
Ms Marama Garnett staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136185

Marama Garnett BEd

Assistant Lecturer in Digital Built Environment (Maori Support)

School of Built Environment

Assist in lectures within the School of Built Environment to plan, teach, deliver and assess.  Supporting role with undergraduate and postgraduate Maori and international students.  To administer the incoming and outgoing of MBIE research in CanConstructNZ 

Marama is an assistant lecturer in the School of Built Environment.  Her role supports the learning of Maori and International students.  Marama is also a researcher in CanConstructNZ. 

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Contact details

  • Ph: 0211272600
    Location: QA 3.30, School of Built Environment
    Campus: Albany


  • Bachelor of Education - University of Auckland (2001)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Climate change

Maori Engagement


Research Opportunities

  • CanConstructNZ  (01/11/2021) Research Officer


Bachelor in Education

Diplolma in Business and Management

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Development of a framework for upskilling Maori construction practitioners in New Zealand

The primary aim of this study is to investigate skill shortages within New Zealand's construction industry and develop a comprehensive framework that will promote the inclusion of more Mori in high-skill roles. The framework will focus on different areas of high-skill requirements, including design skills that cover building codes, measurements, blueprint development, environmental regulations, safe worksite development, and computer-aided drafting (CAD). Moreover, the study also encompasses communication skills, such as leadership, teamwork, quality control, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and cognitive skills, like critical thinking, problem-solving, organization, and documentation. In addition, the study will look into technical skills related to construction management software, mobile apps, building information modelling, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), estimating software, and drones. Lastly, the study will also consider growth and developmental skills, such as coachability, willingness to learn, growth mindset, vocational training, apprenticeship engagement, independence, self-motivation, and time management. The study has two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to identify the current industry trends and determine the specific skills that the industry urgently requires. Secondly, it seeks to develop a framework that supports the inclusion of more Mori in high-skill roles within the construction industry. Given the shortage of skilled workers and the need to address the under-representation of Mori, this research is of critical importance. Our team is honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to the development of a more diverse and skilled workforce in New Zealand's construction industry.
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Date Range: 2023 - 2024

Funding Body: Te P贖kenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Project Team: