
Dr Don Samarasinghe staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136259

Dr Don Samarasinghe BSc (Hons) Civil Eng, GDTE, PhD, MCIOB, PMI

Senior Lecturer in Built Environment

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Built Environment

I am a highly enthusiastic research and education professional with a passion for developing and unleashing the potential of tertiary students. I have a strong background in the development and delivery of quality technical learning, including Construction Technology, Building Services, Digital Built Environment, Construction Project Management and Property Development, for a range of tertiary institutions in New Zealand. My teaching philosophy is driven by Experiential Learning, where students learn through reflection on doing. I have conducted collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects and extensively published in the areas of construction technology, supply chain management and experiential learning in construction education. I have a range of academic qualifications including a PhD in Construction Management, a Bachelor of the Science of Civil Engineering (First-Class Honours), and a Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (GDTE).

During my PhD studies, I published widely on building materials supply chains. After gaining my doctorate, I started researching on improving supply chain performance through construction innovation. My research projects are interdisciplinary and collaborative, across disciplines such as construction innovation, IT/advanced technologies, supply chain management and construction education. I am a high performing team member who conducts collaborative research projects that connect to the community and the construction industry. I recently developed a VR-based sustainable building model with IT and Management colleagues, and the project outcomes were published by IEEE and Springer Cham, Switzerland. One of my recent publications includes a book chapter titled Innovative Digital Technologies in the New Zealand Construction Industry in the book Driving Transformational Change in the Digital Built Environment, edited by Jason Underwood and Mark Shelbourn from the University of Salford, UK. I would like to further expand my research into effective building design and maintenance practices, focusing on ways stakeholders in a building materials supply chain could collaborate to create sustainable buildings. Additional research interests are in the wider areas of construction education, experiential learning, reflective practice, improving employability through learner capability development and effective assessment practices.
I have written widely on construction technology (innovative digital technologies, HVAC, BIM and VR), supply chain management, and experiential learning in construction education. I have experience applying for both internal and external research funding (e.g. a CoRE research project proposal led by 蹤獲扦 University).

My current postgraduate supervision projects include QA/QC in modular fabrication, prefabrication skills shortage and design changes in EPC projects in NZ construction. I have extensive experience in curriculum design, delivery, assessment and moderation in the New Zealand tertiary education sector. This includes developing qualifications such as Bachelor of Construction, Graduate Diploma/Master of Professional Practice in Construction Management. I have taught (both face-to-face and online) papers such as Construction Technology, Building Services, Construction Innovation, Design Buildability & BIM, Programming, Quality Assurance and Site Safety, Value Management, Procurement and Tendering, Property Development and Research Project. I effectively engage with the industry by conducting construction site visits and participating in professional development activities through NZIOB, ENZ, CIOB, PMI, NZGBC, EBANZ and EBAA.

My work spans the study of people in the built environment, workforce development, and the health and safety of the construction workforce. I focus on including Mori in New Zealand's construction industry, advocating for greater representation. Additionally, I explore upskilling in innovative technologies, stakeholder management in construction supply chains, and construction education. My research also includes leadership in construction projects, 3D printing as a sustainable construction technology, and the use of earth buildings for a zero-carbon future. I aim to drive forward-thinking practices and educational advancements through these diverse areas to build a more inclusive, efficient, and sustainable construction industry.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +6492136259
    Location: 3.40, Quadrangle Building A
    Campus: East Precinct, Gate 1, Albany Highway, Auckland, 0632


  • Bachelor of the Science of Civil Engineering (1st Class Honours) - University of Moratuwa (2009)
  • Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education - Otago Polytechnic (2019)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Auckland University of Technology (2014)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Charted Institute of Buildings (CIOB) (Other) (2023)
  • Member, Project Management Institute (Member) (2021)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, BIM Fundamentals Trained, BSI Training Academy
  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

My work spans the study of people in the built environment, workforce development, and the health and safety of the construction workforce. I focus on including Mori in New Zealand's construction industry, advocating for greater representation. Additionally, I explore upskilling in innovative technologies, stakeholder management in construction supply chains, and construction education. My research also includes leadership in construction projects, 3D printing as a sustainable construction technology, and the use of earth buildings for a zero-carbon future. I aim to drive forward-thinking practices and educational advancements through these diverse areas to build a more inclusive, efficient, and sustainable construction industry.

Research Opportunities

  • 3D Printing technology as an effective solution for sustainable house construction in New Zealand  (01/06/2022) This research aims to explore the overseas experience of 3D printing in residential construction and identify ways to adapt this technology to the New Zealand construction sector.
  • Identification of the skills demanded in the residential construction sector: A content analysis of job advertisements in New Zealand.  (01/04/2022) This study aims to identify the skills demanded in the New Zealand residential construction sectors. A selected set of construction job advertisements from the New Zealand Seek Website.
  • 3D printing with raw earth for sustainable future of New Zealand construction  (01/06/2022) This proposed project aims to conduct a feasibility study to investigate how 3D printing technology for earth construction can be adopted in the New Zealand construction sector.


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Building (120200): Building Construction Management and Project Planning (120201): Building Science and Techniques (120202): Built Environment And Design (120000): Design Innovation (120302): Design Practice and Management (120300): Digital and Interaction Design (120304):
Earth Sciences (040000):
Education (130000):
Engineering Design (120400)


People in the Built Environment

Workforce Development

Health and Safety of Construction Workforce

Mori in the New Zealand Construction Industry

Upskilling on Innovative Digital Technologies

Stakeholder Management in the Construction Supply Chains

Construction Education

Leadership in Construction Projects

3D Printing as a Sustainable Construction Technology

Earth Buildings for Zero Carbon Future

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Development of a behaviour change intervention for transforming the residential construction sector: A case study on the applications of 3D printing in New Zealand

New Zealand's smaller construction firms primarily rely on traditional methods, slowing the adoption of innovative technologies like 3D printing. Recent findings suggest that the industry's reluctance to embrace 3D printing stems from concerns like high costs, risk aversion, and limited understanding of the technology's benefits. This study aims to promote the use of 3D printing in New Zealand's residential construction. Using the Behaviour Change Wheel framework, the research will identify behaviours hindering 3D printing adoption, recognise key industry figures who can drive change, develop practical tools, including a VR training programme, and evaluate the effectiveness of these tools. The research process involves a literature review and stakeholder survey to understand the barriers, interviews with industry leaders to design interventions, and a VR trial with construction companies to test and refine the solutions. Expected outcomes include faster and more efficient house construction, strengthened local 3D printing firms, improved visualisation tools, and increased awareness and education about 3D printing benefits. Project Team: Dr Don Samarasinghe (Project Leader), Dr Zhenan Feng, Dr An Le and Dr Nic Bao (RMIT University, Australia)
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Date Range: 2023 - 2023

Funding Body: 蹤獲扦 University

Project Team:

Project Title: Building Sustainable Communities: 3D Printing Construction for People in China and New Zealand

This project focuses on merging innovative construction technology with sustainable community growth. Its main goal is to strengthen ties between 蹤獲扦 University, Zhejiang University, and Southeast University during a 10-day visit to China. Dr Don Samarasinghe will meet influential academic leaders, explore 3D printing labs, and discuss potential research partnerships. A key aspect of this visit is to observe China's progress in 3D printing construction and apply this knowledge to New Zealand's sustainable projects. Highlighting the importance of in-person interactions, the project suggests that face-to-face meetings often lead to more explicit decisions, better idea-sharing, and improved collaboration than virtual ones. This visit aligns with 蹤獲扦 University's focus on innovation and sustainability, providing opportunities to build strong professional connections and pave the way for future research partnerships, shared academic ventures, and student exchanges. By supporting this international academic partnership, 蹤獲扦 University not only boosts its research potential but also fosters global information sharing in 3D printing and construction. After the visits, 蹤獲扦 University expects more collaborations leading to joint research and publications. Insights from 3D printing will also enrich the School of Built Environment (SBE) seminars and presentations.
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Date Range: 2023 - 2023

Funding Body: 蹤獲扦 University

Project Team:

Project Title: Development of a framework for upskilling Maori construction practitioners in New Zealand

The primary aim of this study is to investigate skill shortages within New Zealand's construction industry and develop a comprehensive framework that will promote the inclusion of more Mori in high-skill roles. The framework will focus on different areas of high-skill requirements, including design skills that cover building codes, measurements, blueprint development, environmental regulations, safe worksite development, and computer-aided drafting (CAD). Moreover, the study also encompasses communication skills, such as leadership, teamwork, quality control, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and cognitive skills, like critical thinking, problem-solving, organization, and documentation. In addition, the study will look into technical skills related to construction management software, mobile apps, building information modelling, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), estimating software, and drones. Lastly, the study will also consider growth and developmental skills, such as coachability, willingness to learn, growth mindset, vocational training, apprenticeship engagement, independence, self-motivation, and time management. The study has two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to identify the current industry trends and determine the specific skills that the industry urgently requires. Secondly, it seeks to develop a framework that supports the inclusion of more Mori in high-skill roles within the construction industry. Given the shortage of skilled workers and the need to address the under-representation of Mori, this research is of critical importance. Our team is honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to the development of a more diverse and skilled workforce in New Zealand's construction industry.
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Date Range: 2023 - 2024

Funding Body: Te P贖kenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Arya, VK., Rasheed, EO., Samarasinghe, DAS., & Wilkinson, S. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort Standards in School Buildings across New Zealand with Other OECD Countries. Buildings. 14(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Rasheed, E., Samarasinghe, D.
Ma, J., Samarasinghe, DAS., Rotimi, JOB., & Zuo, K. (2024). Supply Chain Landscape of 3D Printed Buildings: A Stakeholder Decision Support Framework. Buildings. 14(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D., Zuo, K.
Guan, Z., Yiu, TW., Samarasinghe, DAS., & Reddy, R. (2024). Health and safety risk of migrant construction workers–a systematic literature review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 31(3), 1081-1099
[Journal article]Authored by: Reddy, R., Samarasinghe, D.
Wang, R., Samarasinghe, DAS., Skelton, L., & Rotimi, JOB. (2022). A Study of Design Change Management for Infrastructure Development Projects in New Zealand. Buildings. 12(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., & Falk, S. (2022). Promoting Earth Buildings for Residential Construction in New Zealand. Buildings. 12(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wang, R., Samarasinghe, DAS., Skelton, L., & Rotimi, JOB. (2022). A Study of Design Change Management for Infrastructure Development Projects in New Zealand. Buildings. 12(9), Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/12/9
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Rotimi, FE., Almughrabi, FM., Samarasinghe, DAS., & Silva, C. (2022). Specific Skill Requirements within Prefabricated Residential Construction: Stakeholders’ Perspectives. Buildings. 12(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., & Piri, IS. (2022). Assessing design buildability through virtual reality from the perspective of construction students. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 12(5), 823-836
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS. (2020). The housing crisis in Australia and New Zealand: A comparative analysis through policy lenses. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management. 10(2), 212-223
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Thiruchelvam, S., Tookey, J., Samarasinghe, D., Hock, QW., & Mustapha, KN. (2012). Supplier Selection Criteria in A Power Utility in Malaysia: Engineers’ Perceptions. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES). 2, 148-191 Retrieved from http://jmes.ump.edu.my/images/Volume%202%20JUNE%202012/2_Thiruchelvam%20et%20al.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Nistor, VM., & Samarasinghe, DAS. (2019). Academic staff induction and assessment on implementing experiential learning and reflective practice. IAFOR Journal of Education. 7(2), 149-167
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS. (2019). A reflection of an effective assessment practice in the bachelor of construction programme: An experiential learning case study in New Zealand. Scope. 2019(5), 48-53
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Woodward, D., Booth, S., Redfearn, S., Allen, E., Samarasinghe, D., & Forbes, A. (2020). Developing evidence-based teaching practice. Scope: Contemporary Research Topics (Work-based Learning). 1, 68-77 Retrieved from https://thescopes.org/journal/work-based-learning/work-based-learning-1/developing-evidence-based-teaching-practice
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., & Taylor, J. (2020). My Transformational and Reflective Journey through the GDTE (ILP) – a journey of discovery. Scope: Contemporary Research Topics (Work-based Learning)). 1(1), 51-59 Retrieved from https://thescopes.org/assets/scopes/My-Transformational-and-Reflective-Journey-through-the-GDTE-ILP-A-Journey-of-Discovery.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.


Kelemu, MT., Rotimi, JOB., & Samarasinghe, DAS. (2024). Exploring the Potentials of Artificial Intelligence in Managing Project Deliverables and Risk in Construction Projects: A Bibliometric Analysis. (pp. 287 - 303).
[Chapter]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.Edited by: Rotimi, J.
Arya, V., Rasheed, EO., Samarasinghe, D., & Wilkinson, S. (2024). A Review of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort Guidelines for New Zealand Primary School Classrooms: A Comparison of DQLS Document (Old Versus New). (pp. 791 - 804).
[Chapter]Authored by: Rasheed, E., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D., & Wood, E. (2021). Innovative digital technologies. In J. Underwood, & M. Shelbourn (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Driving Transformational Change in the Digital Built Environment. : IGI Global
[Chapter]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D., Nistor, VM., & Abd-Latif, H. (2020). Reflection on virtual teaching experience in Construction, English and Information Technology classes. In L. Gill, O. McGirr, D. Doesburg, M. Fridberg, & S. Bolland (Eds.) Collective Voices of COVID-19: Otago Polytechnic experiences. (pp. 135 - 141). : Otago Polytechnic
[Chapter]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D., Baghaei, N., & Stemmet, L. (2020). Persuasive Virtual Reality: Promoting Earth Buildings in New Zealand. In S. Gram-Hansen, T. Jonasen, & C. Midden (Eds.) Persuasive Technology. Designing for Future Change. PERSUASIVE 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (pp. 208 - 220). : Springer, Cham
[Chapter]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.


Samarasinghe, D. (2014). Building materials supply chains an evaluative study of the New Zealand residential construction. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.Edited by: Rotimi, J.


Ma, J., Samarasinghe, D., Rotimi, J., & Zuo, K. (2023). Designing and implementing a decision support system for the sustainable management of 3D Printing supply chains in New Zealand. AUBEA 2023 Conference. : The 46th Australasian Universities Built Environment Association AUBEA International Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Lin, R., Sajeevan Samarasinghe, DA., & Rotimi, FE. (2022). Development of a framework for quality assurance of off-site manufactured building components: A case study of the New Zealand housing sector. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1101
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Poletaeva, T., Samarasinghe, D., Skelton, L., & Guan, Z. (2022). 3D Printing Technology as an Effective Solution for Sustainable Residential Construction in New Zealand. https://apc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.26183%2Fa6pq-mg06&data=05%7C01%7Cd.samarasinghe%40massey.ac.nz%7C3c086366fad6463d862d08dacdb57910%7C388728e1bbd0437898dcf8682e644300%7C1%7C0%7C638048476580177586%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=lZA5BUI0kaIz5ArDHu6noQGal5BZo%2BLwwhnyd68GYjk%3D&reserved=0. (pp. 270 - 281). Penrith, N.S.W.: The 45th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference: Global Challenges in a Disrupted World: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Approaches in the Built Environment
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Tian, S., & Samarasinghe, D. (2022). Feasibility Analysis of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) for the Christchurch Rebuild Project in New Zealand. In W. Shahzad, E. Rasheed, & J. Rotimi (Eds.) https://whova.com/xems/whova_backend/get_event_s3_file_api/?event_id=nzber_202202&file_url=https://d1keuthy5s86c8.cloudfront.net/static/ems/upload/files/nsuyl_NZBERS_2022_Book_of_Proceedings_.pdf. (pp. 256 - 275). 蹤獲扦 University: The 7th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium: Creating Capacity and Capability for the Future of the Built Environment
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.Edited by: Rasheed, E.
He, P., Samarasinghe, D., Liu, C., Jelodar, MB., Playne, D., & Baghaei, N. (2021). Supporting Decision-making in the Construction and Property Sectors through Persuasive Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study. https://apc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcloudstor.aarnet.edu.au%2Fsender%2F%3Fs%3Ddownload%26token%3D0fadb20c-50a1-4759-b5a4-6dacbf16d669&data=04%7C01%7Cd.samarasinghe%40massey.ac.nz%7C05b869dee8e14cf0937008d9998d9a54%7C388728e1bbd0437898dcf8682e644300%7C1%7C0%7C637709655749137738%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=Tme0sBnrPVqN4BZDPCXeIrpcb6X8ZLV9X58y9TX9Y94%3D&reserved=0. Deakin University, Australia: 44th AUBEA Conference - Construction Education: Live the Future
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Playne, D., Samarasinghe, D.
Almughrabi, FM., Samarasinghe, DAS., & Rotimi, FE. (2021). Analysis of skill shortages in prefabricated residential construction: A case for New Zealand. Proceedings of the 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2021. (pp. 481 - 490).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Li, S., Samarasinghe, D., & Quifors, SS. (2020). Application of artificial intelligence in human resource management: An exploratory study of the Chinese civil aviation industry. In J. Eaglestone, & M. Causse (Eds.) The 34th Conference of the Europe Association for Aviation Psychology. : The 34th Conference of the Europe Association for Aviation Psychology
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Raina, P., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020, September). Integrating experiential learning and learner capability into the curriculum: Improving employability outcomes for Bachelor of Construction learners. Presented at 2020 ITP Research Symposium: Kotahitanga: He mahing tahi – working in partnership to improve outcomes for learners and communities. Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Tauranga, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D. (2020, November). Addressing the skills shortage in the housing supply chain: An exploratory study. Presented at OPSITARA Collaborative Staff Research Symposium. Sothern Institute of Technology (SIT), Invercargill, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D., Chuting, H., & Hou, W. (2020). A Comparative Analysis on Housing Policies in Australia and New Zealand: Understanding the KiwiBuild Frustration. In W. Shahzad, E. Rasheed, & J. Rotimi (Eds.) 6th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS 2020. : 6th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS 2020
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Huiting, L., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Analysis of factors affecting design buildability in New Zealand construction projects. In W. Shahzad, E. Rasheed, & . Rotim (Eds.) 6th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS 2020). : 6th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS 2020)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.Edited by: Rasheed, E.
Samarasinghe, DAS. (2020). Development of framework for building materials-related decisions: A case study. Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction. Vol. 7 (pp. PRO-01-1-PRO-01-6).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Hao, C., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). The factors constraining the adoption of prefabrication in New Zealand residential construction sector. In . Shi, W. Shahzad, E. Rasheed, & J. Rotimi (Eds.) New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS). 蹤獲扦 University: 6th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.Edited by: Rasheed, E.
Sinyakova, L., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Analysis of Papercrete as a way of reducing heat loss in New Zealand timber timber-framed buildings. In W. Shahzad, E. Rasheed, & J. Rotimi (Eds.) The New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS). 蹤獲扦 University: 6th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS 2020)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Thanh Pham, TN., Skelton, L., & Samarasinghe, DAS. (2020). A study of the implementation of BIM in the AEC industry in New Zealand. Proceedings of the International Conference of Architectural Science Association. Vol. 2020-November (pp. 201 - 210).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., Baghaei, N., & Stemmet, L. (2020). Persuasive Virtual Reality: Promoting Earth Buildings in New Zealand. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 12064 LNCS (pp. 208 - 220).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Zhou, Y., & Samarasinghe, D. (2019). How to be work ready: A guideline for quantity surveying graduates in New Zealand. Praxis 2019 Symposium.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D., & Nistor, VM. (2019). OP Observer: A class observation tool for measuring the effectiveness of teaching practice. The ACE2019 Conference. : ACE2019
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., Latif, SA., & Baghaei, N. (2019). Virtual reality models for promoting learners engagement in construction studies. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019 (pp. 1331 - 1335).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, A., Tookey, J., & Rotimi, JOB. (2013). Supply chain collaboration in New Zealand house construction. In TW. Yiu, & V. Gonzales (Eds.)Auckland, New Zealand: The 38th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, D., Tookey, J., & Rotimi, J. (2012). Securing best prices for construction materials - PhD work in-progress: An exploratory study of the New Zealand construction industry. In J. Mbachu (Ed.) The 2nd New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS). : The 2nd New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (NZBERS)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Thiruchelvam, S., Tookey, J., Samarasinghe, D., Mustapha, KN., & Kadirgama, K. (2012). How power utility engineers can better select equipment suppliers: the Malaysian case. http://www.worldconfo.com. : ABRC 2012 - Fourth Annual American Business Research Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Thiruchelvam, S., Tookey, JE., Rotimi, JOB., Samarasinghe, DAS., Mustapha, KN., & Kadirgama, K. (2012). A conceptual framework to evaluate suppliers for building infrastructure in the Malaysian electricity supply industry. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: UTM-IBIMA International Real Estate Conference 2012 (INTEREC 2012)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., Tookey, J., Rotimi, J., & Windapo, A. (2012). Clients and their professional advisers’ role in construction materials purchasing functions.. In K. Michell, P. Bowen, & K. Cattell (Eds.) Joint CIB W070, W092 & TG72 International Conference on Facilities Management, Procurement Systems and Public Private Partnership - Delivering Value to the Community. (pp. 196 - 201). South Africa: Joint CIB W070, W092 & TG72 International Conference on Facility Management, Procurement Systems and Public Private Partnership.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., Tookey, JE., Rotimi, JOB., Windapo, AO., & Thiruchelvam, S. (2012). Examining construction materials purchasing practices. In I. Kamardeen, S. Newton, B. Lim, & M. Loosemore (Eds.) 37th AUBEA International COnference. (pp. 565 - 574). Sydney, Australia: 37th Annual Conference of Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., Tookey, JE., Rotimi, JOB., & Thiruchelvam, S. (2012). Securing Best Prices for Construction Materials: An Exploratory Study of the New Zealand Construction Industry. In T. Hoque (Ed.) Proceedings of Fourth Annual American Business Research Conference. (pp. 1 - 15). New York: Fourth Annual American Business Research Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Samarasinghe, DAS., Tookey, JE., Rotimi, JOB., & Thiruchelvam, S. (2012). Supplier selection in the construction material purchasing function. In T. Hoque (Ed.) Proceedings of Fourth Annual American Business Research Conference. (pp. 1 - 14). New York: Fourth Annual American Business Research Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Rotimi, J., Samarasinghe, D.
Ekanayake,, LL., Samarasinghe, D., Shamih, MSM., & Jayakody, WHAJ. (2009). Managing construction site material waste: Web-based tool. http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/8286. (pp. 78 - 79). Library, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka: 15th ERU Symposium 2009
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.


Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). 3D Printing Construction Revolution. : Capable NZ
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Earth building: Making structures from soil. : Capable NZ
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Virtual Reality And Construction. : Capable NZ
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Four Pillars of Sustainable Construction. : Capable NZ
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Adding BIM to the boom.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Benefits Of Offsite Construction.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Construction Project Management. : Capable NZ
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.
Wood, E., & Samarasinghe, D. (2020). Benefits of Blockchain Technology.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Samarasinghe, D.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2014 - Complete Urban, Auckland, New Zealand
    Designed optical fibre cable connections (AutoCAD detail drawings, Bills of Materials and quotations) for multi-dwelling units (MDU) in Australia.
  • 2007 - Sanken Construction (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka
    Supervised construction of key structural elements such as beams, columns, floor slabs and concrete walls in a 42-storied twin tower in central Colombo in Sri Lanka.
  • 2008 - N & A Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka
    Led construction of raft foundation and major structural elements for a 12-storied residential building.
  • 2014 2016 - New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIOS), Auckland, New Zealand
    Established and led the NZIOS Research Committee responsible for overseeing all matters relevant to research including formulating research policies and strategies.
  • 2015 - New Zealand Curriculum Design Institute
    National Business Sustainability & Productivity Programme Advisory Committee Member
  • 2016 - Future Skills Academy, Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand
    Prepared course materials for Building Construction, Materials and Systems in accordance with the programme document and professional practices.
  • 2017 - Otago Polytechnic
    Facilitated the experiential learning mini course programme open to all staff, offering support and guidance to staff developing experiential learning activity and reflective practice for learners.
  • 2019-2020 - Otago Polytechnic
    Maintained industry collaboration through Permanent External Advisory Committee (PEAC) meetings, conducting construction site visits, and participating in professional development activities.
  • 2019 - 2020 - Capable New Zealand
    Developed Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET) and Diploma in Construction Management distance learning programmes (Independent Learning Pathways - ILP).


  • English
    Last used: Today
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Throughout the past 12 years of my academic journey in New Zealand, I have established a reputation for designing and delivering innovative and impactful curricula to meet the unique learning needs of a diverse student body. I have extensive experience in developing teaching and assessment materials for various qualifications, including the Bachelor of Construction, the Graduate Diploma and Master of Professional Practice in Construction Management.

My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in Experiential Learning, which encourages students to learn through practical experience and reflection. I have designed and facilitated learning experiences that are both engaging and tailored to the individual needs of my students, seamlessly blending experiential learning and reflective practices into my teaching approach. I am committed to providing positive and constructive formative feedback to my students, offering guidance and support that fosters academic growth and improvement.

I am an approachable, compassionate and empathetic educator who is dedicated to my professional growth and development. I regularly reflect on my teaching practices and strive to continuously improve through professional development opportunities, incorporating feedback from my students and colleagues into my ongoing growth as an educator.

Courses Taught

  • 218.810 - Research Report
  • 218.710 - Advanced Construction Planning and Scheduling
  • 218.714 - Sustainable Buildings and Structures
  • 218.331 - Construction Quality Assurance
  • 218.324 - Integrating Building Information and the Supply Chain
  • 218.327 - Sustainability and Construction Innovation
  • 218.335 - Construction Management and Equipment
  • 218.344 - Managing Risk and Operational Sustainability
  • 218.226 - Planning and Digital Built Environment for Quantity Surveyors
  • 218.228 - Planning and Digital Built Environment for Construction Managers
  • 218.106 - Construction Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Graduate Supervision Statement

As a postgraduate supervisor, I consider it a great honour and privilege to support and guide students in their academic journey. I strive to provide a holistic, knowledge-driven and student-centred approach to supervision. I am passionate about supporting students in the following areas of interest: 3D printing in construction, Earth construction, and the application of innovative technologies to enhance the sustainability in the built environment. I am open to receiving expressions of interest from students who share my enthusiasm for these subjects and seek a supportive and knowledgeable supervisor.

I recently supervised a group of postgraduate (Masters') students on various research projects related to the construction industry in New Zealand, conducted at different universities across the country. Here are the projects in order from the most recent to the oldest:

  • 3D Printing with Raw Earth for Sustainable Future of New Zealand Construction, conducted by a student at 蹤獲扦 University in 2022/2023.
  • Investigation of 3D Printing technology to improve the environmental sustainability of the built environment in New Zealand also conducted at 蹤獲扦 University in 2022.
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Offshore Modular Fabrication for Residential Construction in New Zealand, studied by a group of students at AUT in 2021.
  • The effect of skill shortages in the prefabricated residential construction supply chain, also studied at AUT in 2020.
  • Design changes in EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) projects, researched at Otago Polytechnic in 2020.
  • A study of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) system within the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry in New Zealand, also conducted at Otago Polytechnic in 2020.

These research projects illustrate the significance of sustainable building practices and the use of innovative technology in the construction industry, and showcase the valuable contributions that postgraduate students can make to this field. I am extremely proud of my students' hard work and dedication in completing these important research projects.

Dr Don Samarasinghe is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 5 1
Co-supervisor 3 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Anjalee Sinhalage - Doctor of Philosophy
    Cost-Effective Strategies for 3D Concrete Printing in Affordable Housing in New Zealand and Australia
  • Jimmy Zhou Zhou - Doctor of Philosophy
    Examining Global Policy Influences on the Adoption of 3D Concrete Printing Technology: A Roadmap for New Zealand
  • Asad Bajwa - Doctor of Philosophy
    3D concrete printing technology as a solution for sustainable construction in New Zealand
  • Wajhat Ali - Doctor of Philosophy
    AI-Enhanced Decision Support System for Real Estate Management in New Zealand
  • Elaine Ma - Doctor of Philosophy
    Designing and Implementation of a Decision Support System---Sustainable Supply Chain Management of 3D Printing Construction in New Zealand

Co-supervisor of:

  • Wajhat Ali - Doctor of Philosophy
    AI-Enhanced Decision Support System for Real Estate Management in New Zealand
  • Muluken Kelemu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Unravelling Schedule Risks of Interconnected Projects: From Project to Programme Management of Complex Projects in New Zealand
  • Vineet Arya - Doctor of Philosophy
    A New Normal for Classrooms of Primary School Post -Covid-19: A Case Study New Zealand.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Zechen Guan - Doctor of Philosophy
    A study on the health and safety of Chinese migrant workers in the New Zealand construction industry

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