
Associate Professor Niki Murray staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516977

Associate Professor Niki Murray BA, MA, PhD

Associate Professor

Doctoral Supervisor
蹤獲扦 Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

When I began with 蹤獲扦, I was the project manager of a 3½ year Foundation of Research, Science and Technology (FRST) funded Literacy and Employment project. I have managed several government-funded research projects into adult literacy including work with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, the Department of Labour, and the Health Research Council/Ministry of Health, where I began investigating health literacy and health communication issues around immunisation. My background lies within the mental health sector where she worked as a Specialist Services Co-ordinator, establishing links with community resources and groups, and healthy living programmes for high-risk clients.

My PhD study incorporated quantitative and qualitative methods and investigated the ways in which people in adult vocational courses of differing literacy levels cope with and make meaning of stressful learning encounters, and the impacts this has on persistence.

Recent work has involved trialling an immunisation communication resource within five District Health Board regions and assessing its effectiveness in increasing health professional confidence in discussing immunisation, client uptake of information, and client uptake of infant immunisation services. I have also recently completed some exploratory research into maternal mental load and vaccination coverage in the media. 

I am enthralled by psychology and human behaviour and bring these interests into my own research programme in health communication (particularly in the area of infant feeding, vaccination, and maternal mental health messages), stress and coping, and interpersonal communication. I have worked in the mental health field as a Specialist Services Coordinator and before I became a lecturer, was a full-time Project Manager of a large collaborative multi-city university-community research team. I enjoy working with both qualitative and quantitative data, and love when I can mix both in the same project!

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Contact details

  • Ph: 06 356 9099 ext 83977
    Location: 1.04, Business Studies Central
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Arts - 蹤獲扦 University (2001)
  • Master of Arts - 蹤獲扦 University (2003)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2009)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Adult Literacy

Health Communication particularly vaccination communication, maternal mental health, and infant feeding messages

Stress and Coping

Workplace Learning

Women and Academia


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Communication and Media Studies (200100): Communication Studies (200101):
Education (130000):
Educational Psychology (170103):
Health Promotion (111712):
Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology (170106):
Languages, Communication And Culture (200000):
Medical And Health Sciences (110000):
Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000):
Public Health and Health Services (111700)


Adult Literacy

Health Communication

Stress and Coping

Women and Academia

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Health literacy and communicating immunisation information to decision-makers

This pilot study investigated the impact that illustrations have on delivering immunisation information to immunisation decisions-makers who are of differing health literacy levels. It had six objectives: (a) to develop illustrative tools that form the intervention of the study; (b) to describe factors that influence immunisation decision making processes of decision-makers with differing levels of functional health literacy; (c) to determine if recall of immunisation information was improved by the illustrations; (d) to determine if the illustrations improved comprehension of immunisation information; (e) to report on the outcomes in relation to immunisation uptake at six weeks and three months; (f) to evaluate the illustrations and suggest recommendations for modifications. This pilot intervention study included qualitative interviews, quantitative assessment, and focus groups. Enhanced immunisation information recall, comprehension and improved immunisation rates were predicted benefits of this study, alongside illustrative models available for use nationally.
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Date Range: 2008 - 2010

Funding Body: Health Research Council of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Literacy & Employment

Researchers from the Adult Literacy and Communication Research (ALCR) Group at the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University, in partnership with the Wanganui District Library, undertook a major longitudinal research project funded by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, focusing on adult literacy and employment in Whanganui and Districts. Through a series of interlinked research projects we aimed to achieve the following four objectives: 1. To establish adult literacy needs of both employed and unemployed in Whanganui and Districts region. 2. To identify the social, attitudinal and economic barriers to adult literacy, numeracy and analytical thinking skills of employed and unemployed in Whanganui and Districts. 3. To evaluate how effectively adult literacy programmes secure employment outcomes. 4. To examine adult literacy learning processes and their relationship to employment. The Whanganui project group added their own further objectives, specific to gaining tangible benefits for Whanganui. These included: 1. Achieving positive, tangible and practical outcomes for the Whanganui community, with a well-researched plan of action for medium-long term 2005-2015 to address identified issues relating to literacy 2. Establishing a database of meaningful, relevant information relating to the links between literacy and employment in Whanganui and identify links to other social issues e.g. crime, health, and housing; and providing benchmarks to measure future progress 3. Developing collaboration between agencies within the Whanganui region, to strengthen the community and social infrastructure for future work and projects 4. Building the research capacity within Whanganui.
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Date Range: 2004 - 2007

Funding Body: Foundation for Research, Science & Technology

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Croucher, SM., Rocker, K., Singh, R., Feekery, A., Ashwell, D., Green, M., . . . Anderson, K. (2024). Organizational Commitment and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis in the United States and New Zealand. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. 53(1-2), 31-44
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Feekery, A., Green, M., Murray, N.
Croucher, SM., Ashwell, D., Cullinane, J., Murray, N., & Nguyen, T. (2024). Vaccine confidence in New Zealand: understanding the influences of demographic characteristics and patient self-advocacy. Atlantic Journal of Communication. 32(3), 403-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Murray, N.Contributed to by: Ashwell, D.
Somasiri, S., Murray, N., & Dresler, E. (2022). Solo female travellers: solitude as a solo travel need and intrusive experiences in Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 27(11), 1127-1143
[Journal article]Authored by: Dresler, E., Murray, N.
Croucher, SM., Murray, N., Ashwell, D., Cullinane, J., & Nguyen, T. (2022). Predicting Vaccine Confidence: Patient Self-advocacy and Fear of COVID-19 in the United States. Southern Communication Journal. 87(4), 348-360
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Murray, N.
Gray, FE., Murray, N., & Hopkins, K. (2021). Affordances of e-Newsletters for NPO General-Public Stakeholders. Voluntas. 32(5), 1165-1181
[Journal article]Authored by: Gray, F., Murray, N.
Croucher, S., Ashwell, D., Murray, N., Condon, SM., & Fletcher, P. (2021). A Longitudinal Analysis of Handwashing and Mask-Wearing during COVID-19. Frontiers in Communication. 6
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Condon, S., Croucher, S., Fletcher, P., Murray, N.
Croucher, SM., Nguyen, T., Pearson, E., Murray, N., Feekery, A., Spencer, A., . . . Kelly, S. (2021). A comparative analysis of Covid-19-related prejudice: the United States, Spain, Italy, and New Zealand. Communication Research Reports. 38(2), 79-89
[Journal article]Authored by: Croucher, S., Feekery, A., Murray, N., Nguyen, T.
Ashwell, D., & Murray, N. (2020). When being positive might be negative: An analysis of Australian and New Zealand newspaper framing of vaccination post Australia's No Jab No Pay legislation. Vaccine. 38(35), 5627-5633
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2019). Community of practice versus community of readers: the literacy tutors’ dilemma. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 71(1), 108-125
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2015). Young adult literacy learners describe the text-orality nexus. Text and Talk. 35(1), 101-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Tilley, E., Murray, N., Watson, B., & Comrie, M. (2014). New views on a 'Stuck' issue: Communicating about childhood immunisation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Media International Australia. (152), 40-56
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Murray, N., Tremaine, M., & Fountaine, S. (2012). Breaking through the glass ceiling in the ivory tower: Using a case study to gain new understandings of old gender issues. Advances in Developing Human Resources. 14(2), 221-236
[Journal article]Authored by: Fountaine, S., Murray, N.
Murray, N., Tremaine, M., & Fountaine, S. (2012). Breaking through the glass ceiling in the ivory tower: Using a case study to gain new understandings of old gender issues. Advances in Developing Human Resources. 14(2), 221-236 Retrieved from http://adh.sagepub.com/content/14/2/221
[Journal article]Authored by: Fountaine, S., Murray, N.
Sligo, FF., Tilley, E., & Murray, N. (2011). Do apprentices' communities of practice block unwelcome knowledge?. Education and Training. 53(4), 297-309
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Gray, EF., & Murray, N. (2011). 'A distinguishing factor': Oral communication skills in new accountancy graduates. Accounting Education. 20(3), 275-294
[Journal article]Authored by: Gray, F., Murray, N.
Comrie, M., & Murray, N. (2009). Life-skills and literacy: Employers perspectives on staff learning needs. The International Journal of Learning. 16(9), 387-400 Retrieved from http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Neilson, D., Watson, B., & Sligo, F. (2008). Teaching beyond literacy: The challenge faced by literacy practitioners. The International Journal of Learning. 15(7), 37-45 Retrieved from http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.30/prod.1837
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Sharp, C., & Sligo, F. (2007). Fostering an action research project to promote family learning in a New Zealand primary school. The International Journal of Learning. 14(8), 235-243 Retrieved from http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.30/prod.1484
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Vaccarino, F., Syder, M., Comrie, M., Murray, N., & Sligo, F. (2007). Stepping through the looking glass: A vocational literacy action research project focusing on self-reflection. New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning. 35(2), 61-77
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., & Culligan, N. (2007). Defining focus and integrity in building a community research coalition. Systemic Practice and Action Research. 20(4), 305-318
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Vaccarino, F., Culligan, N., Comrie, M., & Sligo, F. (2006). School to work transition. International Journal of Learning. 13(8), 69-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Sligo, F. (2006). Adult literacy providers and lifelong learning. The International Journal of Learning. 13(2), 169-176 Retrieved from http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.30/prod.999
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., Murray, N., & Tilley, E. (2006). Adult literacy and employment in Wanganui: An initial exploration of the dimensions. New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning. 34(1), 48-68
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, MA., & Culligan, NS. (2006). Employees need the write stuff. Employment Today. (110), 26-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, NS., & Sligo, FX. (2006). Developing co-creative community-university research relationships: Experiences within a New Zealand community. Research and Practice in Adult Literacy. (58), 31-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.


Croucher, SM., Cullinane, J., Murray, N., Rocker, KT., & Nguyen, T. (2023). Health communication and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A 22-nation exploration of mask-wearing. In Pandemic Communication. (pp. 12 - 41).
[Chapter]Authored by: Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Murray, N.Edited by: Croucher, S.
Elizabeth Gray, F., & Murray, N. (2016). 'A distinguishing factor': Oral communication skills in new accountancy graduates. In Communication in Accounting Education. (pp. 98 - 117).
[Chapter]Authored by: Murray, N.
Vaccarino, F., Comrie, MA., Murray, N., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E. (2013). Daring to define literacy in the 21st century.. In A. Pandian, CLC. Ling, D. Tan Ai Lin, J. Munlandy, LB. Choo, & T. Chwee Hiang (Eds.) New literacies: Reconstructing language and education. (pp. 1 - 19). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, MA., Tilley, E., Watson, E., & Murray, N. (2012). Communicating about childhood immunization: New insights from Aotearoa/New Zealand. In BR. Bates, & R. Ahmed (Eds.) Medical communication in clinical contexts. (pp. 231 - 251). Iowa, United States of America: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
[Chapter]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Olsson, S., Sligo, F., Murray, N., Tilley, E., Vaccarino, F., . . . Franklin, J.(2005). Perceptions, needs and issues: A discussion paper. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Comrie, M., Olsson, S., Murray, N., & Tilley, E.(2005). Barriers to Adult Literacy: A discussion paper. 蹤獲扦 University, Department of Communication and Journalism
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, FX., Comrie, MA., Olsson, SC., Culligan, NS., & Tilley, EN.(2005). Barriers to adult literacy. 蹤獲扦 University, Department of Communication and Journalism
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.


Murray, NS. (2009). Dispositional coping styles and adult literacy: Exploring stress and coping in adult vocational training environments. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University, New Zealand)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Murray, N.


Comrie, M., Murray, N., Watson, B., Tilley, E., Sligo, F., & Handley, J. (2010). Communicating infant immunisation information: Resource development and evaluation. Adult Literacy and Communication Research Group, School of Communication, Journalsim and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F.(2010). Modern apprentices' literacy learning: A formative evaluation.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Watson, B., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F. (2010). Modern apprentices literacy learning: A formative evaluation. Department of Labour.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Franklin, J., & Sligo, F. (2009). A case study exploring the interconnections between literacy, employment and the library in Wanganui Prison's self-care units: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment project. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Watson, B., Neilson, D., Murray, N., Dempsey, B., Sligo, F., Comrie, M., . . . Vaccarino, F. (2007). Literacy provision and employment: Perspectives of secondary school teachers, employers, and adult literacy practitioners. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Watson, B., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Tilley, E. (2007). Lifelong literacy: Issues of strategy. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Vaccarino, F., Comrie, M., Murray, N., & Sligo, F. (2007). Action research reflections: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment project. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Tilley, E., Sligo, F., Shearer, F., Comrie, M., Murray, N., Franklin, J., . . . Watson, B. (2007). Voices: First-hand experiences of adult literacy learning and employment in Wanganui. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Tilley, E., Comrie, M., Watson, B., Murray, N., Sligo, F., Franklin, J., . . . Vaccarino, F. (2006). Perspectives of adult literacy learners 2004-2006: A report from the adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Tilley, E., Neilson, D., Murray, N., Sligo, F., & Vaccarino, F. (2006). The wider voice: Wanganui community perspectives on adult literacy and employment 2005-2006. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Vaccarino, F., Comrie, M., Murray, N., & Sligo, F. (2006). Action research initiatives: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Neilson, D., Culligan, N., Watson, B., Comrie, M., Sligo, F., Vaccarino, F., . . . Franklin, J. (2006). Perspectives of Wanganui employers and providers of adult literacy services 2005-2006: A report from the Wanganui adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Culligan, N., Sligo, F., Tilley, E., & Franklin, J. (2006). Common threads: A report for the Wanganui community on the first stages of the adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Franklin, J., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E. (2006). Wanganui's enhanced task force green: Opportunities for those seeking work. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, J. (2006). Tipping points: Nodes of change for adult literacy and employment. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Culligan, N., Comrie, M., Tilley, E., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, J. (2006). In their own words: Policy implications from the Wanganui adult literacy and employment research programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Franklin, J., Olsson, S., Comrie, M., Sligo, F., Murray, N., Tilley, E., . . . Vaccarino, F.(2005). Wanganui and districts employers' perspectives on literacy and employment. New Zealand: Department of Communication and Journalism, 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Culligan, NS., Sligo, FX., Arnold, GC., & Noble, AD. (2005). Analysis of New Zealand data from the international adult literacy survey: Demographic predictors of low literacy profiiciency: Final Report. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, NS., Noble, A., & Sligo, FX. (2005). Reading between the lines : The international adult literacy survey - New Zealand's performance. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.


Murray, N., & Ashwell, D.Vaccine hesitancy in New Zealand. . Virtual conference
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.
Mason, R., & Murray, N. (2018). The effectiveness of coping strategies in managing the mental load of work and family life amongst female academics. , Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Mason, R., Murray, N.
Ashwell, D., & Murray, N. (2018). Freedom of choice or crime against society: A comparative study of Australian and New Zealand newspaper coverage of the vaccination debate. , Multiple Realities - Australia New Zealand Communication Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.
Ashwell, D., & Murray, N. (2018). Framing the voices of the Pro and Anti-Vaccination Debate: Australian and New Zealand News Sources. , 68th Annual ICA Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Tilley, EN., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2016). Mate it would take me all day to read that: reimagining university human ethics practices for people with liminal literacy. In J. Fulton, & P. McIntyre (Eds.) Refereed proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Creating Space in the Fifth Estate. (pp. 1 - 14). Newcastle, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference:
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Fernando, J., Winter, H., Issacs, R., Walsh, C., MacDonald, C., Baken, D., . . . Murray, NS. (2013). Patient perceptions of adjuvant discussions in the cancer clinic.. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. London
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M.(2012, April). From the solitary world of the literate learner to collective orality: What we learn from people with liminal literacy. .
[Conference]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Comrie, M., & Murray, N. (2012). Adult literacy means more than skills: Learning about communication from people with liminal literacy. In C. Ananwu, K. Green, & J. Sykes (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century. (pp. 1 - 12). Adelaide, Australia: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century,
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2010). Community of practice as barrier to knowledge and skills: The case of apprentices' learning. In K. McCallum (Ed.) Media Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2010. (pp. 1 - 14). Australia: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association [ANZCA] Conference: Media, Democracy and Change
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Murray, NS. (2009). Stress in formal learning environments: coping styles of adults with low prose literacy. In STAR 2009: 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference(pp. 183 - 291). : Semmelweis University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, NS. (2009, July). Stress in formal learning environments: Coping styles of adults with low prose literacy. Presented at 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Conference. Budapest, Hungary.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., & Murray, N.Life-skills and literacy: Employers' perspectives on staff learning needs.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, MA., Murray, NS., Handley, J., & Waldon, J. (2009, November). Developing immunisation communication tools: A community-university liaison project. Presented at National Immunisation Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F. (2008). Place, people and voice: Creating and communicating expressive content via cartoons. Communications, Civics, Industry: Referred Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2007. (pp. 1 - 9). Australia: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association [ANZCA] Conference: Communications, Civics, Industry
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., Comrie, M., & Murray, N. (2007). Adult literacy education: Pathways to citizenship in personal communities. In A. Pandian, & M. Kell (Eds.) Literacy: Diverse Perspectives and Pointers for Practice. Proceedings of LITCON 2007: International Conference on Literacy. (pp. 340 - 353). Malaysia: LITCON International Conference on Literacy 2007: Literacy and Citizenship: Pathways to Sustainable Education
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Patrick, S., Comrie, M., Dempsey, B., Harrison, G., Murray, N., . . . Vaccarino, F. (2007). Community and university research: Consultation and collaboration. In International Adult Literacy Conference: Programme and Abstracts Online(pp. 2 - 2). , International Adult Literacy Conference New Zealand: Workbase Ltd
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E. (2007). Challenges of adult literacy teaching: Views of training providers and their students. In E. Gray, & L. Emerson (Eds.) Proceedings of the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006. (pp. 105 - 118). New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Murray, N. (2007). Learning from and with the community: Creating methodology in the adult literacy and employment project. In E. Gray, & L. Emerson (Eds.) Proceedings of the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006. (pp. 68 - 79). New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network Coloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.
Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2007). Cogitating on our roles as collaborators in participatory action research community-based projects. In E. Gray, & L. Emerson (Eds.) Proceedings of the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006. (pp. 213 - 223). New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, BJ.(2007, January). Picturing words: Illustration-based research feedback to persons of low literacy. .
[Conference]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Culligan, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, BJ. (2007). Picturing words: Illustration-based research feedback to persons of low literacy. In LR. Miyares, AM. Alvarado, & CA. Moreno (Eds.) ACTAS 1: X Simposio International Comunicacion Social. (pp. 168 - 172). Cuba: 10th International Symposium on Social Communication
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E.(2006, December). Challenges of adult literacy teaching: Views of training providers and their students. .
[Conference]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Murray, N. (2006, December). Learning from and with the community: Creating methodology in the adult literacy and employment project. Presented at Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium. Napier, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2006, December). Cogitating on our roles as collaborators in participatory action research community-based projects. Presented at Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, NS. (2006). Challenges of adult literacy teaching: Views of training providers and their students. In Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium(pp. 43 - 44). : Tertiary Writing Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Murray, N. (2006). Learning from and with the community: Creating methodology in the adult literacy and employment project. In Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006: Programme and Abstract Book(pp. 50 - 50). , Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006 New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., & Culligan, NS. (2005). Rethinking research assumptions about community, and community assumptions about research : The literacy and employment programme. In DC. Mills, DD. Matheson, & LL. Eds (Eds.) Australian and New Zealand Communication Association International Conference, 2005 : Communication at work. (pp. unpaged). Christchurch, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.
Pennington, HR., Alpass, FM., & Culligan, NS. (2004, April). Who are the participants in ageing research?. Presented at New Zealand Association of Gerontology Conference. Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Alpass, F., Murray, N.


Murray, NS., & Comrie, MA. (2010). Talking about immunisation: A community-based project. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Murray, NS., Watson, B., Comrie, MA., Vaccarino, FA., & Tilley, EN. (2009, May). Apprentices literacy learning. In Department of Labour. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Murray, NS. (2009, October). Researching leadership and using research to make a contribution to leadership. In Zonta International Leadership Development Workshop. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, NS. (2009). Stress in formal learning environments: coping styles of adults with low prose literacy.. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, NS., Patrick, S., & Dempsey, B. (2007). Consultation, collaboration and partnership: Researching with the community. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, NS., Franklin, BJ., & Vaccarino, FA. (2006, February). FRST literacy and employment programme participant interview findings. In Training For You staff. Presented at Wanganui, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Tremaine, MG., & Murray, NS. (2013, March). Cultural Sustainability and Indigenous Agri-food. In Research Round-house Seminar, School of CJM.
[Oral Presentation]Edited by: Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Tilley, EN., Comrie, MA., Murray, NS., Vaccarino, FA., & Watson, BJ. (2009, November). Two worlds: Modern apprentices and the chasm between trade and literacy aspirations. Presented at 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Culligan, NS. (2006). Prison literacy programme may cut reoffending. (pp. 4).
[Other]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, N., & Comrie, M. (2006, June). FRST literacy and employment programme: Participant interview findings. In YMCA Staff. Presented at Wanganui, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Culligan, N., & Comrie, M. (2006, May). Potential policy implications: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment programme. In Wanganui PTE Meeting. Presented at Wanganui, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, N., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F. (2006, April). FRST literacy and employment programme: Participant interview findings. In Ag Challenge Staff. Presented at Wanganui, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., Culligan, N., & Vaccarino, F. (2006, February). FRST literacy and employment programme: Participant interview findings. In Land Based Training staff. Presented at Wanganui, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Comrie, M., & Culligan, N. (2006, April). Trends and directions: The literacy and employment programme. In Learning for Living Officials' Group. Presented at Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.

Consultancy and Languages


  • English
    Last used: 2019
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 1
Co-supervisor 1 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Chantel Fewtrell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Wait and learn: engaging minds in the waiting room.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Sachithra Somasiri - Doctor of Philosophy
    Conceptualising the Solitude Experience of Solo Female Travellers: Exploring the Interplay of Aloneness, Social Presence, and Interactions

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2017 - Aruneewan Buaniaw - Doctor of Philosophy
    A case study of mental health communication programme delivery during mass violence in southern Thailand, 2004-2014