
Prof Jonathan Procter staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517857

Prof Jonathan Procter BEd, BSc, DipTchg, MSc, PhD

Group Leader Earth Sci, Prof in Natural Hazards, Joint Deputy HoS, Dir of Strategy

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment

Associate Dean - Maori

College of Sciences


Contact details

  • Ph: 84857
    Location: 2.12, Ag Hort C
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Education - 蹤獲扦 University (1998)
  • Bachelor of Science - 蹤獲扦 University (2000)
  • Diploma in Teaching - 蹤獲扦 University (1998)
  • Master of Science - 蹤獲扦 University (2003)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - 蹤獲扦 University (2010)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Volcanology; volcanic hazards; computational modelling; geomorphology; emergency
management; GIS/Remote sensing; Maori environmental participation; Maori natural resource
management; Treaty of Waitangi historical research.


Resource Development and Management

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Earth Sciences (040000): Earth Sciences not elsewhere classified (049999): Geology (040300): Geology not elsewhere classified (040399): Other Earth Sciences (049900): Sedimentology (040310): Volcanology (040314)


My research has concentrated on identifying and characterising volcanic mass flows. I integrate various geological and geomorphological field and laboratory methods with remote sensing and GIS to analyse and interpret flow transport and emplacement mechanisms, as well as the potential future hazards from volcanic mass-flow events. I have also studied matauranga maori in relation to volcanoes, landscape evolution and environmental management.

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Forecasting volcanic ballistic projectile hazard from blue sky eruptions at touristic volcanoes

Date Range: 2022 - 2023

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Rights-based Geographic Information Systems and Digital Stories: Maori Heritage and Environmental Protection in Aotearoa New Zealand (Catalyst Seeding)

Date Range: 2021 - 2025

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: NSC - Ahea riri ai nga maunga puia? When will our volcanoes become angry? (Resilience to nature's Challenges national Science Challenge)

Date Range: 2019 - 2026

Funding Body: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd

Project Team:

Project Title: NSC - Matauranga Maori: Better understanding and implementation of Matauranga Maori and tikanga to build resilience

Date Range: 2015 - 2024

Funding Body: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd

Project Team:

Completed Projects

Project Title: Enabling Maori Framework - Increased Maori Student Support

Date Range: 2021 - 2021

Funding Body: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Project Title: He Tatai Whenua: A Te Ao Maori landscape classification

Our research will synthesize a Te Ao Maori landscape classification that can be directly integrated with existing geographical information systems (GIS). We will produce the first indigenous peoples, or Maori metric based Landscape Classification for New Zealand. Despite Maori expert elicitation, or interpretation, of landscape features being well recognised, coherent representation and display of this knowledge is significantly underdeveloped. Data of this kind is still treated as anecdotal or qualitative and, as a result, lacks impact in environmental management and decision-making. In stark contrast, the underlying descriptors and datasets used to classify NZ's environment for decision-making are all displayed in advanced GIS systems utilising cutting edge technology (e.g. geology (Qmap), soils (SMap), bio-diversity (Landcover Database/LENZ), and land use/capability (NZ Land Resource Inventory)). Many of the fundamental methods used to create these datasets are based on frameworks and criteria created through quasi-quantitative methods with no inclusion or recognition of matauranga Maori. This will be achieved through three components: 1. Development of Maori landscape classification criteria based on matauranga Maori, tikanga, kaitiakitanga and tohu taiao from leading Maori academics and Iwi partners 2. Generation of the first Maori Landscape Classification GIS (MLC-GIS) and database using new IT, GIS, remote sensing techniques and mathematical methods to visualise landscapes based on the developed criteria 3. Application of the MLC-GIS alongside existing environmental databases in new catchment management strategies Our research will use the Manawatu catchment to develop the protocols required to extend the proposed Maori Landscape Classification GIS to the whole of NZ. Globally this will be the first time such a dataset will be created. Additionally, new geospatial visualisation methods will be developed that will have significant impact.
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Date Range: 2017 - 2022

Funding Body: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Project Title: Horo Whenua: Measuring the moving land through precision geomorphic analysis of the Punahau/Lake horowhenua lakebed and surrounding areas

Date Range: 2016 - 2018

Funding Body: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Project Title: Matauranga Maori for volcanic hazard

He haerenga morearea - A hazardous journey: Exploring Matauranga Maori for assessing volcanic hazards and improving monitoring approaches and iwi/hapu planning
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Date Range: 2012 - 2014

Funding Body: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd

Project Team:

Project Title: Living with Volcanic Risk

Facing the Challenge of Auckland聶s Volcanism: A 3-year program that will use a `sister volcano' approach with a volcanic field in South Korea to better understand the behaviour, evolution and time.
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Date Range: 2004 - 2015

Funding Bodies: Foundation for Research, Science & Technology; Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd

Project Team:

Research Outputs


D'Mello, NG., Zellmer, GF., Ubide, T., Caulfield, J., Usuki, M., Iizuka, Y., . . . Stewart, RB. (2024). Exploring intrusive processes through the crystal cargo of volcanic rocks: The case of lava flows from Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. Chemical Geology. 667
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Todde, A., Procter, JN., & Kereszturi, G. (2024). Reconstructing episodic and multi-vent, rhyolitic eruptions: The ∼ 1314 CE Kaharoa eruption of the Tarawera Dome Complex, Okataina Caldera (New Zealand). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 451
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Plouviez, M., Fabisik, F., Procter, J., & Guieysse, B. (2024). Comparative assessment of N<inf>2</inf>O emissions from a New Zealand hypereutrophic lake against an oligotrophic reservoir. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Voloschina, M., Lube, G., Moebis, A., Bonadonna, C., Pistolesi, M., & Procter, J. (2024). Long-lasting, small-to-moderate eruptions at composite volcanoes: reconstructing the largest eruption of Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand) of the last two millennia. Bulletin of Volcanology. 86(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
D’mello, NG., Zellmer, GF., Kereszturi, G., Ubide, T., Procter, JN., & Stewart, RB. (2023). Crystal entrainment from cool, low-silica rocks into hot, high-silica melts: diverse primary melt compositions at Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. Journal of the Geological Society. 180(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Mead, SR., Procter, J., & Bebbington, M. (2023). Probabilistic volcanic mass flow hazard assessment using statistical surrogates of deterministic simulations. Computers and Geosciences. 178
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Zemeny, A., Zellmer, GF., Ubide, T., Smith, IEM., Procter, J., Tapu, AT., . . . Zernack, AV. (2023). Investigation of the Mid-Age (65–34 ka) Period of Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand: Indications for the Effect of Volcano Growth. Journal of Petrology. 64(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
Rodriguez-Gomez, C., Kereszturi, G., Jeyakumar, P., Pullanagari, R., Reeves, R., Rae, A., . . . Procter, JN. (2023). Remote exploration and monitoring of geothermal sources: A novel method for foliar element mapping using hyperspectral (VNIR-SWIR) remote sensing. Geothermics. 111
[Journal article]Authored by: Jeyakumar, P., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Walsh, B., Lormand, C., Procter, J., & Williams-Jones, G. (2023). Characterizing the evolution of mass flow properties and dynamics through analysis of seismic signals: Insights from the 18 March 2007 Mt. Ruapehu lake-breakout lahar. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 23(3), 1029-1044
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Fabisik, F., Guieysse, B., Procter, J., & Plouviez, M. (2023). Nitrous oxide (N2O) synthesis by the freshwater cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Biogeosciences. 20(3), 687-693
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Whitehead, MG., Bebbington, MS., Procter, JN., Irwin, ME., & Viskovic, GPD. (2023). An initial assessment of short-term eruption forecasting options in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 66(4), 611-628
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Irwin, M., Procter, J., Whitehead, M.
Mead, S., Procter, J., Bebbington, M., & Rodriguez-Gomez, C. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment for National Park Infrastructure Proximal to Taranaki Volcano (New Zealand). Frontiers in Earth Science. 10
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Németh, B., Németh, K., & Procter, JN. (2021). Visitation rate analysis of geoheritage features from earth science education perspective using automated landform classification and crowdsourcing: A geoeducation capacity map of the auckland volcanic field, New Zealand. Geosciences (Switzerland). 11(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Mead, SR., Procter, J., & Kereszturi, G. (2021). Quantifying location error to define uncertainty in volcanic mass flow hazard simulations. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 21(8), 2447-2460
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Rodriguez-Gomez, C., Kereszturi, G., Reeves, R., Rae, A., Pullanagari, R., Jeyakumar, P., . . . Procter, J. (2021). Lithological mapping of Waiotapu Geothermal Field (New Zealand) using hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing and ground exploration techniques. Geothermics. 96
[Journal article]Authored by: Jeyakumar, P., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
D'Mello, NG., Zellmer, GF., Negrini, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Stewart, R., . . . Iizuka, Y. (2021). Deciphering magma storage and ascent processes of Taranaki, New Zealand, from the complexity of amphibole breakdown textures. Lithos. 398-399
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Zemeny, A., Procter, J., Németh, K., Zellmer, GF., Zernack, AV., & Cronin, SJ. (2021). Elucidating stratovolcano construction from volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits: The medial ring-plain of Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand. Sedimentology. 68(6), 2422-2449
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
Németh, B., Németh, K., & Procter, JN. (2021). Informed geoheritage conservation: Determinant analysis based on bibliometric and sustainability indicators using ordination techniques. Land. 10(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Voloschina, M., Bebbington, M., Lube, G., & Procter, J. (2021). Probabilistic modelling of multi-phase eruptions found in geological records: An example from Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 416
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Leonard, GS., Cole, RP., Christenson, BW., Conway, CE., Cronin, SJ., Gamble, JA., . . . Wilson, CJN. (2021). Ruapehu and Tongariro stratovolcanoes: a review of current understanding. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 64(2-3), 389-420
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Németh, B., Németh, K., Procter, JN., & Farrelly, T. (2021). Geoheritage Conservation: Systematic Mapping Study for Conceptual Synthesis. Geoheritage. 13(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Ramadhani, F., Pullanagari, R., Kereszturi, G., & Procter, J. (2021). Mapping a cloud-free rice growth stages using the integration of proba-v and sentinel-1 and its temporal correlation with sub-district statistics. Remote Sensing. 13(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Zernack, AV., Ukstins, IA., Turner, MB., Torres-Orozco, R., Stewart, RB., . . . Bebbington, MS. (2021). The geological history and hazards of a long-lived stratovolcano, Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 64(2-3), 456-478
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, L., Mead, S., Miller, C., Procter, J., & Kennedy, B. (2021). Synthesis of hydrothermal alteration, rock mechanics and geophysical mapping to constrain failure and debris avalanche hazards at Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand). New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 64(2-3), 421-442
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Kósik, S., Németh, K., Dani禳ík, M., Procter, JN., Schmitt, AK., Friedrichs, B., . . . Stewart, RB. (2021). Shallow subaqueous to emergent intra-caldera silicic volcanism of the Motuoapa Peninsula, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand – New constraints from geologic mapping, sedimentology and zircon geochronology. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 411
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Walsh, B., Coviello, V., Capra, L., Procter, J., & Márquez-Ramirez, V. (2020). Insights Into the Internal Dynamics of Natural Lahars From Analysis of 3-Component Broadband Seismic Signals at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Ramadhani, F., Pullanagari, R., Kereszturi, G., & Procter, J. (2020). Automatic mapping of rice growth stages using the integration of sentinel-2, mod13q1, and sentinel-1. Remote Sensing. 12(21), 1-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., Morgan, M., & Cronin, S. (2021). A review of lahars; past deposits, historic events and present-day simulations from Mt. Ruapehu and Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 64(2-3), 479-503
[Journal article]Authored by: Mead, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Gómez-Vasconcelos, MG., Villamor, P., Cronin, SJ., Palmer, A., Procter, J., & Stewart, RB. (2020). Spatio-temporal associations between dike intrusions and fault ruptures in the Tongariro Volcanic Center, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 404
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Ramadhani, F., Pullanagari, R., Kereszturi, G., & Procter, J. (2020). Mapping of rice growth phases and bare land using Landsat-8 OLI with machine learning. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 41(21), 8428-8452
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Voloschina, M., Lube, G., Procter, J., Moebis, A., & Timm, C. (2020). Lithosedimentological and tephrostratigraphical characterisation of small-volume, low-intensity eruptions: The 1800 years Tufa Trig Formation, Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 402
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Vale, SS., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., Basher, LR., & Dymond, JR. (2020). Storm event sediment fingerprinting for temporal and spatial sediment source tracing. Hydrological Processes. 34(15), 3370-3386
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Walsh, B., Procter, J., & Jolly, A. (2020). Improving the amplitude source location (ASL) method using multicomponent seismic data: An assessment with active source seismic data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 110(1), 250-269
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Németh, K., Lexa, J., & Procter, JN. (2019). Understanding the evolution of a small-volume silicic fissure eruption: Puketerata Volcanic Complex, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 383, 28-46 Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377027317302457
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Walsh, B., Procter, J., Lokmer, I., Thun, J., Hurst, T., Christenson, B., . . . Jolly, A. (2019). Geophysical examination of the 27 April 2016 Whakaari/White Island, New Zealand, eruption and its implications for vent physiognomies and eruptive dynamics. Earth, Planets and Space. 71(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., & Death, RG. (2019). Terrestrial laser scanning and structure-from-motion photogrammetry concordance analysis for describing the surface layer of gravel beds. Progress in Physical Geography. 43(2), 260-281
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Gómez-Vasconcelos, MG., Villamor, P., Procter, J., Palmer, A., Cronin, S., Wallace, C., . . . Leonard, G. (2019). Characterisation of faults as earthquake sources from geomorphic data in the Tongariro Volcanic Complex, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 62(1), 131-142
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Schaefer, LN., Schleiffarth, WK., Procter, J., Pullanagari, RR., Mead, S., . . . Kennedy, B. (2018). Integrating airborne hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR for volcano mapping and monitoring through image classification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 73, 323-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Death, RG., Fuller, IC., Singh, R., & Procter, JN. (2018). Towards Mechanistic Hydrological Limits: A Literature Synthesis to Improve the Study of Direct Linkages between Sediment Transport and Periphyton Accrual in Gravel-Bed Rivers. Environmental Management. 62(4), 740-755
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
McDonald, GW., Cronin, SJ., Kim, JH., Smith, NJ., Murray, CA., & Procter, JN. (2017). Computable general equilibrium modelling of economic impacts from volcanic event scenarios at regional and national scale, Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology. 79(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Gómez-Vasconcelos, MG., Villamor, P., Cronin, S., Procter, J., Palmer, A., Townsend, D., . . . Leonard, G. (2017). Crustal extension in the Tongariro graben, New Zealand: Insights into volcano-tectonic interactions and active deformation in a young continental rift. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 129(9-10), 1085-1099
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Stirling, M., Bebbington, M., Brenna, M., Cronin, S., Christophersen, A., Deligne, N., . . . Wilson, T. (2017). Conceptual development of a national volcanic hazard model for New Zealand. Frontiers in Earth Science. 5
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kósik, S., Németh, K., Procter, JN., & Zellmer, GF. (2017). Maar-diatreme volcanism relating to the pyroclastic sequence of a newly discovered high-alumina basalt in the Maroa Volcanic Centre, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 341, 363-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Walsh, B., Jolly, AD., & Procter, J. (2017). Calibrating the amplitude source location (ASL) method by using active seismic sources: An example from Te Maari volcano, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. Geophysical Research Letters. 44(8), 3591-3599
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Gravis, I., Németh, K., & Procter, JN. (2017). The Role of Cultural and Indigenous Values in Geosite Evaluations on a Quaternary Monogenetic Volcanic Landscape at Ihumtao, Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand. Geoheritage. 9(3), 373-393
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., & Procter, JN. (2016). Application of Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) to quantify morphological budgeting error in a New Zealand gravel-bed river: a case study from the Makaroro River, Hawke’s Bay.. Journal of Hydrology (NZ). 55, 45-63
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Kósik, S., Németh, K., Kereszturi, G., Procter, JN., Zellmer, GF., & Geshi, N. (2016). Phreatomagmatic and water-influenced Strombolian eruptions of a small-volume parasitic cone complex on the southern ringplain of Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand: Facies architecture and eruption mechanisms of the Ohakune Volcanic Complex controlled by an unstable fissure eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 327, 99-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Gómez-Vasconcelos, MG., Villamor, P., Cronin, SJ., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., Palmer, A., . . . Ashraf, S. (2016). Earthquake history at the eastern boundary of the South Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 59(4), 522-543
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Walsh, B., Jolly, AD., & Procter, JN. (2016). Seismic analysis of the 13 October 2012 Te Maari, New Zealand, lake breakout lahar: Insights into flow dynamics and the implications on mass flow monitoring. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 324, 144-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., & Procter, J. (2016). Error in topographic attributes for volcanic hazard assessment of the Auckland Volcanic Field (New Zealand). New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 59(2), 286-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Vale, SS., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., Basher, LR., & Smith, IE. (2016). Application of a confluence-based sediment-fingerprinting approach to a dynamic sedimentary catchment, New Zealand. Hydrological Processes. 30(5), 812-829
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Németh, K., Moufti, MR., Cappello, A., Murcia, H., Ganci, G., . . . Zahran, HMA. (2016). Emplacement conditions of the 1256 AD Al-Madinah lava flow field in Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Insights from surface morphology and lava flow simulations. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 309, 14-30
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Vale, SS., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., Basher, LR., & Smith, IE. (2016). Characterization and quantification of suspended sediment sources to the Manawatu River, New Zealand. Science of the Total Environment. 543, 171-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Pardo, N., Wilson, H., Procter, JN., Lattughi, E., & Black, T. (2015). Bridging Mori indigenous knowledge and western geosciences to reduce social vulnerability in active volcanic regions. Journal of Applied Volcanology. 4(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Roverato, M., Cronin, S., Procter, J., & Capra, L. (2015). Textural features as indicators of debris avalanche transport and emplacement, Taranaki volcano. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 127(1-2), 3-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Tost, M., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Smith, IEM., Neall, VE., & Price, RC. (2015). Impacts of catastrophic volcanic collapse on the erosion and morphology of a distal fl uvial landscape: Hautapu River, Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 127(1-2), 266-280
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Tost, M., Cronin, SJ., & Procter, JN. (2014). Transport and emplacement mechanisms of channelised long-runout debris avalanches, Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology. 76(12), 1-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Jolly, GE., Keys, HJR., Procter, JN., & Deligne, NI. (2014). Overview of the co-ordinated risk-based approach to science and management response and recovery for the 2012 eruptions of Tongariro volcano, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 184-207
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Leonard, GS., Stewart, C., Wilson, TM., Procter, JN., Scott, BJ., Keys, HJ., . . . McBride, SK. (2014). Integrating multidisciplinary science, modelling and impact data into evolving, syn-event volcanic hazard mapping and communication: A case study from the 2012 Tongariro eruption crisis, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 208-232
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Stewart, C.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Zernack, AV., Lube, G., Stewart, RB., Nemeth, K., . . . Keys, H. (2014). Debris flow evolution and the activation of an explosive hydrothermal system; Te Maari, Tongariro, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 303-316
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Cronin, SJ., Stewart, C., Zernack, AV., Brenna, M., Procter, JN., Pardo, N., . . . Irwin, M. (2014). Volcanic ash leachate compositions and assessment of health and agricultural hazards from 2012 hydrothermal eruptions, Tongariro, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 233-247
[Journal article]Authored by: Irwin, M., Procter, J., Stewart, C., Zernack, A.
Pardo, N., Cronin, SJ., Németh, K., Brenna, M., Schipper, CI., Breard, E., . . . Wallace, C. (2014). Perils in distinguishing phreatic from phreatomagmatic ash; insights into the eruption mechanisms of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro eruption, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 397-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Lube, G., Breard, ECP., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Brenna, M., Moebis, A., . . . Fournier, N. (2014). Dynamics of surges generated by hydrothermal blasts during the 6 August 2012 Te Maari eruption, Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 348-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.
Breard, ECP., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Fitzgerald, R., Kennedy, B., Scheu, B., . . . Moebis, A. (2014). Using the spatial distribution and lithology of ballistic blocks to interpret eruption sequence and dynamics: August 6 2012 Upper Te Maari eruption, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 373-386
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.
Leonard, GS., Stewart, C., Wilson, TM., Procter, JN., Scott, BJ., Keys, HJ., . . . McBride, SK. (2014). Integrating multidisciplinary science, modelling and impact data into evolving, syn-event volcanic hazard mapping and communication: A case study from the 2012 Tongariro eruption crisis, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Stewart, C.
Kereszturi, G., Cappello, A., Ganci, G., Procter, J., Németh, K., Negro, CD., . . . Cronin, SJ. (2014). Numerical simulation of basaltic lava flows in the auckland volcanic field, New Zealand—implication for volcanic hazard assessment. Bulletin of Volcanology. 76(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Németh, K., Cronin, SJ., Procter, J., & Agustín-Flores, J. (2014). Influences on the variability of eruption sequences and style transitions in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 286, 101-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Thouret, JC., Oehler, JF., Gupta, A., Solikhin, A., & Procter, JN. (2014). Erosion and aggradation on persistently active volcanoes—a case study from Semeru Volcano, Indonesia. Bulletin of Volcanology. 76(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Stewart, C., Zernack, AV., Brenna, M., Procter, JN., Pardo, N., . . . Irwin, M. (2014). Volcanic ash leachate compositions and assessment of health and agricultural hazards from 2012 hydrothermal eruptions, Tongariro, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Stewart, C., Zernack, A.
Lube, G., Breard, ECP., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Brenna, M., Moebis, A., . . . Fournier, N. (2014). Dynamics of surges generated by hydrothermal blasts during the 6 August 2012 Te Maari eruption, Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.
Pardo, N., Cronin, SJ., Németh, K., Brenna, M., Schipper, CI., Breard, E., . . . Wallace, C. (2014). Perils in distinguishing phreatic from phreatomagmatic ash; insights into the eruption mechanisms of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro eruption, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Breard, ECP., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Fitzgerald, R., Kennedy, B., Scheu, B., . . . Moebis, A. (2014). Using the spatial distribution and lithology of ballistic blocks to interpret eruption sequence and dynamics: August 6 2012 Upper Te Maari eruption, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Moebis, A., Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Zernack, AV., Lube, G., Stewart, RB., Nemeth, K., . . . Keys, H. (2013). Debris flow evolution and the activation of an explosive hydrothermal system; Te Maari, Tongariro, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zernack, AV., Cronin, SJ., Bebbington, MS., Price, RC., Smith, IEM., Stewart, RB., . . . Procter, JN. (2012). Forecasting catastrophic stratovolcano collapse: A model based on Mount Taranaki, New Zealand. Geology. 40(11), 983-986
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Cronin, SJ., Németh, K., Bebbington, M., & Lindsay, J. (2012). LiDAR-based quantification of lava flow susceptibility in the City of Auckland (New Zealand). Remote Sensing of Environment. 125, 198-213
[Journal article]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Pardo, N., Cronin, S., Palmer, A., Procter, J., & Smith, I. (2012). Andesitic Plinian eruptions at Mt. Ruapehu: Quantifying the uppermost limits of eruptive parameters. Bulletin of Volcanology. 74(5), 1161-1185
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Manville, V., Procter, JN., Cole, SE., & Freundt, A. (2012). Energy growth in laharic mass flows. Geology. 40(5), 475-478
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Pardo, N., Cronin, S., Palmer, A., Procter, J., & Smith, I. (2012). Andesitic Plinian eruptions at Mt. Ruapehu: quantifying the uppermost limits of eruptive parameters. Bulletin of Volcanology. , 1-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Sheridan, MF. (2012). Evaluation of Titan2D modelling forecasts for the 2007 Crater Lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Geomorphology. 136(1), 95-105
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Platz, T., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Neall, VE., & Foley, SF. (2012). Non-explosive, dome-forming eruptions at Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Geomorphology. 136(1), 15-30
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zernack, AV., Cronin, SJ., Neall, VE., & Procter, JN. (2011). A medial to distal volcaniclastic record of an andesite stratovolcano: Detailed stratigraphy of the ring-plain succession of south-west Taranaki, New Zealand. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 100(8), 1937-1966
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Keigler, R., Thouret, JC., Hodgson, KA., Neall, VE., Lecointre, JA., Procter, JN., . . . Cronin, SJ. (2011). The Whangaehu Formation: Debris-avalanche and lahar deposits from ancestral Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand. Geomorphology. 133(1-2), 57-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Sheridan, MF. (2011). Evaluation of Titan2D modelling forecasts for the 2007 Crater Lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Geomorphology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Platz, T., Münn, S., Walter, TR., Procter, JN., McGuire, PC., Dumke, A., . . . Neukum, G. (2011). Vertical and lateral collapse of Tharsis Tholus, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 305(3-4), 445-455
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zernack, AV., Cronin, SJ., Neall, VE., & Procter, JN. (2010). A medial to distal volcaniclastic record of an andesite stratovolcano: detailed stratigraphy of the ring-plain succession of south-west Taranaki, New Zealand. International Journal of Earth Sciences. , 1-30
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Platz, T., Patra, A., Dalbey, K., Sheridan, M., . . . Neall, V. (2010). Mapping block-and-ash flow hazards based on Titan 2D simulations: A case study from Mt. Taranaki, NZ. Natural Hazards. 53(3), 483-501
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Fuller, IC., Sheridan, M., Neall, VE., & Keys, H. (2010). Lahar hazard assessment using Titan2D for an alluvial fan with rapidly changing geomorphology: Whangaehu River, Mt. Ruapehu. Geomorphology. 116(1-2), 162-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Fuller, IC., Lube, G., & Manville, V. (2010). Quantifying the geomorphic impacts of a lake-breakout lahar, Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand. Geology. 38(1), 67-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Fuller, I., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Zernack, AV. (2009). Landscape and sedimentary response to catastrophic debris avalanches, western Taranaki, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology. 220(3-4), 271-287
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zernack, AV., Procter, JN., & Cronin, SJ. (2009). Sedimentary signatures of cyclic growth and destruction of stratovolcanoes: A case study from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., & Procter, JN. (2009). Explaining the extreme mobility of volcanic ice-slurry flows, Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand. Geology. 37(1), 15-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Platz, T., Freundt, A., Procter, JN., Henderson, C., . . . Sheridan, MF. (2007). Flow and deposition of pyroclastic granular flows: A type example from the 1975 Ngauruhoe eruption, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 161(3), 165-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.


Zernack, A., Procter, J., & Mills, S. (2023). How to build and destroy a stratovolcano: Mts Taranaki and Ruapehu. IAVCEI 2023 Pre-conference Field Trip, 25-29 January.. In IAVCEI 2023 Field Trip Guides.
[Chapter]Authored by: Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Roverato, M., Di Traglia, F., Procter, J., Paguican, E., & Dufresne, A. (2021). Factors Contributing to Volcano Lateral Collapse. In Advances in Volcanology. (pp. 91 - 119).
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, AV., & Cronin, SJ. (2021). Computer Simulation of a Volcanic Debris Avalanche from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. In Advances in Volcanology. (pp. 281 - 310).
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zernack, AV. (2021). Volcanic Debris-Avalanche Deposits in the Context of Volcaniclastic Ring Plain Successions—A Case Study from Mt. Taranaki. In Advances in Volcanology. (pp. 211 - 254).
[Chapter]Authored by: Zernack, A.Edited by: Procter, J.
Dufresne, A., Zernack, A., Bernard, K., Thouret, JC., & Roverato, M. (2021). Sedimentology of Volcanic Debris Avalanche Deposits. In Advances in Volcanology. (pp. 175 - 210).
[Chapter]Authored by: Zernack, A.Edited by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, AV., & Cronin, SJ. (2021). Computer Simulation of a Volcanic Debris Avalanche from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. In M. Roverato, A. Dufresne, & J. Procter (Eds.) Volcanic debris avalanches: from collapse to hazards. (pp. 281 - 310). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.Edited by: Procter, J.
Li, B., Nemeth, K., Palmer, A., Wu, J., Procter, J., & Liu, J. (2020). Basic Volcanic Elements of the Arxan-Chaihe Volcanic Field, Inner Mongolia, NE China. In Volcanoes - Updates in Volcanology. (pp. 1 - 31). : inTech Open: Rijeka, Croatia
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zernack, AV., & Procter, JN. (2021). Cyclic Growth and Destruction of Volcanoes. In Advances in Volcanology. (pp. 311 - 355).
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.Edited by: Procter, J.
Kósik, S., Voloschina, M., Zemeny, A., Cronin, SJ., Nemeth, K., Procter, JN., . . . Zernack, A. (2019). Field Trip Guide for the IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop - Volcanism in a rapidly changing environment relating to an atypical plate margin. In K. Nemeth, & S. Kósik (Eds.) Abstract Volume and Field Guide of the IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop. (pp. 108 - 203). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Gabrielsen, H., Procter, J., Rainforth, H., Black, T., Harmsworth, G., & Pardo, N. (2018). Reflections from an Indigenous Community on Volcanic Event Management, Communications and Resilience. In Advances in Volcanology. (pp. 463 - 479).
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., & Black, H. (2014). Mtauranga -iwi—he haerenga mrearea. In T. Black, H. Murphy, C. Buchanan, W. Nuku, & B. Ngaia (Eds.) Enhancing Mtauranga Mori and Global Indigenous Knowledge. (pp. 87 - 101). Wellington, NZ: NZQA
[Chapter]Authored by: Procter, J.


Procter, JN. (2009). Towards improving volcanic mass flow hazard assessment at New Zealand stratovolcanoes. (Doctoral Thesis, 蹤獲扦 University)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Procter, J.


Belgrave, M., Belgrave, DC., Procter, J., Bennett, A., & Young, G. (2013). Written Answers to Written Questions of Clarification In respect of the Witness’ following Evidential Reports: i. Wai 898 #A64 Te Rohe Ptae Harbours and Coast, Inland Waterways, Indigenous Flora and Fauna, Sites of Significance, Environmental Impacts Scoping Report, dated March 2010; and ii. Wai 898 #A76 Te Rohe Ptae Environment and Whi Tapu Report, dated August 2011.. ( Report No. Wai 898, #A64(c) and Wai 898, #A76(g)). Waitangi Tribunal.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Bennett, A., Procter, J.
Belgrave, MP., Belgrave, M., Belgrave, DC., Young, G., & Procter, J.(2013). Te Rohe Ptae Technical Evidence: Responses to the Waitangi Tribunal's Statement of Issues, Wai 898 #1.4.3.. (Report No. Wai 898 #76 (e)). : Waitangi Tribunal
[Technical Report]Authored by: Procter, J.
Belgrave, M., Belgrave, D., Anderson, C., Procter, J., Hokopaura Watkins, E., Young, G., . . . Togher, S.(2012). Taihape inquiry district: Environmental impacts, resource management and Wahi Tapu and portable Taonga: A report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rentals Trust for the Waitangi Tribunal's Taihape District Inquiry. New Zealand: 蹤獲扦 University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Anderson, C., Procter, J.
Belgrave, MP., Belgrave, D., Procter, J., Bennett, A., Joy, M., Togher, S., . . . Lilley, J.(2011). Rohe Potae: Environmental and Wahi Tapu Report. Wellington
[Technical Report]Authored by: Anderson, C., Procter, J.
Betts, H., Neall, VE., & Procter, JN. (2010). Erosion monitoring in the upper Stony River catchment, Egmont National Park, Taranaki. ( Report No. LC0037). Landcare Research Ltd.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Procter, J.
Belgrave, MP., Bennett, AL., Millner, JP., James, A., Anderson, C., Belgrave, DC., . . . Joy, MK.(2008). Raukawa waterways and environmental impact.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Anderson, C., Bennett, A., Millner, J., Procter, J.


McGowan, S., Procter, J., Mead, S., & Kereszturi, G.The application of InSAR DEMs for volcanic hazard assessments in New Zealand. 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024.
[Conference]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., Zellmer, G., Cronin, S., . . . Schipper, I. (2023). Changes in eruptive styles at a stratovolcano during a collapse cycle. Book of Abstracts, IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly. (pp. 726 - 726). : IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Mead, S., Mills, S., Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
Zernack, A., & Procter, J. (2023). Landscape processes around andesite stratovolcanoes – A case study of the volcaniclastic ring-plain succession at Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023 Book of Abstracts. (pp. 1204 - 1204). : IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., & Schipper, I. (2022). Textural characteristics of tephra formations as a proxy for understanding the impacts of a collapse cycle on the eruptive products at stratovolcanoes. In A. Zernack, & J. Palmer (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2022, Palmerston North: Programme & Abstracts Volume.. Vol. 161A (pp. 187 - 187). Wellington: Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2022
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Mead, S., Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A.Edited by: Zernack, A.
Mills, S., Procter, J., Zernack, A., Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Zellmer, G., . . . Schipper, I. (2021). Using tephra records to understand stratovolcano response to edifice collapse. In A. Zernack, & J. Palmer (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2021: Programme & Abstracts Volume. Vol. 158 (pp. 183 - 183). Wellington: Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference 2021
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Mills, S., Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.Edited by: Zernack, A.
D'Mello, NG., Zellmer, G., Ubide, T., Caulfield, J., Usuki, M., Iizuka, Y., . . . Stewart, RB. (2021). The crystal cargo of Taranaki lavas: exploring intrusive processes through the crystal cargo of volcanic rocks. , AGU Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
D'Mello, NG., Zellmer, G., Kereszturi, G., Procter, JN., Ubide, T., Brahm, R., . . . Stewart, RB. (2021). Remobilization of cool mafic mushes by hot felsic melts: diverse primary melt compositions at Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
D'Mello, NG., Zellmer, G., Ubide, T., Caulfield, J., Brahm, R., Procter, J., . . . Stewart, R. (2021). Felsic melts differentiating to more mafic compositions through crystal uptake: a case of felsic parental arc magmas for mafic lava flows at Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. , Goldschmidt 2021
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Rodriguez-Gomez, C., Kereszturi, G., Reeves, R., Rae, A., Pullanagari, R., Paramsothy, J., . . . Procter, J. (2020). Characterization of surface alteration types on partially vegetated geothermal systems using hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing in combination with ground exploration techniques.. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Conference 2020
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
D'Mello, N., Zellmer, G., Negrini, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Stewart, R., . . . Prior, D. (2020). Deciphering magma storage and ascent processes beneath Taranaki volcano, New Zealand, from the complexity of amphibole breakdown textures. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Conference 2020
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
D'Mello, N., Ubide Garralda, T., Zellmer, G., Caulfiield, J., Kilgour, G., Procter, J., . . . Kereszturi, G. (2020). Complexity in major and trace element crystal stratigraphies of Taranaki lavas, New Zealand. , AGU Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Zemeny, A., Zellmer, G., Ubide, T., Smith, IEM., Procter, J., Tapu, A-T., . . . Zernack, AV. (2020). The role of edifice load on adesitic magma generation by melt-mush mixing: an example from Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. , AGU Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
D'Mello, NG., Zellmer, G., Negrini, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Stewart, RB., . . . Prior, DJ. (2020). Deciphering magma storage and ascent processes beneath Taranaki volcano, New Zealand, from the complexity of amphibole breakdown textures. , AGU Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Nemeth, K., Li, B., Palmer, J., Palmer, A., Procter, J., & Wu, J. (2020). The youngest multiple long-lived volcanic systems and the role of fissure eruptions in Arxan-Chaihe, NE China. In A. Ozerov, E. Kalacheva, A. Belousov, & M. Belousova (Eds.) Abstract volume of the 8th International Maar Conference. (pp. 46 - 46). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia: 8th International Maar Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Li, B., Nemeth, K., Palmer, J., Palmer, A., Procter, J., & Wu, J. (2020). Tongxin Volcano, from the onset of lava fountaining to phreatomagmatic directed blasts along a propagating fissure in an intramountain basin in Arxan-Chaihe Volcanic Field (ACVF), NE China. In A. Ozerov, E. Kalacheva, A. Belousov, & M. Belousova (Eds.) Abstract volume of the 8th International Maar Conference. (pp. 30 - 30). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia: 8th International Maar Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
D'Mello, N., Ubide, T., Zellmer, G., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., & Caulfield, J. (2020). Crystal stratigraphy of Taranaki lavas, New Zealand. , Goldschmidt 2020
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
D'Mello, N., Zellmer, G., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Prior, D., Stewart, R., . . . McAteer, M. (2020). Insights into the magmatic processes at Mt. Taranaki from the breakdown of amphiboles. , 36th International Geological Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Scheafer, L., Pullanagari, R., Miller, C., Mead, S., Kennedy, B., . . . Procter, J. (2019). Mapping hydrothermal alteration on Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand) using field, laboratory, and hyperspectral imaging measurements. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 152. : IAVCEI – 5th Volcanic Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Nemeth, B., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., & Farrelly, T. (2019). GEODIVERSITY MAPPING AS A TOOL FOR GEOHERITAGE MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING. In PJJ. Kamp, & A. Pittari (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 155A (pp. 145 - 145). : Geosciences 2019
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Li, B., Nemeth, K., Palmer, A., Palmer, J., Procter, J., & Sun, C. (2019). THE MOST VIOLENT PHREATOMAGMATIC EXPLOSIVE ERUPTION OF THE ARXAN-CHAIHE VOLCANIC FIELD (ACVF) IN NE CHINA, COULD ALSO BE ONE OF THE YOUNGEST?. In PJJ. Kamp, & A. Pittari (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 155A (pp. 117 - 117). : Geosciences 2019
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Holt, K., Parker, D., Palmer, A., Procter, J., & Warrington, R. (2019). CHARCOAL LAYERS IN THE SAND: PREHISTORIC LANDSCAPE MODIFICATION IN THE MANAWAT讀 SAND COUNTRY. Poster session presented at the meeting of Geosciences 2019. Hamilton, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Holt, K., Procter, J.
Zernack, A., Cronin, S., Bebbington, M., Price, R., Smith, I., Stewart, B., . . . Procter, J. (2019). Frequent cycles of growth and catastrophic collapse at Mt. Taranaki. In Abstract Volume and Field Guide of the IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop. Palmerston North, New Zealand, 25 February to 4 March 2019. Geoscience. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication Vol. 152 (pp. 103 - 104). , IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop: Geoscience Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zemeny, A., Procter, J., Nemeth, K., Zellmer, G., & Cronin, S. (2019). Volcaniclastic deposits of Mt. Taranaki (New Zealand); recording stratovolcano construction from mass flows. , 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Zemeny, A., Zellmer, G., Procter, J., Nemeth, K., Cronin, S., & Smith, I. (2019). Geochemical fingerprinting of magmatic behaviour throughout growth phases of Taranaki volcano, New Zealand. , Goldschmidt 2019
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Todde, A., Nemeth, K., & Procter, J. (2019). Stratigraphy of pyroclastic deposits associated with multiple vent activity of rhyolite eruptions at Tarawera, New Zealand: the case of the ca. 1314 ± 12 AD Kaharoa eruption.. In K. Nemeth, & S. Kosik (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 152 (pp. 91 - 92). Palmerston North: IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zemeny, A., Procter, J., Nemeth, K., Zellmer, G., & Cronin, S. (2019). Medial volcanoclastic mass flow deposit apron of Mt. Taranaki (New Zealand); Recording stratovolcano construction and associated chemical changes of the magmatic system. In K. Nemeth, & S. Kosik (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 152 (pp. 101 - 102). Palmerston North: IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Cronin, S., Procter, J., & Nemeth, K. (2019). Building integrated records of volcanic activity by combining on and off-volcano sequences, lessons from Mts. Ruapehu, Tongariro and Taranaki, New Zealand: An introduction to the field workshop.. In K. Nemeth, & S. Kosik (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 152 (pp. 17 - 18). : IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Voloschina, M., Zemeny, A., Nemeth, K., Cronin, S., Procter, J., . . . Zernack, A. (2019). Field Trip Guide for the Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop 26 February – 4 March, 2019: Volcanism in a rapidly changing environment relating to an atypical plate margin.. In K. Nemeth, & S. Kosik (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 152 (pp. 106 - 202). Palmerston North: IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Li, B., Nemeth, K., Palmer, J., Palmer, A., & Procter, J. (2019). A violent phreatomagmatic volcano in Arxan-Chaihe Volcanic Field, NE China. In K. Nemeth, & S. Kosik (Eds.) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 152 (pp. 49 - 50). Palmerston North: IAVCEI Fifth International Volcano Geology Workshop
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kósik, S., Németh, K., Lexa, J., & Procter, JN. (2019). Understanding the evolution of a small-volume silicic fissure eruption: Puketerata Volcanic Complex, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. In Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Vol. 383 (pp. 28 - 46).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Zernack, A., Procter, J., Cronin, S., & Singh, E. (2018). A complex interplay of sediment erosion and deposition during the 18 March 2007 crater-lake breakout lahar at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20: EGU2018-19225 , EGU General Assembly April 2018
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Nemeth, B., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., & Farrelly, T. (2018). Application of advanced data mining tools for better defining the geoheritage values of volcanic. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Viena, Austria
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Nemeth, B., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., & Farrelly, T. (2018). A GIS-based evaluation method of geoheritage resources in the Auckland Volcanic Field. In Micscellanea INGV Vol. 43 (pp. 1143 - 1143). , Cities on Volcanoes 10: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zemeny, A., Procter, J., Nemeth, K., Zellmer, G., & Zernack, A. (2018). Medial volcaniclastic mass flow deposit apron of Mt. Taranaki (New Zealand) cecording stratovolcano construction and associated chemical changes of the magmatic system. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
D'Mello, NG., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G., & Stewart, RB. (2018). Flow mapping of Mt. Taranaki through aerial photography: constraining sampling sites for petrographic and geochemical work. , Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Kereszturi, G., Pullanagari, RR., Mead, S., Schaefer, LN., Procter, J., Schleiffarth, WK., . . . Kennedy, B. (2018). Geological mapping of hydrothermal alteration on volcanoes from multi-sensor platforms. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Vol. 2018-July (pp. 220 - 223).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Nemeth, B., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., & Farrelly, F. (2018). Application of advanced data mining tools for better defining the geoheritage values of volcanic fields. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 20 (pp. EGU2018-18652, - EGU2018-18652,). Vienna, Austria: European Geoscience Union General Assembly
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Schaefer, L., Pullanagari, R., Mead, S., & Kennedy, B. (2017). Airborne hyperspectral imaging for monitoring active volcanic system – Lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping of the Upper Te Maari craters, Tongariro Volcanic Complex, New Zealand. , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) General Assembley
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Mead, S., Procter, J.
Cronin, S., Damaschke, M., Torres-Orozco, R., Runer, M., Platz, T., Zernack, A., . . . Price, R. (2017). Stratovolcano “pulse” observed through a decadal multicomponent, high-resolution volcanic study at Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. In Abstracts, IAVCEI 2017 General Assembly, Portland, USA, IAVCEI 2017 General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zernack, A., Procter, J., Cronin, S., & Singh, E. (2017, August). A complex interplay of sediment erosion and deposition during the 18 March 2007 crater-lake breakout lahar at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Presented at IAVCEI 2017 General Assembly. Portland, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Neverman, A., Fuller, I., Death, R., Singh, R., & Procter, J. (2017). Measuring the connections between hydrology and bedload transport to manage nuisance periphyton: a case study from the Pohangina River, New Zealand.. Poster session presented at the meeting of EGU. Vienna
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, A., Fuller, I., Death, R., Singh, R., & Procter, J. (2017, November). Is connectivity the missing link for incipient motion formulae and ecological integrity?. Presented at New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference. Napier.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, A., Fuller, I., Death, R., & Procter, J. (2017, November). Quantifying armour layer compaction in a gravel bed.. Presented at New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference. Napier.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2017). A reduced infrastructure approach to bedload impact plate installation for dynamic gravel-bed rivers.. Poster session presented at the meeting of ANZGG Conference
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2017, February). Integrating geomorphic and hydraulic data collection to inform ecological management using incipient motion thresholds. Presented at ANZGG Conference. Greytown.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Singh, R., & Procter, JN. (2017). Measuring the connections between hydrology and bedload transport to manage nuisance periphyton: a case study from the Pohangina River, New Zealand.. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Procter, J., & Nemeth, K. (2017). Recognising indigenous peoples values and knowledge systems in Geoheritage: Case studies from New Zealand and the South Pacific. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. Vol. 19 Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Marcroft, G., Kuritani, T., Walsh, B., & Zernack, A. (2017). Magmatic response to volcano collapse; an example from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. , IAVCEI General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
Arpa, MC., Christenson, B., Zellmer, GF., Schipper, I., Procter, J., & Stewart, RB. (2017). Volatile content of Tongariro Volcanic Complex magmas. , IAVCEI General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G.
Procter, J., Marcroft, G., Zellmer, G., & Zernack, A. (2017). The effects of growth and collapse on the magmatic system below Mt Taranaki, New Zealand. , European Geoscience Union General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zellmer, G., Zernack, A.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2016, November). Improving aquatic community health with the help of big data bedload transport studies.. Presented at NZ Hydrological Society Conference. Queenstown.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2016). Construction of an impact plate geophone to record sediment movement in New Zealand gravel-bed rivers.. Poster session presented at the meeting of NZ Hydrological Society Conference
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2016, February). Quantifying bedload transport to manage ecological health in New Zealand rivers.. Presented at Ecohydraulics Symposium. Melbourne.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Vale, SS., Fuller, IC., & Procter, JN. (2016, June). Distinguishing Sediment Sources in a New Zealand Catchment using Sediment Fingerprinting Approaches. Presented at 26th IUGG General Assembly
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2016). A cross-disciplinary understanding of incipient motion for effective environmental flow setting. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Kereszturi, G., Pullanagari, RR., Yule, IJ., & Procter, J. (2016). Applications of hyperspectral remote sensing in geology – Pilot studies using an AisaFENIX sensor in New Zealand. , AusIMM - 2016 NZ Branch Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2015, February). Quantifying interactions between flow, substrate stability and ecological health in gravel-bed rivers.. Presented at NZ Geographical Society Conference. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Vale, SS., Fuller, IC., Procter, JN., & Basher, L. (2015, February). Suspended sediment source quantification using Sediment Fingerprinting in the Manawatu River, New Zealand: Anthropocene Implications. Presented at NZ Geographical Society Conference. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R.Improving the temporal and spatial resolution of data to increase knowledge on bedload transport in gravel-bed rivers.. . Hamilton
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2015). From point clouds to algae management.. Poster session presented at the meeting of IPENZ Rivers Symposium
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2015). Understanding the hazard of a frequently vent-shifting parasitic centre of the Ruapehu volcano, the Ohakune Complex, New Zealand.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 26th General Assembly of IUGG
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., & Kereszturi, G. (2015). DETAILED INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTIVITY AND EVOLUTION OF A BASALTIC PARASITIC CENTRE OF RUAPEHU VOLCANO: OHAKUNE VOLCANO, NEW ZEALAND. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 143A (pp. 78 - 79). : Annual Conference of the Geoscience Society of New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2015). Detailed investigation of the activity and evolution of a basaltic parasitic centre of Ruapehu volcano: Ohakune volcanic complex, New Zealand. , Annual Conference of the Geoscience Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2015). DEM-based analyses of the morphometry of lava domes; a case study from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. , 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2015). Understanding the hazard of a frequently vent-shifting parasitic centre of Ruapehu volcano: the Ohakune Complex, New Zealand. , 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Nemeth, K., Moufti, MR., Cappello, A., Ganci, G., Del Negro, C., . . . Ali Zahran, HM. (2015, March). Emplacement of basaltic lava flows in the Harrat Rahat, kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Volcanic hazards and numerical modelling. Presented at KAUST workshop on Imaging and Active Tectonics of the Red Sea Region. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Harmsworth, G., Awatere, S., & Procter, J.Meeting water quality and quantity standards to sustain cultural values. 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop 2014: Improving Water Quality and the Environment. (pp. 132 - 142).
[Conference]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., Kereszturi, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2014). STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY OF A SATELLITE VENT OPERATED BY PHREATOMAGMATIC TO LAVA FOUNTAINING ERUPTIONS: THE OHAKUNE BASALTIC COMPLEX. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Vol. 139A New Plymouth: Annual conference of the Geoscience Society of New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Neverman, AJ., Fuller, IC., Death, RG., Procter, JN., & Singh, R. (2014). Hydrological limit setting: a cross-disciplinary approach to identifying initiation of bedload transport. , Joint Conference for the NZ Hydrological Society, NZ Freshwater Sciences Society and IPENZ Rivers Group ‘2014 Water Symposium – Integration: The Final Frontier’ http://www.2014watersymposium.co.nz/
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Singh, R.
Kosik, S., Nemeth, K., Procter, J., & Cronin, SJ. (2014). Monogenetic and small composite volcanoes associated with the Taupo Volcanic Zone’s andesitic central volcanoes and silicic calderas. In Program and Abstracts(pp. 39 - 39). , 5thInternationalWorkshop on Collapse Calderas
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Tuohy, MP., Procter, JN., & Collins, S. (2013, September). Quantifying coastal sediments using MERIS Data: A 10-year study in the Taranaki Bight, New Zealand. Presented at ESA Living Planet Symposium. Edinburgh, Scotland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zernack, AV., Cronin, SJ., Brenna, M., Stewart, C., Christenson, B., Pardo, N., . . . Wilson, T. (2013). Complex ash leachate compositions of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro (Te Maari) eruption, New Zealand, and implications for volcanic health hazard evaluation. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zernack, AV., Cronin, SJ., Brenna, M., Stewart, C., Christenson, B., Pardo, N., . . . Wilson, T. (2013). Complex ash leachate compositions of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro (Te Maari) eruption, New Zealand, and implications for volcanic health hazard evaluation. In International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly Abstracts(pp. Abstract: 3W_4B-P3, pp. 1102). , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Tost, M., Cronin, SJ., & Procter, JN. (2013, July). Long runout debris avalanche emplacement and subsequent landscape response surrounding Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. Presented at International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly. Kagoshima, Japan.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Tost, M., Cronin, SJ., & Procter, JN. (2013). Long runout debris avalanche emplacement and subsequent landscape response surrounding Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. In International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly Abstracts(pp. Abstract: 1P2_3G-O24, pp. 961). , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Keys, H., Irwin, M., & Cronin, SJ. (2013). Geomorphic analysis and numerical flow simulations from the 2012 Te Maari eruption from Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Keys, H., Irwin, M., & Cronin, SJ. (2013). Geomorphic analysis and numerical flow simulations from the 2012 Te Maari eruption from Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. In International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly Abstracts(pp. Abstract: 4W_2E-P25, pp. 464). , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Nemeth, K., Cronin, S., Patra, A., Leonard, G., . . . Sheridan, M. (2013). Titan2d Computer simulation and geomorphic analysis of the eruptive vents, landslide and debris flows of the 2012 Te Maari eruption from Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Nemeth, K., Cronin, S., Patra, A., Leonard, G., . . . Sheridan, M. (2013). Titan2d Computer simulation and geomorphic analysis of the eruptive vents, landslide and debris flows of the 2012 Te Maari eruption from Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15 (pp. EGU2013-13229). , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Procter, JN., Rainforth, H., Black, T., & Harmsworth, G. (2013). Methods to communicate volcanic hazards information to indigenous cultures: a case study of Maori from New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Rainforth, H., Black, T., & Harmsworth, G. (2013). Methods to communicate volcanic hazards information to indigenous cultures: a case study of Maori from New Zealand. In International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly Abstracts(pp. Abstract: 3W_4G-P4, pp. 1245). , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2013 Scientific Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Vale, S., Procter, J., Fuller, I., & Basher, L. (2013). Development and application of a fingerprinting technique for quantitative ascription of fine sediment: New Zealand. In 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology [ICFS 10]: Conference Programme and Abstract Volume(pp. 241 - 241). , 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology [ICFS 10]: University of Brighton
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Vale, S., Procter, J., Fuller, I., & Basher, L. (2013, July). Development and application of a fingerprinting technique for quantitative ascription of fine sediment: New Zealand. Presented at 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology [ICFS 10]. Leeds, United Kingdom.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J.
Zernack, A., Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Bebbington, M., Price, RC., & Smith, IEM. (2012). Predicting the timescales of catastrophic stratovolcano collapse – A model based on Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14 (pp. EGU2012-13100). , EGU General Assembly 2012
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zernack, A., Cronin, SJ., Bebbington, MS., Price, RC., Smith, IEM., Stewart, RB., . . . Procter, JN. (2012). Forecasting catastrophic stratovolcano collapse: A statistical model based on Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. (pp. 3P2.1-13). , Cities on Volcanoes 7
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Tost, M., Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Neall, VE. (2012). Stratigraphy, Structure and Emplacement Mechanisms of One of the Earliest Mt Ruapehu Debris Avalanche. In Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication Vol. 134A (pp. 88). , Geosciences 2012 Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Rainforth, H., Procter, JN., Black, T., Harmsworth, G., & Pardo, N. (2012). Exploring indigenous knowledge for assessing volcanic hazards and improving monitoring approaches. , Cities on Volcanoes
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Fuller, I., Phillips, E., & Cronin, SJ. (2012). Quantifying the geomorphic impacts and sediment transport of a lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14 (pp. EGU2012-12959). , EGU General Assembly 2012
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fuller, I., Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Procter, JN., Phillips, E., Cronin, SJ., Cordova, G., Patra, A., Sheridan, M., . . . Jolly, G. (2012). Titan2D as an emergency management tool for flow hazard zone determination. (pp. 2A1.1-6). , Cities on Volcanoes 7
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Kereszturi, G., Nemeth, K., Bebbington, M., Cronin, SJ., Agustin-Flores, J., Procter, JN., . . . Lindsay, J. (2012). Magma-output rates of the Auckland Volcanic Field (New Zealand). In Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication Vol. 131A (pp. 47 - 48). , Fourth International Maar Conference: A Multidisciplinary Congress on Monogenetic Volcanism
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Procter, JN., Nemeth, K., Bebbington, M., Cronin, SJ., & Lindsay, J. (2012). Lava flows and related hazards at the Auckland Volcanic Field (New Zealand). In Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication Vol. 131A (pp. 117 - 118). , Fourth International Maar Conference: A Multidisciplinary Congress on Monogenetic Volcanism
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J.
Deutschle, OK., Brideau, MA., & Procter, JN. (2012). Characterisation of Geotechnical Units on Mount Taranaki and Influence on Edifice Stability. In Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication Vol. 134A (pp. 24). , Geosciences 2012 Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Jolly, G., Pardo, N., Procter, JN., & Keys, H. (2012). Mt. Tongariro (New Zealand) 2012 explosions - Hydrothermal or Phreatomagmatic?. (pp. 1B1.6-7). , Cities on Volcanoes 7
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., & Cronin, SJ. (2011). Contrasting rheologies represented by volcanic flow deposits west of Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of 17th International Sedimentological Congress. Fukuora, Japan
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Nemeth, K., Bebbington, M., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Sohn, Y-K., . . . Brenna, M. (2011). Spatial distribution of monogenetic vents on Jeju Island (South Korea). Poster session presented at the meeting of Internation Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) - General Assembly "Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet". Melbourne, VIC, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J.
Kereszturi, G., Nemeth, K., Bebbington, M., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Sohn, Y-K., . . . Brenna, M.(2011, July 28). Spatial distribution of monogenetic vents on Jeju Island (South Korea). (pp. 990 - 990). , International Union of Geodes and Geophysics (IUGG) - General Assembly: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bebbington, M., Procter, J.
Procter, JN. (2011, May). Applying Titan2D to New Zealand’s Stratovolcanoes for Hazard Analysis. Presented at Probabilistic Analysis of Volcanic Hazards: Current Methodologies and Vision for Future Efforts. Buffalo, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Linnell, T., Brideau, M-A., & Procter, JN. (2011). Contrasting the morphology and internal structure of hummocky mounds in two landslide deposits, North Island, New Zealand. Vol. 13 (pp. 5222 - 5222). , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., & Thouret, J-C. (2011). Tracing sediment pulses in lahars using multiparameter recording stations and serialised geophones. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. Vienna, Austria
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., & Thouret, J-C. (2011). Tracing sediment pulses in lahars using multiparameter recording stations and serialised geophones. (pp. 5142 - 5142). , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Sheridan, MF., Corodoba, G., Pitman, E., Cronin, SJ., & Procter, JN. (2010). A new two-phase flow model applied to the 2007 crater lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. , 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Zernack, AV. (2010). Emplacement of the Opua debris avalanche deposit from Mt Taranaki, New Zealand: Titan2D simulation compared to sedimentology and GIS analysis. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010. Vienna, Austria
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Zernack, AV. (2010). Emplacement of the Opua debris avalanche deposit from Mt Taranaki, New Zealand: Titan2D simulation compared to sedimentology and GIS analysis. (pp. 7588 - 7588). , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Harmsworth, G. (2010, November). Methods of identifying Mtauranga Mori for Iwi/Hap贖 planning and volcanic hazards monitoring approaches. Presented at GeoNZ 2010 Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Harmsworth, G. (2010). Methods of identifying Mtauranga Mori for Iwi/Hap贖 planning and volcanic hazards monitoring approaches. , GeoNZ 2010 Conference: Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 129A
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Phillips, E., Procter, JN., Lube, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2010, November). Forecasting the consequences of the failure of the eastern rim of crater lake, Mt Ruapehu. Presented at GeoNZ 2010 Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Phillips, E., Procter, JN., Lube, G., & Cronin, SJ. (2010). Forecasting the consequences of the failure of the eastern rim of crater lake, Mt Ruapehu. (pp. 215 - 215). , GeoNZ 2010 Conference: Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 129A
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Manville, V., Cronin, SJ., Lube, G., Hudson-Doyle, EE., Cole, SE., Procter, J., . . . Yamada, T. (2010). Anatomy of a sudden onset flood: The 18 March 2007 crater lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. (pp. 4143 - 4143). , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hudson-Doyle, E., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Manville, V., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Hudson-Doyle, EE., Cole, SE., Procter, J., . . . Lawrence, C. (2010). Anatomy of a basin break-out flood: The 2007 crater lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Hudson-Doyle, E., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Manville, V., Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Hudson-Doyle, EE., Cole, SE., Procter, J., . . . Lawrence, C. (2010). Anatomy of a basin break-out flood: The 2007 crater lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. , 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hudson-Doyle, E., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Manville, V., & Moebis, A. (2010, December). Base surge-glacier interactions and unusual snow-dominated lahars at Mt. Ruapehu, 25 September 2007 New Zealand. Presented at 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Procter, JN., Manville, V., & Moebis, A. (2010). Base surge-glacier interactions and unusual snow-dominated lahars at Mt. Ruapehu, 25 September 2007 New Zealand. , 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Platz, T., McGuire, PC., Münn, S., Cailleau, B., Dumke, A., Neukum, G., . . . Procter, JN. (2009). Cycles of edifice growth and destruction at Tharsis Tholus, Mars. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 11 (pp. 9324 - 9324). , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Harmsworth, G., McDowell, C., Heke, H., Dymond, J., & Harris, D. (2009, May). Towards developing and applying an Iwi/Hapu based GIS system. Presented at Maori GIS Conference: Progress and Protect what you value. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Fuller, IC., Lube, G., & Manville, V. (2009, July). Using LiDAR to quantify the geomorphic impacts of a lake-breakout lahar from Mt Ruapehu. Presented at 7th International Conference Geomorphology. Melbourne, Vic.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Manville, V., Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Cole, S., . . . Neall, V. (2008, August). Base surge-glacier interactions and unusual snow-dominated lahars at Mt. Ruapehu, 25 September 2007 New Zealand. Presented at International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior 2008 - General Assembly. Reykjavík, Iceland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Manville, V., Procter, JN., Zernack, A., Cole, S., . . . Neall, V. (2008). Base surge-glacier interactions and unusual snow-dominated lahars at Mt. Ruapehu, 25 September 2007 New Zealand. (pp. 55 - 55). , International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior 2008 - General Assembly
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Zernack, A., Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Stewart, RB., & Price, R. (2008, August). Cyclic growth and destruction of stratovolcanoes: A case study from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Presented at International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior 2008 General Assembly. Reykjavík, Iceland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Zernack, A., Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Stewart, RB., & Price, R. (2008). Cyclic growth and destruction of stratovolcanoes: A case study from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. In Abstracts: Oral Presentations: Thursday: International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior 2008 General Assembly(pp. 44).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Hudson-Doyle, EE., Cole, SE., Thouret, J-C., Manville, V., Procter, JN., . . . Dumansil, C. (2008). Measuring lahars in motion at Semeru Volcano, Java, Indonesia. Asian International Symposium on Modelling of Volcanic Eruption for Volcanic Hazard Assessment. (pp. 23 - 27). Bandung, Indonesia
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hudson-Doyle, E., Procter, J.
Cronin, S., Manville, V., Lube, G., Procter, J., Hudson-Doyle, E., Fuller, I., . . . Cole, S. (2008). The volumetric 'balance sheet' of a lake-breakout lahar: 18 March 2007, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. In IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly: Understanding volcanoes(pp. 74 - 74). : International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Fuller, I., Hudson-Doyle, E., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Neall, VE., Hudson-Doyle, E., Procter, JN., & Stewart, RJ. (2008). The 2008 rain-triggered lahars on Mt. Taranaki/Mt. Egmont. In Geosciences 08: Geosciences
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hudson-Doyle, E., Procter, J.
Neall, VE., & Procter, JN. (2008). The Taranaki volcanic hazards map and its application to emergency management. (pp. unpaged - 6).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Procter, J.
Sheridan, M., Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Patra, A., Pitman, B., Manville, V., . . . Keys, HJR. (2007). Evaluation of Titan2D modelling forecasts of the anticipated “breakout flood” at Ruapehu. In Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) XXIV General Assembly(pp. 6979 - 6979). : International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Nemeth, K., Procter, JN., Charley, D., Harrison, M., Garaebiti, E., . . . Lardy, M. (2007). Community emergency management during the 2005 Ambae eruption, Vanuatu, SW Pacific. In Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference: Abstracts(pp. 118 - 119). : Cities on Volcanoes 5
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Nemeth, K., Procter, JN., Charley, D., Harrison, M., Garaebiti, E., . . . Lardy, M. (2007, November). Community emergency management during the 2005 Ambae eruption, Vanuatu, SW Pacific. Presented at Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference. Shimabara, Japan.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Lube, G., Cole, SE., McMillan, HK., Neall, VE., Procter, JN., . . . Kellman, P. (2007, November). Lahar-streamflow interactions, new data from 18 March 2007 lahar at Ruapehu, New Zealand. Presented at Geological Society of New Zealand and New Zealand Geophysical Society Joint Annual Conference. Tauranga, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Holt, K., Irwin, M., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Cronin, SJ., Lube, G., Cole, SE., McMillan, HK., Neall, VE., Procter, JN., . . . Kellman, P. (2007). Lahar-streamflow interactions, new data from 18 March 2007 lahar at Ruapehu, New Zealand. In Geological Society of New Zealand and New Zealand Geophysical Society Joint Annual Conference(pp. 32). : Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 123A
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Holt, K., Irwin, M., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Thoret, J., Zernack, A., Kellman, P., Holt, KA., . . . Lecointre, JA. (2007, July). Flow observations and their relationship to the depositional record of the 18 Mar 2007 Ruapehu lahar. Presented at International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) XXIV General Assembly. Perugia, Italy.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Holt, K., Irwin, M., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Thoret, J., Zernack, A., Kellman, P., Holt, KA., . . . Lecointre, JA. (2007). Flow observations and their relationship to the depositional record of the 18 Mar 2007 Ruapehu lahar. In Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) XXIV General Assembly(pp. unpaged). : International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Holt, K., Irwin, M., Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Freundt, A., Platz, T., Procter, JN., & Sheridan, M. (2006, August). Flow and deposition of pyroclastic granular flows of the 1975 Ngauruhoe eruption, New Zealand. Presented at 17th International Sedimentological Congress. Fukuora, Japan.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Freundt, A., Platz, T., Procter, JN., & Sheridan, M. (2006). Flow and deposition of pyroclastic granular flows of the 1975 Ngauruhoe eruption, New Zealand. (pp. O-145). , 17th International Sedimentological Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Zernack, AV., Procter, JN., & Cronin, SJ.Sedimentary signatures of cyclic growth and destruction of stratovolcanoes: A case study from Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J., Zernack, A.
Zernack, A., Procter, JN., & Cronin, SJ. (2006). Sedimentary signatures of cyclic growth and destruction of stratovolcanoes: A case study at Mt. Taranaki, NZ. (pp. O-141). , 17th International Sedimentological Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Zernack, A., & Cronin, SJ. (2006). Contrasting rheologies within volcanic flow deposits of the western ringplain of Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. In 17th International Sedimentological Congress Abstracts Volume B(pp. P-236).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Freundt, A., Platz, T., Procter, JN., & Sheridan, M. (2006, April). Flow and deposition of pyroclastic granular flows of the 1975 Ngauruhoe eruption, New Zealand. Presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006. Vienna, Austria.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Lube, G., Cronin, SJ., Freundt, A., Platz, T., Procter, JN., & Sheridan, M. (2006). Flow and deposition of pyroclastic granular flows of the 1975 Ngauruhoe eruption, New Zealand. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 8 (pp. 03628 - 03628).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lube, G., Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Platz, T., & Cronin, SJ. (2006). A remnant summit lava dome and its influence on future eruptive hazards. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006. Vienna, Austria
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Platz, T., & Cronin, SJ. (2006). A remnant summit lava dome and its influence on future eruptive hazards. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 8 (pp. 10211 - 10211).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Tapuke, S., Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., & Roskruge, N. (2006). Working effectively with tangata whenua in volcanic risk management in Aotearoa-New Zealand. In Abstracts Volume: Fourth Conference, Cities on Volcanoes: Instituto Geofisico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J., Roskruge, N.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Patra, A., Dalbey, K., Sheridan, M., & Platz, T. (2006, January). Utilising TITAN2D to forecast dome collapse flow (BAFs) hazards from Mount Taranaki. Presented at Forth Conference: Cities on Volcanoes. Quito, Ecuador.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Procter, JN., Cronin, SJ., Patra, A., Dalbey, K., Sheridan, M., & Platz, T. (2006). Utilising TITAN2D to forecast dome collapse flow (BAFs) hazards from Mount Taranaki. In Abstracts Volume: Fourth Conference, Cities on Volcanoes(pp. 45 - 45). : Instituto Geofisico - Escuela Politecnica Nacional
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.
Stewart, RB., Zernack, A., Procter, JN., & Alloway, BV.(2006). Field trip 5: Volcanic garbology [field trip guide]. . 蹤獲扦 University, Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Other]Authored by: Procter, J.
Neall, VE., Krivan, K., Procter, JN., Lecointre, JA., & Cronin, SJ. (2006, January). Towards ascertaining volcanic risk to infrastructure in Taranaki, New Zealand. Presented at Cities on Volcanoes: 4th Conference. Quito, Ecuador.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Procter, J.
Neall, VE., Krivan, K., Procter, JN., Lecointre, JA., & Cronin, SJ. (2006). Towards ascertaining volcanic risk to infrastructure in Taranaki, New Zealand. In Cities on Volcanoes: 4th Conference. Abstracts Volume(pp. 135 - 136). : Instituto Geofisico - Escuela Politecnica Nacional
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Procter, J.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 6 3
Co-supervisor 4 12

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Delia Tamsen - Doctor of Philosophy
    An examination of the science-policy interface during disaster response and recovery
  • Samuel McGowan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Improving volcanic hazard assessments in New Zealand through applying remotely sensed data.
  • Brian Perttu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Multihazard volcanic analysis for Mt. Ruapehu, NZ.
  • Vlad Zakharovskyi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Geodiversity estimation of the Coromandel Peninsula through a digital model analysis
  • Shannen Mills - Doctor of Philosophy
    Understanding the volcanic response to edifice collapse. A case study of the Poto and Paetahi Formations at Mt. Taranaki.
  • Moka Apiti - Doctor of Philosophy
    He Ipu Arataki i te Taiao. He Whakapapa ki te Whenua. Exploring the role of digital spatial technologies supporting the development of matauranga Maori and storing traditional knowledge

Co-supervisor of:

  • Eruera Tait-Jamieson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigating the potential of native plant species for adaptation to climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand grasslands
  • Maia Kidd - Doctor of Philosophy
    Hydrothermal alteration induced changes of volcanic rock properties
  • Kalana Wijegunarathna - Doctor of Philosophy
    Developing Methods to Georeference New Zealands Biota from Text
  • Emmy Scott - Doctor of Philosophy
    Appropriate complexity of volcanic hazard models

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2022 - Andrea Todde - Doctor of Philosophy
    Intra-caldera rhyolitic eruptions: lithostratigraphy and pyroclast textures to reconstruct the ~1314 CE Kaharoa eruption of Mt Tarawera, New Zealand
  • 2021 - Aliz Zemeny - Doctor of Philosophy
    Deciphering magmatic processes in response to growth and destruction at Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
  • 2018 - Braden Walsh - Doctor of Philosophy
    Analyzing seismic signals to understand volcanic mass flow emplacement

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Boxin Li - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Arxan-Chaihe Volcanic Field of Monogenetic Volcanism in intracontinental settings in NE China
  • 2023 - Cecilia Rodriguez Gomez - Doctor of Philosophy
    Geothermal exploration using hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing Inferring shallow hydrology of the Waiotapu Geothermal Field, New Zealand
  • 2023 - Boglarka Nemeth - Doctor of Philosophy
    A new approach to volcanic geoheritage assessment in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
  • 2022 - Fadhlullah Ramadhani - Doctor of Philosophy
    Mapping of multitemporal rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth stages using remote sensing with multi-sensor and machine learning
  • 2021 - Nessa D Mello - Doctor of Philosophy
    Unravelling magma generation, storage and ascent processes from the crystal cargo and their host lavas: A case study of Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
  • 2021 - Marija Voloschina - Doctor of Philosophy
    Eruption dynamics and frequency-magnitude relationships of explosive eruptions at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand over the past 1800 years
  • 2018 - Andrew Neverman - Doctor of Philosophy
    Quantifying bed stability: the missing tool for establishing mechanistic hydrological limits
  • 2018 - Szabolcs Kosik - Doctor of Philosophy
    Small-volume volcanism associated with polygenetic volcanoes, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
  • 2017 - Martha Gabriela Gomez Vasconcelos - Doctor of Philosophy
    Paleoseismology, seismic hazard and volcano-tectonic interactions in the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand
  • 2017 - Simon Vale - Doctor of Philosophy
    Application and Evaluation of Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques in the Manawatu River Catchment, New Zealand
  • 2015 - Manuela Tost - Doctor of Philosophy
    Linking distal volcaniclastic sedimentation and stratigraphy with the growth and development of stratovolcanoes,Ruapehu Volacano New Zealand
  • 2014 - Gabor Kereszturi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Approaches to forecast volcanic hazard in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand