
Dr Stuart Mead staff profile picture

Contact details +6469519208

Dr Stuart Mead

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment



  • Doctor of Philosophy - Macquarie University (2017)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 蹤獲扦 University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Numerical simulation of environmental flows
  • Computational techniques for hazard assessment
  • Volcanic hazard and risk

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Earth Sciences (040000): Geology (040300):
Mathematical Sciences (010000): Numerical Analysis (010301): Numerical and Computational Mathematics (010300):
Volcanology (040314)

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Robust volcanic eruption forecasts: leveraging magmatic speedometry into geophysical monitoring

The key question asked of a volcano monitoring agency is When will the volcano erupt? While it is possible to determine whether a volcano is in a state of unrest, it is very difficult to forecast an imminent eruption based on geophysical monitoring signals alone. We will use petrography and geochemistry to decipher magmatic processes that are preserved within erupted material, as crystals and volcanic glass or groundmass reflect a history of growth within a variable (pressure, temperature, chemical, etc.) magmatic environment. We have recently demonstrated that these magma-speedometric methods allow the quantification of rates and timing of events leading to former explosive eruptions, as well as informing the geometry of the respective plumbing systems. In this project we will extend these insights to effusive eruptions, providing geophysical monitoring experts with knowledge about how the entire subvolcanic plumbing system operates. We will combine this field-leading knowledge with seismic and ground deformation observations that signal magma movement at depth. Building models will enhance scientific understanding of how seismicity and deformation are modulated by variations in volume, depth, and conduit geometry during magma ascent, and how these signals change over time as magma ascends from great depth to the surface. High-resolution geochemical information gained from deposits of previous eruptions will provide the boundary conditions for these models. Combining the models with future real-life geophysical observations during periods of volcanic unrest will allow rapid interpretation to identify timing, size, and style of potential eruptions. This method will be directly applied to monitoring of New Zealands volcanoes and incorporated into the GeoNet project. The outcomes of this work will protect the lives of people and the long-term livelihoods of stakeholders in volcanically active areas.
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Date Range: 2022 - 2026

Funding Body: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Project Title: Beneath the Waves: Preparedness and resilience to New Zealands nearshore volcano hazards

Date Range: 2021 - 2026

Funding Body: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd

Project Team:

Completed Projects

Project Title: He Tatai Whenua: A Te Ao Maori landscape classification

Our research will synthesize a Te Ao Maori landscape classification that can be directly integrated with existing geographical information systems (GIS). We will produce the first indigenous peoples, or Maori metric based Landscape Classification for New Zealand. Despite Maori expert elicitation, or interpretation, of landscape features being well recognised, coherent representation and display of this knowledge is significantly underdeveloped. Data of this kind is still treated as anecdotal or qualitative and, as a result, lacks impact in environmental management and decision-making. In stark contrast, the underlying descriptors and datasets used to classify NZ's environment for decision-making are all displayed in advanced GIS systems utilising cutting edge technology (e.g. geology (Qmap), soils (SMap), bio-diversity (Landcover Database/LENZ), and land use/capability (NZ Land Resource Inventory)). Many of the fundamental methods used to create these datasets are based on frameworks and criteria created through quasi-quantitative methods with no inclusion or recognition of matauranga Maori. This will be achieved through three components: 1. Development of Maori landscape classification criteria based on matauranga Maori, tikanga, kaitiakitanga and tohu taiao from leading Maori academics and Iwi partners 2. Generation of the first Maori Landscape Classification GIS (MLC-GIS) and database using new IT, GIS, remote sensing techniques and mathematical methods to visualise landscapes based on the developed criteria 3. Application of the MLC-GIS alongside existing environmental databases in new catchment management strategies Our research will use the Manawatu catchment to develop the protocols required to extend the proposed Maori Landscape Classification GIS to the whole of NZ. Globally this will be the first time such a dataset will be created. Additionally, new geospatial visualisation methods will be developed that will have significant impact.
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Date Range: 2017 - 2022

Funding Body: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Weir, AM., Wilson, TM., Bebbington, MS., Beaven, S., Gordon, T., Campbell-Smart, C., . . . Fairclough, R. (2024). Approaching the challenge of multi-phase, multi-hazard volcanic impact assessment through the lens of systemic risk: application to Taranaki Mounga. Natural Hazards. 120(10), 9327-9360
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Mead, S.
Mead, SR., Procter, J., & Bebbington, M. (2023). Probabilistic volcanic mass flow hazard assessment using statistical surrogates of deterministic simulations. Computers and Geosciences. 178
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Heap, M., Schaefer, LN., Darmawan, H., Deegan, FM., Kennedy, B., . . . Walter, TR. (2023). Porosity, strength, and alteration – Towards a new volcano stability assessment tool using VNIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 602
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Weir, AM., Mead, S., Bebbington, MS., Wilson, TM., Beaven, S., Gordon, T., . . . Campbell-Smart, C. (2022). A modular framework for the development of multi-hazard, multi-phase volcanic eruption scenario suites. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 427
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Mead, S.
Mead, S., Procter, J., Bebbington, M., & Rodriguez-Gomez, C. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment for National Park Infrastructure Proximal to Taranaki Volcano (New Zealand). Frontiers in Earth Science. 10
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Lemiale, V., Huston, C., Mead, S., Alexander, DLJ., Cleary, PW., Adhikary, D., . . . Delaney, GW. (2022). Combining Statistical Design with Deterministic Modelling to Assess the Effect of Site-Specific Factors on the Extent of Landslides. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55(1), 259-273
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, SR., Procter, J., & Kereszturi, G. (2021). Quantifying location error to define uncertainty in volcanic mass flow hazard simulations. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 21(8), 2447-2460
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Tierz, P., Bevilacqua, A., Mead, S., Spiller, E., & Sandri, L. (2021). Editorial: Field Data, Models and Uncertainty in Hazard Assessment of Pyroclastic Density Currents and Lahars: Global Perspectives. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, L., Mead, S., Miller, C., Procter, J., & Kennedy, B. (2021). Synthesis of hydrothermal alteration, rock mechanics and geophysical mapping to constrain failure and debris avalanche hazards at Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand). New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 64(2-3), 421-442
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., Morgan, M., & Cronin, S. (2021). A review of lahars; past deposits, historic events and present-day simulations from Mt. Ruapehu and Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 64(2-3), 479-503
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, LN., Miller, C., & Mead, S. (2020). Hydrothermal Alteration on Composite Volcanoes: Mineralogy, Hyperspectral Imaging, and Aeromagnetic Study of Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 21(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Lormand, C., Zellmer, GF., Németh, K., Kilgour, G., Mead, S., Palmer, AS., . . . Moebis, A. (2018). Weka trainable segmentation plugin in ImageJ: A semi-automatic tool applied to crystal size distributions of microlites in volcanic rocks. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24(6), 667-675
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S., Zellmer, G.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, LN., Schleiffarth, WK., Procter, J., Pullanagari, RR., Mead, S., . . . Kennedy, B. (2018). Integrating airborne hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR for volcano mapping and monitoring through image classification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 73, 323-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Mead, SR., Magill, C., Lemiale, V., Thouret, JC., & Prakash, M. (2017). Examining the impact of lahars on buildings using numerical modelling. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 17(5), 703-719
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, SR., & Magill, CR. (2017). Probabilistic hazard modelling of rain-triggered lahars. Journal of Applied Volcanology. 6(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, S., Magill, C., & Hilton, J. (2016). Rain-triggered lahar susceptibility using a shallow landslide and surface erosion model. Geomorphology. 273, 168-177
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, SR., & Cleary, PW. (2015). Validation of DEM prediction for granular avalanches on irregular terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 120(9), 1724-1742
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Cleary, PW., Prakash, M., Mead, S., Lemiale, V., Robinson, GK., Ye, F., . . . Tang, X. (2015). A scenario-based risk framework for determining consequences of different failure modes of earth dams. Natural Hazards. 75(2), 1489-1530
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, S., & Magill, C. (2014). Determining change points in data completeness for the Holocene eruption record. Bulletin of Volcanology. 76(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Cleary, PW., Cohen, RCZ., Harrison, SM., Sinnott, MD., Prakash, M., & Mead, S. (2013). Prediction of industrial, biophysical and extreme geophysical flows using particle methods. Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales). 30(2), 157-196
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.
Cleary, PW., Prakash, M., Mead, S., Tang, X., Wang, H., & Ouyang, S. (2012). Dynamic simulation of dam-break scenarios for risk analysis and disaster management. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. 3(4), 333-363
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S.


Mead, S., Hicks, M., & Davies, T.Simulating the post-earthquake morphological response of the lower Rangitaiki River, New Zealand. 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024.
[Conference]Authored by: Mead, S.
McGowan, S., Procter, J., Mead, S., & Kereszturi, G.The application of InSAR DEMs for volcanic hazard assessments in New Zealand. 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024.
[Conference]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., Zellmer, G., Cronin, S., . . . Schipper, I. (2023). Changes in eruptive styles at a stratovolcano during a collapse cycle. Book of Abstracts, IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly. (pp. 726 - 726). : IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Mead, S., Mills, S., Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., & Schipper, I. (2022). Textural characteristics of tephra formations as a proxy for understanding the impacts of a collapse cycle on the eruptive products at stratovolcanoes. In A. Zernack, & J. Palmer (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2022, Palmerston North: Programme & Abstracts Volume.. Vol. 161A (pp. 187 - 187). Wellington: Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2022
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Mead, S., Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A.Edited by: Zernack, A.
Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A., Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Zellmer, G., . . . Schipper, I. (2021). Using tephra records to understand stratovolcano response to edifice collapse. In A. Zernack, & J. Palmer (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2021: Programme & Abstracts Volume. Vol. 158 (pp. 183 - 183). Wellington: Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2021
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Mills, S., Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.Edited by: Zernack, A.
Kereszturi, G., Scheafer, L., Miller, C., & Mead, S. (2020). Understanding composite volcano architecture through hydrothermal alteration mapping – A case study for Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Conference 2020
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Brosch, E., Lube, G., Kilgour, G., Mead, S., Asher, C., Fullard, L., . . . Uhle, D. (2020). Reconstructing the dynamics of jets and pyroclastic currents of the 9 December 2019 Whakaari eruption. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Brosch, E., Lube, G., Mead, S.
Rodriguez-Gomez, C., Kereszturi, G., Reeves, R., Mead, S., Pullanagari, R., Rae, A., . . . Jeyakumar, P.Mapping Antimony Concentration over Geothermal Areas Using Hyperspectral and Thermal Remote Sensing. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). (pp. 1086 - 1089).
[Conference]Authored by: Jeyakumar, P., Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Lormand, C., Zellmer, G., Sakamoto, N., Kilgour, GN., Palmer, AS., Yurimoto, H., . . . Moebis, A. (2020). Pulses of aphyric andesite dykes remobilising micrometre-sized crystal cargo at Tongariro, NZ. , Goldschmidt 2020
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Mead, S., Zellmer, G.
Kereszturi, G., Scheafer, L., Pullanagari, R., Miller, C., Mead, S., Kennedy, B., . . . Procter, J. (2019). Mapping hydrothermal alteration on Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand) using field, laboratory, and hyperspectral imaging measurements. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 152. : IAVCEI – 5th Volcanic Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Mead, S., Kereszturi, G., Miller, C., & Schaefer, L. (2019). Combining slope stability and mass flow models to forecast debris avalanche hazard at Mt. Ruapehu. , Geosciences 2019
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Miller, C., Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, L., Fournier, D., & Mead, S. (2019). Surface and volumetric alteration of Mt Ruapehu from aeromagnetic data inversion and hyperspectral imaging. , 27th IUGG General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, L., Miller, C., Pullanagari, R., & Mead, S. (2019). Mapping hydrothermal alteration on composite volcanoes using airborne hyperspectral imaging - Case study of Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand). , 27th IUGG General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, L., Pullanagari, R., Miller, C., & Mead, S. (2019). Hyperspectral remote sensing as a tool for mapping hydrothermal alteration on volcanoes–A case study of Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand). , 21st EGU General Assembly, EGU2019
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S.
Lormand, C., Zellmer, G., Kilgour, G., Iizuka, Y., Mead, S., Sakamoto, N., . . . Yurimoto, H. (2018). Microlite size distributions and P-T-X(H2O) constraints of Central Plateau tephras, New Zealand: Implications for magma ascent processes of explosive eruptions. , AGU Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Mead, S., Zellmer, G.
Lormand, C., Zellmer, G., Kilgour, G., Iizuka, Y., Mead, S., Sakamoto, N., . . . Yurimoto, H. (2018). Microlite size distributions and P-T-X(H2O) constraints of Central Plateau Tephras, New Zealand: Implications for magma ascent processes of explosive eruptions. , State of the Arc 7
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Mead, S., Zellmer, G.
Kereszturi, G., Pullanagari, RR., Mead, S., Schaefer, LN., Procter, J., Schleiffarth, WK., . . . Kennedy, B. (2018). Geological mapping of hydrothermal alteration on volcanoes from multi-sensor platforms. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Vol. 2018-July (pp. 220 - 223).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Schaefer, L., Pullanagari, R., Mead, S., & Kennedy, B. (2017). Airborne hyperspectral imaging for monitoring active volcanic system – Lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping of the Upper Te Maari craters, Tongariro Volcanic Complex, New Zealand. , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) General Assembley
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Mead, SR., Prakash, M., Magill, C., Bolger, M., & Thouret, JC. (2015). A Distributed Computing Workflow for Modelling Environmental Flows in Complex Terrain. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 448 (pp. 321 - 332).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Mead, S.
Lemiale, V., Mead, SR., & Cleary, P.(2012, December). Numerical modelling of landslide events using a combination of continuum and discrete methods. .
[Conference]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, SR., Cleary, PW., & Robinson, GK.(2012, December). Characterising the failure and repose angles of irregularly shaped three-dimensional particles using DEM. .
[Conference]Authored by: Mead, S.
Cleary, PW., Cohen, RCZ., Harrison, S., Sinnott, M., Prakash, M., & Mead, S.Prediction of extreme geophysical, industrial and biophysical flows using particle methods. MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty. (pp. 1 - 12).
[Conference]Authored by: Mead, S.
Mead, S., & Cleary, PW.Three dimensional avalanche modelling across irregular terrain using DEM: Comparison with experiment. MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty. (pp. 2838 - 2844).
[Conference]Authored by: Mead, S.

Teaching and Supervision

Graduate Supervision Statement

We have PhD opportunities avaliable for motivated students with quantitative backgrounds in volcanology, earth and environmental sciences. Feel free to contact me for more information.

Dr Stuart Mead is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 0
Co-supervisor 9 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Mustafa Almassri - Doctor of Philosophy
    Constraining geophysical signals of volcanic unrest through forward modelling
  • Juliette Vicente - Doctor of Philosophy
    Simulation of catastrophic debris avalanches from source to impact

Co-supervisor of:

  • Samuel McGowan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Improving volcanic hazard assessments in New Zealand through applying remotely sensed data.
  • Silvia Moreno Alfonso - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Ruapehu magmatic system: insights from the petrology and geochemistry of lava flows.
  • Dan Sturgess - Doctor of Philosophy
    Detection and quantification of hydrothermal alteration and volcanic degassing using hyperspectral remote sensing
  • Anna Perttu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Seismo-acoustic characterisations of pyroclastic density currents
  • Brian Perttu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Multihazard volcanic analysis for Mt. Ruapehu, NZ.
  • Emmy Scott - Doctor of Philosophy
    Appropriate complexity of volcanic hazard models
  • Shannen Mills - Doctor of Philosophy
    Understanding the volcanic response to edifice collapse. A case study of the Poto and Paetahi Formations at Mt. Taranaki.
  • Moka Apiti - Doctor of Philosophy
    He Ipu Arataki i te Taiao. He Whakapapa ki te Whenua. Exploring the role of digital spatial technologies supporting the development of matauranga Maori and storing traditional knowledge
  • Stephen Collins - Doctor of Philosophy
    Refining estimates of nitrogen attenuation in New Zealand to inform modelling of catchment water quality management scenarios