and all-cause mortality in Lithuania: an interrupted time–series analysis. Addiction. 116(10), 2673-2684
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Babor, TF., Casswell, S., Rehm, J., Room, R., & Rossow, I. (2021). A Festival of Epiphanies: Three Revelations in Support of Better Alcohol Control Policies. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 82(1), 5-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Rehm, J., Babor, TF., Casswell, S., & Room, R. (2021). Heterogeneity in trends of alcohol use around the world: Do policies make a difference?. Drug and Alcohol Review. 40(3), 345-349
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Saengow, U., Assanangkornchai, S., & Casswell, S. (2021). Alcohol: a probable risk factor of COVID-19 severity. Addiction. 116(1), 204-205
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Bakke, Ø., Braaten, ES., & Casswell, S. (2022). Despite COVID-19 Member States Need to Adequately Resource WHO’s Work to Address Alcohol Harm. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11(6), 869-870
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Parker, K., Romeo, JS., & Casswell, S. (2021). Online alcohol delivery is associated with heavier drinking during the first New Zealand COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Drug and Alcohol Review. 40(5), 826-834
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K., Romeo Nunez, J.
Huckle, T., Callinan, S., Pham, C., Chaiyasong, S., Parker, K., & Casswell, S. (2020). Harmful drinking occurs in private homes in some high- and middle-income alcohol markets: Data from the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 39(6), 616-623
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Casswell, S., & Rehm, J. (2020). Reduction in global alcohol-attributable harm unlikely after setback at WHO Executive Board. The Lancet. 395(10229), 1020-1021
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Marten, R., Amul, GGH., & Casswell, S. (2020). Alcohol: global health's blind spot. The Lancet Global Health. 8(3), e329-e330
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Parker, K., Mavoa, S., & Casswell, S. (2020). Reduction in Late-Night Violence following the Introduction of National New Zealand Trading Hour Restrictions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 44(3), 722-728
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Rekve, D., Banatvala, N., Karpati, A., Tarlton, D., Westerman, L., Sperkova, K., . . . Poznyak, VB. (2019). Prioritising action on alcohol for health and development. The BMJ. 367
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2019). Will alcohol harm get the global response it deserves?. The Lancet. 394(10207), 1396-1397
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2019). Addressing NCDs: Penetration of the producers of hazardous products into global health environment requires a strong response: Comment on “addressing NCDs: Challenges from industry market promotion and interferences”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 8(10), 607-609
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Romeo, J., & Casswell, S. (2019). A restrictive alcohol social supply law change is associated with less supply to friends under 18 years. Drug and Alcohol Review. 38(7), 737-743
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Casswell, S. (2019). Boycott of ASA Review of Alcohol Advertising—need for regulation. New Zealand Medical Journal. 132(1500), 103
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2019). Current developments in the Global Governance arena: Where is alcohol headed?. Journal of Global Health. 9(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Fischer, B., & Casswell, S. (2019). The New Zealand government inquiry into mental health and addiction's recommendations on substance use: Some reflections from the science perspective. New Zealand Medical Journal. 132(1497), 65-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Room, R., Callinan, S., Greenfield, TK., Rekve, D., Waleewong, O., Stanesby, O., . . . Laslett, AM. (2019). The social location of harm from others’ drinking in 10 societies. Addiction. 114(3), 425-433
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Marten, R., Kadandale, S., Butler, J., Axelrod, S., Banatvala, N., Bettcher, D., . . . Rasanathan, K. (2018). Sugar, tobacco, and alcohol taxes to achieve the SDGs. The Lancet. 391(10138), 2400-2401
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2018). Conflict of interest and alcohol discourse—A new face but familiar messages. New Zealand Medical Journal. 131(1483), 59-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Randerson, S., Casswell, S., & Huckle, T. (2018). Changes in New Zealand’s alcohol environment following implementation of the sale and supply of alcohol act (2012). New Zealand Medical Journal. 131(1476), 14-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Randerson, S.
Chaiyasong, S., Huckle, T., Mackintosh, AM., Meier, P., Parry, CDH., Callinan, S., . . . Casswell, S. (2018). Drinking patterns vary by gender, age and country-level income: Cross-country analysis of the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S53-S62
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Casswell, S. (2018). Commentary on White et al. (2018): Decrease in adolescent drinking linked to direct and indirect effect of alcohol control policies. Addiction. 113(6), 1043-1044
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Romeo, JS., Wall, M., Callinan, S., Holmes, J., Meier, P., . . . Casswell, S. (2018). Socio-economic disadvantage is associated with heavier drinking in high but not middle-income countries participating in the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S63-S71
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Casswell, S. (2018). International Alcohol Control Study: Analyses from the first wave. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S4-S9
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Gray-Phillip, G., Huckle, T., Callinan, S., Parry, CDH., Chaiyasong, S., Cuong, PV., . . . Casswell, S. (2018). Availability of alcohol: Location, time and ease of purchase in high- and middle-income countries: Data from the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S36-S44
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Casswell, S. (2018). Alcohol harm-who pays?. New Zealand Medical Journal. 131(1470), 102-103
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M., Parker, K., Chaiyasong, S., Parry, CDH., . . . Piazza, M. (2018). Policy-relevant behaviours predict heavier drinking and mediate the relationship with age, gender and education status: Analysis from the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S86-S95
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Viet Cuong, P., Casswell, S., Parker, K., Callinan, S., Chaiyasong, S., Kazantseva, E., . . . Parry, CDH. (2018). Cross-country comparison of proportion of alcohol consumed in harmful drinking occasions using the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S45-S52
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Parker, K.
Casswell, S., Morojele, N., Williams, PP., Chaiyasong, S., Gordon, R., Gray-Phillip, G., . . . Parry, CDH. (2018). The Alcohol Environment Protocol: A new tool for alcohol policy. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S18-S26
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Randerson, S.
Huckle, T., Casswell, S., Mackintosh, AM., Chaiyasong, S., Viet Cuong, P., Morojele, N., . . . Parker, K. (2018). The International Alcohol Control Study: Methodology and implementation. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S10-S17
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Parry, CDH., Londani, M., Enkhtuya, P., Huckle, T., Piazza, M., Gray-Phillip, G., . . . Casswell, S. (2018). Support for alcohol policies among drinkers in Mongolia, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, St Kitts and Nevis, Thailand and Vietnam: Data from the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S72-S85
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Wall, M., Casswell, S., Callinan, S., Chaiyasong, S., Viet Cuong, P., Gray-Phillip, G., . . . Parry, CDH. (2018). Alcohol taxes’ contribution to prices in high and middle-income countries: Data from the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37, S27-S35
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2017). Introduction to Special Issue on the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review. forthcoming
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.Edited by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2017). Global alcohol harm network: Struggling or emerging? A response to shiffman. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 6(8), 487-488
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Wong, KC., Parker, K., & Casswell, S. (2017). Increased use of police and health-related services among those with heavy drinkers in their lives in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal. 130(1455), 102-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Wall, M., & Casswell, S. (2017). Drinker Types, Harm, and Policy-Related Variables: Results from the 2011 International Alcohol Control Study in New Zealand. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 41(5), 1044-1053
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wall, M., Casswell, S., & Yeh, LC. (2017). Purchases by heavier drinking young people concentrated in lower priced beverages: Implications for policy. Drug and Alcohol Review. 36(3), 352-358
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Swinburn, B., Vandevijvere, S., Woodward, A., Hornblow, A., Richardson, A., Burlingame, B., . . . Blakely, T. (2017). Proposed new industry code on unhealthy food marketing to children and young people: will it make a difference?. The New Zealand medical journal. 130(1450), 94-101
[Journal article]Authored by: Borman, B., Casswell, S., Douwes, J., Kruger, M., Potter, J.
Callinan, S., Laslett, A., Rekve, D., Room, R., Waleewong, O., Benegal, V., . . . Thamarangsi, T. (2016). Alcohol’s harm to others: An international collaborative project. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research. 5(2), 25-32
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S., Callinan, S., Chaiyasong, S., Cuong, PV., Kazantseva, E., Bayandorj, T., . . . Wall, M. (2016). How the alcohol industry relies on harmful use of alcohol and works to protect its profits. Drug and Alcohol Review. 35(6), 661-664
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Collin, J., & Casswell, S. (2016). Alcohol and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Lancet. 387(10038), 2582-2583
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2016). Chronic diseases - The social justice issue of our time. The Lancet. 387(10022), 942-943
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M., & Parker, K. (2016). Policy-Relevant Behaviors Predict Heavier Drinking in Both On and Off Premises and Mediate the Relationship Between Heavier Alcohol Consumption and Age, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status-Analysis from the International Alcohol Control Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 40(2), 385-392
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.
Room, R., Rankin, G., Rekve, D., Thamarangsi, T., Waleewong, O., Benegal, V., . . . Laslett, A-M. (2015). HARMS FROM THE DRINKING OF RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND OTHERS: INITIAL FINDINGS FROM A NINE-COUNTRY STUDY. DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW. 34, 57-57
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Gruenewald, PJ., Treno, AJ., Ponicki, WR., Huckle, T., Yeh, LC., & Casswell, S. (2015). Impacts of New Zealand's lowered minimum purchase age on context-specific drinking and related risks. Addiction. 110(11), 1757-1766
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2014). Profits or people? The informative case of alcohol marketing. New Zealand Medical Journal. 127(1406), 87-92
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Bendtsen, P., Damsgaard, MT., Huckle, T., Casswell, S., Kuntsche, E., Arnold, P., . . . Holstein, BE. (2014). Adolescent alcohol use: A reflection of national drinking patterns and policy?. Addiction. 109(11), 1857-1868
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M., & Yeh, LC. (2014). International alcohol control study: Pricing data and hours of purchase predict heavier drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 38(5), 1425-1431
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2014). Marketing and supplying alcohol to young people. New Zealand Medical Journal. 127(1388), 81-83
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Lin, EJ., Casswell, S., You, R., & Huckle, T. (2012). Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegiance in relation to early years of drinking. Addiction Research & Theory. 20(4), 329-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Huckle, T., Casswell, S., & Greenaway, S. (2011). The impact of alcohol-related presentations in the emergency department and the wider policy debate.. The New Zealand medical journal. 124(1336), 7-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Lin, EY., Caswell, S., You, RQ., & Huckle, T. (2012). Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegiance in relation to early years of drinking. Addiction Research and Theory. 20(4), 329-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Dehar, MA., Casswell, S., & Duignan, P. (1993). Formative and Process Evaluation of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs. Evaluation Review. 17(2), 204-220
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
WETTE, HC., ZHANG, J., BERG, RJ., & CASSWELL, S. (1993). The effect of prices on alcohol consumption in New Zealand 1983–1991. Drug and Alcohol Review. 12(2), 151-158
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Black, S., & Casswell, S. (1993). Recreational drug use in New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Review. 12(1), 37-47
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Ashton, T., & Casswell, S. (1988). Misinterpreting the Objective. British Journal of Addiction. 83(9), 1038-1039
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1988). Educational initiatives in the prevention of drug related harm. Australian Drug and Alcohol Review. 7(3), 299-303
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S. (1985). INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS. Australian Alcohol/Drug Review. 4(1), 17-22
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Mortimer, D., & Smythe, M. (1983). Alcohol Portrayal in a New Zealand Soap Opera. Journal of Sociology. 19(2), 329-334
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Smythe, M. (1983). Alcohol Consumption by Women. Journal of Sociology. 19(1), 146-152
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2013). Vested interests in addiction research and policy Why do we not see the corporate interests of the alcohol industry as clearly as we see those of the tobacco industry?. Addiction. 108(4), 680-685
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Moodie, R., Stuckler, D., Monteiro, C., Sheron, N., Neal, B., Thamarangsi, T., . . . Casswell, S. (2013). Profits and pandemics: Prevention of harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and ultra-processed food and drink industries. The Lancet. 381(9867), 670-679
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Vinther-Larsen, M., Huckle, T., You, RQ., & Casswell, S. (2013). Area level deprivation and drinking patterns among adolescents. Health and Place. 19(1), 53-58
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Wall, M., & Casswell, S. (2013). Affordability of alcohol as a key driver of alcohol demand in New Zealand: A co-integration analysis. Addiction. 108(1), 72-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Connor, J., & Casswell, S. (2012). Alcohol-related harm to others in New Zealand: Evidence of the burden and gaps in knowledge. New Zealand Medical Journal. 125(1360), 11-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2012). Alcohol Marketing Policy: The Missing Evidence - A Response to Nelson. Addiction. 107(9), 1709-1710
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2012). Tackling NCDs: A diff erent approach is needed. The Lancet. 379(9829), 1873
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Schelleman-Offermans, K., Knibbe, RA., Kuntsche, E., & Casswell, S. (2012). Effects of a natural community intervention intensifying alcohol law enforcement combined with a restrictive alcohol policy on adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Adolescent Health. 51(6), 580-587
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Lin, E-Y., Casswell, S., You, RQ., & Huckle, T. (2012). Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegience in realtion to early years of drinking. Addiction Research and Theory. 20(4), 329-338 Retrieved from http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/16066359.2011.632699
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Lin, E.
Casswell, S., Meier, P., MacKintosh, AM., Brown, A., Hastings, G., Thamarangsi, T., . . . You, RQ. (2012). The International Alcohol Control (IAC) Study-Evaluating the Impact of Alcohol Policies. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 36(8), 1462-1467
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2012). Current status of alcohol marketing policy-an urgent challenge for global governance. Addiction. 107(3), 478-485
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Pledger, M., & Casswell, S. (2012). Increases in typical quantities consumed and alcohol-related problems during a decade of liberalizing alcohol policy. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 73(1), 53-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Lin, EY., Witten, K., Casswell, S., & You, RQ. (2012). Neighbourhood matters: Perceptions of neighbourhood cohesiveness and associations with alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use. Drug and Alcohol Review. 31(4), 402-412
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Lin, E., Witten, K.
Lin, E-YJ., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., You, RQ., & Asiasiga, L. (2011). Does one shoe fit all? Impacts of gambling among four ethnic groups in New Zealand. Journal of Gambling Issues. (26), 69-88 Retrieved from http://jgi.camh.net/doi/full/10.4309/jgi.2011.26.6
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Casswell, S. (2012). Why have guidelines at all? A critical perspective. Drug and Alcohol Review. 31(2), 151-152
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Carroll, P., Casswell, S., Huakau, J., Howden-Chapman, P., & Perry, P. (2011). The widening gap: Perceptions of poverty and income inequalities and implications for health and social outcomes. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand. (37)
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Harding, JF., You, RQ., & Huckle, T. (2011). Alcohol's harm to others: self-reports from a representative sample of New Zealanders.. The New Zealand medical journal. 124(1336), 75-84
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Huckle, T., Casswell, S., & Greenaway, S. (2011). The impact of alcohol-related presentations in the emergency department and the wider policy debate. New Zealand Medical Journal. 124(1336)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2011). Alcohol harm - the urgent need for a global response. Addiction. 106(7), 1205-1207
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Beaglehole, R., Bonita, R., Horton, R., Adams, C., Alleyne, G., Asaria, P., . . . Watt, J. (2011). Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. The Lancet. 377(9775), 1438-1447
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., You, RQ., & Casswell, S. (2011). Increases in quantities consumed in drinking occasions in New Zealand 1995-2004. Drug and Alcohol Review. 30(4), 366-371
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S., You, RQ., & Huckle, T. (2011). Alcohol's harm to others: Reduced wellbeing and health status for those with heavy drinkers in their lives. Addiction. 106(6), 1087-1094
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2011). Alcohol marketing research agenda-let us look at how the industry maintains its hegemony. Addiction. 106(3), 476-477
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2011). Health and societal effects of alcohol. The Lancet. 377(9764), 463-464
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Griffiths, R., & Casswell, S. (2010). Intoxigenic digital spaces? Youth, social networking sites and alcohol marketing. Drug and Alcohol Review. 29(5), 525-530
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Babor, TF., Caetano, R., Casswell, S., Edwards, G., Giesbrecht, N., Graham, K., . . . Rossow, I. (2010). Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity - a summary of the second edition. ADDICTION. 105(5), 769-779
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., You, RQ., & Casswell, S. (2010). Socio-economic status predicts drinking patterns but not alcohol-related consequences independently. Addiction. 105(7), 1192-1202
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Lin, E-Y., Casswell, S., Easton, B., Huckle, T., Asiasiga, L., & You, RQ. (2010). Time and money spent gambling and the relationship with quality-of-life measures: A national study of New Zealanders. Journal of Gambling Issues. (24), 33-53 Retrieved from http://jgi.camh.net/doi/abs/10.4309/jgi.2010.24.4
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Casswell, S. (2009). Sally Casswell: champion for communities tackling alcohol. Interview by Kelly Morris.. Lancet. 373(9682), 2191
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Thamarangsi, T. (2009). Alcohol and Global Health 3 Reducing harm from alcohol: call to action. LANCET. 373(9682), 2247-2257
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Connor, J., You, R., & Casswell, S. (2009). Alcohol-related harm to others: A survey of physical and sexual assault in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal. 122(1303), 10-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Connor, J., & Casswell, S. (2009). The burden of road trauma due to other people's drinking. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 41(5), 1099-1103
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Carroll, P., Casswell, S., Huakau, J., Perry, P., & Chapman, PH. (2009). Environmental attitudes, beliefs about social justice and intention to vote Green: Lessons for the New Zealand Green Party?. Environmental Politics. 18(2), 257-278
[Journal article]Authored by: Carroll, P., Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2009). Alcohol industry and alcohol policy - The challenge ahead. Addiction. 104(SUPPL. 1), 3-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Huakau, J., Sweetsur, P., Huisman, O., & Casswell, S. (2008). Density of alcohol outlets and teenage drinking: Living in an alcogenic environment is associated with higher consumption in a metropolitan setting. Addiction. 103(10), 1614-1621
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Huckle, T., Sweetsur, P., Moyes, S., & Casswell, S. (2008). Ready to drinks are associated with heavier drinking patterns among young females. Drug and Alcohol Review. 27(4), 398-403
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Zhang, J., Casswell, S., & Cai, H. (2008). Increased drinking in a metropolitan city in China: A study of alcohol consumption patterns and changes. Addiction. 103(3), 416-423
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Conway, K., Greenaway, S., Casswell, S., Liggins, S., & Broughton, D. (2007). Community action - Challenges and constraints - Implementing evidence-based approaches within a context of reorienting services. Substance Use and Misuse. 42(12-13), 1867-1882
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Pledger, M., & Casswell, S. (2006). Trends in alcohol-related harms and offences in a liberalized alcohol environment. Addiction. 101(2), 232-240
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Wilkins, C., Sweetsur, P., & Casswell, S. (2006). Recent population trends in amphetamine use in New Zealand: Comparisons of findings from national household drug surveying in 1998, 2001, and 2003. New Zealand Medical Journal. 119(1244)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Droomers, M., Schrijvers, CTM., Casswell, S., & Mackenbach, JP. (2005). Father's occupational group and daily smoking during adolescence: Patterns and predictors. American Journal of Public Health. 95(4), 681-688
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Maxwell, A. (2005). Regulation of alcohol marketing: A global view. Journal of Public Health Policy. 26(3), 343-358
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Munro, L. (2005). Science adding value: 'Soft' meets 'hard' science - the contribution of the social sciences. New Zealand Science Review. 62(4), 135-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wilkins, CD., Reilly, JL., Rose, EB., & Casswell, S. (2005). Characteristics of amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) use in New Zealand: Informing policy responses. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand. (25), 142-153
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, C., Reilly, JL., Pledger, M., & Casswell, S. (2005). Estimating the dollar value of the illicit market for cannabis in New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Review. 24(3), 227-234
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, C., Reilly, JL., & Casswell, S. (2005). Cannabis 'tinny' houses in New Zealand: Implications for the use and sale of cannabis and other illicit drugs in New Zealand. Addiction. 100(7), 971-980
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Huckle, T., Conway, K., Casswell, S., & Pledger, M. (2005). Evaluation of a regional community action intervention in New Zealand to improve age checks for young people purchasing alcohol. Health Promotion International. 20(2), 147-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Huakau, J., Asiasiga, L., Ford, M., Pledger, M., Casswell, S., Suaalii-Sauni, T., . . . Lima, I. (2005). New Zealand Pacific peoples' drinking style: Too much or nothing at all?. New Zealand Medical Journal. 118(1216)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2005). ICAP'S latest report on alcohol education - A flawed process. Addiction. 100(8), 1069-1070
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2005). TV advertising of alcohol is not in the interests of public health: Comments on Ellickson et al. (2005) [2]. Addiction. 100(2), 258-259
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2004). Alcohol brands in young peoples' everyday lives: New developments in marketing. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 39(6), 471-476
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
McPherson, M., Casswell, S., & Pledger, M. (2004). Gender convergence in alcohol consumption and related problems: Issues and outcomes from comparisons of New Zealand survey data. Addiction. 99(6), 738-748
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2004). Industry influences: More case studies needed. Addiction. 99(11), 1378-1379
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wilkins, C., Pledger, M., Bhatta, K., & Casswell, S. (2004). Patterns of amphetamine use in New Zealand: Findings from the 2001 National Drug Survey. New Zealand Medical Journal. 117(1190)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Humphrey, G., Casswell, S., & Han, DY. (2003). Alcohol and injury among attendees at a New Zealand emergency department. New Zealand Medical Journal. 116(1168)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Babor, T., Cactano, R., Casswell, S., Edwards, G., Giesbrecht, N., Graham, K., . . . Rossow, I. (2003). Alcohol: No ordinary commodity. A summary of the book. ADDICTION. 98(10), 1343-1350
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Droomers, M., Schrijvers, CTM., Casswell, S., & Mackenbach, JP. (2003). Occupational level of the father and alcohol consumption during adolescence; patterns and predictors. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 57(9), 704-710
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Pledger, M., & Hooper, R. (2003). Socioeconomic status and drinking patterns in young adults. Addiction. 98(5), 601-610
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wilkins, C., Casswell, S., Barnes, HM., & Pledger, M. (2003). A pilot study of a computer-assisted cell-phone interview (CACI) methodology to survey respondents in households without telephones about alcohol use. Drug and Alcohol Review. 22(2), 221-225
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Moewaka Barnes, H., Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, CD., & Casswell, S. (2003). Organized crime in cannabis cultivation in New Zealand: An economic analysis. Contemporary Drug Problems. 30, 757-777
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, C., Bhatta, K., Pledger, M., & Casswell, S. (2003). Ecstasy use in New Zealand: Findings from the 1998 and 2001 National Drug Surveys. New Zealand Medical Journal. 116(1171)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Conway, KE., & Casswell, S. (2003). Riding the waves: The politics and funding context of twenty-five years of research on community action to reduce alcohol harm in New Zealand. Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift. 20, 13-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Pledger, M., & Pratap, S. (2002). Trajectories of drinking from 18 to 26 years: Identification and prediction. Addiction. 97(11), 1427-1437
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wilkins, CD., & Casswell, S. (2002). The cannabis black market and the case for the legalisation of cannabis in New Zealand. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand. (18), 31-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, C., Bhatta, K., & Casswell, S. (2002). The emergence of amphetamine use in New Zealand: Findings from the 1998 and 2001 National Drug Surveys. New Zealand Medical Journal. 115(1166)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, C., Bhatta, K., & Casswell, S. (2002). A 'demand side' estimate of the dollar value of the cannabis black market in New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Review. 21(2), 145-151
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., & Pledger, M. (2002). Survey data need not underestimate alcohol consumption. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 26(10), 1561-1567
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Wilkins, C., Bhatta, K., & Casswell, S. (2002). The effectiveness of cannabis crop eradication operations in New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Review. 21(4), 369-374
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Field, A., & Casswell, S. (2001). Marijuana use in New Zealand, 1990 and 1998. New Zealand Medical Journal. 114(1137), 355-358
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., Zhang, JF., & Casswell, S. (2000). Risk functions for frequency of alcohol-related negative consequences: New Zealand survey data. Addiction. 95(12), 1821-1832
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2000). A decade of community action research. Substance Use and Misuse. 35(1-2), 55-74
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Allamani, A., Casswell, S., Graham, K., Holder, HD., Holmila, M., Larsson, S., . . . Nygaard, P. (2000). Introduction: Community action research and the prevention of alcohol problems at the local level. Substance Use and Misuse. 35(1-2), 1-10
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
McCreanor, T., Casswell, S., & Hill, L. (2000). Perilous partnerships: A reply. Addiction. 95(2), 196-198
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., McCreanor, T.
Conway, K., Tunks, M., Henwood, W., & Casswell, S. (2000). Te whanau cadillac - A waka for change. Health Education and Behavior. 27(3), 339-350
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
McCreanor, T., Casswell, S., & Hill, L. (2000). ICAP and the perils of partnership. Addiction. 95(2), 179-185
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S., McCreanor, T.
Zhang, JF., & Casswell, S. (1999). The effects of real price and a change in the distribution system on alcohol consumption. Drug and Alcohol Review. 18(4), 371-378
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Hammond, KM., Wyllie, A., & Casswell, S. (1999). The extent and nature of televised food advertising to New Zealand children and adolescents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 23(1), 49-55
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Fillmore, KM., Golding, JM., Graves, KL., Kniep, S., Leino, EV., Romelsjö, A., . . . Wilsnack, S. (1998). Alcohol consumption and mortality. III. Studies of female populations. Addiction. 93(2), 219-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Leino, EV., Romelsjö, A., Shoemaker, C., Ager, CR., Allebeck, P., Ferrer, HP., . . . Wilsnack, S. (1998). Alcohol consumption and mortality. II. Studies of male populations. Addiction. 93(2), 205-218
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Fillmore, KM., Golding, JM., Graves, KL., Kniep, S., Leino, EV., Romelsjö, A., . . . Wilsnack, S. (1998). Alcohol consumption and mortality. I. Characteristics of drinking groups. Addiction. 93(2), 183-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Abel, S., & Casswell, S. (1998). Cannabis in schools: Issues for principals and boards. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 33(1), 55-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Abel, S., & Casswell, S. (1998). Cannabis policy: Issues and options. New Zealand Medical Journal. 111(1074), 367-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Zhang, JF. (1998). Impact of liking for advertising and brand allegiance on drinking and alcohol-related aggression: A longitudinal study. Addiction. 93(8), 1209-1217
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., Zhang, JF., & Casswell, S. (1998). Positive responses to televised beer advertisements associated with drinking and problems reported by 18 to 29-year-olds. Addiction. 93(5), 749-760
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., Zhang, JF., & Casswell, S. (1998). Responses to televised alcohol advertisements associated with drinking behaviour of 10-17-year-olds. Addiction. 93(3), 361-371
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Hill, L., Casswell, S., Maskill, C., Jones, S., & Wyllie, A. (1998). Fruit and vegetables as adolescent food choices in New Zealand. Health Promotion International. 13(1), 55-65
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1997). Public discourse on alcohol. Health Promotion International. 12(3), 251-257
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., & Casswell, S. (1997). Gender focus of target groups for alcohol health promotion strategies in New Zealand. Health Promotion International. 12(2), 141-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Zhang, JF. (1997). Access to alcohol from licensed premises during adolescence: A longitudinal study. Addiction. 92(6), 737-745
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1997). How do we respond to recreational drug use in the Southern Hemisphere?. DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW. 16(4), 381-382
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Anderson, P., Casswell, S., Shaper, AG., Rehm, J., Bondy, S., Room, R., . . . Doll, R. (1996). Guidelines on sensible drinking. Addiction. 91(1), 25-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Edwards, G., Anderson, P., Babor, TF., Casswell, S., Ferrence, R., Giesbrecht, N., . . . Skog, OJ. (1996). A good public debate. Addiction. 91(4), 477-481
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1996). Drinking guidelines offer Little over and above the much needed public health policies. ADDICTION. 91(1), 26-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1995). Why it is helpful to know the funding source. Addiction. 90(10), 1317-1318
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Yankauer, A. (1995). Ethics and journal publishing: taking the debate forward: The ordeals of editors. Addiction. 90(10), 1309-1311
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S. (1995). Does alcohol advertising have an impact on the public health?. Drug and Alcohol Review. 14(4), 395-404
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
JONES, S., CASSWELL, S., & ZHANG, J. (1995). The economic costs of alcoholrelated absenteeism and reduced productivity among the working population of New Zealand. Addiction. 90(11), 1455-1461
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Steinman, J. (1994). From the Publisher of “Alcohol Issues INSIGHTS”. Addiction. 89(6), 761-762
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CONNOLLY, GM., CASSWELL, S., ZHANG, J., & SILVA, PA. (1994). Alcohol in the mass media and drinking by adolescents: a longitudinal study. Addiction. 89(10), 1255-1263
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1994). Funny insights. Addiction. 89(6), 762-762
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Thomson, A., Casswell, S., & Stewart, L. (1994). Communication experts' opinion on alcohol advertising through the electronic media in New Zealand. Health Promotion International. 9(3), 145-152
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Fillmore, KM., Golding, JM., Leino, EV., Ager, CR., Ferrer, HP., Ahlstrom, S., . . . Harford, T. (1994). Societal-level predictors of groups' drinking patterns: A research synthesis from the collaborative alcohol-related longitudinal project. American Journal of Public Health. 84(2), 247-253
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wette, HC., Zhang, JF., Casswell, S., & Berg, RJ. (1993). The effect of prices on alcohol consumption in New Zealand 1983-1991.. Drug Alcohol Rev. 12(2), 151-158
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Black, S., & Casswell, S. (1993). Recreational drug use in New Zealand.. Drug Alcohol Rev. 12(1), 37-47
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Asogwa, SE., Casswell, S., El Fawal, K., O'Connor, J., Sandoval-Orellana, H., & Wongphanich, M. (1993). WHO Expert Committee on health promotion in the workplace: Alcohol and drug abuse. World Health Organization - Technical Report Series. (833)
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., & Casswell, S. (1993). Identifying target segments of male drinkers for health promotion. Health Promotion International. 8(4), 249-261
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Fillmore, KM., Johnstone, BM., Leino, EV., Ager, CR., Ahlstrom, S., Allebeck, P., . . . Harford, T. (1993). A cross-study contextual analysis of effects from individual-level drinking and group-level drinking factors: A meta-analysis of multiple longitudinal studies from the collaborative alcohol-related longitudinal project. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 54(1), 37-47
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Stewart, L., & Casswell, S. (1993). Media advocacy for alcohol policy support: Results from the New Zealand community action project. Health Promotion International. 8(3), 167-175
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CONNOLLY, GM., CASSWELL, S., STEWART, J., SILVA, PA., & O'BRIEN, MK. (1993). The effect of parents' alcohol problems on children's behaviour as reported by parents and by teachers. Addiction. 88(10), 1383-1390
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S., ZHANG, JF., & WYLLIE, A. (1993). The importance of amount and location of drinking for the experience of alcoholrelated problems. Addiction. 88(11), 1527-1534
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S., STEWART, L., & DUIGNAN, P. (1993). The negotiation of New Zealand alcohol policy in a decade of stabilized consumption and political change: the role of research. Addiction. 88, 9S-17S
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Hawks, D., Stockwell, T., & Casswell, S. (1993). Helping research and policy meet. Addiction. 88, 5S-7S
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1993). Public discourse on the benefits of moderation: implications for alcohol policy development. Addiction. 88(4), 459-465
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., & Casswell, S. (1992). Formative evaluation of a policy-orientated print media campaign. Health Promotion International. 7(3), 155-161
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CONNOLLY, GM., CASSWELL, S., STEWART, J., & SILVA, PA. (1992). Drinking context and other influences on the drinking of 15yearold New Zealanders. British Journal of Addiction. 87(7), 1029-1036
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
BLACK, S., & CASSWELL, S. (1992). User reports of problems associated with alcohol and marijuana. British Journal of Addiction. 87(9), 1275-1280
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1992). Alcohol and other recreational drug issues in new zealand. Journal of Drug Issues. 22(3), 797-805
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Martin, C., Wyllie, A., & Casswell, S. (1992). Types of new zealand drinkers and their associated alcohol-related problems. Journal of Drug Issues. 22(3), 773-796
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Duignan, P., & Casswell, S. (1992). Community alcohol action programme evaluation in new zealand. Journal of Drug Issues. 22(3), 757-771
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Stewart, L., & Casswell, S. (1992). Community control and liquor licensing: A public health issue in new zealand. Journal of Drug Issues. 22(3), 743-755
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, A., Casswell, S., & Stewart, J. (1991). The response of young men to increased television advertising of alcohol in New Zealand. Health Promotion International. 6(3), 191-197
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Dehar, MA., Duignan, P., & Casswell, S. (1991). Evaluation of heartbeat New Zealand. Health Promotion International. 6(1), 13-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wyllie, AJ., & Casswell, S. (1991). A qualitative investigation of young men's drinking in New Zealand. Health Education Research. 6(1), 49-55
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S., STEWART, J., CONNOLLY, G., & SILVA, P. (1991). A longitudinal study of New Zealand children's experience with alcohol. British Journal of Addiction. 86(3), 277-285
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Price, J., & Wood, G. (1990). News and views.. Drug Alcohol Rev. 9(3), 295-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Ransom, R., & Gilmore, L. (1990). Evaluation of a mass-media campaign for the primary prevention of alcohol-related problems. Health Promotion International. 5(1), 9-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Stewart, L., & Duignan, P. (1989). The struggle against the broadcast of anti-health messages: Regulation of alcohol advertising in New Zealand 1980-1987. Health Promotion International. 4(4), 287-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S., GILMORE, L., MAGUIRE, V., & RANSOM, R. (1989). Changes in Public Support for Alcohol Policies Following a Communitybased Campaign. British Journal of Addiction. 84(5), 515-522
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Stewart, L. (1989). A COMMUNITY ACTION PROJECT ON ALCOHOL: COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION AND ITS EVALUATION. Community Health Studies. 13(1), 39-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Ashton, T., CASSWELL, S., & GILMORE, L. (1989). Alcohol Taxes: do the poor pay more than the rich?. British Journal of Addiction. 84(7), 759-766
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
WYLLIE, A., CASSWELL, S., & STEWART, J. (1989). The Response of New Zealand Boys to Corporate and Sponsorship Alcohol Advertising on Television. British Journal of Addiction. 84(6), 639-646
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Gilmore, L. (1989). An evaluated community action project on alcohol. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 50(4), 339-346
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1988). Possibilities for the promotion of good health. New Zealand Medical Journal. 101(856 PART II), 715-718
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Stewart, L., & Casswell, S. (1988). PERSUADING PARLIAMENTARIANS: ADVOCACY AND LOBBYING ON ALCOHOLRELATED ISSUES. Community Health Studies. 12(3), 273-281
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S., GILMORE, LL., SILVA, P., & BRASCH, P. (1988). What Children Know About Alcohol and How They Know it. British Journal of Addiction. 83(2), 223-227
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Martin, C., & Casswell, S. (1988). Types of female drinkers: A multivariate study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 49(3), 273-280
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
CASSWELL, S., GILMORE, L., & ASHTON, T. (1988). Estimating Alcoholrelated Absenteeism in New Zealand. British Journal of Addiction. 83(6), 677-682
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
STEWART, L., & CASSWELL, S. (1987). Public Control of Alcohol: licensing trusts in New Zealand. British Journal of Addiction. 82(6), 643-647
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Ashton, T., & Casswell, S. (1987). ALCOHOL TAXATION AS A PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY: THE NEW ZEALAND EXPERIENCE. Community Health Studies. 11(2), 108-119
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Flett, R., Casswell, S., Brasch, P., & Silva, P. (1987). Alcohol knowledge and experience in children aged 9 and 11. New Zealand Medical Journal. 100(837), 747-749
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Martin, C., & Casswell, S. (1987). Types of male drinkers: A multivariate study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 48(2), 109-118
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1986). DRINKDRIVING: THE ROLE OF STRUCTURAL MEASURES IN PRIMARY PREVENTION. Community Health Studies. 10(3), 317-322
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1985). The Organisational Politics of Alcohol Control Policy. British Journal of Addiction. 80(4), 357-362
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Brasch, P., Gilmore, L., & Silva, P. (1985). Children's Attitudes to Alcohol and Awareness of AlcoholRelated Problems. British Journal of Addiction. 80(2), 191-194
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Gordon, A. (1984). Drinking and occupational status in New Zealand men. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 45(2), 144-148
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Ashton, T., & Casswell, S. (1984). Estimated cost of alcohol to the New Zealand public hospital system. New Zealand Medical Journal. 97(765), 683-686
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Gilmore, L., & Silva, P. (1983). Early experiences with alcohol: A survey of an eight and nine year old sample. New Zealand Medical Journal. 96(745), 1001-1003
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & McPherson, M. (1983). Attitudes of New Zealand general practitioners to alcohol-related problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 44(2), 342-351
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & McPherson, M. (1982). Doctors and alcohol. The responses of a self-selected group of general practitioners to patients with alcohol-related problems.. N Z Med J. 95(711), 462-466
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1982). The effect of pretesting on evaluation of a drug education program. Journal of Drug Education. 12(2), 173-180
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & McPherson, M. (1982). The responses of a self-selected group of general practitioners to patients with alcohol-related problems. New Zealand Medical Journal. 95(711), 462-466
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Mortimer, D., & Gilroy, C. (1982). The minimal effects and methodological problems in the evaluation of a harm reduction drug education program in a high school setting. Journal of Drug Education. 12(4), 345-352
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1982). Alcohol use by Auckland high school students. New Zealand Medical Journal. 95(721), 856-858
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1980). Setting objectives for drug control policy. New Zealand Medical Journal. 91(661), 429-432
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Hood, M. (1977). Non-medical drug use in students. New Zealand Medical Journal. 85(585), 265-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Hood, M. (1977). Recreational drug use among Auckland high school students. New Zealand Medical Journal. 85(586), 315-319
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (1975). Cannabis intoxication: effects of monetary incentive on performance, a controlled investigation of behavioral tolerance in moderate users of cannabis. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 41(2), 423-434
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Marks, D. (1973). Cannabis induced impairment of performance of a divided attention task [23]. Nature. 241(5384), 60-61
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Marks, DF. (1973). Cannabis and temporal disintegration in experienced and naive subjects. Science. 179(4075), 803-805
[Journal article]Authored by: Casswell, S.


Casswell, S. (2016). Alcohol, Integrated Control of. In International Encyclopedia of Public Health. (pp. 71 - 74).
[Chapter]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2003). Alcohol-related casualties in oceania. In Drinking and Casualties: Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective. (pp. 105 - 120).
[Chapter]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2010). Integrated control of alcohol. In V. Patel, A. Woodward, V. Feigin, H. Heggenhougen, & S. Quah (Eds.) Mental and Neurological Public Health. (pp. 374 - 377). : Academic Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Babor, TF., Casswell, S., Graham, K., Huckle, T., Livingston, M., Österberg, E., . . . Sornpaisarn, B.(2023). Alcohol: No ordinary commodity research and public policy.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2008). Alcohol, integrated control of. In International Encyclopedia of Public Health. (pp. 108 - 112).
[Chapter]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Hill, L., & Casswell, S. (2004). Alcohol advertising and sponsorship: Commercial freedom or control in the public interest. In N. Heather, & TS. Eds (Eds.) The Essential Handbook of Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol Problems. (pp. 339 - 359). Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons
[Chapter]Authored by: Casswell, S.


Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J., & Casswell, S.(2020). Changes and influences on adolescent drinking in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: Health Promotion Agency
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Huckle, T., & Casswell, S.(2015). Alcohol-related family/whanau violence - an overview of the issues and effective strategies and interventions.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S., Wall, M., Lin, EY., & Adams, J.(2014). Review of tobacco control services. Auckland, New Zealand: SHORE & Whariki Research Centre, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Lin, E.
Lin, E., Huckle, T., Casswell, S., & Liggins, S.(2012). Social supply of alcohol to young people in Taranaki and Mangere.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Lin, E.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M., Yeh L, ., McCreanor, T., & Asiasiga, L.(2012). Evaluation of the Tobacco Excise Increases in New Zealand: Final Report to Ministry of Health.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., McCreanor, T.
Hill, L., Clarke, D., & Casswell, S.(2011). Addressing the harmful use of alcohol: a guide to developing effective alcohol legislation. Geneva
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wall, M., & Casswell, S.(2010). Towards Sustainable Data Collection and National Alcohol Policy Development: a cross country collaborative project. : SHORE & Whariki Research
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Greenaway, SK., Huckle, T., Casswell, S., & Jelley, SM.(2009). Literature review: Social supply of alcohol to minors.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Ofori-Adjei,D, ., Casswell, S., Drummond, C., Hao, W., Medina-Mora, M., Ranganathan, S., . . . Weisner, C.(2007). WHO Expert Committee on Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption. (Report No. WHO Technical Report Series 944). Geneva
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Hill, L., & Casswell, S.(2006). Alcohol Marketing in the Western Pacific Region: Paper prepared for the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific by the Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation. : Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Liggins, S., Dickinson, PM., Conway, K., & Casswell, S.(2006). Review of evidence pertaining to alcohol and drug and mental health/suicide prevention programmes delivered by external providers in NZ schools. Auckland: Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation and Te Roopu Whariki
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Kaiwai, H., Adams, J., McCreanor, T., & Casswell, S.(2006). Social marketing for gambling harm reduction: Review, research and recommendations. New Zealand: Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation & Te Ropu Whariki
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., McCreanor, T.
Hill, L., & Casswell, S.(2006). Economic treaties and alcohol in the Western Pacific Region: Paper prepared for the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific by the Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Girling, M., Huakau, J., Casswell, S., & Conway, KE.(2006). Families and heavy drinking: Impacts on children's wellbeing: Systematic review.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Conway, KE., Greenaway, SK., Kaiwai, HM., & Casswell, S.(2006). National alcohol workforce training for alcohol health promoters.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., McPherson, MJ., Asiasiga, L., Moewaka Barnes, HE., Edwards, S., Easton, B., . . . Guttenbeil Po'uhila, Y.(2006). Socio-economic impacts of gambling: Developing a methodology for assessing the socio-economic impacts of gambling in New Zealand.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Moewaka Barnes, H.
Thamarangsi, T., Hill, LJ., & Casswell, S.(2006). Alcohol taxation in the Western Pacific region: Paper prepared for the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific by the Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Rose, EB., Huakau, J., Sweetsur, PM., & Casswell, S.(2005). Social values: A report from the New Zealand values study. Auckland, NZ: 蹤獲扦 University, Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation and Te Ropu Whariki
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Rose, EB., Huakau, J., & Casswell, S.(2005). Economic values: A report from the New Zealand values study. Auckland, NZ: Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation and Te Ropu Whariki
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Greenaway, SK., Conway, KE., Casswell, S., Huckle, T., & Sweetsur, PM.(2005). Auckland regional community action project on alcohol: Evaluation Report. Auckland, NZ: 蹤獲扦 University, Centre for Social and Health Outcomes
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Lane, RM., Notton, C., Wilkins, CD., Sheeran, JL., Morice, LR., . . . Asiasiga, L. (2004). Pacific drugs and alchol consumption survey 2003: Final report. Pacific Research and Development Services and SHORE/Whariki (蹤獲扦 University).
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Morice, L., Wilkins, C.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Greenaway, SK., & Conway, KE.(2003). Auckland regional community action project on alcohol evaluation report. Auckland, NZ: 蹤獲扦 University, Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation and Te Ropu Whariki
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Pledger, MJ., & Casswell, S.(2003). The Auckland pseudo patrons project 2003. Auckland, NZ: 蹤獲扦 University, Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation and Te Ropu Whariki
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Duignan, PW., Casswell, S., Howden Chapman, P., Moewaka Barnes, HE., Allan, B., & Conway, KE. (2003). Community project indicators framework (CPIF): Its use in community projects. Ministry of Health.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Moewaka Barnes, H.
Wilkins, CD., Casswell, S., Bhatta, K., & Pledger, MJ.(2002). Drug use in New Zealand: National surveys comparison 1998 & 2001. Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland, Alcohol and Public Health Research Unit
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Woolgrove, M., Huckle, T., Conway, KE., & Casswell, S.(2002). The Auckland pseudo patrons project. Auckland, NZ: Auckland University, Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Conway, KE., Tunks, M., Henwood, WA., O'Connor, B., & Casswell, S.(2000). Milestone six report to the Ministry of Education Community Action on Youth and Drugs project. Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland, Alcohol and Public Research Unit
[Technical Report]Authored by: Casswell, S.


Romeo Nunez, J., Huckle, T., & Casswell, S.Modelling alcohol-consumption: A Bayesian conditional copula-based regression approach. . Utrecht, The Netherlands
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Romeo Nunez, J., Huckle, T., & Casswell, S. (2019). Modelling alcohol-consumption in New Zealand: A Bayesian conditional copula-based regression approach.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Bayes on the Beach Conference. Surfers Paradise, Australia.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo Nunez, J.
Buse, K., Marten, R., Hawkes, S., Alleyne, G., Baker, P., Baum, F., . . . Webb, D.The how: a message for the UN high-level meeting on NCDs. The Lancet. 392 (10143)(pp. e4 - e5). 0140-6736.
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Muriwai, EM., Parker, K., Huckle, T., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Casswell, S.Recent trends in Mori alcohol consumption, 1995-2011. . University of Sheffield
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., Parker, K.
Casswell, S.(2014, September). Alcohol in the context of global health governance. .
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.(2014, September). Participating with the alcohol industry in policy development. .
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.(2014, June). International Alcohol Control Study: Collecting valid data on alcohol consumption and prices. .
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M., & Parker, K.Socio economic status as mediators of policy effects on alcohol consumption – analysis from the International Alcohol Control (IAC) study. . Torino, Italy
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Parker, K.Contributed to by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Chaiyasong, S., Welch, M., Kazantseva, E., Casswell, S., & Graydon-Guy, T.Collecting comparable consumption data across low, middle and high income countries. . Kampala Uganda
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S., Graydon-Guy, T., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S.(2013, June). Why do we not see the corporate interests of the alcohol industry as clearly as we see those of the tobacco industry. . Retreived from http://kbs2013.musph.ac.ug/index.php?page=meetingprogram
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2012, June). International Alcohol Control (IAC) study: Initial findings from New Zealand, 2011. Presented at 38th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society. Stavanger, Norway.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2012, July). International Alcohol Control Study: Collecting policy relevant alcohol data cross country. Presented at RC33 8th International Conference on Social Science Methodology. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.(2012, July 9). International alcohol control study - collecting policy relevant alcohol data cross country. (pp. 1 - 1). , 8th International Social Science Methodology Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.(2011, February). Sports sponsorship - the international evidence. .
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Greenaway, S., Jensen, V., & Casswell, S. (2010, May). Exploring the relationship between a liberalised alcohol environment and secondary supply: Findings from a qualitative study in New Zealand. Presented at Kettil Bruun Society 36th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium. Lausanne, Switzerland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Greenaway, S., Jensen, V., & Casswell, S. (2010, May). Exploring the relationship between a liberalised alcohol environment and secondary supply: findings from a qualitative study in New Zealand. Presented at 36th Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society. Lausanne, Switzerland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., & You, R. (2009, August). Impacts of living with and near heavy drinkers. Presented at 18th Australasian Epidemiological Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Dunedin, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S. (2009, May). What makes effective community action (to reduce alcohol-related harm). Presented at ALAC Working Together Conference. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2009). Big alcohols communication and marketing in the policy arena - the use of science and partnership to influence alcohol policy. In Public Health Association of NZ Inc Conference(pp. 24 - 24). : Ministry of Health
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2008, December). Gapa-apapa- international alcohol policy. Presented at 18th IFNGO ASEAN NGOs Workshop on Prevention of Drug & Substance Abuse Joint Programme with Iogt International. Sarawak, Malaysia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2008, November). Recent developments in intervention research: Regulation of alcohol promotion. Presented at Society for the Study of Addiction Annual Symposium. North Yorkshire, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2008, September). The effects of alcohol marketing and the need for regulation. Presented at Meeting 'of Alcohol Advertising-Impact and Self-Control'. Berlin, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2008, September). Alcohol and Alcohol Policy. Presented at Cutting Edge Conference Te Toku Tu Moana: Life and Death. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Easton, B., & Hammond, KM. (2007, November). Social and economic impacts of gambling: A critical literature review. Presented at Combined Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) and Cutting Edge Addiction Conference. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2007, September). From a public health perspective: Alcohol harms, players and policies. Presented at Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) Research Seminar Series on Identities and Consumption: Seminar Six - 'Disordered Consumption: Health Identities and Social Policies Around Consumption'. University of Bath, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2007, June). What works in alcohol prevention field. Presented at 50th International ICAA (International Council on Alcohol and Addictions) Conference on Dependencies. Stockholm, Sweden.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huckle, T., Sweetsur, PM., Moyes, S., & Casswell, S.(2007). Ready to drinks are associated with heavier drinking patterns among young females. . Budapest, Hungary
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Casswell, S., Liggins, SA., & Dickinson, PM.(2007). School based education on alcohol and drugs: What to do now the evidence is in?. . Budapest, Hungary
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2007). Making social investments in evidence-based interventions to reduce alcohol and other drug-related harm. In The Social Policy, Research and Evaluation Conference: Ministry of Social Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., Girling, M., Huakau, J., & Conway, KE. (2006, June). Families and heavy drinking: Impacts on parenting and children's well-being. Presented at Blue Skies Fund Seminar. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2006, September). Lessons from the past: People, productivity and politics. Presented at National Drug Research Institute 20th Anniversary Research Symposium. Perth, WA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Adams, JB., Duignan, PW., Casswell, S., & Proud, P. (2006, October). Innovative communication: Community health online tools (CAPH). Presented at Health Promotion Forum Conference 2006: Te Wero - Challenging Health Promotion. Ratana, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Huakau, J., Asiasiga, L., Ford, M., Pledger, MJ., Casswell, S., Suaalii Sauni, T., . . . Lima, I. (2005, March). Pacific drinking in New Zealand: Results from the pacific drugs and alcohol consumption survey 2003. Presented at Working Together 2005: Maori and Pasifika. Aotea Centre, Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Conway, KE., Casswell, S., & Liggins, SA. (2005, February). Community action - Constraints, challenges and commitment - implementing evidence-based approaches within shoestring budgets. Presented at Sixth Kettil Bruun Society Symposium on Community Based Prevention on Alcohol and Drug-related Problems. Mandurah, Western Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wilkins, CD., Sweetsur, PM., & Casswell, S. (2005, November). Trends in Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS) and other illicit drug use in New Zealand: Findings from national household drug surveying in 1998, 2001 and 2003. Presented at APSAD 2005 Conference. HIlton Park, Melbourne, Victoria.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Huakau, J., Asiasiga, L., Ford, M., Pledger, MJ., Casswell, S., Suaalii Sauni, T., . . . Lima, I. (2004, September). Pacific alcohol drinkers: The pacific drugs and alcohol consumption survey 2002/2003. Presented at PMA Conference 2004. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Wilkins, CD., Reilly, J., & Casswell, S. (2004, June). The impact of drug houses in New Zealand: An economic analysis. Presented at The New Zealand Association of Economists 45th Annual Conference. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S., Wilkins, C.
Huakau, J., Asiasiga, L., Ford, M., Pledger, MJ., Casswell, S., Suaalii Sauni, T., . . . Lima, L. (2004, September). Innovation in research. Presented at 6th Annual Conference of the Pasifika Medical Association of New Zealand. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.Population level policies on alcohol: Are they still appropriate given that 'alcohol is good for the heart'?. Addiction. 92 (SUPPL. 1)0965-2140.
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
WYLLIE, A., ZHANG, J., & CASSWELL, S.Comparison of six alcohol consumption measures from survey data. Addiction. 89 (4)(pp. 425 - 430). 0965-2140.
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.
[Conference]Authored by: Casswell, S.


Muriwai, EM., Parker, K., Huckle, T., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Casswell, S. (2017). Recent trends in Mori alcohol consumption, 1995-2011.
[Working Paper]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., Parker, K.
Casswell, S. (2013). Comparisons of alcohol consumption in Thailand, Mongolia and New Zealand (from the International Alcohol Control Study (IAC)). GAPC2013 Seoul Conference: Alcohol, Civil Society and Public Health from Local and National Action to Global Change, Seoul, 7-9 October.. Retreived from http://gapc2013.com/
[Dataset]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2006). Submission for the review of the regulation of alcohol advertising. SHORE
[Other]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2006, September). Changing the marketing culture: It's not the alcohol; it's how they market it. In Alcohol Healthwatch: Alcohol Marketing - Beyond the Glamour, Fun and Sex. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2006, September). Changing the marketing culture: It's not the alcohol; it's how they market it. In Alcohol Healthwatch: Alcohol Marketing - Beyond the Glamour, Fun and Sex. Presented at Auckland, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S., & Huckle, T. (2006, August). Changing the marketing culture: It's not the alcohol; it's how they market it. In National Alcohol Workforce Training Seminar. Presented at Auckland, NZ. : SHORE and Te Ropu Whariki, MAssey University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S., Huckle, T.
Huakau, J., Asiasiga, L., Ford, M., Pledger, MJ., Casswell, S., Suaalii Sauni, T., . . . Lima, L. (2004, November). Pacific drinking and drug use in New Zealand: Results from the pacific drugs and alcohol consumption survey 2003. : National Pacific Treatment Forum.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S. (2004). Alcohol's cultural hangover.
[Other]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.ALAC's binge drinking campaign. Radio New Zealand
[Other]Authored by: Casswell, S.
Casswell, S.Debate on the drinking age. Television New Zealand
[Other]Authored by: Casswell, S.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 4

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Jintana Jankhotkaew - Doctor of Philosophy
    A composite index of provincial alcohol control policy implementation capacity in Thailand

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2012 - Taisia Huckle - Doctor of Philosophy
    Drinking patterns and harms amoung young people in the context of alcohol policy liberalisation
  • 2009 - Helen Moewaka Barnes - Doctor of Philosophy
    Arguing for the spirit in the language of the mind: A Maori practitioner's view of research & science
  • 2008 - Thaksaphon Thamarangsi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Alcohol Policy Process in Thailand
  • 2004 - Adrian Field - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pathways and Policy Approaches to Community Resource Access, Health and Wellbeing in two New Zealand Cities.

Media and Links


  • 29 Oct 2015 - Television
    Interview with Paul Henry, TV3
    Interviewed about alcohol policy as follow up to GAPC conference in Edinburgh
  • 28 Sep 2022 - Radio
    Sally Casswell interviewed on RNZ Panel
    From The Panel, 4:30 pm on 28 September 2022. Today on The Panel, Wallace and panellists Moata Tamaira and Conor English discuss the petition to ban alcohol sponsorship and advertising in broadcast sp
  • 25 Feb 2019 - Newspaper
    NZ Herald commentary
    If we legalise cannabis we must keep business at bay
  • 24 Aug 2014 - Newspaper
    Curbs 'will hit responsible drinkers'
    Article reports Professor Casswell's comments as expert witness for the Police at the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority hearing when Wellington City Council defended its proposed local alcoho
  • 23 May 2022 - Online
    Article published in The Conversation
    Alcohol marketing has crossed borders and entered the metaverse how do we regulate the new digital risk?
  • 23 May 2022 - Online
    Regulating the digital marketing of alcohol in NZ
    Is NZ doing enough to regulate the digital marketing of alcohol?
  • 21 Nov 2013 - Newspaper
    Children list causes of bad behaviour, NZ Herald
    Professor Casswell was interviewed by NZ Herald on the Small Voices Big Dreams survey results and appeared in print and online Global survey reveals what Kiwi kids consider are main contributors to v
  • 21 Dec 2018 - Radio
    Sally Casswell. (2018). Radio NZ interview - Chris
  • 19 Oct 2019 - Online
    Big alcohol's sport sponsorship
    Stuff/Sunday Star Times. (2019). Kiwi experts call for global clamp-down on big alcohol's sport sponsorship, 19 October
  • 19 Feb 2016 - Newspaper
    Beer, Wine too can create problems says Casswell
    News article on Sally Casswell's participation at first International Conference on Effective Strategies for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse held in Kerala, India. Other media coverage s
  • 18 Apr 2013 - Newspaper
    Drinkers in dark about real strength
    The New Zealand Herald reports comments by Professor Sally Casswell in response to the launch of the Standard Glass Campaign by the consumer education group Cheers. The campaign is based on a survey f
  • 17 Jun 2018 - Online
    Interviewed for Stuff article on sugar tax
    Features in Stuff article: 'Coca-Cola recruiting lobbyist to fight sugar tax, despite new research revealing such taxes can save lives'
  • 17 Dec 2019 - Online
    Preventing industry influence on cannabis bill
    Casswell, S. (2019). Why NZs cannabis bill needs to stop industry from influencing policy. The Conversation, 17 December
  • 16 Mar 2015 - Television
    Seven Sharp (TVNZ)
    Professor Sally Casswell was recently featured on the 'Seven Sharp' programme which airs on TVNZ's Channel One. During this segment, Sally commented on alcohol drinking trends regarding consumption in
  • 16 Feb 2013 - Newspaper
    Unhealthy commodities 'killing New Zealanders'
    Reports Sally Casswell's comments as a co-author of the article 'Profits and Pandemics', published as part of the Lancet series on the spread of non-communicable chronic diseases in low and middle inc
  • 16 Apr 2013 - Television
    Face TV: In Conversation With Noel Cheer
    Sally Casswell was interviewed by Noel Cheer for the Face TV programme In Conversation about Non Communicable Diseases in relation to the Lancet Paper Profits and Pandemics.
  • 14 Dec 2013 - Newspaper
    Shocks in teen-drinkers study
    Sally Casswell discusses SHORE & Whariki research findings showing that underage drinkers being supplied by their slightly older mates is an important contributor to the harm young people experience f
  • 13 Jan 2017 - Radio
    Sports and alcohol advertising
    National Radio (RNZ) interview with Jesse Mulligan
  • 13 Apr 2020 - Online
    Sally Casswell quoted in Scoop article
    Scoop. (2020). Too Much Risk Attached To Online Sales Of Spirits And RTDs, 13 April
  • 12 Aug 2014 - Television
    Nigel Latta: The Trouble with Booze
    Professor Sally Casswell featured on series 1, episode 3 Nigel Latta: The Trouble with Booze Tuesday 12 August. This episode was looking into NZ drinking culture and forms part of a series addressing
  • 11 Jan 2013 - Newspaper
    Liquor firms' input spurned
    Sally Casswell interviewed on behalf of public health specialists opposing liquor industry involvement in alcohol policy
  • 10 Sep 2015 - Newspaper
    Rugby World Cup: Academics offer tips for victory
    Sally Casswell was one of 10 蹤獲扦 University academics whose tips for the All Blacks going to the World Cup were published in the New Zealand Herald, 10 September 2015
  • 10 Oct 2018 - Online
    AM Show interview on Newshub
    Interview on Why alcohol policy is not working
  • 10 May 2019 - Online
    Alcohol abuse on the rise in developing countries
    Reports WHO data on alcohol consumption and quotes Sally Casswell, as follows: A weakness, which other countries can learn from, was a legal loophole that allows corporate logos to be used to publici
  • 09 Jan 2020 - Online
    Vested interests' input into cannabis debate
    Beware the influence of vested interests' input into the cannabis debate. Reproduced by European Centre for Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM) at http://eucam.info/2020/01/09/beware-the-influence-of-vested-int
  • 08 May 2020 - Online
    Alcohol can make coronavirus worse
    Casswell, S. (2020, 8 May). Alcohol can make coronavirus worse so why was it treated as essential in New Zealands lockdown? [The Conversation, 8 May (reprinted in the NZ Herald, 10 May)]. Retrieved
  • 07 Aug 2024 - Online
    Article published in The Conversation
    Heavy drinking in NZ is dropping but not fast enough to stop the brutal legacy of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • 05 Nov 2019 - Magazine
    Alcohol marketing and digital platforms
    Casswell, S. (2019). Seeking tight rein on well-resourced alcohol marketing and digital platforms to reduce population harm. New Zealand Doctor, 5 November
  • 05 Mar 2014 - Online
    Drinkers have taste for open all hours policy
    Sally Casswell comments on NZ findings from the International Alcohol Control (IAC) study which she leads
  • 02 Jul 2017 - Television
    Sunday (TVNZ) feature on young women's drinking
    SUNDAY programme featuring interview with Sally Casswell about SHORE & Whariki research on young women's drinking in New Zealand
  • 01 Nov 2015 - Radio
    Interview with Mark Sainsbury Radio Live
    Interview with Mark Sainsbury RadioLive as part of hour long programme on alcohol

Other Links