
Dr Phoebe Fletcher staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136321

Dr Phoebe Fletcher PhD

Senior Lecturer - Digital Marketing

蹤獲扦 Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

Phoebe is a lecturer in Digital Marketing at the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing. She has an industry background, and has experience in corporate, government and the not-for-profit sector, working in a variety of marketing, communications and digital strategy roles. Her research interests are in emerging technologies, including digital marketing, social media, and social media warfare.

She is the Vice President of Political Science and International Affairs for the Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies. 


Contact details

  • Ph: (09) 414 0000, extn. 43321
    Location: QA 3.68, Quad A, third floor
    Campus: Albany Campus


  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Auckland (2015)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Digital marketing 

Social media 

Social media and political warfare 

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000): Marketing (150500): Marketing Communications (150502): Marketing Management (incl. Strategy and Customer Relations) (150503): Marketing Theory (150506):
Technology (100000)

Research Outputs


Rahmani, D., Fletcher, P., Hess, AC., & Croucher, S. (2024). How did New Zealanders decide to get vaccinated against COVID-19? Developing a novel comprehensive model of vaccination intention. Journal of Applied Communication Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Croucher, S., Fletcher, P., Hess, A., Rahmani, D.
Rahmani, D., Zeng, C., Chen, M., Fletcher, P., & Goke, R. (2023). Investigating the effects of online communication apprehension and digital technology anxiety on organizational dissent in virtual teams. Computers in Human Behavior. 144
[Journal article]Authored by: Fletcher, P., Rahmani, D.
Croucher, S., Ashwell, D., Murray, N., Condon, SM., & Fletcher, P. (2021). A Longitudinal Analysis of Handwashing and Mask-Wearing during COVID-19. Frontiers in Communication. 6
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Condon, S., Croucher, S., Fletcher, P., Murray, N.
Fletcher, P. (2009). Fucking Americans: Postmodern Nationalisms in the Splatter Horror Film. Colloquy: text theory critique. (1`8), 76-98
[Journal article]Authored by: Fletcher, P.


Fletcher, P. (2013). Apocalyptic Machines: Terror and Anti-Production in the Post-9/11 Splatter Film. In B. Brown (Ed.) Manifestations of Social Fear and Terror. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2010). Advertising: Through the Looking Glass. In L. Goode, & N. Zuberi (Eds.) Media Studies in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 124 - 133). Auckland: Pearson Education
[Chapter]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2009). Apocalyptic Machines: Terror and Anti-Production in the Post 9/11 Splatter Film. In L. Franklin, & R. Richardson (Eds.) The Many Forms of Fear, Horror and Terror. (pp. 81 - 92). Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Fletcher, P.


Isle, E., Bayfield, R., Cartwright, J., Moon, L., Dearlove, P., & Fletcher, P.(2024). The Evolving Landscape of Cloud Computing and Data Privacy in Aotearoa. New Zealand: IAB
[Technical Report]Authored by: Fletcher, P.Contributed to by: Fletcher, P.


Fletcher, P., Hess, A., Holdershaw, J., & Rahmani, D. (2023). Increasing Public Trust in the Age of Disinformation. , ANZMAC
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fletcher, P., Hess, A., Holdershaw, J., Rahmani, D.
Fletcher, P., & Hess, A. (2022). Community building on social media and reaction to retargeting. In P. Harrigan, & G. Brush (Eds.) https://www.anzmac2022.com/program/conference-proceedings/. : ANZMAC 2022. Reconnect & reimagine
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Fletcher, P., Hess, A.
Fletcher, P. (2022, November). Making the most of social media for engagement. Presented at Communicating for Government. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P.Digital Marketing. . 蹤獲扦 University, Wellington
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2022, July). A treacherous landscape: Navigating social platforms as a socially responsible brand. Presented at The New Zealand Social Media Forum. Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P.The role of digital marketing in the agency/ creative process. . Auckland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P., & Rahmani, D.Splinternet: hybrid warfare in a deep fake and social media world. . 蹤獲扦 University
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Fletcher, P., Rahmani, D.
Fletcher, P.Communicating Around Polarising Issues and Reaching Hard to Reach Groups. . Wellington
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P., & Hess, A.Addressing the Revenue Gap: Preparing alternative advertising structures for the death of the third party cookie. . University of Melbourne
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Fletcher, P., Hess, A.Contributed to by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2021, July). Strategies for preserving stability in a deep fake and social media world. Presented at Africa Cyber Defence Forum. Nairobi, Kenya.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2020, October). Embracing Our Digital Futures: How Digital Marketing Will Help New Zealand Businesses Thrive Through the Coronavirus. Presented at Global Uncertainties on Wellbeing, Sustainability, Business and Education. NZIE, Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2020, December). Documenting the death of the third-party cookie: future directions for programmatic advertising. Presented at Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Business Analytics. Temple University, New York.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2020, August). Generating public trust in the age of social media. Presented at Communicating for New Zealand. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2018, November). Smart cities: The impact of cyber security on the global uptake of a holistic approach to city planning. Presented at 2018 Global Smart City Summit. Yinchuan, China.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2014, September). Splinternet: Cartographies of Warfare in Cyberspace. Presented at Media, War and Memory Conference, JMAD Conference. Auckland University of Technology, Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2013, December). American Anxiety: The Serial Killer in Popular Fiction and Film. Presented at Telling Truths: Crime Fiction in National Allegory Conference. Wollongong University, Wollongong, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2013, April). Chronotopian Uprisings: The Youtube Effect, Virtuality and Change. Presented at Liberty and Human Rights Conference. Cairo, Egypt.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2010, June). Blood: It’s the Price of Freedom. Presented at 8th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. University of California, Los Angeles.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2010, October). Cultural Tourism. Presented at First Global Conference of Black Nationalities. Osun, Nigeria.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2009, April). Fucking Americans: Postmodern Nationalisms in the Splatter Horror Film. Presented at B is for Bad Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics and Cultural Values Conference. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2009, September). Apocalyptic Machines: Terror and Anti-Production in the Post 9/11 Splatter Film. Presented at Fear, Horror, Terror Conference. Oxford University, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.
Fletcher, P. (2008, April). Screening the Global War on Terror: Revolutionary Nationalisms in the Contemporary American Splatter Horror. Presented at New Nightmares: Issues and Themes in Contemporary Horror Film Criticism and Horror Cinema Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fletcher, P.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 2 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Yiming Yang - Doctor of Philosophy
    IT affordance strategies, organisational capabilities, business performance and innovation: The empirical research from a Multi-Channel Network perspective.
  • Chao Chen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring live streaming as a marketing tool in the context of cross-border-e-commerce

Media and Links


  • 31 Mar 2022 - Online
    Russia versus Ukraine: War in the digital frame
    Discussion on cyber warfare for the Centre for Strategic Cyberspace and Security Science with Professor of Russian and East European Studies Mitchell Orenstein and Research Director for the Demos Cent
  • 29 Oct 2021 - Newspaper
    What's going on with Facebook's new Meta rebrand?
    Interviewed for Stuff.
  • 09 Mar 2022 - Magazine
    Why does every brands Instagram look like that?
    Interviewed by The Spinoff on the aesthetic strategies brands use on Instagram.
  • 09 Dec 2021 - Newspaper
    Cotton On releases self-love range on its website
    Interviewed on Cotton On's marketing strategy for Stuff newspaper.
  • 03 Apr 2024 - Online
    World Cloud Security Day a good reminder for Kiwi
    Article on securing the cloud for computational advertising for CFO Tech Magazine
  • 03 Apr 2023 - Online
    "What is the allure of LinkedIn", The SpinOff
    Article on why people go on Linkedin and how they behave on the platform.